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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 579



No. 502 Session of 2001

           ROBBINS, FEBRUARY 27, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Hospital Uncompensated Care Program and the
     2     Hospital Extraordinary Expense Program in the Department of
     3     Public Welfare.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Hospital
     8  Uncompensated Care Act.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Bad debt expense."  The cost of care for which a hospital
    14  expected payment from the patient or a third-party payor, but
    15  which the hospital subsequently determines to be uncollectible.
    16     "Charity care expense."  The cost of care for which a

     1  hospital ordinarily charges a fee but which is provided free or
     2  at a reduced rate to patients who cannot afford to pay but who
     3  are not eligible for public programs, and from whom the hospital
     4  did not expect payment in accordance with the hospital's charity
     5  care policy.
     6     "Children's Health Insurance Program."  The insurance program
     7  established by Article XXIII of the act of May 17, 1921
     8  (P.L.682, No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921.
     9     "Council."  The Health Care Cost Containment Council
    10  established under the act of July 8, 1986 (P.L.408, No.89),
    11  known as the Health Care Cost Containment Act.
    12     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
    13  Commonwealth.
    14     "Emergent medically necessary services."  Immediate medical
    15  care consistent with the definition of emergency service as set
    16  forth in section 2116 of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.682,
    17  No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law of 1921.
    18     "Extraordinary expenses."  The cost of hospital inpatient
    19  services provided to an uninsured patient, which exceeds twice
    20  the hospital's average cost per stay for all patients.
    21     "Fund."  The Tobacco Settlement Fund established by the act
    22  of             (P.L.   , No.   ), known as the Pennsylvania
    23  Health Investment Act.
    24     "Hospital."  A health care facility licensed as a hospital
    25  pursuant to the act of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as
    26  the Health Care Facilities Act or pursuant to Article X of the
    27  act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public
    28  Welfare Code.
    29     "Inpatient day."  A billing unit corresponding to each day an
    30  individual stays in a hospital as a patient.
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     1     "Insurer."  Any insurance company, association, reciprocal,
     2  health maintenance organization, fraternal benefits society or a
     3  risk-bearing preferred provider organization, that offers health
     4  care benefits and is subject to regulation under the act of May
     5  17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law
     6  of 1921 or the act of December 29, 1972 (P.L.1701, No.364),
     7  known as the Health Maintenance Organization Act. The term
     8  includes an entity and its subsidiaries that operate subject to
     9  the provisions of 40 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 (relating to hospital plan
    10  corporations) or 63 (relating to professional health services
    11  plan corporations).
    12     "Medical assistance."  The State program of medical
    13  assistance established under Article IV(f) of the act of June
    14  13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code.
    15     "Medical assistance day."  An inpatient day provided by a
    16  hospital to a patient enrolled in the State program of medical
    17  assistance established under the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31,
    18  No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code, or for a similar
    19  program in other states.
    20     "Medicare SSI day."  An inpatient day provided by a hospital
    21  to a patient enrolled in both Medicare Part A and supplemental
    22  security income (SSI) as determined by the Health Care Financing
    23  Administration.
    24     "Net patient revenue."  The estimated net realized amounts
    25  from patients, third-party payors and others for health care
    26  services rendered, including estimated retroactive adjustments
    27  due to future audits, reviews, settlements and investigations.
    28  Retroactive adjustments are accrued on an estimated basis in the
    29  period the relative services are rendered and adjusted in future
    30  periods as adjustments become known. This amount shall be equal
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     1  to the amount presented in the most current audited financial
     2  statement as filed with the council.
     3     "Publicly funded health care program."  Care or services
     4  rendered by a government entity or any facility thereof or
     5  health care services for which payment is made directly or
     6  indirectly by a government entity, including, but not limited
     7  to, Medicare and medical assistance or by their fiscal
     8  intermediary.
     9     "Qualified hospital."  An eligible hospital which has an
    10  uncompensated care score at or exceeding the median score of all
    11  eligible hospitals.
    12     "Uncompensated care."  The cost of care provided to patients
    13  financially unable or unwilling to pay for services provided by
    14  a hospital. This cost shall be determined by the council
    15  utilizing reported data and the hospital's cost to charge ratio
    16  and shall include charity care expense and bad debt expense.
    17     "Uninsured."  An individual who has no health insurance
    18  coverage, whose coverage does not reimburse for the medically
    19  necessary services provided by a hospital or who does not
    20  receive benefits under a publicly funded health care program.
    21  Section 3.  Hospital uncompensated care payments.
    22     (a)  Program establishment.--There is established in the
    23  department the Hospital Uncompensated Care Program.
    24  Appropriations from the fund to the department for the Hospital
    25  Uncompensated Care Program shall be used to annually compensate
    26  hospitals in accordance with section 4 for a portion of the
    27  uncompensated care provided to patients. In addition, any other
    28  money which may become available for the Hospital Uncompensated
    29  Care Program shall be added to the total amount to be
    30  distributed.
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     1     (b)  Department responsibilities.--The department has the
     2  following powers and duties:
     3         (1)  Administer the Hospital Uncompensated Care Program.
     4         (2)  Determine the eligibility of hospitals on an annual
     5     basis in accordance with section 4(b). Notice of eligibility
     6     shall be published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin by April 1
     7     for the forthcoming fiscal year.
     8         (3)  Calculate uncompensated care scores for eligible
     9     hospitals under section 4(c).
    10         (4)  Calculate and make payments to qualified hospitals
    11     under section 4(d).
    12         (5)  Seek Federal matching funds under medical assistance
    13     to supplement payments made under section 4.
    14         (6)  Prepare and submit a report no later than November
    15     1, 2001, and annually thereafter to the chairman and the
    16     minority chairman of the Public Health and Welfare Committee
    17     and the chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations
    18     Committee of the Senate and the chairman and minority
    19     chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee and the
    20     chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations
    21     Committee of the House of Representatives. The annual report
    22     shall also be made available for public inspection and be
    23     posted on the department's publicly accessible World Wide Web
    24     site. The report shall list all of the following:
    25             (i)  The name and address of each eligible hospital.
    26             (ii)  The name, address and payment amount for each
    27         qualified hospital.
    28             (iii)  The health system affiliation of each
    29         qualified hospital.
    30             (iv)  The uncompensated care score for each qualified
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     1         hospital.
     2             (v)  The methodology utilized to compute the
     3         uncompensated care score for each eligible hospital.
     4         (7)  No later than June 30, 2003, the department shall
     5     contract with an independent entity to evaluate the payment
     6     methodology to determine the extent to which payments under
     7     this section are made to hospitals with the greatest
     8     uncompensated care burden. The report shall contain
     9     recommendations to the Governor, the department and the
    10     General Assembly concerning the payment methodology.
    11     (c)  Information collection.--The department shall:
    12         (1)  Collect data and information as necessary to
    13     determine hospital eligibility for payment under this act,
    14     including the department's medical assistance data for
    15     medical assistance inpatient days percentage, the
    16     uncompensated care percentage data from the council and the
    17     net patient revenue and data from the Health Care Financing
    18     Administration or its designee regarding Medicare SSI days
    19     percentage.
    20         (2)  Contact the appropriate data source if there is
    21     missing data and obtain the necessary information.
    22     (d)  Reporting requirements.--
    23         (1)  Within 60 days of the effective date of this act,
    24     the department, in consultation with the council, shall
    25     establish an advisory committee, comprised of nine
    26     individuals with expertise in hospital administration,
    27     hospital finance and reimbursement and hospital patient
    28     accounts management, including a representative of the
    29     department and representative of the council. The purpose of
    30     the advisory committee shall be to assist the department and
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     1     the council in improving the accuracy, consistency and
     2     timeliness of the information collected and used to determine
     3     payments to hospitals under the Hospital Uncompensated Care
     4     Program. The advisory committee shall make recommendations to
     5     the department concerning the information that is required to
     6     more accurately measure the amount of bad debt expense
     7     incurred and charity care expense provided by hospitals to
     8     uninsured patients in this Commonwealth.
     9         (2)  Within 180 days of the effective date of this act,
    10     the department shall develop and provide public notice to
    11     hospitals of the uniform reporting requirements for
    12     uncompensated care, which shall address both charity care
    13     expense and bad debt expense components. The uniform
    14     reporting requirements for charity care expense shall
    15     incorporate the recommendations of the advisory committee and
    16     addresses the following:
    17             (i)  Patient eligibility for other public or private
    18         coverage.
    19             (ii)  Income eligibility threshold based on family
    20         size.
    21             (iii)  Consideration of other resources available to
    22         a patient or responsible party.
    23             (iv)  Patient or responsible party employment status
    24         and earning capacity.
    25             (v)  Other financial obligations of the patient or
    26         responsible party.
    27             (vi)  Other sources of funds available to the
    28         hospital such as endowments or donations specified for
    29         charity care.
    30     The uniform reporting requirements for bad debt expense shall
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     1     incorporate the recommendations of the advisory committee and
     2     shall address hospital collection procedures for unpaid
     3     patient responsibility, including deductibles, coinsurance,
     4     copayments and noncovered services. Patients are presumed to
     5     be able to pay for medically necessary services until and
     6     unless information is obtained to indicate an inability or
     7     refusal to pay.
     8         (3)  For fiscal years beginning on or after January 1,
     9     2002, hospitals shall report uncompensated care information
    10     to the council in accordance with the reporting requirements
    11     set forth in this section in order to receive payments under
    12     the Hospital Uncompensated Care Program.
    13  Section 4.  Eligibility and payment.
    14     (a)  Determination of eligibility.--The department shall
    15  determine the eligibility of each hospital from information
    16  collected under section 3.
    17     (b)  Requirements for hospitals.--A hospital is eligible to
    18  apply for payment from the Hospital Uncompensated Care Program
    19  if the hospital has a plan in place to serve the uninsured and:
    20         (1)  Accepts all individuals, regardless of the ability
    21     to pay for emergent medically necessary services within the
    22     scope of the hospital's service.
    23         (2)  Seeks collection of a claim, including collection
    24     from an insurer or payment arrangements with the person who
    25     is responsible for payment of the care rendered.
    26         (3)  Attempts to obtain health care coverage for
    27     patients, including assisting patients in applying for
    28     medical assistance, the Children's Health Insurance Program
    29     or the Adult Basic Coverage Insurance Program established by
    30     the act of (P.L.    No.    ) known as the Health Investment
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     1     Insurance Act, when applicable.
     2         (4)  Ensures that an emergency admission or treatment is
     3     not delayed or denied pending determination of coverage or
     4     requirement for prepayment or deposit.
     5         (5)  Posts adequate notice of the availability of medical
     6     services and the obligations of hospitals to provide free
     7     services.
     8         (6)  Provides data to the council in accordance with
     9     section 3.
    10     (c)  Uncompensated care scoring.--The department shall
    11  annually calculate the uncompensated care score of each eligible
    12  hospital from collected data. If information necessary to
    13  determine the uncompensated care score of an eligible hospital
    14  is unavailable due to the refusal of the hospital to provide the
    15  information, the hospital shall not be eligible for payment from
    16  the Hospital Uncompensated Care Program. If the department
    17  determines that such data cannot be provided after due
    18  diligence, the department shall use the average of the collected
    19  data. An eligible hospital's uncompensated care score shall be
    20  the sum of the following, using three-year average data as
    21  determined by the department:
    22         (1)  The amount of uncompensated care provided as a
    23     percentage of net patient revenue based on the most recent
    24     hospital financial analysis data reported to the council in
    25     accordance with the act of July 8, 1986 (P.L.408, No.89),
    26     known as the Health Care Cost Containment Act.
    27         (2)  The number of Medicare SSI days as a percentage of
    28     total inpatient days based on the most recent data available
    29     to the department.
    30         (3)  The number of medical assistance days as a
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     1     percentage of total inpatient days based on the most recent
     2     data available to the department.
     3     (d)  Payment calculation.--A payment to a qualified hospital
     4  shall be calculated as follows:
     5         (1)  Multiplying each qualified hospital's uncompensated
     6     care score by the three-year average of its total reported
     7     inpatient days.
     8         (2)  Dividing the product under paragraph (1) for each
     9     qualified hospital by the sum of the products under paragraph
    10     (1) for all qualified hospitals.
    11         (3)  Multiplying the quotient under paragraph (2) by the
    12     moneys available for the Hospital Uncompensated Care Program.
    13     (e)  Limitations.--Except as stated in section 6:
    14         (1)  In no case shall the sum of payments to a qualified
    15     hospital under this section and payments under the medical
    16     assistance program exceed the aggregate cost of the inpatient
    17     and outpatient services furnished to:
    18             (i)  recipients entitled to medical benefits under
    19         Title XIX of the Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42
    20         U.S.C. § 1396 et seq.);
    21             (ii)  recipients entitled to medical benefits under
    22         section 441.1 of the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31,
    23         No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code; and
    24             (iii)  patients receiving uncompensated care.
    25         (2)  In no case shall payments made under this section in
    26     a fiscal year exceed the amount of money available to the
    27     department for the Hospital Uncompensated Care Program for
    28     that fiscal year.
    29         (3)  In no case shall payment under this section
    30     constitute an entitlement derived from the Commonwealth or a
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     1     claim on any other funds of the Commonwealth.
     2     (f)  Three-year average.--For purposes of this section, for
     3  fiscal years up to and including 2002-2003, the term "three-year
     4  average" shall be determined by the department. For fiscal years
     5  2003-2004 and thereafter, the term "three-year average" shall be
     6  the average of the immediately preceding three years.
     7  Section 5.  Reimbursement for extraordinary expense.
     8     (a)  Program establishment.--There is established in the
     9  department a Hospital Extraordinary Expense Program.
    10  Appropriations to the department for the Hospital Extraordinary
    11  Expense Program shall be used to reimburse hospitals for
    12  extraordinary expenses in treating the uninsured on an inpatient
    13  hospital basis.
    14     (b)  Department responsibilities.--The department has the
    15  following powers and duties:
    16         (1)  Administer the Hospital Extraordinary Expense
    17     Program.
    18         (2)  Collect the data necessary to administer this
    19     section, including data from the council.
    20         (3)  Contact the appropriate data source if there is
    21     missing data and obtain the necessary information.
    22         (4)  Determine the eligibility of hospitals from
    23     information collected under paragraph (2).
    24         (5)  Pay eligible hospitals by October 1 of each fiscal
    25     year an amount consistent with subsection (d).
    26         (6)  Seek Federal matching funds under the medical
    27     assistance program to supplement payments under this act.
    28         (7)  Prepare and submit a report no later than November
    29     1, 2001, and annually thereafter to the chairman and the
    30     minority chairman of the Public Health and Welfare Committee
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     1     and the chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations
     2     Committee of the Senate and the chairman and minority
     3     chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee and the
     4     chairman and minority chairman of the Appropriations
     5     Committee of the House of Representatives. The annual report
     6     shall also be made available for public inspection and be
     7     posted on the department's publicly accessible World Wide Web
     8     site. The report shall list all of the following:
     9             (i)  The name, address and payment amount for each
    10         eligible hospital.
    11             (ii)  The health system affiliation of each eligible
    12         hospital.
    13             (iii)  The methodology and data utilized to determine
    14         the eligibility of each hospital.
    15     (c)  Eligibility.--
    16         (1)  Except as provided in paragraph (3), a hospital may
    17     receive payment under this section if the hospital does not
    18     qualify for payment under section 4 and the hospital provided
    19     uncompensated care to a patient with extraordinary expenses
    20     in the most recent fiscal year for which data is available.
    21         (2)  A hospital receiving payment under this section
    22     shall meet all the requirements of section 4(b).
    23         (3)  A hospital may elect to receive payment under this
    24     section in lieu of payment under section 4.
    25     (d)  Payment methodology.--Payment to a hospital under this
    26  section shall equal the lesser of the cost of:
    27         (1)  the extraordinary expense claim; or
    28         (2)  the prorated amount of each hospital's percentage of
    29     extraordinary expense costs as compared to all eligible
    30     hospitals' extraordinary expense costs, as applied to the
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     1     total funds available in the Hospital Extraordinary Expense
     2     Program for the fiscal year.
     3     (e)  Limitations.--Except as provided in section 6:
     4         (1)  In no case shall payments to a hospital under this
     5     section exceed the aggregate cost of services furnished to
     6     patients with extraordinary expenses.
     7         (2)  In no case shall the aggregate amount of
     8     extraordinary expense payments in any fiscal year exceed the
     9     amount of the appropriation to the department for the
    10     Hospital Extraordinary Expense Program. The provision of
    11     extraordinary expense payments under this section shall not
    12     constitute an entitlement derived from the Commonwealth or a
    13     claim on any other funds of the Commonwealth.
    14  Section 6.  Amounts.
    15     (a)  General rule.--The total amount of funds received by a
    16  hospital under this act shall not exceed the uncompensated care
    17  amount reported to the council.
    18     (b)  Allocation.--Of the funds appropriated for this act, 85%
    19  shall be used for payments to hospitals under section 3 and 15%
    20  shall be used for payments to hospitals under section 5.
    21  Section 7.  Federal funds.
    22     The department shall seek to maximize any Federal funds,
    23  including Title XIX of the Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42
    24  U.S.C. § 1396 et seq.), available for the Hospital Uncompensated
    25  Care Program.
    26  Section 8.  Effective date.
    27     This act shall take effect July 1, 2001, or immediately,
    28  whichever is later.

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