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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 588



No. 560 Session of 1997

           FEBRUARY 28, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for do-not-
     3     resuscitate orders; granting powers to and imposing duties
     4     upon the Department of Health; and imposing penalties.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 5403 of Title 20 of the Pennsylvania
     8  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding definitions to read:
     9  § 5403.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    11  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     * * *
    14     "Department."  The Department of Health of the Commonwealth.
    15     "Do-not-resuscitate order" or "DNR order."  A directive that
    16  cardiopulmonary resuscitation; intubation, meaning any advanced
    17  airway management; defibrillation; cardiac resuscitation
    18  medications; and artificial ventilation should not be

     1  administered to a particular individual.
     2     * * *
     3     Section 2.  Title 20 is amended by adding a section to read:
     4  § 5414.1.  Do-not-resuscitate orders.
     5     (a)  Liability.--No physician or other health care provider
     6  who, consistent with this section, withholds life-sustaining
     7  treatment in compliance with a do-not-resuscitate identification
     8  or order shall, as a result of withholding such treatment, be
     9  subject to criminal or civil liability or be found to have
    10  committed an act of unprofessional conduct.
    11     (b)  DNR identification.--Through the use of a do-not-
    12  resuscitate identification card, form, necklace or bracelet of
    13  uniform size and design, approved by the department by
    14  regulation, a person may signify to a health care provider,
    15  including emergency medical services personnel, that the
    16  person's attending physician has issued a do-not-resuscitate
    17  order and that the grounds for the do-not-resuscitate order are
    18  in the person's medical records.
    19     (c)  Issuance of do-not-resuscitate identification or
    20  order.--Only a person's attending physician may issue a do-not-
    21  resuscitate identification or order for that person.
    22     (d)  Revocation.--A do-not-resuscitate order may be revoked
    23  at any time and in any manner, including removal by a person of
    24  his or her do-not-resuscitate identification, without regard to
    25  the person's mental or physical condition.
    26     (e)  Emergency medical services.--
    27         (1)  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 5413
    28     (relating to emergency medical services), emergency medical
    29     services personnel shall comply with a do-not-resuscitate
    30     order if a do-not-resuscitate identification is apparent and
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     1     immediately available, as provided for in subsection (b), or
     2     if a do-not-resuscitate order is issued directly to the
     3     emergency medical services personnel by a physician.
     4         (2)  Emergency medical services personnel who comply with
     5     a do-not-resuscitate order, as provided for in paragraph (1),
     6     shall not be subject to criminal or civil liability or be
     7     found to have committed an act of unprofessional conduct.
     8     (f)  Unwillingness to comply.--If a physician or other health
     9  care provider cannot in good conscience comply with a do-not-
    10  resuscitate order or if the policies of the health care provider
    11  preclude compliance with a do-not-resuscitate order, the
    12  physician or other health care provider shall comply with
    13  section 5409(a) (relating to unwillingness to comply; transfer
    14  of declarant). Section 5409(b) shall apply to an employee or
    15  staff member of a health care provider who is unwilling to
    16  participate in the withholding of life-sustaining treatment in
    17  compliance with a do-not-resuscitate order.
    18     (g)  Effect on suicide and life insurance.--The withholding
    19  of life-sustaining treatment in compliance with a do-not-
    20  resuscitate order shall not constitute suicide or homicide and
    21  shall not have any effect on life insurance, as provided for in
    22  section 5410 (relating to effect on suicide and life insurance).
    23     (h)  No presumption.--This section shall not create a
    24  presumption concerning the intent of any person who does not
    25  possess do-not-resuscitate identification with respect to the
    26  withholding of the life-sustaining procedures encompassed by a
    27  do-not-resuscitate order.
    28     Section 3.  Section 5415 of Title 20 is amended to read:
    29  § 5415.  Penalties.
    30     (a)  Unlawful acts relating to declaration.--Any person who
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     1  willfully conceals, cancels, defaces, obliterates or damages the
     2  declaration of another without the consent of the declarant
     3  commits a felony of the third degree. Any person who falsifies
     4  or forges the declaration of another, or willfully conceals or
     5  withholds personal knowledge of a revocation as provided in
     6  section 5406 (relating to revocation), with the intent to cause
     7  a withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining treatment
     8  contrary to the wishes of the declarant and, because of such an
     9  act, directly causes life-sustaining treatment to be withheld or
    10  withdrawn and death to be hastened shall be subject to
    11  prosecution for criminal homicide as provided in 18 Pa.C.S. Ch.
    12  25 (relating to criminal homicide). Any person who willfully, by
    13  undue influence, fraud or duress, causes a person to execute a
    14  declaration pursuant to this chapter commits a felony of the
    15  third degree.
    16     (b)  Unlawful acts relating to DNR order or identification.--
    17  Any person who willfully conceals, cancels, defaces, obliterates
    18  or damages the do-not-resuscitate identification of another
    19  without the consent of the individual who possesses the
    20  identification commits a felony of the third degree. Any person
    21  who falsifies or forges the do-not-resuscitate identification of
    22  another or willfully conceals or withholds personal knowledge of
    23  a revocation of a do-not-resuscitate identification with the
    24  intent to cause a withholding of life-sustaining treatment
    25  contrary to the wishes of the individual who possesses the do-
    26  not-resuscitate identification and, because of the person's act,
    27  directly causes life-sustaining treatment to be withheld and
    28  death to be hastened shall be subject to prosecution for
    29  criminal homicide as provided in 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 25.
    30     Section 4.  The Department of Health shall promulgate rules
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     1  and regulations to implement this act.
     2     Section 5.  This act shall apply on the effective date of the
     3  rules and regulations promulgated under section 4 of this act.
     4     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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