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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 713



No. 663 Session of 2007

           MARCH 22, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," establishing the Common Cents
     6     Program.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  The act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), known
    10  as the Public School Code of 1949, is amended by adding an
    11  article to read:
    12                           ARTICLE VIII-A
    13                        COMMON CENTS PROGRAM
    14  Section 801-A.  Definitions.
    15     The following words and phrases when used in this article
    16  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    17  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    18     "Department."  The Department of Education of the
    19  Commonwealth.

     1     "Participating intermediate unit."  An intermediate unit that
     2  has been selected to participate in the program.
     3     "Participating school district."  A school district that has
     4  agreed to participate in the program.
     5     "Program."  The Common Cents Program established under this
     6  article.
     7  Section 802-A.  Establishment.
     8     There is established in the department the Common Cents
     9  Program. The purpose of the program shall be to encourage school
    10  districts to share services with one another in order to
    11  increase the efficient use of taxpayer resources and improve
    12  service delivery for students.
    13  Section 803-A.  Application.
    14     (a)  Decision.--At a meeting of each intermediate unit
    15  council held before September 1 of each year, the school
    16  districts within each intermediate unit shall decide by majority
    17  vote whether the intermediate unit shall apply to participate in
    18  this program on their behalf. Two intermediate units may apply
    19  jointly if the school districts contained within the
    20  intermediate units agree, but an intermediate unit may not apply
    21  to participate in the program more than once in each fiscal
    22  year.
    23     (b)  Submittal.--Applications shall be submitted to the
    24  department by October 1 of each year. Applications shall be
    25  submitted on a form and in a manner as is required by the
    26  department. Each application shall include a resolution by the
    27  board of school directors of each school district setting forth
    28  its agreement to participate in the study and certifying that it
    29  will comply with the requirements of section 807-A.
    30  Section 804-A.  Selection.
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     1     (a)  Competitive basis.--Participating intermediate units
     2  will be selected on a competitive basis at the discretion of the
     3  department.
     4     (b)  Preference.--Preference for participation shall be given
     5  to applications that include all of the school districts in an
     6  intermediate unit and to joint intermediate unit applications.
     7     (c)  Regional diversity.--Participating intermediate units
     8  will be selected so as to ensure regional diversity throughout
     9  this Commonwealth.
    10  Section 805-A.  Contract with consultant.
    11     (a)  Consultation services.--The department shall enter into
    12  a contract to obtain consultant services to conduct a study of
    13  specific services or activities across school districts
    14  participating in the program and to make recommendations about
    15  combining services and activities across school districts within
    16  each participating intermediate unit in order to promote
    17  improved service delivery, efficiency and economy of operation.
    18  The scope of consultant services shall include the creation of
    19  the implementation plan referenced under section 807-A(d). The
    20  study recommendations shall include all of the following:
    21         (1)  Transportation.
    22         (2)  Food services and nutrition.
    23         (3)  Instructional services.
    24         (4)  Safety and security.
    25         (5)  Health services.
    26         (6)  Purchasing.
    27         (7)  Finance and payroll.
    28         (8)  Facilities and real estate.
    29         (9)  Human resources.
    30         (10)  Technology services.
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     1         (11)  Administration.
     2     (b)  Nature of recommendations.--Recommendations of the study
     3  shall not be binding upon any participating school district.
     4     (c)  Scope of recommendations.--Recommendations of the study
     5  may include sharing of services or activities with a
     6  municipality.
     7  Section 806-A.  Advisory panel.
     8     (a)  Appointment.--The department shall appoint an advisory
     9  panel to review this act to determine whether any provisions of
    10  this act would be barriers to consolidating the services listed
    11  under section 805-A(a). The advisory panel shall report the
    12  results of its review to the Governor, the chairmen and minority
    13  chairmen of the Appropriations Committee and the Education
    14  Committee of the Senate and the chairmen and minority chairmen
    15  of the Appropriations Committee and the Education Committee of
    16  the House of Representatives no later than six months after the
    17  effective date of this section.
    18     (b)  Composition.--The advisory panel shall consist of at
    19  least two of each of the following:
    20         (1)  A school district superintendent.
    21         (2)  A school district business manager.
    22         (3)  A school board member.
    23         (4)  An intermediate unit administrator.
    24         (5)  A teacher.
    25         (6)  A consultant with experience in organizational
    26     management and gaining efficiencies within and across
    27     organizations.
    28  Section 807-A.  Duties of intermediate units and school
    29                     districts.
    30     (a)  Participation in study.--Participating school districts
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     1  and intermediate units shall do all of the following:
     2         (1)  Cooperate with the consultant during the conduct of
     3     the study.
     4         (2)  Provide data and information requested by the
     5     consultant if the disclosure is consistent with Federal or
     6     State laws protecting the confidentiality of certain
     7     information.
     8         (3)  Make staff available to be interviewed.
     9     (b)  Meetings.--Upon receipt of the consultant report, each
    10  school district that participated in the study shall hold no
    11  fewer than one public meeting to present the consultant's
    12  recommendations and seek public input. Each school district
    13  shall post the consultant report on its Internet website for at
    14  least 30 days and shall announce the date of the public meeting
    15  at the immediately prior public meeting of the board of school
    16  directors.
    17     (c)  Pursuit of recommendations.--Within six months of the
    18  receipt of the consultant report, the board of school directors
    19  shall vote separately on whether to pursue each recommendation
    20  contained in the consultant report. The board shall forward the
    21  results of each resolution to the intermediate unit and the
    22  department.
    23     (d)  Review.--At the intermediate unit council meeting that
    24  immediately follows the voting of each board of school directors
    25  of the school district, the intermediate unit council shall
    26  review the resolutions of each board of school directors and
    27  shall request in writing that the consultant create a plan for
    28  the implementation of any recommendations approved by the school
    29  districts, regardless of whether the recommendation was approved
    30  by all of the school districts in the intermediate unit. The
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     1  implementation plan may include a list of potential vendors for
     2  each of the services to be provided but the consultant may not
     3  recommend a single vendor. Only those school districts approving
     4  the recommendation shall be part of the implementation plan. The
     5  intermediate unit council shall forward the implementation plan
     6  to the school districts.
     7     (e)  Cost savings.--Cost savings resulting from
     8  implementation of the consultant recommendations shall be spent
     9  for academic purposes in the schools of the school district,
    10  after deducting any one-time expenditures required for the
    11  implementation of the recommendations. Academic purposes include
    12  professional development, student supplies, textbooks, classroom
    13  technology, school safety, improvement of classroom facilities
    14  or any other instructional activity directly affecting student
    15  performance or the learning environment.
    16     (f)  Report.--Participating intermediate units and school
    17  districts shall report to the department in the form and at the
    18  times as determined by the department.
    19  Section 808-A.  Duties of department.
    20     (a)  Contract.--The department shall enter into a contract
    21  for consulting services as provided in section 805-A.
    22     (b)  Guidelines and forms.--The department shall establish
    23  guidelines and develop forms as are necessary for the proper
    24  implementation of the grant program.
    25     (c)  Results.--The department shall publish on its Internet
    26  website the results of each study conducted through the program
    27  and any implementation plans.
    28     (d)  Report.--The department shall submit an annual report on
    29  the program to the chairman and minority chairman of the
    30  Appropriations Committee and the chairman and minority chairman
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     1  of the Education Committee of the Senate and the chairman and
     2  minority chairman of the Appropriations Committee and the
     3  chairman and minority chairman of the Education Committee of the
     4  House of Representatives.
     5     Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2007, or
     6  immediately, whichever is later.

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