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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 532



No. 514 Session of 2001

           M. WHITE AND MOWERY, FEBRUARY 15, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 31, 1933 (P.L.1108, No.272), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act providing for the appointment, promotion,
     3     reduction, removal and reinstatement of paid officers,
     4     firemen and employes of fire departments and of fire alarm
     5     operators and fire box inspectors in the bureaus of
     6     electricity in cities of the third class; defining the powers
     7     and duties of civil service commissions for such purposes;
     8     and fixing penalties," further providing for residency
     9     requirement.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Section 4 of the act of May 31, 1933 (P.L.1108,
    13  No.272), entitled, as amended "An act providing for the
    14  appointment, promotion, reduction, removal and reinstatement of
    15  paid officers, firemen and employes of fire departments and of
    16  fire alarm operators and fire box inspectors in the bureaus of
    17  electricity in cities of the third class; defining the powers
    18  and duties of civil service commissions for such purposes; and
    19  fixing penalties," is amended to read:
    20     Section 4.  All examinations for positions or promotions
    21  shall be practical in their character, and shall relate to such

     1  matters, and include such inquiries, as will fairly and fully
     2  test the comparative merit and fitness of the persons examined
     3  to discharge the duties of the employment sought by them. All
     4  examinations shall be open to all applicants who have fulfilled
     5  the preliminary requirements required by this act without regard
     6  to any applicant's place of residence at or prior to the date of
     7  application. All applicants for any position in the fire
     8  department and as fire alarm operators and fire box inspectors
     9  in the bureau of electricity shall, subject to regulations
    10  adopted by the civil service commission, be required to submit
    11  to a physical examination before being admitted to the regular
    12  examinations held by the commission. [Each applicant shall have
    13  been a resident of the city in which he seeks employment for one
    14  year next preceding date of his application.] Adequate public
    15  notice of the time and place of every examination held under the
    16  provisions of this act, together with information as to the kind
    17  of position or place to be filled, shall be given at least one
    18  week prior to such examinations. The commission shall adopt
    19  reasonable regulations for permitting the presence of
    20  representatives of the press at the examinations. The commission
    21  shall post, in a public place at its office, the eligible lists,
    22  containing the names and grades of those who have passed
    23  examinations, and shall indicate thereon such appointments as
    24  may be made from said lists.
    25     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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