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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 528



No. 501 Session of 1997

           FEBRUARY 13, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing permanence for children with special needs through
     2     adoption.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Legislative findings and purpose.
     6     (a)  Findings.--
     7         (1)  The General Assembly finds that several thousand
     8     children with special needs who have a goal of adoption under
     9     the supervision of government are being denied the security
    10     of a permanent family.
    11         (2)  There is a lack of urgency surrounding adoption
    12     services for children with special needs forcing them to
    13     languish in foster care despite the commitment of many
    14     Commonwealth families who are willing to provide them
    15     permanence through adoption.
    16         (3)  Once a goal of adoption has been established for
    17     children with special needs, two years and eight months is

     1     the median length of time that these children wait to be
     2     adopted.
     3         (4)  The county children and youth system is overwhelmed
     4     by child abuse and neglect cases and cannot give proper
     5     attention to the attainment of permanency through adoption
     6     services for children with special needs.
     7         (5)  There is lack of uniformity among counties in the
     8     provision of permanency through adoption services.
     9         (6)  Parts of this Commonwealth do not have access to
    10     adoption services.
    11         (7)  County boundaries create barriers to equitable
    12     access to special needs adoption and subsidies.
    13         (8)  The number of trained adoption staff is inadequate
    14     to guarantee that children with special needs will achieve
    15     permanence through adoption in a timely manner.
    16     (b)  Purpose.--It is the purpose of this act to provide the
    17  necessary resources for special needs children so that they will
    18  be provided the security of a permanent family through adoption
    19  regardless of where they live in this Commonwealth. Further, the
    20  purpose of this act is to reduce system barriers which prevent
    21  equal access to appropriate services to both special needs
    22  children needing adoptive families and residents of this
    23  Commonwealth who are interested in adopting special needs
    24  children.
    25  Section 2.  Definitions.
    26     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    27  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    28  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    29     "Adoption services."  Services which shall include, without
    30  limitation, the following:
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     1         (1)  Targeted family recruitment.
     2         (2)  Adoptive family assessment, preparation and
     3     education.
     4         (3)  Comprehensive child assessment.
     5         (4)  Legal services.
     6         (5)  Adoption subsidies.
     7         (6)  Family and child preplacement and placement.
     8         (7)  Postplacement services.
     9         (8)  Postfinalization services.
    10         (9)  Information and referral.
    11     "Advisory committee."  A committee appointed by the Secretary
    12  of Public Welfare, composed of at least ten, but no more than 15
    13  members. The secretary shall serve as the chairperson of the
    14  committee. The following individuals shall be appointed to the
    15  committee:
    16         (1)  The chairman of the Aging and Youth Committee of the
    17     Senate.
    18         (2)  The chairman of the Aging and Youth Committee of the
    19     House of Representatives.
    20         (3)  The minority chairman of the Aging and Youth
    21     Committee of the Senate.
    22         (4)  The minority chairman of the Aging and Youth
    23     Committee of the House of Representatives.
    24         (5)  A representative from the county children and youth
    25     administrators.
    26         (6)  A representative from the juvenile court system.
    27         (7)  A representative from the orphans' court system.
    28         (8)  A representative from a Statewide association for
    29     private providers.
    30     "Child assessment."  Child-centered individualized
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     1  compilation within a holistic context of a child's comprehensive
     2  life experiences.
     3     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
     4  Commonwealth.
     5     "Full disclosure."  The provision of information of record to
     6  adoptive parents about the child with special needs, which will
     7  allow adoptive parents to make an informed decision concerning
     8  their ability to parent.
     9     "Request for proposal" or "RFP."  A form which shall be
    10  submitted by potential contractors for selection of the
    11  Statewide system manager.
    12     "Special needs child."  A child who has one or more of the
    13  following characteristics:
    14         (1)  Has a documented physical, mental or emotional
    15     handicap or is at risk of developing a physical, mental or
    16     emotional handicap.
    17         (2)  Is a member of a minority ethnic or racial group.
    18         (3)  Is a member of a sibling group needing to be placed
    19     together with the same family.
    20         (4)  Is five years of age or older.
    21         (5)  Has been sexually or physically abused.
    22         (6)  Has experienced multiple placements.
    23         (7)  Has been in out-of-home placement more than 18
    24     months.
    25     "Statewide system manager."  A Commonwealth private nonprofit
    26  Statewide organization under contract with the Department of
    27  Public Welfare which is responsible for the day-to-day operation
    28  of the special needs adoption system.
    29  Section 3.  Duties of department.
    30     (a)  Development of plan.--Within 30 days of the effective
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     1  date of this act, an advisory committee appointed by the
     2  Secretary of Public Welfare shall develop a Statewide permanency
     3  planning and adoption plan setting forth goals.
     4     (b)  Issuance of RFP.--Within 30 days of the adoption of the
     5  plan by the advisory committee, the department shall issue an
     6  RFP consistent with this act and the developed goals to identify
     7  a Statewide system manager.
     8     (c)  Statewide system manager.--The department shall contract
     9  with a Statewide system manager to provide a special needs
    10  adoption system within 90 calendar days of the issuance of the
    11  RFP. The Statewide system manager shall be selected from
    12  Commonwealth private nonprofit applicants who shall submit a
    13  three-year proposal in which the applicant established its
    14  ability, through prior experience in the delivery of children-
    15  related and youth-related services and contract management in
    16  this Commonwealth, to:
    17         (1)  Make available the full range of adoption services
    18     to all publicly funded children with special needs who have
    19     been accepted for service by the county children and youth
    20     agencies and have a goal of adoption.
    21         (2)  Initiate cooperative arrangements with county
    22     children and youth agencies.
    23         (3)  Establish cooperative arrangements with existing
    24     Federal, State and local adoption services and registries.
    25         (4)  Establish and operate a systemwide child and
    26     adoptive parent-specific data system which incorporates
    27     child-specific outcomes.
    28         (5)  Assume the duties of the Pennsylvania Adoption
    29     Exchange.
    30     (d)  Initial contract.--The department shall award the
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     1  contract for the Statewide system manager within 180 calendar
     2  days of the effective date of this act.
     3     (e)  Compliance.--The department shall monitor the contract
     4  for compliance.
     5     (f)  Annual report.--The department shall provide an annual
     6  fiscal and program evaluation report to the General Assembly by
     7  April of each year.
     8     (g)  Payment of adoption subsidies.--The department and
     9  Statewide system manager shall establish a procedure for the
    10  approval and payment of adoption subsidies in a timely and
    11  uniform manner. This procedure shall then be administered by the
    12  department in cooperation with the Statewide system manager. The
    13  department and Statewide system manager also shall prepare and
    14  implement a plan to transfer Federal and State adoption funding
    15  and adoption subsidies from counties to the department to
    16  finance the Statewide special needs adoption system and the
    17  subsidized adopted special needs children.
    18     (h)  Regulations.--The department shall issue administrative
    19  bulletins to aid in the implementation of this act. These
    20  administrative bulletins shall be transmitted within 180 days of
    21  the effective date of this act.
    22  Section 4.  Duties of counties.
    23     (a)  Referrals.--Within 60 days of the determination of the
    24  goal of adoption, county children and youth agencies shall
    25  register all special needs children, as defined in this act,
    26  with the Statewide system manager for adoption services. The
    27  determination shall have been made through an administrative or
    28  judicial review.
    29     (b)  Prospective adoptive parents.--County children and youth
    30  agencies shall register all persons interested in adopting a
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     1  child with special needs with the Statewide system manager.
     2     (c)  Adoption services.--County children and youth agencies
     3  may subcontract with the Statewide system manager to provide
     4  adoption services.
     5     (d)  Access to information.--County children and youth
     6  agencies shall make available all information of record which
     7  will contribute to full disclosure.
     8  Section 5.  Service provision.
     9     (a)  Development of special needs adoption system.--The
    10  Statewide system manager shall develop a Statewide special needs
    11  adoption system for this Commonwealth which can meet the goals
    12  set forth in the plan developed by the department and the
    13  advisory committee appointed in accordance with section 3(a).
    14  The Statewide system manager shall insure the availability of
    15  needed services. Direct adoption services shall be made
    16  available only through subcontracts. When a subcontractor is
    17  used for the delivery of service, such services must be
    18  contracted through an RFP process. Subcontracts may be issued on
    19  a geographical basis, need not be coterminous with county
    20  boundaries and may be systemwide or regionwide on a functional
    21  basis. Subcontracting agencies shall meet any applicable
    22  licensing or certification requirements of the appropriate State
    23  or local governmental agency. Subcontracts shall be implemented
    24  and monitored by the Statewide system manager.
    25     (b)  System to provide equal access.--A Statewide system of
    26  special needs adoption shall be developed which provides equal
    27  access to adoption services for all residents of this
    28  Commonwealth.
    29     (c)  Adoptive parents to pay no costs.--Adoptive families
    30  shall not be required to bear any costs for the services
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     1  provided by the Statewide special needs adoption system.
     2     (d)  Full disclosure of information.--The Statewide system
     3  manager will develop a procedure to ensure the full disclosure
     4  of information to adoptive parents.
     5     (e)  Out-of-State contracts.--If, after review of
     6  Commonwealth resources, no adoptive family is available, the
     7  Statewide system manager may contract with an agency or agencies
     8  from out-of-State to provide for adoption services. If an out-
     9  of-State agency is used, it shall be licensed or certified by
    10  the appropriate governmental agency in the state which it is
    11  located.
    12  Section 6.  Duties of public and private agencies.
    13     All licensed public and private adoption agencies shall
    14  register all children with special needs with the Statewide
    15  system manager and shall refer all individuals or families who
    16  have successfully completed an adoption home study and are
    17  interested in adopting a special needs child.
    18  Section 7.  Related agencies' activity.
    19     This act shall not be construed to limit or delay actions by
    20  agencies or institutions to arrange for adoptions or other
    21  related matters on their own initiative.
    22  Section 8.  Appeals.
    23     Appeals of actions of the Statewide system manager or any of
    24  its subcontractors shall be filed in accordance with regulations
    25  promulgated by the department.
    26  Section 9.  Applicability.
    27     This act shall apply to all children who have been accepted
    28  for services by a county children and youth agency on or after
    29  the effective date of this act.
    30  Section 10.  Expiration.
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     1     This act shall expire ten years after its effective date
     2  unless extended by the General Assembly.
     3  Section 11.  Effective date.
     4     This act shall take effect in 30 days.

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