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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 531



No. 504 Session of 1997

           WENGER AND WAGNER, FEBRUARY 13, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Requiring inmates in county prisons to make reimbursement for
     2     room and board costs; imposing fees for certain medical
     3     services provided to inmates; requiring inmates to make
     4     restitution for damage to certain property; and establishing
     5     procedures relating to funds of inmates.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Prisoner
    10  Reimbursement Act.
    11  Section 2.  Persons required to make reimbursement.
    12     The following persons shall be required to provide
    13  reimbursement for room and board costs:
    14         (1)  All inmates sentenced to a county prison located in
    15     this Commonwealth.
    16         (2)  All inmates who participate in a county prison work
    17     release program.
    18         (3)  All inmates who are serving sentences for a parole
    19     violation.

     1  Section 3.  Amount of reimbursement.
     2     (a)  General rule.--Persons who are committed to a county
     3  prison located in this Commonwealth after the effective date of
     4  this act shall be responsible for paying $10 per day as
     5  reimbursement of room and board costs.
     6     (b)  Recommitted persons.--Persons who are recommitted and
     7  receive a new sentence, regardless of the county, shall be
     8  responsible for paying a per diem which is increased by $5 per
     9  day for each confinement period after the first, up to a total
    10  of $40 per day.
    11     (c)  Information provided to inmates.--All inmates shall
    12  receive written information about the room and board costs
    13  program during their orientation.
    14  Section 4.  Payment of room and board.
    15     (a)  Work release participants.--Fees shall be deducted from
    16  each paycheck while the person is incarcerated. Upon discharge,
    17  the inmate may be billed for the balance of incarceration days
    18  which had not previously been paid.
    19     (b)  Other inmates.--Upon discharge, an inmate shall be
    20  billed for each day spent in the county prison, including all
    21  presentence time. The inmate may arrange for an installment
    22  payment plan with the prison. If the installment payments are
    23  not timely made, the prison may assign the inmate's account to
    24  an agency for collection.
    25     (c)  Voluntary payment.--Each inmate shall be afforded the
    26  opportunity to voluntarily begin paying room and board costs
    27  during incarceration. Upon request, an installment payment plan
    28  shall be established.
    29  Section 5.  Inmate fees for medical care.
    30     (a)  Purpose of fees.--The fees imposed under this act are
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     1  not designed to dissuade inmates from obtaining health care for
     2  legitimate complaints, but are meant to instill responsibility
     3  among inmates in the use of prison services. Many inmate medical
     4  complaints are frivolous or unfounded, and the fees are meant to
     5  assist in identification of these types of complaints, as well
     6  as to partially defray the administrative costs of screening for
     7  the use of nonessential services.
     8     (b)  Sick call.--Inmates may be charged a $3 administrative
     9  fee for a medical evaluation by the nursing staff.
    10     (c)  Nonprescription medication.--A charge for over-the-
    11  counter medication prescribed as treatment by the medical staff,
    12  which is also available through the commissary, may be deducted
    13  from the inmate's commissary account at the prevailing
    14  commissary rate.
    15     (d)  Prescription drugs.--There shall be no charge for
    16  prescription medication.
    17     (e)  Supply of medication.--The medical department shall
    18  maintain a supply of over-the-counter drugs and issue
    19  appropriate quantities to an inmate, if deemed necessary for
    20  treatment.
    21     (f)  Referral to physician.--
    22         (1)  Inmates referred to a physician by the nursing
    23     staff, after initial diagnosis at sick call, may not be
    24     charged a fee to see a physician.
    25         (2)  Inmates who are not referred to a physician after
    26     initial screening by the nursing staff but who demand to see
    27     a physician may be charged a fee of $5 for this privilege,
    28     unless the physician later determines that the inmate should
    29     have been referred to a physician at the initial screening.
    30     (g)  Exceptions for essential medical services.--No fees
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     1  shall be charged for any of the following:
     2         (1)  Initial commitment medical screening.
     3         (2)  Psychiatric services.
     4         (3)  Emergency services.
     5         (4)  Chronic illnesses.
     6     (h)  Injury resulting from criminal activity.--Evaluation for
     7  treatment of an injury resulting from an inmate's criminal
     8  activity or activity in violation of a prison policy shall not
     9  constitute a medical emergency and may be a chargeable service.
    10     (i)  Denial of care prohibited.--
    11         (1)  An inmate shall never be denied care for legitimate
    12     medical complaints requiring essential medical care.
    13         (2)  An inmate shall never be denied care for any reason,
    14     even if the complaint is completely frivolous.
    15     (j)  Form required.--
    16         (1)  Inmates are required to sign a
    17     medical/administrative service fee form whenever any medical
    18     services are rendered.
    19         (2)  When it is determined that nonessential medical
    20     services have been provided, the inmate shall also initial
    21     the form.
    22         (3)  If the inmate refuses to initial the form as
    23     required in paragraph (2), the medical staff shall complete
    24     the form and note the inmate's refusal to initial.
    25  Section 6.  Medical fee billing.
    26     (a)  Completion of form.--The medical department staff shall
    27  complete a medical/administrative service fee form for all
    28  chargeable services provided. The medical staff shall forward
    29  the completed form to the records department each day by 4:00
    30  p.m.
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     1     (b)  Deduction of fees.--All fees shall be deducted in full
     2  from the inmate's account. If necessary a negative balance may
     3  be maintained. The conditions for collection of moneys when
     4  negative balances exist are as follows:
     5         (1)  Fifty percent of all incoming funds deposited into
     6     an inmate's account, regardless of the source, may be
     7     credited to a negative balance, and the remainder may be
     8     credited to the inmate's account for personal use. This
     9     procedure shall continue until the inmate's negative balance
    10     is satisfied.
    11         (2)  At discharge any available funds from an inmate's
    12     account shall be credited toward the inmate's negative
    13     balance, if any, prior to issuing the inmate a discharge
    14     check.
    15         (3)  All remaining negative balances after discharge may
    16     be maintained on the inmate's permanent record. If the inmate
    17     is recommitted, the inmate shall be required to pay any
    18     negative balance as provided for in paragraphs (1) and (2).
    19  Section 7.  Work release moneys.
    20     (a)  Use of funds.--Inmates in work release programs shall
    21  deposit all payroll checks into the inmate's work release
    22  account. The funds shall be used to pay the following charges:
    23         (1)  Satisfying fines and costs imposed against the
    24     inmate.
    25         (2)  Daily fee for room and board.
    26         (3)  Support payments as determined by the domestic
    27     relations office.
    28         (4)  Five dollars per week for drug and alcohol screening
    29     costs.
    30         (5)  Payment against any negative balance on the inmate's
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     1     account.
     2     (b)  Disposition of payroll checks.--
     3         (1)  Inmates will turn in payroll checks, along with a
     4     completed financial allocation authorization form to the
     5     officer assigned to the prerelease center.
     6         (2)  On-duty staff shall issue a receipt to the inmate
     7     for the check when it is surrendered.
     8         (3)  The payroll checks shall be attached to the
     9     financial allocation authorization form and forwarded to the
    10     records department.
    11  Section 8.  Restitution for damages.
    12     (a)  Abuse or misuse of prison property.--Inmates who have
    13  been found as a result of disciplinary procedures to have
    14  intentionally abused or misused prison property shall be
    15  responsible for restitution for any damage.
    16     (b)  Completion of form.--The disciplinary hearing board
    17  shall complete a restitution expense form and forward the
    18  completed form to the records department for adjustment of the
    19  inmate's account. Funds may be deducted until restitution has
    20  been made.
    21     (c)  Assessment of damages.--The extent of damages and the
    22  cost of repair shall be established by the director of
    23  maintenance and the deputy warden for custody.
    24  Section 9.  Accountability of prison.
    25     (a)  Inmate moneys.--All inmate moneys shall be securely held
    26  in a designated area of the records department.
    27     (b)  Monthly report.--A monthly report of inmate account
    28  activity shall be supplied to the prison board.
    29     (c)  Annual audit.--All inmate financial accounts and
    30  procedures shall be audited annually. The results of the audit
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     1  shall be forwarded to the prison board.
     2  Section 10.  Effective date.
     3     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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