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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 668



No. 636 Session of 1997

           WHITE, MARCH 7, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 19, 1990 (P.L.799, No.193),
     2     entitled "An act providing for county intermediate punishment
     3     programs; and conferring powers and duties on the
     4     Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency and the
     5     Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing," changing definitions;
     6     further providing for county intermediate punishment
     7     programs; providing for advice to county prison boards;
     8     further providing for county intermediate punishment plans
     9     and for regulations of the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime
    10     and Delinquency; and further providing for use of funds, for
    11     application of the act to certain grants and for construction
    12     of the act.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  Sections 2 and 4 of the act of December 19, 1990
    16  (P.L.799, No.193), known as the County Intermediate Punishment
    17  Act, are amended to read:
    18  Section 2.  Definitions.
    19     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    20  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    21  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    22     "Board."  A county prison board, in counties of the first and

     1  second class, the Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission or
     2  its successor agency.
     3     "Commission."  The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and
     4  Delinquency.
     5     "County intermediate punishment plan."  A document which
     6  describes a proposed intermediate punishment program.
     7     "County intermediate punishment program."  A residential or
     8  nonresidential program provided in a community for eligible
     9  offenders.
    10     "Court."  The trial judge exercising sentencing jurisdiction
    11  over an eligible offender under this act. Trial judge may
    12  include a district justice if use of intermediate punishment
    13  programs by the minor judiciary is approved by the court of
    14  common pleas via administrative order or local rule.
    15     "Eligible offender."  A person convicted of an offense who
    16  would otherwise be sentenced to a [county correctional facility]
    17  maximum period of confinement of less than 24 months, who does
    18  not demonstrate a present or past pattern of violent behavior
    19  and who would otherwise be sentenced to partial confinement
    20  pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 9724 (relating to partial confinement)
    21  or total confinement pursuant to 42 Pa.C.S. § 9725 (relating to
    22  total confinement). [The term does not include any offender
    23  convicted of murder, voluntary manslaughter, rape, statutory
    24  rape, aggravated assault, robbery, burglary of the first degree
    25  as provided in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3502 (relating to burglary),
    26  involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, arson, extortion
    27  accompanied by threats of violence, assault by prisoner, assault
    28  by life prisoner, kidnapping, aggravated indecent assault or
    29  escape or a violation of 18 Pa.C.S. § 7508 (relating to drug
    30  trafficking sentencing and penalties).]
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     1     "Nonprofit agency."  A not-for-profit human service
     2  organization which provides treatment, guidance, counseling,
     3  training or rehabilitation services to individuals, families or
     4  groups.
     5  Section 4.  County intermediate punishment [program] programs.
     6     (a)  Description.--County intermediate punishment program
     7  options include [all of] the following:
     8         [(1)  Noncustodial programs which involve close
     9     supervision, but not housing, of the offender in a facility,
    10     including, but not limited to:
    11             (i)  Intensive probation supervision.
    12             (ii)  Victim restitution or mediation.
    13             (iii)  Alcohol or drug outpatient treatment.
    14             (iv)  House arrest and electronic monitoring.
    15             (v)  Psychiatric counseling.
    16             (vi)  Community service.
    17         (2)  Residential inpatient drug and alcohol programs
    18     based on objective assessments that an offender is dependent
    19     on alcohol or drugs or a residential rehabilitative center.
    20         (3)  Individualized services which evaluate and treat
    21     offenders, including psychological and medical services,
    22     education, vocational training, drug and alcohol screening
    23     and counseling, individual and family counseling and
    24     transportation subsidies.
    25         (4)  Partial confinement programs, such as work release,
    26     work camps and halfway facilities.]
    27         (1)  Restrictive intermediate punishments providing for
    28     the strict supervision of the offender including programs
    29     that either:
    30             (i)  house the offender full or part time;
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     1             (ii)  significantly restrict the offender's movement
     2         and monitor the offender's compliance with the program;
     3         or
     4             (iii)  involve a combination of programs that meet
     5         the standards set forth under clauses (i) and (ii).
     6         (2)  When utilized in combination with restrictive
     7     intermediate punishments, restorative sanctions providing for
     8     nonconfinement sentencing options that:
     9             (i)  are the least restrictive in terms of the
    10         constraint of the offender's liberties;
    11             (ii)  do not involve the housing of the offender,
    12         either full or part time; and
    13             (iii)  focus on restoring the victim to pre-offense
    14         status.
    15     (b)  Eligibility.--
    16         (1)  No person other than the eligible offender shall be
    17     sentenced to a county intermediate punishment program.
    18         (2)  The Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing shall
    19     employ the definition of "eligible offender" under section 2
    20     to further identify offenders who would be appropriate for
    21     participation in county intermediate punishment programs. In
    22     developing the guidelines, the commission shall give primary
    23     consideration to protection of the public safety.
    24         (3)  Any person receiving a penalty imposed pursuant to
    25     75 Pa.C.S. § 1543(b) (relating to driving while operating
    26     privilege is suspended or revoked) or 3731(e) (relating to
    27     driving under influence of alcohol or a controlled substance)
    28     may only be sentenced to intermediate punishment program in:
    29             (i)  a residential inpatient program or a residential
    30         rehabilitative center; [or]
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     1             (ii)  house arrest [or] and electronic surveillance
     2         combined with drug and alcohol treatment[.]; or
     3             (iii)  partial confinement programs, such as work
     4         release, work camps and halfway facilities.
     5     Section 2.  Section 5 of the act is amended by adding a
     6  subsection to read:
     7  Section 5.  Boards.
     8     * * *
     9     (e)  Advice to board.--When developing the county
    10  intermediate punishment plan, the board shall consult with
    11  county criminal justice and related human service providers, as
    12  well as the public.
    13         (1)  At a minimum, the following shall be consulted for
    14     the purpose of developing the plan:
    15             (i)  Court of common pleas.
    16             (ii)  Board of county commissioners.
    17             (iii)  Intermediate Punishment Office.
    18             (iv)  Adult Probation and Parole Office.
    19             (v)  County jail.
    20             (vi)  District attorney.
    21             (vii)  Public defender or defense bar.
    22             (viii)  Single county authority.
    23             (ix)  Mental Health/Mental Retardation Office.
    24             (x)  Citizen input.
    25             (xi)  Victim input.
    26         (2)  The board may elect one of the following methods to
    27     solicit plan input from providers and the public:
    28             (i)  Expand the membership of the board, for purposes
    29         of developing the county intermediate punishment plan, to
    30         include those listed in paragraph (1).
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     1             (ii)  Appoint an Intermediate Punishment Advisory
     2         Committee to include those listed in paragraph (1) to
     3         undertake any duties assigned by the board.
     4             (iii)  Develop an alternate process approved by the
     5         Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency and
     6         involving those listed in paragraph (1).
     7     Section 3.  Sections 6(a), 7(b), 8 and 9(a) of the act are
     8  amended to read:
     9  Section 6.  County intermediate punishment plan.
    10     (a)  Requirement.--The board may develop a plan for the
    11  implementation and operation of intermediate punishment programs
    12  in the county. The plan shall provide for all of the following:
    13         [(1)  Training programs for the board and staff.
    14         (2)  Public information and education programs.
    15         (3)  Designation of an entity or county government office
    16     with overall responsibility for supervision of fiscal affairs
    17     of the program.
    18         (4)  Use of existing community agencies and organizations
    19     whenever possible.
    20         (5)  A mechanism to advise the courts of the extent and
    21     availability of services and programs provided under the
    22     plan.
    23         (6)  All costs associated with the county intermediate
    24     punishment program.
    25         (7)  For joint judicial districts, an agreement as to
    26     each county's responsibilities.]
    27         (1)  An assessment of available countywide correctional
    28     services and future needs.
    29         (2)  A review of current sentencing procedures and the
    30     impact these procedures have on county correctional
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     1     resources.
     2         (3)  A review of current alternatives to pretrial
     3     detention and the potential these programs have for affecting
     4     the jail population.
     5         (4)  A description of the existing resources in the
     6     county which can be used as intermediate punishments or
     7     services to offenders sentenced to intermediate punishment.
     8         (5)  The formulation of policy statements targeted to the
     9     needs identified by the county and the impact these policies
    10     will have on the use of confinement and intermediate
    11     punishment.
    12         (6)  The development of goals and objectives which are
    13     aimed at effective utilization of existing and projected
    14     correctional resources.
    15         (7)  The development of an evaluation strategy which
    16     measures the qualitative and quantitative performances of all
    17     programs.
    18     * * *
    19  Section 7.  Commission.
    20     * * *
    21     (b)  Interim regulations.--Pending adoption and publication
    22  of final rules and regulations, the commission shall have the
    23  power and authority to suspend existing regulations and to
    24  promulgate, adopt, publish and use interim regulations for the
    25  implementation of this act for a period of one year immediately
    26  following the effective date of the remainder of this act or
    27  until the effective date of final rules and regulations,
    28  whichever first occurs. Notwithstanding any other provision of
    29  law to the contrary, the interim regulations proposed under the
    30  authority of this section shall be subject to review by the
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     1  general counsel and the Attorney General in the manner provided
     2  for the review of proposed rules and regulations pursuant to the
     3  act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164), known as the
     4  Commonwealth Attorneys Act, and shall not be subject to review
     5  pursuant to the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as
     6  the Regulatory Review Act.
     7  Section 8.  Funding and audits.
     8     (a)  Eligibility.--Subject to the availability of funding,
     9  counties [submitting] with approved plans [to the commission]
    10  shall be eligible for direct funding [of 50% to 80% of the total
    11  cost of the program as] determined by the commission to support
    12  the cost of intermediate punishment programs. This act shall not
    13  prohibit the use of Federal funds.
    14     (b)  Audit.--Annual reports and all financial records shall
    15  be subject to annual audit by the Auditor General.
    16     [(c)  Funding.-- Funding under this act shall be reviewed on
    17  an annual basis. Funding shall be granted on the basis of local
    18  need, the quality of the county intermediate punishment program,
    19  consideration of whether the plan is consistent with the goals
    20  of this act, the extent of the county served and funding
    21  availability. Funding shall be made in a manner to provide the
    22  equal geographic development of county intermediate punishment
    23  programs. In addition, the commission shall consider the
    24  following criteria pertaining to the jurisdiction in question:
    25         (1)  Number of nonviolent commitments to the county
    26     correctional facilities.
    27         (2)  Population and existing conditions at the county
    28     correctional institution.
    29         (3)  Population of the county and percentage of
    30     population between 18 and 29 years of age.
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     1         (4)  Sufficient local service capability to support the
     2     community corrections programs.
     3         (5)  Demonstrated involvement and support of the
     4     judiciary, criminal justice and correctional officials and
     5     local government.]
     6  Section 9.  Prohibitions.
     7     (a)  General rule.--Recipients may not use funds granted
     8  under this act to supplant existing funds from the State or
     9  local government for existing correctional programs or for the
    10  construction, renovation or operation of a State, county or
    11  municipal incarceration facility [except as provided by section
    12  714 of the act of July 1, 1990 (P.L.315, No.71), known as the
    13  Prison Facilities Improvement Act].
    14     * * *
    15     Section 4.  Sections 11 and 12 of the act are repealed.
    16     Section 5.  Sections 13, 14 and 15 of the act are amended to
    17  read:
    18  Section [13] 11.  Nonapplication of certain provisions.
    19     The provisions of the act of July 12, 1972 (P.L.762, No.180),
    20  referred to as the Intergovernmental Cooperation Law, shall not
    21  apply to counties which jointly submit a plan under the
    22  provisions of this act.
    23  Section [14] 12.  Construction of act.
    24     Nothing in this act shall create an enforceable right in any
    25  person to participate in an intermediate punishment program in
    26  lieu of incarceration. Nothing in this act shall require any
    27  county to appropriate funds for the implementation of an
    28  intermediate punishment program except as may be necessary to
    29  qualify for funds under this act [or under the act of July 1,
    30  1990 (P.L.315, No.71), known as the Prison Facilities
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     1  Improvement Act].
     2  Section [15] 13.  Effective date.
     3     This act shall take effect immediately.
     4     Section 6.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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