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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 520



No. 486 Session of 2005


           MARCH 28, 2005

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for grants to public schools to purchase advanced
     2     emergency alerting devices; and making an appropriation.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Legislative findings and purpose.
     6     The General Assembly finds that:
     7         (1)  The United States Department of Homeland Security
     8     has endorsed the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
     9     Association (NOAA) All Hazards Radio network as the nation's
    10     emergency warning system.
    11         (2)  Through the NOAA All Hazards Radio network, civil
    12     emergency messages such as 911 Call Outages, Radiological
    13     Hazard Warnings, Shelter in Place Warnings, Evacuation
    14     Immediate Warnings, Civil Emergency Warnings, Local Area
    15     Emergency Warnings, Law Enforcement Warnings, AMBER Alerts
    16     and weather emergency information is broadcast.
    17         (3)  NOAA has the capability to send a warning to 98% of

     1     the population in the United States of an impending disaster
     2     on a county-by-county basis.
     3         (4)  Currently, only 10% of the population can receive
     4     the NOAA All Hazards Radio network warnings.
     5         (5)  Radio receivers that meet the Consumer Electronic
     6     Association's (CEA) standard, Receiver Performance
     7     Specification for Public Alert Receivers (CEA-2009), are made
     8     to a higher level of reliability and performance and will
     9     receive broadcasts from the NOAA All Hazards Radio network
    10     reliably and flawlessly.
    11         (6)  Radio receivers which meet the CEA-2009 technical
    12     specifications for advanced emergency alerting devices bear
    13     the logo "Public Alert."
    14         (7)  A device bearing the logo "Public Alert" is defined
    15     as a consumer electronics product providing direct access to
    16     commercial-free, government emergency information 24 hours
    17     per day with the ability to automatically prompt users with
    18     audio and visual cues.
    19         (8)  Without a reliable advanced emergency alerting
    20     device, school personnel have no direct means from which to
    21     learn of a local, regional or national emergency or disaster,
    22     impeding their ability to secure the safety or our children.
    23         (9)  The use of the advanced emergency alerting devices
    24     in school buildings by school personnel will ensure that all
    25     alert messages are immediately received and that steps can be
    26     taken to address the emergency and protect our children.
    27         (10)  The General Assembly finds that providing
    28     assistance to school districts in purchasing CEA Certified
    29     Public Alert radio devices will help ensure the safety of our
    30     children.
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     1  Section 2.  Grants.
     2     The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency is authorized to
     3  make grants to school districts for the purchase of at least
     4  one, but not more than eight, CEA Certified Public Alert radio
     5  receivers for use in each school district. The amount of the
     6  grant to an individual school district shall not exceed $350.
     7  Section 3.  Terms of grants.
     8     The recipient of a grant shall enter into an agreement with
     9  the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency. The agreement
    10  shall include, but not be limited to, the following terms and
    11  conditions:
    12         (1)  The radio receiver or receivers purchased with grant
    13     funds must meet the public alert technical specifications for
    14     advanced emergency altering devices, CEA-2009 or its
    15     successor and bear the CEA public alert certification logo.
    16         (2)  The radio receiver or receivers purchased with grant
    17     funds must be purchased from a company which maintains its
    18     corporate headquarters in Pennsylvania.
    19         (3)  At least one radio receiver must be placed in the
    20     school district's administrative offices where it can be
    21     continually monitored.
    22         (4)  All radio receivers placed in school buildings must
    23     be located in such an area that messages can be continually
    24     monitored.
    25         (5)  All radio receivers must use the battery backup
    26     feature for use in case of a power outage.
    27         (6)  Recipient school districts must maintain and test
    28     the advanced emergency alerting device in accordance with the
    29     manufacturer's operational guidelines.
    30  Section 4.  Public awareness program.
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     1     The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency shall, with
     2  assistance from the Department of Health, Department of Aging,
     3  Department of Education and the Department of Public Welfare,
     4  provide information on the availability and benefits of radio
     5  receivers that meet the public alert certification standards and
     6  bear the public alert logo. Such information shall be provided
     7  to:
     8         (1)  Hospitals long-term care facilities and other
     9     facilities licensed by the Department of Health.
    10         (2)  Senior citizen centers.
    11         (3)  Day care centers licensed by the Department of
    12     Public Welfare.
    13         (4)  Public, nonpublic, private academic, charter,
    14     approved private, chartered for the deaf and blind schools
    15     located in this Commonwealth.
    16  Section 5.  Appropriation.
    17     The sum of $200,000, or as much thereof as may be necessary,
    18  is hereby appropriated to the Pennsylvania Emergency Management
    19  Agency to carry out the provisions of this act. No more than
    20  $25,000 shall be expended for the public awareness program.
    21  Section 6.  Effective date.
    22     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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