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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 580



No. 503 Session of 2001

           JUBELIRER, FEBRUARY 27, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the adult basic coverage insurance program; and
     2     imposing powers and duties on the Insurance Department.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5  Section 1.  Short title.
     6     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Health
     7  Investment Insurance Act.
     8  Section 2.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    10  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Benefit package."  Insurance coverage which provides the
    13  benefits set forth in section 3(f)(2) for eligible adults.
    14     "Contractor."  An insurer or other entity or its subsidiaries
    15  operating under 40 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 (relating to hospital plan
    16  corporations) or 63 (relating to professional health services

     1  plan corporations), or both.
     2     "Department."  The Insurance Department of the Commonwealth.
     3     "Eligible adult."  A low-income adult who meets all of the
     4  following:
     5         (1)  Legally resides within the United States.
     6         (2)  Has been domiciled in this Commonwealth for at least
     7     90 days prior to enrollment.
     8         (3)  Is not covered by a health insurance plan, a self-
     9     insurance plan or a self-funded plan.
    10         (4)  Has not been covered by a health insurance plan, a
    11     self-insurance plan or a self-funded plan during the three
    12     months immediately preceding the determination of
    13     eligibility, except when one of the following apply:
    14             (i)  The low-income adult is eligible to receive
    15         benefits pursuant to the act of December 5, 1936 (2nd
    16         Sp.Sess., 1937 P.L.2897, No.1), known as the Unemployment
    17         Compensation Law.
    18             (ii)  The low-income adult was covered under one of
    19         the above plans, but at the time of application for
    20         coverage is no longer employed and is ineligible to
    21         receive benefits pursuant to the Unemployment
    22         Compensation Law.
    23             (iii)  The low-income adult is the spouse of a person
    24         who meets either of the exceptions set forth in
    25         subparagraph (i) or (ii) and both the eligible adult and
    26         the spouse are low-income and applying for coverage.
    27         (5)  Is ineligible for medical assistance or Medicare.
    28     "Fund."  The Tobacco Settlement Fund established by the act
    29  of            (P.L.   , No.   ), known as the Health Investment
    30  Act.
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     1     "Hospital."  A hospital as defined and licensed under the act
     2  of July 19, 1979 (P.L.130, No.48), known as the Health Care
     3  Facilities Act.
     4     "Insurer."  An insurance company, association, reciprocal,
     5  health maintenance organization, fraternal benefit society or a
     6  risk-bearing preferred provider organization that offers health
     7  care benefits and is subject to regulation under the act of May
     8  17, 1921 (P.L.682, No.284), known as The Insurance Company Law
     9  of 1921, or the act of December 29, 1972 (P.L.1701, No.364),
    10  known as the Health Maintenance Organization Act.
    11     "Low-income adult."  An individual who is between 19 and 64
    12  years of age and whose household income is less than 200% of the
    13  Federal poverty level at the time of eligibility determination.
    14     "Medical assistance."  The State program of medical
    15  assistance established under the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31,
    16  No.21), known as the Public Welfare Code.
    17     "Medicare."  The Federal program established under Title
    18  XVIII of the Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. § 1395
    19  et seq.).
    20     "Monthly income."  The monthly income of an individual as
    21  determined by the Department of Public Welfare when applying the
    22  income deductions applicable in determining eligibility for
    23  Medicare cost-sharing in accordance with 42 U.S.C. §
    24  1396a(a)(10)(E).
    25     "Offeror."  An insurer that submits a proposal in response to
    26  the department's request for proposals issued pursuant to
    27  section 3(f).
    28     "Preexisting condition."  A disease or physical condition for
    29  which medical advice or treatment has been received prior to the
    30  effective date of coverage.
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     1     "Program."  The adult basic coverage insurance program
     2  established in section 3.
     3  Section 3.  Adult basic coverage insurance program.
     4     (a)  Program establishment.--There is established in the
     5  department an adult basic coverage insurance program. Fund
     6  appropriations to the department for the program shall be used
     7  for contracts to provide basic health care insurance for
     8  eligible adults and outreach activities. The department shall,
     9  to the greatest extent practicable, ensure that all eligible
    10  adults in this Commonwealth have access to the program
    11  established in this section.
    12     (b)  Eligible adult responsibilities.--An eligible adult
    13  seeking to purchase adult basic coverage insurance shall:
    14         (1)  Submit an application to the department.
    15         (2)  Pay to the department or its contractor an amount of
    16     $30 per month of coverage. Beginning January 1, 2003, the
    17     monthly payment amount shall be adjusted based on the annual
    18     change in the Consumer Price Index for the preceding year.
    19     Notification of any change in the monthly payment amount
    20     shall be provided to eligible adults participating in the
    21     program.
    22         (3)  Be responsible for any required copayments for
    23     health care services rendered under the benefit package in
    24     subsection (f)(2).
    25         (4)  Notify the department or its contractor of any
    26     change in the eligible adult's income.
    27     (c)  Purchase of insurance.--An eligible adult's payment to
    28  the department or its contractor under subsection (b)(2) shall
    29  be used to purchase the benefit package and shall be received in
    30  a timely manner. The appropriations for the program shall be
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     1  used by the department to pay the difference between the cost of
     2  the benefit package and the eligible adult's payment.
     3  Subsidization of the benefit package is contingent upon the
     4  amount of the appropriations to the program and limited to
     5  eligible adults in compliance with subsection (b). Nothing under
     6  this section shall constitute an entitlement derived from the
     7  Commonwealth or a claim on any funds of the Commonwealth.
     8     (d)  Potential waiting list.--The department shall maintain a
     9  waiting list of eligible adults who have applied for adult basic
    10  coverage insurance but who are not enrolled due to insufficient
    11  appropriations. An eligible adult on the waiting list may
    12  purchase the benefit package at the department's cost.
    13     (e)  Department responsibilities.--The department shall:
    14         (1)  Administer the adult basic coverage insurance
    15     program on a Statewide basis.
    16         (2)  Enter into contracts for health care insurance in
    17     accordance with 62 Pa.C.S. (relating to procurement). The
    18     department may award contracts on a multiple award basis.
    19         (3)  Conduct monitoring, oversight and audits of executed
    20     contracts for enforcement purposes.
    21         (4)  Annually redetermine the eligibility of individuals
    22     receiving subsidization of the benefit package.
    23         (5)  In consultation with appropriate Commonwealth
    24     agencies, monitor, review and evaluate the insurer; benefit
    25     package for the adequacy, accessibility and availability of
    26     the services required under subsection (f).
    27         (6)  In consultation with appropriate Commonwealth
    28     agencies, establish and coordinate the development,
    29     implementation and supervision of an outreach plan.
    30         (7)  Report on an annual basis to the General Assembly
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     1     regarding the number of eligible adults purchasing the adult
     2     basic coverage insurance, with a geographic distribution; the
     3     insurers participating in the program; the scope of the
     4     services being provided, the level of outreach; the cost of
     5     the insurance; and the amount an eligible adult contributes
     6     toward the insurance, including any copayments and
     7     adjustments due to the Consumer Price Index adjustment factor
     8     under subsection (b)(2).
     9     (f)  Request for proposals.--In accordance with subsection
    10  (e)(2), the department shall issue a request for proposals for
    11  the adult basic coverage insurance. The request shall require:
    12         (1)  An offeror to assure that if selected as a
    13     contractor it will do all of the following:
    14             (i)  Ensure that eligible adults have access to
    15         primary health care physicians and nurse practitioners.
    16             (ii)  Contract with qualified, cost-effective
    17         providers, which may include primary health care
    18         physicians, nurse practitioners, clinics and health
    19         maintenance organizations, to provide health care for
    20         eligible adults in a manner that best manages the costs
    21         of the services and utilizes other appropriate medical
    22         cost-management methods.
    23             (iii)  Ensure that the individual applying for
    24         coverage is an eligible adult. If a review of the
    25         individual's application for coverage indicates that the
    26         individual is not eligible for adult basic coverage
    27         insurance but may be eligible for medical assistance, the
    28         application for benefits and all accompanying
    29         documentation shall be promptly transmitted to the
    30         appropriate county assistance office for a determination
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     1         of eligibility for medical assistance or other Federal,
     2         State and local resources available to the individual.
     3             (iv)  Not prohibit enrollment based upon a
     4         preexisting condition nor exclude a diagnosis or
     5         treatment for the condition based on the condition's
     6         preexistence.
     7             (v)  Provide the benefit package to eligible adults
     8         consistent with the scope and duration requirements of
     9         the request for proposals.
    10             (vi)  Provide an insurance identification card to
    11         each eligible adult covered under a contract executed
    12         under this section. The card shall not identify the
    13         eligible adult as low income.
    14             (vii)  Require each primary care physician providing
    15         primary care services under this section to make
    16         necessary arrangements for admission to hospitals and for
    17         necessary specialty care.
    18         (2)  A basic benefit package with scope and duration
    19     determined by the department that includes:
    20             (i)  Preventive care.
    21             (ii)  Physician services.
    22             (iii)  Diagnosis and treatment of illness or injury,
    23         including all medically necessary covered services
    24         related to the diagnosis and treatment of sickness and
    25         injury and other conditions provided on an ambulatory
    26         basis, such as laboratory tests, x-rays, wound dressing
    27         and casting to immobilize fractures.
    28             (iv)  Inpatient hospitalization.
    29             (v)  Outpatient hospital services.
    30             (vi)  Emergency accident and emergency medical care.
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     1     (g)  Proposals.--Upon publication of a request for proposals,
     2  an entity and its subsidiaries that operate subject to the
     3  provisions of 40 Pa.C.S. Ch. 61 (relating to hospital plan
     4  corporations) or 63 (relating to professional health services
     5  plan corporations), or both, shall submit a proposal to the
     6  department to carry out the purposes of this section. Upon
     7  publication of a request for proposals, an insurer doing
     8  business in this Commonwealth may submit a proposal to the
     9  department to carry out the purposes of this section.
    10     (h)  Reviewing, scoring and selection of proposals.--The
    11  department shall review and score the proposals on the basis of
    12  all of the requirements for the adult basic coverage insurance
    13  program. The department may include such other criteria in the
    14  request for proposals and in the scoring and selection of the
    15  proposals that the department, in the exercise of its
    16  administrative duties under this section, deems necessary;
    17  however, the department shall:
    18         (1)  Select, to the greatest extent practicable, offerors
    19     that contract with providers to provide health care services
    20     on a cost-effective basis. The department shall select
    21     offerors that use appropriate cost-management methods that
    22     enable the program to provide coverage to the maximum number
    23     of eligible adults and that, whenever possible, pursue and
    24     utilize available public and private funds.
    25         (2)  Select, to the greatest extent practicable, only
    26     offerors that comply with all procedures relating to
    27     coordination of benefits as required by the department and
    28     the Department of Public Welfare.
    29         (3)  Select offerors that limit administrative expenses
    30     to no more than 7.5% of the amount of any contract. If after
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     1     the first three full years of operation any contractor
     2     presents documented evidence that administrative expenses are
     3     in excess of 7.5% of the amount of the contract, the
     4     department may make an additional payment, not to exceed 2.5%
     5     of the amount of the contract, for future administrative
     6     expenses to the contractor to the extent that the department
     7     finds the expenses reasonable and necessary.
     8     (i)  Negotiations.--The department shall not negotiate a
     9  contract for a period in excess of three years.
    10     (j)  Limitation.--In no case shall the total aggregate amount
    11  of annual contracts entered into pursuant to this section exceed
    12  the amount of the aggregate annual appropriations to the
    13  department for the adult basic coverage insurance program.
    14  Section 4.  Effective date.
    15     This act shall take effect July 1, 2001, or immediately,
    16  whichever is later.

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