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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 673



No. 635 Session of 2001


           MARCH 13, 2001

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 29, 1803 (P.L.542, No.156), entitled
     2     "An act to establish a Board of Wardens for the port of
     3     Philadelphia, and for the regulation of pilots and pilotages,
     4     and for other purposes therein mentioned," further providing
     5     for pilots.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Sections 17(a) and 18(b) of the act of March 29,
     9  1803 (P.L.542, No.156), entitled "An act to establish a Board of
    10  Wardens for the port of Philadelphia, and for the regulation of
    11  pilots and pilotages, and for other purposes therein mentioned,"
    12  amended June 23, 1993 (P.L.114, No.27), are amended to read:
    13     Section 17.  (a)  Every person not now a licensed pilot, and
    14  who desires to exercise the profession of pilot in the Delaware
    15  Bay and River, shall apply to the Navigation Commission for the
    16  Delaware River and its navigable tributaries for a license to
    17  entitle the person to follow that occupation; and it shall be
    18  the duty of the Navigation Commission to call to their
    19  assistance as many pilots of the first class as they may see

     1  fit, not less than three in number, to examine every person so
     2  applying, as to the person's fitness in all respects to perform
     3  the duties of a pilot, and to grant licenses to all such as they
     4  deem qualified, according to their respective abilities: Those
     5  of the first class, to persons capable of piloting vessels of
     6  any practicable draught of water; those of the second class, to
     7  persons capable of piloting vessels drawing forty-five feet of
     8  water, or under; those of the third class, to persons capable of
     9  piloting vessels drawing forty feet of water, or under; those of
    10  the fourth class, to persons capable of piloting vessels drawing
    11  thirty-five feet of water, or under; those of the fifth class,
    12  to persons capable of piloting vessels drawing [thirty] thirty-
    13  two feet of water or under; and those of the sixth class, to
    14  persons capable of piloting vessels drawing [twenty-five]
    15  twenty-seven feet of water or under; which licenses shall be in
    16  force for one year from the date thereof, and until the pilots,
    17  respectively, shall next after the expiration of the year,
    18  arrive with any vessel at the Port of Philadelphia, and no
    19  longer; but every pilot delivering up the person's license shall
    20  be entitled to receive a new one in lieu thereof, giving like
    21  security as hereinafter directed, unless it shall appear to the
    22  Navigation Commission that the person applying is disqualified
    23  from exercising the duties of a pilot; and if any person shall
    24  in any manner exercise or attempt to exercise the profession of
    25  a pilot, except in vessels under one hundred tons burden, in the
    26  Delaware Bay or River without license duly granted, or at any
    27  time after the person's license shall have expired, the person
    28  shall be liable for a civil penalty in an amount up to twice the
    29  amount of pilotage, as calculated under existing law, and shall
    30  also be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof,
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     1  shall be imprisoned for not less than one month nor more than
     2  one year, and be fined a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars,
     3  at the discretion of the court.
     4     * * *
     5     Section 18.  * * *
     6     (b)  According to the needs and dictates of commerce, the
     7  public interest and public safety, the Navigation Commission
     8  shall from time to time solicit applications for and make
     9  appointments of apprentice pilots. No person shall be appointed
    10  to be an apprentice who does not hold a baccalaureate degree
    11  from a recognized and duly certified college or university or a
    12  maritime academy operated by the United States or another state,
    13  or a United States Coast Guard-issued license to serve as third
    14  mate on all oceans aboard vessels of one thousand six hundred
    15  tons, or a higher class of license. The period of apprenticeship
    16  shall be four years, except for apprentices who, at the time of
    17  their appointment, hold a license issued by the United States
    18  Coast Guard to serve as third mate on all oceans aboard vessels
    19  of at least one thousand six hundred tons, whose apprenticeship
    20  need be no longer than three years. During the apprenticeship,
    21  all apprentices must make a total of at least five hundred trips
    22  over the route in vessels with [first or second class pilots]
    23  pilots licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the State
    24  of Delaware who have experience in accordance with regulations
    25  promulgated by the Navigation Commission, and it shall be the
    26  duty of every pilot who shall so bring up or take down an
    27  apprentice to [make a report] maintain a record of the trip as
    28  directed by the Navigation Commission.
    29     * * *
    30     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.
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