1Amending Title 20 (Decedents, Estates and Fiduciaries) of the
2Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in ownership of property
3and legal title and equitable estate, further providing for
4right to dispose of a decedent's remains.

5The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
6hereby enacts as follows:

<-7Section 1. Section 305(a) of Title 20 of the Pennsylvania
8Consolidated Statutes is amended and subsection (e) is amended
9by adding a definition to read:

<-10Section 1. Section 305(a) of Title 20 of the Pennsylvania 
11Consolidated Statutes is amended, subsection (e) is amended by 
12adding definitions and the section is amended by adding a 
13subsection to read:

14§ 305. Right to dispose of a decedent's remains.

15(a) General rule.--[The<-] Except as specified in subsection 
16(a.1), the determination of the final disposition of a

1decedent's remains shall be as set forth in this section unless
2otherwise specifically provided by <-DD Form 93 or waiver and
3agreement of the person entitled to make such determination
4under this section, subject to the provisions of <-[a valid will
5executed by the decedent and<-] section 8611(a) (relating to
6persons who may execute anatomical gift).

<-7(a.1) Exception for members of the armed forces.--The
8determination of the final disposition of a decedent's remains
9shall be as set forth in this section unless otherwise
10specifically provided by a DD Form-93 executed later in time
11than a valid will executed by the decedent or a waiver and
12agreement of the person entitled to make such determination
13under this section, subject to the provisions of section

15* * *

16(e) Definitions.--As used in this section, the following
17words and phrases shall have the meanings given to them in this

<-19"Armed forces." The armed forces of the United States,
20including a reserve component or the National Guard.

21* * *

22"DD Form 93." A valid document or a successor form provided
23by the Department of Defense that is signed by a member of the
24armed <-services forces and designates a person to direct the
25disposition of the remains of the person who signed the form.

26* * *

27Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days.