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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 586



No. 553 Session of 2005

           AND WOZNIAK, MARCH 31, 2005


                                     AN ACT

     1  Relating to the protection of victims of sexual violence.

     2                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     3  Section 1.  Short title.
     4  Section 2.  Findings and purpose.
     5  Section 3.  Definitions.
     6  Section 4.  Responsibilities of law enforcement agencies.
     7  Section 5.  Commencement of proceedings.
     8  Section 6.  Hearings.
     9  Section 7.  Relief.
    10  Section 8.  Service of orders.
    11  Section 9.  Emergency relief by minor judiciary.
    12  Section 10.  Sexual assault counselor.
    13  Section 11.  Disclosure of addresses.
    14  Section 12.  Arrest for violation of order.
    15  Section 13.  Private criminal complaints for violation of
    16                 order.
    17  Section 14.  Contempt for violation of order.

     1  Section 15.  Civil contempt or modification for violation of an
     2                 order.
     3  Section 16.  Confidentiality.
     4  Section 17.  Procedure and other remedies.
     5  Section 18.  Effective date.
     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Sexual
    10  Violence Victim Protection Act.
    11  Section 2.  Findings and purpose.
    12     The General Assembly finds and declares that:
    13         (1)  Sexual violence is the most heinous crime against a
    14     person other than murder.
    15         (2)  Sexual violence inflicts humiliation, degradation
    16     and terror on the victim.
    17         (3)  According to the Department of Justice, someone is
    18     sexually assaulted every two minutes in the United States.
    19         (4)  Rape is recognized as one of the most underreported
    20     crimes and studies indicate that only one in three rapes is
    21     reported to law enforcement.
    22         (5)  Victims of sexual violence desire safety and
    23     protection from future interactions with their offender,
    24     regardless of whether they seek criminal prosecution.
    25         (6)  This act provides the victim with a civil remedy
    26     requiring the offender to stay away from the victim, as well
    27     as other appropriate relief.
    28  Section 3.  Definitions.
    29     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    30  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
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     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     "Confidential communications."  As defined in 42 Pa.C.S. §
     3  5945.1 (relating to confidential communications with sexual
     4  assault counselors).
     5     "Coparticipant."  As defined in 42 Pa.C.S. § 5945.1 (relating
     6  to confidential communications with sexual assault counselors).
     7     "Court."  The court or magisterial district judge having
     8  jurisdiction over the matter under 42 Pa.C.S. (relating to
     9  judiciary and judicial procedure) exercised as provided in 42
    10  Pa.C.S. or as otherwise provided or prescribed by law.
    11     "Hearing officer."  A  magisterial district judge, judge of
    12  the Philadelphia Municipal Court, bail commissioner appointed
    13  under 42 Pa.C.S. § 1123 (relating to jurisdiction and venue) or
    14  master appointed under 42 Pa.C.S. § 1126 (relating to masters).
    15     "Protection order" or "order."  A sexual violence victim
    16  protection order issued under this act.
    17     "Rape crisis center."  As defined in 42 Pa.C.S. § 5945.1
    18  (relating to confidential communications with sexual assault
    19  counselors).
    20     "Sexual assault counselor."  As defined in 42 Pa.C.S. §
    21  5945.1 (relating to confidential communications with sexual
    22  assault counselors).
    23     "Sexual violence."  Conduct constituting a crime under 18
    24  Pa.C.S. § 2709(a)(4) (relating to harassment), 18 Pa.C.S. Ch.31
    25  (relating to sexual offenses) or 18 Pa.C.S. § 5901 (relating to
    26  open lewdness) between persons who are not family or household
    27  members, sexual or intimate partners or who share biological
    28  parenthood.
    29     "Victim."  A person who is the victim of sexual violence.
    30  Section 4.  Responsibilities of law enforcement agencies.
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     1     (a)  General rule.--The police department of each municipal
     2  corporation, the Pennsylvania State Police and the sheriff of
     3  each county shall ensure that all their officers, deputies and
     4  employees are familiar with the provisions of this act.
     5  Instruction concerning sexual violence victim protection orders
     6  shall be made a part of the training curriculum for all trainee
     7  officers and deputies. All law enforcement agencies shall adopt
     8  a written policy regarding sexual violence victim protection
     9  orders.
    10     (b)  Notice of services and rights.--Each law enforcement
    11  agency shall provide the victim of sexual violence with oral and
    12  written notice of sexual assault services in the community,
    13  including the hotline number for sexual assault services. The
    14  written notice, which shall be in English and Spanish and any
    15  additional language required by local rule of court, shall
    16  include the following statement:
    17     If you are the victim of sexual violence, you have the right
    18     to go to court and file a petition requesting a sexual
    19     violence victim protection order for protection from
    20     harassment pursuant to the Sexual Violence Victim Protection
    21     Act, which could include the following, prohibiting the
    22     defendant from having any contact with you, including, but
    23     not limited to, restraining the defendant from entering your
    24     residence, place of employment, business or school.
    25     (c)  Notice of arrest.--Each law enforcement agency shall
    26  make reasonable efforts to notify any person protected by an
    27  order issued under this act of the arrest of the defendant for
    28  violation of an order as soon as possible. Unless the person
    29  cannot be located, notice of the arrest shall be provided not
    30  more than 24 hours after preliminary arraignment.
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     1  Section 5.  Commencement of proceedings.
     2     (a)  General rule.--An action for a sexual violence victim
     3  protection order may be commenced by filing a petition with the
     4  court requesting protection from the defendant. A parent or
     5  guardian may file on behalf of a victim.
     6     (b)  No prepayment of fees.--The petition shall be filed and
     7  service shall be made without the prepayment of fees.
     8     (c)  Assessment of fees and costs.--
     9         (1)  If the plaintiff prevails in the action, fees and
    10     costs shall be assigned to the defendant or, should the court
    11     determine that the defendant is not able to pay the costs of
    12     filing and service, the court shall waive the fees and costs.
    13         (2)  If the plaintiff does not prevail in the action, the
    14     fees and costs of filing and service may be assigned to the
    15     plaintiff or, should the court determine that the plaintiff
    16     is not able to pay the fees and costs of filing and service,
    17     the court shall waive the fees and costs.
    18     (d)  Service.--
    19         (1)  The court shall adopt a means of prompt and
    20     effective service. If the court so orders, the sheriff or
    21     another court-designated agency or individual shall serve the
    22     petition and protection order. The petition and protection
    23     order shall be served upon the defendant, and the order shall
    24     be served upon the police departments with appropriate
    25     jurisdiction to enforce the order. An order shall be promptly
    26     served upon the police.
    27         (2)  Failure to serve the police shall not stay the
    28     effect of a valid order.
    29     (e)  Assistance and advice to plaintiff.--The courts and
    30  hearing officers shall:
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     1         (1)  Provide simplified forms and clerical assistance in
     2     English and Spanish to help with the writing and filing of
     3     the petition for a sexual violence protection order for an
     4     individual not represented by counsel.
     5         (2)  Provide the plaintiff with written and oral
     6     referrals, in English and Spanish, to local sexual assault
     7     services, to the local legal services office and to the
     8     county bar association's lawyer referral service.
     9  Section 6.  Hearings.
    10     (a)  General rule.--Within ten days of the filing of a
    11  petition under this act, an expedited hearing shall be held
    12  before the court, at which the plaintiff must prove the need for
    13  protection from the defendant by a preponderance of the
    14  evidence. The court shall, at the time the defendant is given
    15  notice of the hearing, advise the defendant of the right to be
    16  represented by counsel.
    17     (b)  Temporary orders.--If a plaintiff petitions for a
    18  temporary protection order for protection from an immediate and
    19  present danger, the court shall conduct an ex parte proceeding.
    20  The court may enter such a temporary order as it deems necessary
    21  to protect the plaintiff when it finds the plaintiff is in
    22  immediate and present danger. The temporary order shall remain
    23  in effect until modified or terminated by the court after notice
    24  and hearing.
    25     (c)  Continued hearings.--If a hearing under subsection (a)
    26  is continued and no temporary protection order is issued, the
    27  court may make ex parte temporary orders under subsection (b),
    28  as it deems necessary.
    29  Section 7.  Relief.
    30     (a)  Order or consent agreement.--The court may issue a
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     1  protection order or approve a consent agreement to protect the
     2  plaintiff from the defendant.
     3     (b)  General rule.--A protection order or consent agreement
     4  may include:
     5         (1)  Prohibiting the defendant from having any contact
     6     with the plaintiff, including, but not limited to,
     7     restraining the defendant from entering the plaintiff's
     8     residence, place of employment, business or school. This may
     9     include prohibiting indirect contact through third parties.
    10         (2)  Directing the defendant to refrain from harassing or
    11     stalking the plaintiff as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. §§ 2709
    12     (relating to harassment) and 2709.1 (relating to stalking).
    13         (3)  Ordering the defendant to temporarily relinquish to
    14     the sheriff the defendant's weapons which have been used or
    15     have been threatened to be used against the plaintiff and
    16     prohibiting the defendant from acquiring or possessing any
    17     other weapons for the duration of the order and requiring the
    18     defendant to relinquish to the sheriff any firearm license
    19     the defendant may possess. The order shall provide for the
    20     return of the weapons and any firearm license to the
    21     defendant subject to any restrictions and conditions as the
    22     court shall deem appropriate to protect the plaintiff from
    23     further violence through use of the weapons. A certified copy
    24     of the order shall be transmitted to the police department of
    25     the municipality and the sheriff of the county in which the
    26     defendant is a resident.
    27         (4)  Granting any other appropriate relief sought by the
    28     plaintiff.
    29     (c)  Duration and amendment of order or agreement.--A
    30  protection order or an approved consent agreement shall be for a
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     1  fixed period of time not to exceed 18 months.
     2     (d)  Extension of protection orders.--
     3         (1)  An extension of a protection order may be granted:
     4             (i)  Where the court finds, after a duly filed
     5         petition, notice to the defendant and a hearing, in
     6         accordance with the procedures set forth in sections 5
     7         (relating to commencement of proceedings) and 6 (relating
     8         to hearings), that the protection is necessary because
     9         the defendant engaged in one or more acts that indicate
    10         continued risk of harm to the plaintiff.
    11             (ii)  When a contempt petition or charge has been
    12         filed, but the hearing has not occurred before the
    13         expiration of the protection order, the order shall be
    14         extended, at a minimum, until the disposition of the
    15         contempt petition.
    16         (2)  Service of an extended protection order shall be
    17     made in accordance with sections 5(d) and 8 (relating to
    18     service of orders).
    19         (3)  There shall be no limitation on the number of
    20     extensions that may be granted.
    21     (e)  Notice.--Notice shall be given to the defendant stating
    22  that violations of the protection order will subject the
    23  defendant to arrest under section 12 (relating to arrest for
    24  violation of order) or contempt of court under section 14
    25  (relating to contempt for violation of order).
    26  Section 8.  Service of orders.
    27     A copy of a protection order shall be issued to the
    28  plaintiff, the defendant and the police department with
    29  appropriate jurisdiction to enforce the order in accordance with
    30  the provisions of this act or as ordered by the court or hearing
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     1  officer.
     2  Section 9.  Emergency relief by minor judiciary.
     3     (a)  General rule.--When:
     4         (1)  in counties with less than four judges, the court is
     5     unavailable:
     6             (i)  from the close of business at the end of each
     7         day to the resumption of business the next morning;
     8             (ii)  from the end of the business week to the
     9         beginning of the business week; and
    10             (iii)  during the business day by reason of duties
    11         outside the county, illness or vacation.
    12         (2)  in counties with at least four judges, the court is
    13     unavailable:
    14             (i)  from the close of business at the end of each
    15         day to the resumption of business the next morning; and
    16             (ii)  from the end of the business week to the
    17         beginning of the business week;
    18  a petition may be filed before a hearing officer who may grant
    19  relief in accordance with section 7 (relating to relief) if the
    20  hearing officer deems it necessary to protect the plaintiff upon
    21  good cause shown in an ex parte proceeding. Immediate and
    22  present danger to the plaintiff shall constitute good cause for
    23  the purposes of this subsection.
    24     (b)  Expiration of order.--A protection order issued under
    25  subsection (a) shall expire at the end of the next business day
    26  the court deems itself available. The court shall schedule
    27  hearings on orders entered by hearing officers under subsection
    28  (a) and shall review and continue in effect protection orders
    29  that are necessary to protect the plaintiff until the hearing,
    30  at which time the plaintiff may seek a temporary protection
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     1  order from the court.
     2     (c)  Certification of order to court.--An emergency
     3  protection order issued under this section and any documentation
     4  in support thereof shall be immediately certified to the court.
     5  The certification to the court shall have the effect of
     6  commencing proceedings under section 5 (relating to commencement
     7  of proceedings) and invoking the other provisions of this act.
     8  If it is not already alleged in a petition for an emergency
     9  order, the plaintiff shall file a verified statement setting
    10  forth the reasons for the need for protection at least five days
    11  prior to the hearing. Service of the verified statement shall be
    12  made subject to section 5(d).
    13     (d)  Instructions regarding the commencement of
    14  proceedings.--Upon issuance of an emergency protection order,
    15  the hearing officer shall provide the plaintiff instructions
    16  regarding the commencement of proceedings in the court at the
    17  beginning of the next business day and regarding the procedures
    18  for initiating a contempt charge should the defendant violate
    19  the emergency protection order. The hearing officer shall also
    20  advise the plaintiff of the existence of rape crisis centers in
    21  the county or in nearby counties and inform the plaintiff of the
    22  availability of legal assistance without cost if the plaintiff
    23  is unable to pay for them.
    24  Section 10.  Sexual assault counselor.
    25     A sexual assault counselor may accompany and provide
    26  assistance to a party in any legal proceeding or hearing under
    27  this act.
    28  Section 11.  Disclosure of addresses.
    29     (a)  General rule.--During the course of a proceeding under
    30  this act, the court or hearing officer may consider whether the
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     1  plaintiff is endangered by disclosure of the permanent or
     2  temporary address of the plaintiff. The court shall consider the
     3  wishes of the plaintiff regarding the disclosure of the address.
     4  Neither in the pleadings nor during proceedings or hearings
     5  under this act shall the court or hearing officer require
     6  disclosure of the address of a rape crisis center.
     7     (b)  Order.--Where the court concludes that the defendant
     8  poses a threat of continued danger to the plaintiff and where
     9  the plaintiff requests that the address, telephone number and
    10  information about the plaintiff's whereabouts not be disclosed,
    11  the court shall enter an order directing that law enforcement
    12  agencies, human service agencies and school districts shall not
    13  disclose the presence of the plaintiff in the jurisdiction or
    14  district or furnish any address, telephone number or any other
    15  demographic information about the plaintiff except by further
    16  order of the court.
    17  Section 12.  Arrest for violation of order.
    18     (a)  General rule.--An arrest for a violation of a protection
    19  order or court-approved consent agreement issued pursuant to
    20  this act may be without warrant upon probable cause, whether or
    21  not the violation is committed in the presence of the police
    22  officer, in circumstances where the defendant has violated a
    23  provision of a protection order consistent with section 7
    24  (relating to relief). The police officer may verify the
    25  existence of a protection order by telephone, radio or other
    26  electronic communication with the appropriate police department
    27  or issuing authority. A police officer shall arrest a defendant
    28  for violating a protection order by a court within the judicial
    29  district or issued by a court in another judicial district
    30  within this Commonwealth.
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     1     (b)  Seizure of weapons.--Subsequent to an arrest, the police
     2  officer shall seize all weapons used or threatened to be used
     3  during the violation of the order or during prior incidents of
     4  sexual violence. As soon as it is reasonably possible, the
     5  arresting officer shall deliver the confiscated weapons to the
     6  office of the sheriff. The sheriff shall maintain possession of
     7  the weapons until the court issues an order specifying the
     8  weapons to be relinquished and the persons to whom the weapons
     9  shall be relinquished.
    10     (c)  Procedure following arrest.--
    11         (1)  Subsequent to an arrest, the defendant shall be
    12     taken by the police officer without unnecessary delay before
    13     the court in the judicial district where the contempt is
    14     alleged to have occurred.
    15         (2)  When that court is unavailable, the police officer
    16     shall convey the defendant to a magisterial district judge
    17     designated as appropriate by local rules of court or, in the
    18     City of Pittsburgh, to a magistrate of the Pittsburgh
    19     Magistrates Court or, in counties of the first class, to the
    20     appropriate hearing officer. For the purpose of procedures
    21     relating to arraignments for arrest for violation of an order
    22     issued under this act, the judges of Pittsburgh Magistrates
    23     Court shall be deemed to be magisterial district judges.
    24     (d)  Preliminary arraignment.--The defendant shall be
    25  afforded a preliminary arraignment without unnecessary delay.
    26     (e)  Other emergency powers unaffected.--This section shall
    27  not be construed to in any way limit any of the other powers for
    28  emergency relief provided in this act.
    29     (f)  Hearing.--An expedited hearing shall be scheduled within
    30  ten days of the filing of the charge or complaint of indirect
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     1  criminal contempt. The hearing and any adjudication shall not
     2  preclude a hearing on other criminal charges underlying the
     3  contempt, nor shall a hearing or adjudication on other criminal
     4  charges preclude a hearing on a charge of indirect criminal
     5  contempt.
     6  Section 13.  Private criminal complaints for violation of order.
     7     (a)  General rule.--A plaintiff may file a private criminal
     8  complaint against a defendant, alleging indirect criminal
     9  contempt for a violation of any provision of a protection order
    10  or court-approved consent agreement issued under this act, with
    11  the court, the office of the district attorney or the
    12  magisterial district judge in the jurisdiction or county where
    13  the violation occurred.
    14     (b)  Procedure service.--Procedure for filing and service of
    15  a private criminal complaint shall be provided as set forth by
    16  local rule.
    17  Section 14.  Contempt for violation of order.
    18     (a)  General rule.--Where the police or the plaintiff have
    19  filed charges of indirect criminal contempt against a defendant
    20  for violation of a protection order or court-approved agreement
    21  entered into under this act, the court may hold the defendant in
    22  indirect criminal contempt and punish the defendant in
    23  accordance with law.
    24     (b)  Jurisdiction.--A court shall have jurisdiction over
    25  indirect criminal contempt charges for violation of a protection
    26  order in the county where the violation occurred.
    27     (c)  Minor defendant.--Any defendant who is a minor and who
    28  is charged with indirect criminal contempt for allegedly
    29  violating a protection order shall be considered to have
    30  committed an alleged delinquent act as that term is defined in
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     1  42 Pa.C.S. § 6302 (relating to definitions) and shall be treated
     2  as provided in 42 Pa.C.S. Ch. 63 (relating to juvenile matters).
     3     (d)  Trial and punishment.--A sentence for contempt under
     4  this act may include imprisonment for up to six months or a fine
     5  of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000, or both, and may
     6  include other relief set forth in this act. The defendant shall
     7  not have a right to a jury trial on such a charge; however, the
     8  defendant shall be entitled to counsel.
     9     (e)  Notification upon release.--
    10         (1)  The appropriate releasing authority or other
    11     official as designated by local rule shall use all reasonable
    12     means to notify the victim sufficiently in advance of the
    13     release of the offender from any incarceration imposed under
    14     subsection (d). Notification shall be required for work
    15     release, furlough, medical leave, community service,
    16     discharge, escape and recapture. Notification shall include
    17     the terms and conditions imposed on any temporary release
    18     from custody.
    19         (2)  The plaintiff must keep the appropriate releasing
    20     authority or other official as designated by local rule
    21     advised of contact information; failure to do so will
    22     constitute waiver of any right to notification under this
    23     section.
    24     (f)  Multiple remedies.--Disposition of a charge of indirect
    25  criminal contempt shall not preclude the prosecution of other
    26  criminal charges associated with the incident giving rise to the
    27  contempt, nor shall disposition of other criminal charges
    28  preclude prosecution of indirect criminal contempt associated
    29  with the criminal conduct giving rise to the charges.
    30  Section 15.  Civil contempt or modification for violation of an
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     1                 order.
     2     (a)  General rule.--A plaintiff may file a petition for civil
     3  contempt with the issuing court alleging that the defendant has
     4  violated any provision of a protection order or court-approved
     5  agreement entered into under this act.
     6     (b)  Civil contempt order.--Upon finding of a violation of a
     7  protection order, the court, either pursuant to petition for
     8  civil contempt or on its own accord, may hold the defendant in
     9  civil contempt and constrain the defendant in accordance with
    10  law.
    11     (c)  Sentencing.--A sentence for civil contempt under this
    12  act may include imprisonment until the defendant complies with
    13  provisions of the order or demonstrates the intent to do so, but
    14  in no case shall a term of imprisonment under this section
    15  exceed a period of six months.
    16     (d)  Jury trial and counsel.--The defendant shall not have a
    17  right to a jury trial; however, the defendant shall be entitled
    18  to counsel.
    19  Section 16.  Confidentiality.
    20     (a)  Nature of privilege.--
    21         (1)  Unless a victim waives the privilege in a signed
    22     writing prior to testimony or disclosure, a sexual assault
    23     counselor or a coparticipant who is present during sexual
    24     assault counseling or advocacy shall not be competent nor
    25     permitted to testify or to otherwise disclose confidential
    26     communications made to or by the counselor by or to a victim.
    27         (2)  Neither the sexual assault counselor nor the victim
    28     shall waive the privilege of confidential communications by
    29     reporting facts of physical or sexual violence under 23
    30     Pa.C.S. Ch. 63 (relating to child protective services), a
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     1     Federal or State mandatory reporting statute or a local
     2     mandatory reporting ordinance.
     3     (b)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term "victim"
     4  is a person against whom sexual violence is committed who
     5  consults a sexual assault counselor for the purpose of securing
     6  advice, counseling or assistance. The term also includes a
     7  person who has a significant relationship with the victim and
     8  who seeks advice, counseling or assistance from a sexual assault
     9  counselor regarding the victim.
    10  Section 17.  Procedure and other remedies.
    11     Unless otherwise indicated in this act, a proceeding under
    12  this act shall be in accordance with applicable general rules
    13  and shall be in addition to any other available civil or
    14  criminal remedies. The plaintiff may seek modification of a
    15  protection order issued under section 7 (relating to relief) at
    16  any time during the pendency of the order, but a court may not
    17  sua sponte modify the order. Modification may be ordered after
    18  the filing of a petition for modification, service of the
    19  petition, and a hearing on the petition.
    20  Section 18.  Effective date.
    21     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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