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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 473



No. 456 Session of 2003

           COSTA, MARCH 11, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.789, No.285), entitled, as
     2     amended, "An act relating to insurance; establishing an
     3     insurance department; and amending, revising, and
     4     consolidating the law relating to the licensing,
     5     qualification, regulation, examination, suspension, and
     6     dissolution of insurance companies, Lloyds associations,
     7     reciprocal and inter-insurance exchanges, and certain
     8     societies and orders, the examination and regulation of fire
     9     insurance rating bureaus, and the licensing and regulation of
    10     insurance agents and brokers; the service of legal process
    11     upon foreign insurance companies, associations or exchanges;
    12     providing penalties, and repealing existing laws," further
    13     providing for powers and duties of the rehabilitator.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  Section 516 of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.789,
    17  No.285), known as The Insurance Department Act of 1921, added
    18  December 14, 1977 (P.L.280, No.92), is amended to read:
    19     Section 516.  Powers and Duties of the Rehabilitator.--(a)
    20  The commissioner as rehabilitator may appoint a special deputy
    21  who shall have all the powers of the rehabilitator granted under
    22  this section. Provided, however, That any appointment of a
    23  special deputy receives the advice and consent of two-thirds of

     1  the members elected to the Senate. The commissioner shall make
     2  such arrangements for compensation as are necessary to obtain a
     3  special deputy of proven ability. The special deputy shall serve
     4  at the pleasure of the commissioner.
     5     (b)  The rehabilitator may take such action as he deems
     6  necessary or expedient to correct the condition or conditions
     7  which constituted the grounds for the order of the court to
     8  rehabilitate the insurer. He shall have all the powers of the
     9  directors, officers and managers, whose authority shall be
    10  suspended, except as they are redelegated by the rehabilitator.
    11  He shall have full power to direct and manage, to hire and
    12  discharge employes subject to any contract rights they may have,
    13  and to deal with the property and business of the insurer. The
    14  rehabilitator must operate the insurer under rehabilitation in a
    15  professional manner.
    16     (b.1)  Any legal services, bond counsel or other financial
    17  services which are needed to rehabilitate the insurer and which
    18  cannot be effectively performed by attorneys or staff employed
    19  by the Insurance Department shall be contracted out to and
    20  performed by the party submitting the lowest bid for the
    21  performance of these services after due public advertisement, on
    22  those terms and conditions, and upon such open competitive
    23  bidding as the issuing officials shall direct.
    24     (c)  If it appears to the rehabilitator that there has been
    25  criminal or tortious conduct, or breach of any contractual or
    26  fiduciary obligation detrimental to the insurer by any officer,
    27  manager, agent, broker, employe, or other person, he may pursue
    28  all appropriate legal remedies on behalf of the insurer.
    29     (d)  The rehabilitator may prepare a plan for the
    30  reorganization, consolidation, conversion, reinsurance, merger
    20030S0456B0473                  - 2 -     

     1  or other transformation of the insurer. However, the
     2  commissioner is prohibited from appointing the board of
     3  directors of an insurer under rehabilitation once it comes out
     4  of receivership. Upon application of the rehabilitator for
     5  approval of the plan, and after such notice and hearing as the
     6  court may prescribe, the court may either approve or disapprove
     7  the plan proposed, or may modify it and approve it as modified.
     8  If it is approved, the rehabilitator shall carry out the plan.
     9  In the case of a life insurer, the plan proposed may include the
    10  imposition of liens upon the equities of policyholders of the
    11  company, provided that all rights of shareholders are first
    12  relinquished. A plan for a life insurer may also propose
    13  imposition of a moratorium upon loan and cash surrender rights
    14  under policies, for such period and to such an extent as may be
    15  necessary.
    16     (e)  The rehabilitator shall have the power to avoid
    17  fraudulent transfers under sections 528 and 529.
    18     (f)  The commissioner must file a quarterly report on any
    19  rehabilitation with the Banking and Insurance Committee of the
    20  Senate and the Insurance Committee of the House of
    21  Representatives.
    22     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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