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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 740



No. 701 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the
     2     Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for the
     3     purposes of the Juvenile Act and for the definition of
     4     "delinquent act"; adding definitions for "extended
     5     jurisdiction juvenile offender" and "extended jurisdiction
     6     juvenile prison"; and providing for extended jurisdiction
     7     juvenile offenders.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 6301 of Title 42 of the Pennsylvania
    11  Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:
    12  § 6301.  Short title and purposes of chapter.
    13     (a)  Short title.--This chapter shall be known and may be
    14  cited as the ["]Juvenile Act.["]
    15     (b)  Purposes.--This chapter shall be interpreted and
    16  construed as to effectuate the following purposes:
    17         (1)  To preserve the unity of the family whenever
    18     possible and to provide for the care, protection, and
    19     wholesome mental and physical development of children coming
    20     within the provisions of this chapter.

     1         (2)  Consistent with the protection of the public
     2     interest, to provide for children committing delinquent acts
     3     programs of supervision, care and rehabilitation which
     4     provide balanced attention to the protection of the
     5     community, the imposition of accountability for offenses
     6     committed and the development of competencies to enable
     7     children to become responsible and productive members of the
     8     community.
     9         (3)  To achieve the foregoing purposes in a family
    10     environment whenever possible, separating the child from
    11     parents only when necessary for his welfare or in the
    12     interests of public safety.
    13         (4)  To provide means through which the provisions of
    14     this chapter are executed and enforced and in which the
    15     parties are assured a fair hearing and their constitutional
    16     and other legal rights recognized and enforced.
    17     Section 2.  The definition of "delinquent act" in section
    18  6302 of Title 42 is amended and the section is amended by adding
    19  definitions to read:
    20  § 6302.  Definitions.
    21     The following words and phrases when used in this section
    22  shall have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the
    23  meanings given to them in this section:
    24     * * *
    25     "Delinquent act."
    26         (1)  The term means an act designated a crime under the
    27     law of this Commonwealth, or of another state if the act
    28     occurred in that state, or under Federal law, or under local
    29     ordinances.
    30         (2)  The term shall not include:
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     1             (i)  The crime of murder.
     2             (ii)  Any of the following prohibited conduct where
     3         the child was 15 years of age or older at the time of the
     4         alleged conduct and a deadly weapon as defined in 18
     5         Pa.C.S. § 2301 (relating to definitions) was used during
     6         the commission of the offense which, if committed by an
     7         adult, would be classified as:
     8                 (A)  Rape as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3121
     9             (relating to rape).
    10                 (B)  Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse as
    11             defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3123 (relating to involuntary
    12             deviate sexual intercourse).
    13                 (C)  Aggravated assault as defined in 18 Pa.C.S.
    14             § 2702(a)(1) or (2) (relating to aggravated assault).
    15                 (D)  Robbery as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. §
    16             3701(a)(1)(i), (ii) or (iii) (relating to robbery).
    17                 (E)  Robbery of motor vehicle as defined in 18
    18             Pa.C.S. § 3702 (relating to robbery of motor
    19             vehicle).
    20                 (F)  Aggravated indecent assault as defined in 18
    21             Pa.C.S. § 3125 (relating to aggravated indecent
    22             assault).
    23                 (G)  Kidnapping as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 2901
    24             (relating to kidnapping).
    25                 (H)  Voluntary manslaughter.
    26                 (I)  An attempt, conspiracy or solicitation to
    27             commit murder or any of these crimes as provided in
    28             18 Pa.C.S. §§ 901 (relating to criminal attempt), 902
    29             (relating to criminal solicitation) and 903 (relating
    30             to criminal conspiracy).
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     1             (iii)  Any of the following prohibited conduct where
     2         the child was 15 years of age or older at the time of the
     3         alleged conduct and has been previously adjudicated
     4         delinquent of any of the following prohibited conduct
     5         which, if committed by an adult, would be classified as:
     6                 (A)  Rape as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3121.
     7                 (B)  Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse as
     8             defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3123.
     9                 (C)  Robbery as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. §
    10             3701(a)(1)(i), (ii) or (iii).
    11                 (D)  Robbery of motor vehicle as defined in 18
    12             Pa.C.S. § 3702.
    13                 (E)  Aggravated indecent assault as defined in 18
    14             Pa.C.S. § 3125.
    15                 (F)  Kidnapping as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 2901.
    16                 (G)  Voluntary manslaughter.
    17                 (H)  An attempt, conspiracy or solicitation to
    18             commit murder or any of these crimes as provided in
    19             18 Pa.C.S. §§ 901, 902 and 903.
    20             (iv)  Summary offenses, unless the child fails to
    21         comply with a lawful sentence imposed thereunder, in
    22         which event notice of such fact shall be certified to the
    23         court.
    24             (v)  A crime committed by a child who has been found
    25         guilty in a criminal proceeding for other than a summary
    26         offense.
    27             (vi)  Any felony committed while in placement in an
    28         extended jurisdiction juvenile prison or on post-release
    29         supervision from such a facility.
    30     * * *
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     1     "Extended jurisdiction juvenile offender."
     2         (1)  A child who committed any of the following offenses,
     3     was 15 years of age or older at the time of the offense and
     4     used a deadly weapon as defined under 18 Pa.C.S. § 2301
     5     (relating to definitions) in the commission of the offense
     6     which if committed by an adult would be classified as:
     7             (i)  Rape as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3121 (relating
     8         to rape).
     9             (ii)  Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse as
    10         defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3123 (relating to involuntary
    11         deviate sexual intercourse).
    12             (iii)  Aggravated assault as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. §
    13         2702(a)(1) or (2) (relating to aggravated assault).
    14             (iv)  Robbery as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. §
    15         3701(a)(1)(i), (ii) or (iii) (relating to robbery).
    16             (v)  Robbery of motor vehicle as defined in 18
    17         Pa.C.S. § 3702 (relating to robbery of motor vehicle).
    18             (vi)  Aggravated indecent assault as defined in 18
    19         Pa.C.S. § 3125 (relating to aggravated indecent assault).
    20             (vii)  Kidnapping as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 2901
    21         (relating to kidnapping).
    22             (viii)  Voluntary manslaughter.
    23             (ix)  An attempt, conspiracy or solicitation to
    24         commit murder or any of these crimes, as provided in 18
    25         Pa.C.S. §§ 901 (relating to criminal attempt), 902
    26         (relating to criminal solicitation) and 903 (relating to
    27         criminal conspiracy).
    28         (2)  A child who has been previously adjudicated
    29     delinquent for conduct which would be a felony if committed
    30     by an adult, was 15 years of age or older and committed any
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     1     of the following offenses:
     2             (i)  Rape as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3121.
     3             (ii)  Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse as
     4         defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 3123.
     5             (iii)  Robbery as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. §
     6         3701(a)(1)(i), (ii) or (iii).
     7             (iv)  Robbery of motor vehicle as defined in 18
     8         Pa.C.S. § 3702.
     9             (v)  Aggravated indecent assault as defined in 18
    10         Pa.C.S. § 3125.
    11             (vi)  Kidnapping as defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 2901.
    12             (vii)  Voluntary manslaughter.
    13             (viii)  An attempt, conspiracy or solicitation to
    14         commit murder or any of these crimes, as provided in 18
    15         Pa.C.S. §§ 901, 902 and 903.
    16  A child determined by the court to be an extended jurisdiction
    17  juvenile offender may remain under the jurisdiction of the
    18  juvenile court until age 24 pursuant to the conditions of
    19  section 6352.1 (relating to disposition of extended jurisdiction
    20  juveniles).
    21     "Extended jurisdiction juvenile prison."  A prison
    22  constructed and operated by the Department of Corrections solely
    23  for the incarceration of extended jurisdiction juvenile
    24  offenders.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 3.  Sections 6306, 6308(b) and 6334 of Title 42 are
    27  amended to read:
    28  § 6306.  Costs and expenses of care of child.
    29     [The] (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsection
    30  (b), the costs and expenses of the care of the child shall be
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     1  paid as provided by sections 704.1 and 704.2 of the act of June
     2  13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the ["]Public Welfare
     3  Code.["]
     4     (b)  Costs for extended jurisdiction.--All costs associated
     5  with placement of children in an extended jurisdiction juvenile
     6  prison shall be borne by the Commonwealth.
     7  § 6308.  Law enforcement records.
     8     * * *
     9     (b)  Public availability.--
    10         (1)  The contents of law enforcement records and files
    11     concerning a child shall not be disclosed to the public
    12     except if the child is 14 or more years of age at the time of
    13     the alleged conduct and if any of the following apply:
    14             (i)  The child has been adjudicated delinquent by a
    15         court as a result of an act or acts which include the
    16         elements of rape, kidnapping, murder, robbery, arson,
    17         burglary, violation of section 13(a)(30) of the act of
    18         April 14, 1972 (P.L.233, No.64), known as The Controlled
    19         Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, or other act
    20         involving the use of or threat of serious bodily harm.
    21             (ii)  A petition alleging delinquency has been filed
    22         by a law enforcement agency alleging that the child has
    23         committed an act or acts which include the elements of
    24         rape, kidnapping, murder, robbery, arson, burglary,
    25         violation of section 13(a)(30) of The Controlled
    26         Substance, Drug, Device and Cosmetic Act, or other act
    27         involving the use of or threat of serious bodily harm and
    28         the child previously has been adjudicated delinquent by a
    29         court as a result of an act or acts which included the
    30         elements of one of such crimes.
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     1             (iii)  The child is an extended jurisdiction juvenile
     2         offender.
     3         (2)  If the conduct of the child meets the requirements
     4     for disclosure as set forth in paragraph (1), then the court
     5     or law enforcement agency, as the case may be, shall disclose
     6     the name, age and address of the child, the offenses charged
     7     and the disposition of the case. The master or judge who
     8     adjudicates a child delinquent shall specify the particular
     9     offenses and counts thereof which the child is found to have
    10     committed and such information shall be inserted on any law
    11     enforcement records or files disclosed to the public as
    12     provided for in this section.
    13     * * *
    14  § 6334.  Petition.
    15     (a)  General rule.--A petition, which shall be verified and
    16  may be on information and belief, may be brought by any person
    17  including a law enforcement officer. It shall set forth plainly:
    18         (1)  The facts which bring the child within the
    19     jurisdiction of the court and this chapter, with a statement
    20     that it is in the best interest of the child and the public
    21     that the proceeding be brought and, if delinquency is
    22     alleged, that the child is in need of treatment, supervision
    23     or rehabilitation.
    24         (2)  The name, age, and residence address, if any, of the
    25     child on whose behalf the petition is brought.
    26         (3)  The names and residence addresses, if known to the
    27     petitioner, of the parents, guardian, or custodian of the
    28     child and of the spouse, if any, of the child. If none of his
    29     parents, guardian, or custodian resides or can be found
    30     within this Commonwealth, or if their respective places of
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     1     residence address are unknown, the name of any known adult
     2     relative residing within the county, or if there be none, the
     3     known adult relative residing nearest to the location of the
     4     court.
     5         (4)  If the child is in custody and, if so, the place of
     6     his detention and the time he was taken into custody.
     7     (b)  Extended jurisdiction juvenile petition.--If a child is
     8  alleged to be delinquent and is alleged to have committed any of
     9  the offenses enumerated under the definition of "extended
    10  jurisdiction juvenile offender" in section 6302 (relating to
    11  definitions), a district attorney shall file a petition for
    12  extended jurisdiction juvenile status at the same time as the
    13  filing as the delinquency petition.
    14     Section 4.  Section 6341 of Title 42 is amended by adding a
    15  subsection to read:
    16  § 6341.  Adjudication.
    17     * * *
    18     (b.2)  Adjudication of extended jurisdiction juveniles.--If
    19  the petition alleges that the child has committed acts pursuant
    20  to the definition of "extended jurisdiction juvenile offender"
    21  in section 6302 (relating to definitions), and the court finds
    22  proof beyond a reasonable doubt that the child committed the
    23  acts alleged, the child shall be determined to be an extended
    24  jurisdiction juvenile offender.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 5.  Section 6352 of Title 42 is amended to read:
    27  § 6352.  Disposition of delinquent child.
    28     (a)  General rule.--If the child is found to be a delinquent
    29  child, the court may make any of the following orders of
    30  disposition determined to be consistent with the protection of
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     1  the public interest and best suited to the child's treatment,
     2  supervision, rehabilitation and welfare, which disposition
     3  shall, as appropriate to the individual circumstances of the
     4  child's case, provide balanced attention to the protection of
     5  the community, the imposition of accountability for offenses
     6  committed and the development of competencies to enable the
     7  child to become a responsible and productive member of the
     8  community:
     9         (1)  Any order authorized by section 6351 (relating to
    10     disposition of dependent child).
    11         (2)  Placing the child on probation under supervision of
    12     the probation officer of the court or the court of another
    13     state as provided in section 6363 (relating to ordering
    14     foreign supervision), under conditions and limitations the
    15     court prescribes.
    16         (3)  Committing the child to an institution, youth
    17     development center, camp, or other facility for delinquent
    18     children operated under the direction or supervision of the
    19     court or other public authority and approved by the
    20     Department of Public Welfare.
    21         (4)  If the child is 12 years of age or older, committing
    22     the child to an institution operated by the Department of
    23     Public Welfare.
    24         (5)  Ordering payment by the child of reasonable amounts
    25     of money as fines, costs or restitution as deemed appropriate
    26     as part of the plan of rehabilitation considering the nature
    27     of the acts committed and the earning capacity of the child.
    28         (6)  An order of the terms of probation may include an
    29     appropriate fine considering the nature of the act committed
    30     or restitution not in excess of actual damages caused by the
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     1     child which shall be paid from the earnings of the child
     2     received through participation in a constructive program of
     3     service or education acceptable to the victim and the court
     4     whereby, during the course of such service, the child shall
     5     be paid not less than the minimum wage of this Commonwealth.
     6     In ordering such service, the court shall take into
     7     consideration the age, physical and mental capacity of the
     8     child and the service shall be designed to impress upon the
     9     child a sense of responsibility for the injuries caused to
    10     the person or property of another. The order of the court
    11     shall be limited in duration consistent with the limitations
    12     in section 6353 (relating to limitation on and change in
    13     place of commitment) and in the act of May 13, 1915 (P.L.286,
    14     No.177), known as the Child Labor Law. The court order shall
    15     specify the nature of the work, the number of hours to be
    16     spent performing the assigned tasks, and shall further
    17     specify that as part of a plan of treatment and
    18     rehabilitation that up to 75% of the earnings of the child be
    19     used for restitution in order to provide positive
    20     reinforcement for the work performed.
    21         (7)  Designating the child an extended jurisdiction
    22     juvenile and committing the child to a facility as enumerated
    23     in paragraphs (3) and (4).
    24         (8)  Committing the child to a prison for extended
    25     jurisdiction juvenile offenders.
    26  In selecting from the alternatives set forth in this section,
    27  the court shall follow the general principle that the
    28  disposition imposed should provide the means through which the
    29  provisions of this chapter are executed and enforced consistent
    30  with section 6301(b) (relating to purposes) and when confinement
    19970S0701B0740                 - 11 -

     1  is necessary, the court shall impose the minimum amount of
     2  confinement that is consistent with the protection of the public
     3  and the rehabilitation needs of the child.
     4     (b)  Limitation on place of commitment.--A child shall not be
     5  committed or transferred to a penal institution or other
     6  facility used primarily for the execution of sentences of adults
     7  convicted of a crime.
     8     Section 6.  Title 42 is amended by adding a section to read:
     9  § 6352.1.  Disposition of extended jurisdiction juveniles.
    10     (a)  General rule.--If the court determines that a child is
    11  an extended jurisdiction juvenile offender under section
    12  6341(b.2) (relating to adjudication), it shall:
    13         (1)  impose one or more juvenile dispositions under
    14     section 6352(3) and (4) (relating to disposition of
    15     delinquent child) and impose a commitment to the extended
    16     jurisdiction juvenile prison, the execution of which shall be
    17     stayed on the condition that the offender not violate the
    18     provisions of the disposition order and not commit a new
    19     offense; or
    20         (2)  impose a commitment directly to the extended
    21     jurisdiction juvenile prison.
    22     (b)  Execution of suspended commitment to an extended
    23  jurisdiction juvenile prison.--When it appears that an extended
    24  jurisdiction juvenile offender has violated the conditions of
    25  the stayed sentence, or is alleged to have committed a new
    26  offense, the court shall without notice revoke the stay and
    27  probation and direct that the offender be taken into immediate
    28  custody. The court shall notify the offender in writing of the
    29  reasons alleged to exist for revocation of the stayed sentence.
    30  If the offender challenges the reasons, the court shall hold a
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     1  hearing on the issue at which the offender is entitled to be
     2  heard and represented by counsel. After the hearing, if the
     3  court finds that reasons exist to revoke the stay of execution
     4  of sentence, the court shall order placement in the extended
     5  jurisdiction juvenile prison.
     6     (c)  Placement in extended jurisdiction juvenile prison.--In
     7  all cases placement in the extended jurisdiction juvenile prison
     8  shall be for a minimum of 18 months at which time a review shall
     9  be conducted by the court to determine whether continued
    10  placement is required. An extended jurisdiction juvenile
    11  offender may remain committed to such facility until attaining
    12  24 years of age.
    13     Section 7.  Sections 6353 and 6354 of Title 42 are amended to
    14  read:
    15  § 6353.  Limitation on and change in place of commitment.
    16     (a)  General rule.--No child shall initially be committed to
    17  an institution for a period longer than four years or a period
    18  longer than he could have been sentenced by the court if he had
    19  been convicted of the same offense as an adult, whichever is
    20  less. The initial commitment may be extended for a similar
    21  period of time, or modified, if the court finds after hearing
    22  that the extension or modification will effectuate the original
    23  purpose for which the order was entered. The child shall have
    24  notice of the extension or modification hearing and shall be
    25  given an opportunity to be heard. The committing court shall
    26  review each commitment every six months and shall hold a
    27  disposition review hearing at least every nine months.
    28     (b)  Transfer to other institution.--After placement of the
    29  child, and if his progress with the institution warrants it, the
    30  institution may seek to transfer the child to a less secure
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     1  facility, including a group home or foster boarding home. The
     2  institution shall give the committing court written notice of
     3  all requests for transfer and shall give the attorney for the
     4  Commonwealth written notice of a request for transfer from a
     5  secure facility to another facility. If the court, or in the
     6  case of a request to transfer from a secure facility, the
     7  attorney for the Commonwealth, does not object to the request
     8  for transfer within ten days after the receipt of such notice,
     9  the transfer may be effectuated. If the court, or in the case of
    10  a request to transfer from a secure facility, the attorney for
    11  the Commonwealth, objects to the transfer, the court shall hold
    12  a hearing within 20 days after objecting to the transfer for the
    13  purpose of reviewing the commitment order. The institution shall
    14  be notified of the scheduled hearing, at which hearing evidence
    15  may be presented by any interested party on the issue of the
    16  propriety of the transfer. If the institution seeks to transfer
    17  to a more secure facility the child shall have a full hearing
    18  before the committing court. At the hearing, the court may
    19  reaffirm or modify its commitment order.
    20     (c)  Notice of available facilities and services.--
    21  Immediately after the Commonwealth adopts its budget, the
    22  Department of Public Welfare shall notify the courts and the
    23  General Assembly, for each Department of Public Welfare region,
    24  of the available:
    25         (1)  Secure beds for the serious juvenile offenders.
    26         (2)  General residential beds for the adjudicated
    27     delinquent child.
    28         (3)  The community-based programs for the adjudicated
    29     delinquent child.
    30     (c.1)  Notification of space availability.--Immediately after
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     1  the Commonwealth adopts its budget, the Department of
     2  Corrections shall notify the courts and the General Assembly of
     3  the available space in the extended jurisdiction juvenile
     4  prison.
     5     (d)  Overpopulation.--If the population at a particular
     6  institution or program exceeds 110% of capacity, the
     7  [department] departments shall notify the courts and the General
     8  Assembly that intake to that institution or program is
     9  temporarily closed and shall make available equivalent services
    10  to children in equivalent facilities.
    11  § 6354.  Effect of adjudication.
    12     (a)  General rule.--An order of disposition or other
    13  adjudication in a proceeding under this chapter is not a
    14  conviction of crime and does not impose any civil disability
    15  ordinarily resulting from a conviction or operate to disqualify
    16  the child in any civil service application or appointment.
    17     (b)  Effect in subsequent judicial matters.--The disposition
    18  of a child under this chapter may only be used against him:
    19         (1)  in dispositional proceedings after conviction for
    20     the purposes of [a presentence investigation and report if
    21     the child was adjudicated delinquent] sentencing;
    22         (2)  in a subsequent juvenile hearing, whether before or
    23     after reaching majority;
    24         (3)  if relevant, where he has put his reputation or
    25     character in issue in a civil matter; or
    26         (4)  in a criminal proceeding, if the child was
    27     adjudicated delinquent for an offense, the evidence of which
    28     would be admissible if committed by an adult.
    29     Section 8.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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