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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 506



No. 494 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), entitled
     2     "An act concerning elections, including general, municipal,
     3     special and primary elections, the nomination of candidates,
     4     primary and election expenses and election contests; creating
     5     and defining membership of county boards of elections;
     6     imposing duties upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     7     courts, county boards of elections, county commissioners;
     8     imposing penalties for violation of the act, and codifying,
     9     revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
    10     repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating to
    11     elections," providing for funding of certain Statewide
    12     elections; limiting certain contributions; imposing powers
    13     and duties on the Department of State; and providing
    14     penalties.

    15     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    16  hereby enacts as follows:
    17     Section 1.  The act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), known
    18  as the Pennsylvania Election Code, is amended by adding an
    19  article to read:
    20                           ARTICLE XVI-A
    21                  Pennsylvania Fair Campaign Fund
    22     Section 1601-A.  Definitions.--As used in this article, the
    23  following words have the following meanings:

     1     "Declaration of candidacy" shall mean the point in a person's
     2  campaign for political office at which that person becomes in
     3  compliance with section 1622.
     4     "Department" shall mean the Department of State of the
     5  Commonwealth.
     6     "Fund" shall mean the Pennsylvania Fair Campaign Fund
     7  established under section 1604-A.
     8     "Major political party" shall mean a political party whose
     9  candidate for Governor received either the highest or second
    10  highest number of votes in the preceding gubernatorial election.
    11     "Secretary" shall mean the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
    12     Section 1602-A.  Application of Article.--(a)  The provisions
    13  of this article shall be applicable to candidates for the
    14  following State-wide offices who elect to apply for campaign
    15  funding under this article:
    16     (1)  Governor.
    17     (2)  Lieutenant Governor.
    18     (3)  Attorney General.
    19     (4)  Auditor General.
    20     (5)  State Treasurer.
    21     (6)  Supreme Court Justice.
    22     (7)  Superior Court Judge.
    23     (8)  Commonwealth Court Judge.
    24     (b)  For the purposes of this article insofar as it relates
    25  to funding of nominated candidates in the general election, a
    26  political party's or political body's nominated candidates for
    27  Governor and Lieutenant Governor shall be considered as one
    28  candidacy and the provisions specifically applicable to the
    29  Governor shall be applicable to the combined candidacy.
    30     Section 1603-A.  Administration.--The provisions of this
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     1  article shall be administered by the department. The department
     2  may adopt rules and regulations as may be necessary for the
     3  implementation of this article.
     4     Section 1604-A.  Pennsylvania Fair Campaign Fund
     5  Established.--There is hereby established a special restricted
     6  receipts fund in the State Treasury to be known as the
     7  Pennsylvania Fair Campaign Fund. Payments shall be made into
     8  this fund pursuant to section 1605-A and disbursements shall be
     9  made from the fund only upon the warrant of the secretary and a
    10  warrant of the State Treasurer. As much of the moneys in the
    11  fund as are necessary to make payments to candidates as provided
    12  in this article are appropriated from the Pennsylvania Fair
    13  Campaign Fund to the department on a continuing basis for the
    14  purpose of such payments.
    15     Section 1605-A.  Allocation of Certain Tax Proceeds to
    16  Fund.--Beginning with tax years commencing January 1, 2000, and
    17  thereafter, each individual subject to the tax imposed by
    18  Article III of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as
    19  the "Tax Reform Code of 1971," whose tax liability for the year
    20  is two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) or more may designate two
    21  dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) of his personal income taxes to
    22  be paid into the fund. In the case of married taxpayers filing a
    23  joint return, each spouse may designate two dollars and fifty
    24  cents ($2.50) to be paid into the fund if their tax liability is
    25  five dollars ($5) or more. All of these designated tax revenues
    26  shall be paid into the fund. The check-off and instructions
    27  shall be prominently displayed on the first page of the return
    28  form. The instructions shall readily indicate that these
    29  designations neither increase nor decrease an individual's tax
    30  liability.
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     1     Section 1606-A.  Certification of Moneys in Fund.--By June 30
     2  of each year, the State Treasurer shall certify to the
     3  department the current balance available in the fund.
     4     Section 1607-A.  Qualification for Funding.--(a)  Any
     5  candidate for State-wide office as described in section 1602-A
     6  may apply for funding under this article if the candidate meets
     7  the contributory thresholds established in subsection (b) and
     8  otherwise conforms to the requirements of this article. No
     9  candidate shall be obligated to apply for funding under this
    10  article and if any candidate elects not to apply, the provisions
    11  of this article pertaining to limits on expenditures or the use
    12  of his personal funds shall be inapplicable to the person and
    13  his candidacy. Any candidate electing to receive funding under
    14  this article shall declare his intention to do so and specify
    15  the State office for which he is a candidate. No candidate may
    16  elect to receive funding under this article for a general or
    17  municipal election unless the candidate elected to receive
    18  funding under this article for the primary election. Any and all
    19  committees authorized to receive contributions or make
    20  expenditures for the candidate who has so declared shall abide
    21  by the provisions of section 1613-A. Any candidate who for any
    22  reason has his name withdrawn from the ballot for a State-wide
    23  election, after receipt of funds under this article, shall
    24  return all moneys received to the fund as well as offering back
    25  qualifying contributions for that State-wide office.
    26     (b)  (1)  In order to qualify for funding in a general
    27  election, a candidate must receive subsequent to the date of the
    28  primary election but prior to the date of the general election
    29  qualifying contributions of the following amounts:
    30         Office              Qualifying Contributions Required
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     1     (i)  Governor                     $100,000
     2     (ii)  Lieutenant Governor           50,000 (for primary only)
     3     (iii)  State Treasurer              50,000
     4     (iv)  Auditor General               50,000
     5     (v)  Attorney General               50,000
     6     (vi)  Supreme Court Justices        30,000
     7     (vii)  Superior Court Judges        30,000
     8     (viii)  Commonwealth Court Judges   30,000
     9     (2)  In order to qualify for funding in a primary election, a
    10  candidate must receive prior to the date of the primary
    11  election, but subsequent to the immediately preceding general or
    12  municipal election, one-half of the amount specified in clause
    13  (1) for the appropriate office.
    14     (3)  (i)  The term "qualifying contribution" shall include
    15  any contribution, as defined in section 1621(b), which has all
    16  of the following characteristics:
    17     (A)  Made by an individual resident of Pennsylvania.
    18     (B)  Made by a written instrument which indicates the
    19  contributor's full name and mailing residence and is not
    20  intended to be returned to the contributor or transferred to
    21  another political committee or candidate.
    22     (ii)  If a contributor receives goods or services of value in
    23  return for his contribution, the qualifying contribution shall
    24  be calculated as the original contribution, minus the fair
    25  market value of the goods or services received.
    26     (iii)  Any contribution by an individual which exceeds two
    27  hundred fifty dollars ($250) in the aggregate shall be deemed
    28  only a two hundred fifty dollar ($250) qualifying contribution
    29  for the purposes of this section and for the matching payment
    30  provisions of section 1608-A.
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     1     (c)  The department shall select an auditor pursuant to the
     2  provisions of section 1635(a). Each candidate who elects to
     3  apply for funding under this article shall provide evidence that
     4  the candidate has raised the qualifying contributions required
     5  by this section which evidence shall be verified and certified
     6  as correct to the department by the auditor selected under this
     7  article.
     8     Section 1608-A.  Funding Formula.--(a)  Every candidate who
     9  qualifies for funding for either the primary or the general
    10  election pursuant to section 1607-A shall receive matching
    11  payments from the fund in the amount of two dollars and fifty
    12  cents ($2.50) for each dollar of qualifying contribution as
    13  defined in section 1607-A(b)(3).
    14     (b)  The two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each dollar
    15  of qualifying contributions provided by this section shall be
    16  provided only for qualifying contributions raised which exceed
    17  the threshold amounts specified in section 1607-A(b) and not to
    18  those qualifying contributions which are attributable to meeting
    19  the threshold amounts necessary to qualify for funding under
    20  this article.
    21     (c)  (1)  Only those qualifying contributions made during the
    22  period between a declaration of candidacy and the primary
    23  election shall be eligible for matching payments from the fund
    24  for the primary election.
    25     (2)  Only those qualifying contributions made during the
    26  period between the primary election and the general election
    27  shall be eligible for matching payments from the fund for the
    28  general election.
    29     (d)  Matching funds shall not be provided for any qualifying
    30  contributions unless the reporting requirements of section
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     1  1626(b) of the act are satisfied.
     2     Section 1609-A.  Limitations on Funding.--(a)  Every
     3  candidate who qualifies for and receives funding pursuant to the
     4  formula established in section 1608-A shall be entitled to
     5  receive no more than the maximum amount specified in subsection
     6  (b) for the office the candidate is seeking.
     7     (b)  (1)  The maximum amount of funding available for the
     8  general election for each candidate under this article shall be
     9  as follows:
    10             Office              Maximum Pennsylvania Fair
    11                                      Campaign Funding
    12     (i)  Governor                       $2,000,000
    13     (ii)  Attorney General                 300,000
    14     (iii)  Auditor General, State
    15             Treasurer                      300,000
    16     (iv)  Lieutenant Governor              300,000 (primary only)
    17     (v)  Supreme Court Justices            200,000
    18     (vi)  Superior Court Judges            200,000
    19     (vii)  Commonwealth Court Judges       200,000
    20     (2)  The maximum amount of funding available for the primary
    21  election for each candidate under this article shall be one-half
    22  the appropriate figure in clause (1).
    23     (c)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this article no
    24  funding shall be provided to the following:
    25     (1)  Candidates in the general election who have been
    26  nominated by both major political parties.
    27     (2)  Candidates in the primary election who are unopposed for
    28  the nomination.
    29     Section 1610-A.  Time of Payments.--(a)  Beginning ninety
    30  (90) days prior to the relevant primary or general election, the
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     1  department shall make payments authorized by this article at
     2  least every two (2) weeks. However, except for the final
     3  payment, no payment shall be due or paid if the payment does not
     4  equal at least five thousand dollars ($5,000) in amount.
     5     (b)  If in the secretary's opinion insufficient funds exist
     6  in the fund to provide the anticipated full funding to eligible
     7  candidates in a given primary or general election, the
     8  department shall distribute the available funds to qualified
     9  candidates on a pro rata basis. In determining whether
    10  sufficient funds are available, the secretary shall not take
    11  into consideration the needs of any subsequent primary or
    12  general elections but shall base the decision solely on the
    13  immediate primary or election at hand.
    14     Section 1611-A.  Use of Funds by Candidates.--(a)  Funds
    15  distributed to candidates pursuant to this article may be used
    16  only for the election for which they are distributed and only
    17  for the purposes set forth in section 1634.1 except that no fund
    18  moneys may be used:
    19     (1)  To transfer to other candidates or to committees of
    20  other candidates or to political committees.
    21     (2)  To pay for expenditures incurred after the date of the
    22  general election.
    23     (b)  Funds distributed to a candidate pursuant to this
    24  article shall be placed in a single bank account. Expenditures
    25  from this account shall be made only for campaign expenses
    26  listed in subsection (a).
    27     Section 1612-A.  Expenditures.--(a)  Expenditures made by a
    28  candidate and his authorized committees, for all purposes and
    29  from all sources, including, but not limited to, amounts of
    30  funds distributed under this article, proceeds of loans, gifts,
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     1  contributions from any source or personal funds, subsequent to
     2  the date of the primary election, but prior to the date of the
     3  general election, may not exceed the amounts specified below:
     4         Office                 Total Expenditure Limits
     5     (i)  Governor                  $4,000,000
     6     (ii)  Lieutenant Governor         600,000 (for primary only)
     7     (iii)  Attorney General           600,000
     8     (iv)  State Treasurer             600,000
     9     (v)  Auditor General              600,000
    10     (vi)  Justices and Judges
    11           of the Supreme Court,
    12           Superior Court and
    13           Commonwealth Court          400,000
    14     (b)  Expenditures made by a candidate and his authorized
    15  committees, subsequent to January 1 but prior to the date of the
    16  primary election, may not exceed one-half of the amount
    17  specified in subsection (a).
    18     (c)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, a
    19  candidate who accepts public funding pursuant to the formula
    20  established in section 1608-A, but whose major political party
    21  opponent in a general or municipal election elects not to apply
    22  for the public funding, shall not be bound by the expenditure
    23  limits specified in this section. A candidate who accepts public
    24  funding shall be eligible to qualify for those fair campaign
    25  funds which would have otherwise been available to the opponent.
    26     (d)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, a
    27  candidate who accepts public funding pursuant to the formula
    28  established in section 1608-A, but whose major political party
    29  opponents in a primary election elect to not apply for the
    30  public funding, shall not be bound by the expenditure limits
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     1  specified in this section. If there is more than one candidate
     2  in a major political party in a primary election, the fair
     3  campaign funds which would have otherwise been available to each
     4  opponent who has elected to not apply for the public funding
     5  shall be divided equally among the candidates who accept public
     6  financing.
     7     Section 1613-A.  Limitations on Certain Contributions.--(a)
     8  Any candidate for the office of Justice of the Supreme Court or
     9  Judge of the Superior Court or Commonwealth Court shall not
    10  accept any contribution from an individual or political action
    11  committee in excess of two hundred fifty dollars ($250), except
    12  that the candidate and spouse may contribute up to twenty-five
    13  thousand dollars ($25,000) for each primary, general or special
    14  election. Any non-judicial candidate for a State-wide office set
    15  forth under this article shall not accept contributions for each
    16  primary, general or special election which exceed those
    17  specified limits as follows:
    18             Contributor                          Limit
    19     (1)  Individual                             $ 1,000
    20     (2)  Candidate and spouse                    30,000
    21     (3)  Political action committee
    22          as defined in section 1621(1)            5,000
    23     (b)  A gift, subscription, loan, advance or deposit of money
    24  or anything of value to a candidate shall be considered a
    25  contribution both by the original source of the contribution and
    26  by any intermediary or conduit if the intermediary or conduit--
    27  (1) exercises any control or any direction over the making of
    28  the contribution; or (2) solicits the contribution or arranges
    29  for the contribution to be made and directly or indirectly makes
    30  the candidate aware of such intermediary or conduit's role in
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     1  soliciting or arranging the contribution for the candidate.
     2     (c)  For purposes of subsection (b), a contribution shall not
     3  be considered to be a contribution by an intermediary or conduit
     4  to the candidate if-- (1) the intermediary or conduit has been
     5  retained by the candidate's committee for the purpose of fund-
     6  raising and is reimbursed for expenses incurred in soliciting
     7  contributions; (2) in the case of an individual, the candidate
     8  has expressly authorized the intermediary or conduit to engage
     9  in fund-raising, or the individual occupies a significant
    10  position within the candidate's campaign organization; or (3) in
    11  the case of a political committee, the intermediary or conduit
    12  is an authorized committee of the candidate.
    13     Section 1614-A.  Inflation Indexing of Certain Limitations.--
    14  The dollar figures contained in sections 1607-A, 1609-A and
    15  1612-A shall be adjusted annually during March at a rate equal
    16  to the average percentage change in the All-Urban Consumer Price
    17  Index for the Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Scranton standard
    18  metropolitan statistical areas as published by the Bureau of
    19  Labor Statistics of the United States Department of Labor, or
    20  any successor agency, occurring in the prior calendar year. The
    21  base year shall be 1998. The average shall be calculated and
    22  certified by the secretary annually by adding the percentage
    23  increase in each of the three areas and dividing by three. The
    24  calculation and resulting new figures shall be published in the
    25  Pennsylvania Bulletin during March.
    26     Section 1615-A.  Annual Report.--The secretary shall report
    27  annually to the Governor and the General Assembly on the
    28  operations of funding as provided by this article. This report
    29  shall include, but not be limited to, the revenues and
    30  expenditures in the fund, the amounts distributed to candidates,
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     1  the results of any audits performed on candidates in compliance
     2  with this article and any prosecutions brought for violations of
     3  this article.
     4     Section 1616-A.  Return of Excess Funds.--(a)  All unexpended
     5  campaign funds in a candidate's and his authorized committees'
     6  possession sixty (60) days after a primary election shall be
     7  returned to the secretary for deposit in the fund, up to the
     8  amount of the funds which were distributed to the candidate
     9  under this article for the primary election.
    10     (b)  All unexpended campaign funds in a candidate's and his
    11  authorized committee's possession sixty (60) days after a
    12  general or municipal election shall be returned to the secretary
    13  for deposit in the fund, up to the amount of the funds which
    14  were distributed to the candidate under this article for the
    15  general or municipal election.
    16     Section 1617-A.  Penalties.--(a)  A person who violates the
    17  provisions of this article and who, as a result, obtains funds
    18  under this article to which he is not entitled commits a
    19  misdemeanor of the first degree and shall, upon conviction, be
    20  subject to a fine not to exceed the greater of ten thousand
    21  dollars ($10,000) or three times the amount of funds wrongfully
    22  obtained or to imprisonment for up to five (5) years, or both.
    23     (b)  A person who violates section 1611-A or 1612-A commits a
    24  misdemeanor of the first degree and shall, upon conviction, be
    25  subject to a fine not to exceed the greater of ten thousand
    26  dollars ($10,000) or three times the amount of funds that were
    27  wrongfully used or expended or to imprisonment for up to five
    28  (5) years, or both.
    29     (c)  Except as provided in subsections (a) and (b), a person
    30  who violates any provision of this act commits a misdemeanor of
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     1  the third degree and shall, upon conviction, be subject to a
     2  fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or to
     3  imprisonment for up to one (1) year, or both.
     4     Section 4.  This act shall be applicable to returns of
     5  taxpayers of calendar years commencing January 1, 2000, and
     6  thereafter. Funding from the Pennsylvania Fair Campaign Fund
     7  shall be provided to candidates for Statewide office beginning
     8  with the primary election of 2002 and in each primary, municipal
     9  and general election thereafter.
    10     Section 5.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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