No. 592 Session of 1979

           AND MANBECK, MARCH 27, 1979


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," authorizing certain referenda
     6     reducing school districts' authority to levy taxes on real
     7     property and providing for replacement of lost revenues by an
     8     additional school tax upon wages, salaries, commissions and
     9     other earned income of individuals.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
    13  as the "Public School Code of 1949," is amended by adding a
    14  section to read:
    15     Section 602.1.  Referendum to Replace Property Taxes with
    16  Earned Income Taxes.--A school district, upon approval by its
    17  electorate of a referendum initiated by either a majority vote
    18  of the school directors or upon petition signed by electors of
    19  the school district equal in number to at least twenty-five per
    20  centum (25%) of the entire vote cast for all candidates for
    21  Governor at the last preceding gubernatorial election, shall

     1  reduce its real property tax levy and shall impose a tax for
     2  school purposes upon wages, salaries, commissions and other
     3  earned income of individuals in addition to the tax authorized
     4  by section 2, act of December 31, 1965 (P.L.1257, No.511), known
     5  as "The Local Tax Enabling Act," at a rate which will produce
     6  earned income tax revenues sufficient to replace the real
     7  property tax revenues which will not be available because of
     8  approval of the referendum. A certified copy of the school
     9  directors' resolution or the original petition shall be
    10  presented to the county board of elections in all counties in
    11  which the school district is situated. Such referendum shall be
    12  held in the same manner as provided by law for the approval of
    13  the incurring of indebtedness by referendum. The referendum
    14  shall provide for a twenty-five per centum (25%), fifty per
    15  centum (50%), seventy-five per centum (75%) or one hundred per
    16  centum (100%) reduction in the taxes levied upon real property
    17  by the school districts. Similarly, a referendum may be
    18  initiated to modify or reverse the school directors' authority
    19  granted by a prior referendum affecting the taxes levied upon
    20  real property and earned income. The change in tax levies by the
    21  school directors as a result of the approval by the electorate
    22  of a referendum shall take effect for the first school fiscal
    23  year beginning after the referendum is approved.
    24     Section 2.  Subsection (3) of section 8, act of December 31,
    25  1965 (P.L.1257, No.511), known as "The Local Tax Enabling Act,"
    26  and all other acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as
    27  they are inconsistent herewith.
    28     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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