1Designating the week of October 13 through 19, 2014, as "No
2Place for Hate Week" in Pennsylvania.

3WHEREAS, The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was founded in
4October 1913 to fight anti-Semitism and to "secure justice and
5fair treatment to all"; and

6WHEREAS, Now as one of the nation's premier civil rights and
7human relations agencies, ADL continues the fight against anti-
8Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and
9protects civil rights for all; and

10WHEREAS, As part of the organization's efforts, the "No Place
11for Hate" program was established as an outreach initiative
12designed to empower schools and communities to challenge racism,
13hatred, anti-Semitism and bigotry; and

14WHEREAS, By reducing bias and increasing appreciation for
15diversity, the "No Place for Hate" program is an innovative and
16powerful method for building communities of respect; and

17WHEREAS, This crucial program is operational in over 200
18schools, organizations and communities throughout this

1Commonwealth; and

2WHEREAS, The "No Place for Hate" program has proven to be an
3invaluable resource to communities throughout this Commonwealth;

5WHEREAS, "No Place for Hate" projects in communities and
6schools in this Commonwealth have taken the form of candlelight
7vigils, surveys in middle schools and high schools, teacher and
8student training, panel discussions on bullying, mural projects,
9rapid response teams, marches, speeches and talent shows where
10performers have presented original pieces based on the "No Place
11for Hate" theme; and

12WHEREAS, While its work is far from done, ADL should be proud
13of its well-received "No Place for Hate" program and outstanding
14contributions to the understanding and tolerance that exist
15today; therefore be it

16RESOLVED, That the Senate designate the week of October 13
17through 19, 2014, as "No Place for Hate Week" in Pennsylvania.