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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 474



No. 451 Session of 2001



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 6, 1951 (P.L.69, No.20), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the rights, obligations and liabilities of
     3     landlord and tenant and of parties dealing with them and
     4     amending, revising, changing and consolidating the law
     5     relating thereto," providing for an accelerated eviction
     6     remedy; and making a repeal.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  The act of April 6, 1951 (P.L.69, No.20), known
    10  as The Landlord and Tenant Act of 1951, is amended by adding an
    11  article to read:
    12                            ARTICLE V-C.
    13                       ACCELERATED EVICTION.
    14     Section 501-C.  Alternate Remedy for Landlords.--In addition
    15  to proceeding under any other remedy available under this act or
    16  otherwise provided by law or in equity, a landlord may proceed
    17  as provided by this article.
    18     Section 502-C.  Immediate Eviction Upon Nonpayment of Rent.--
    19  If the tenant, after a three-day notice of eviction and upon a

     1  subsequent written demand, refuses to pay rent for the leasehold
     2  premises or refuses to vacate the leasehold premises at the
     3  conclusion of the lease, or is unreasonably damaging the
     4  leasehold premises, the landlord may obtain and a court of
     5  common pleas shall immediately enter an accelerated prejudgment
     6  order of eviction if the landlord has filed an action for
     7  accelerated eviction and has performed the following conditions:
     8     (1)  The landlord has filed with the court a sworn affidavit
     9  specifically stating that the tenant has failed to pay rent when
    10  due and which specifies the amounts which are due and owing by
    11  the tenant or a sworn affidavit specifically stating that the
    12  tenant refuses to vacate the leasehold premises at the
    13  conclusion of the lease or a sworn affidavit specifically
    14  stating that the tenant is unreasonably damaging the leasehold
    15  premises and the exact nature of the damage to the premises.
    16     (2)  The landlord has filed with the court copies of the
    17  lease, if any, the three-day notice of eviction and the written
    18  demand letter to the tenant.
    19     (3)  The landlord shall file a bond of one thousand five
    20  hundred dollars ($1,500) or two months' rent, whichever is more,
    21  with the prothonotary, with security approved by the
    22  prothonotary, to be held either until the conclusion of the
    23  action or thirty days, whichever is longer. If a valid claim
    24  against the bond is not made within thirty days, the court shall
    25  order the bond returned to the landlord.
    26     Section 503-C.  Bond Requirements.--No order of accelerated
    27  eviction shall issue until the person applying for it or his
    28  agent or attorney makes a bond as required under section 502-C,
    29  which will serve as bond for damages which may be incurred by
    30  the tenant if the order of accelerated eviction is wrongly
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     1  entered. The bond may also be used to pay all costs and attorney
     2  fees which the tenant sustains in consequence of the landlord's
     3  improperly obtaining an order of accelerated eviction. Any
     4  aggrieved party may sue on the bond, but the Commonwealth is not
     5  liable for any costs, damages or expenses that are incurred.
     6     Section 504-C.  Removal of Tenant by Sheriff.--Upon the
     7  issuance of an order of accelerated eviction and upon delivery
     8  of a certified copy of the order on the sheriff of the county in
     9  which the leasehold premises are located and upon payment of an
    10  eviction fee of one hundred dollars ($100) to the sheriff,
    11  within seventy-two hours, the sheriff shall remove the tenant
    12  and his belongings from the leasehold premises.
    13     Section 505-C.  Wrongful Eviction.--Upon a showing that the
    14  landlord has deliberately and fraudulently obtained an order of
    15  accelerated eviction, the tenant shall have a civil cause of
    16  action against the landlord for damages, punitive damages up to
    17  five thousand dollars ($5,000), costs and attorney fees.
    18  Additionally, if the sworn statement of nonpayment of rent is
    19  found to have been made falsely and wilfully, the landlord
    20  commits perjury.
    21     Section 506-C.  Dissolution of Order of Accelerated
    22  Eviction.--At any time prior to eviction, a tenant may move to
    23  dissolve an order of accelerated eviction by filing a sworn
    24  motion or petition setting forth a lawful defense to eviction
    25  under this article, plus filing a bond, with the prothonotary,
    26  with security approved by the prothonotary, in an amount equal
    27  to the bond paid by the landlord. The bond shall act as security
    28  to pay all costs and damages which are sustained as a
    29  consequence of the tenant's improperly filing of a motion or
    30  petition to dissolve the order of accelerated eviction. Any
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     1  aggrieved party may sue on the tenant's bond, but the
     2  Commonwealth is not liable for any costs, damages or expenses
     3  that are incurred.
     4     Section 507-C.  Description of Order.--(a)  The order of
     5  accelerated eviction entered by a court of common pleas shall
     6  command the sheriff to evict the tenants and remove their
     7  property from the leasehold premises. The order shall
     8  specifically describe the street address of the premises and the
     9  name of the tenant to be evicted. The order shall specify that
    10  an accelerated eviction shall only take place during the hours
    11  of nine ante meridian and seven post meridian on any day except
    12  Sunday or a legal holiday. The order shall specifically state
    13  the amount owed and shall provide that the tenant may avoid the
    14  accelerated eviction upon payment of the outstanding amount of
    15  rent to the landlord at any time prior to the eviction.
    16     (b)  The order of accelerated eviction shall state that the
    17  tenant may contest the order and may make a claim upon the bond
    18  under section 502-C within sixty days of the date of the order
    19  or thirty days of the date of the accelerated eviction,
    20  whichever is longer. The order shall also state that at least
    21  twenty-four hours prior to the accelerated eviction, a copy of
    22  the order must be delivered to the tenant or attached to the
    23  front door of the tenant's leasehold premises.
    24     Section 2.  The provisions of 42 Pa.C.S. § 1123(a)(3) are
    25  repealed insofar as they are inconsistent with this act.
    26     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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