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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 745



No. 707 Session of 1997

           MELLOW, MARCH 13, 1997

           MARCH 13, 1997

                                     AN ACT

     1  Relating to boiler steam machinery and refrigeration machine
     2     engineers and firemen and providing for their licensing;
     3     conferring powers and imposing duties upon the State Board of
     4     Examiners for Boiler Engineers and the Department of State;
     5     providing for the issuance, revocation or suspension of
     6     licenses; prescribing unlawful acts; imposing penalties; and
     7     making repeals.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10  Section 1.  Short title.
    11     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Boiler
    12  Engineers Act.
    13  Section 2.  Definitions.
    14     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    15  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    16  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    17     "Board."  The State Board of Examiners for Boiler Engineers.
    18     "Boiler engineer."  Any individual licensed to operate a
    19  boiler steam and refrigeration machine as defined in this act.
    20     "Boiler engineer license."  A license granted to an applicant

     1  by the State Board of Boiler Engineers.
     2     "Boiler horsepower."  Includes any of the following:
     3         (1)  The evaporation of 34.5 pounds of water per hour
     4     from a temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit into dry
     5     saturated steam at the same temperature.
     6         (2)  33,475 British thermal units per hour.
     7         (3)  139.5 square feet of equivalent direct steam
     8     radiation.
     9         (4)  223.1 square feet of hot water radiation at 150
    10     degrees Fahrenheit.
    11         (5)  Ten kilowatts per hour electrical input to the
    12     boiler.
    13     "Compressor horsepower of a refrigeration system."  The
    14  manufacturer's horsepower rating as given on the nameplate of
    15  the unit.
    16     "Department."  The Department of Labor and Industry of the
    17  Commonwealth.
    18     "High-pressure boiler."  Any steam boiler where the safety
    19  valve is set to relieve at a pressure above 15 pounds per square
    20  inch.
    21     "Horsepower rating."  The largest rating determined by
    22  dividing the square feet of boiler heating surface by ten or, in
    23  the case where the boiler rating is based on other than ten
    24  square feet of heating surface per horsepower, the
    25  manufacturer's output horsepower rating. When the manufacturer's
    26  rating is expressed in terms other than horsepower, the rating
    27  shall be converted into horsepower by the use of one of the
    28  factors in the definition of "boiler horsepower."
    29     "Horsepower rating of a refrigeration system."  The
    30  compressor horsepower or tons of refrigeration as converted to
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     1  horsepower on an equal basis.
     2     "Low-pressure boiler."  A steam boiler where the safety valve
     3  is set to relieve at a pressure at or below 15 pounds per square
     4  inch.
     5     "Person."  Any natural person, association, partnership or
     6  corporation. Whenever used to prescribe and impose a fine or
     7  imprisonment, or both, in this act, the term as applied to an
     8  association includes the members of the association and as
     9  applied to a corporation includes the officers of the
    10  corporation. Any provision of this act restricting the actions
    11  of any person shall be construed as regulating or restricting
    12  the actions of the employees and agents of that person.
    13     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Labor and Industry of the
    14  Commonwealth.
    15     "Ton of refrigeration."  The removal of heat at the rate of
    16  12,000 British thermal units per hour or 200 British thermal
    17  units per minute.
    18  Section 3.  License required.
    19     (a)  General rule.--A person shall not have charge of or
    20  operate a boiler or any steam-driven machinery where the safety
    21  valves are set at 15 pounds or above or any refrigeration
    22  machinery with 200 horsepower capacity in this Commonwealth
    23  unless the person is at least 21 years of age and holds a
    24  license as provided in this act.
    25     (b)  Duty of owner.--An owner or user of any steam-driven
    26  machinery where the safety valve or valves are set at 15 pounds
    27  or above or any refrigeration machinery with 200 horsepower
    28  capacity shall not operate or cause to operate that machinery in
    29  this Commonwealth without having a licensed person in charge of
    30  that operation.
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     1  Section 4.  Application.
     2     (a)  General rule.--Before any license is issued, application
     3  shall be made in writing to the board on a form prepared and
     4  furnished by the board. The application shall contain a
     5  statement showing proof of the applicant's experience and any
     6  additional information that the board may require.
     7     (b)  Fee.--The applicant shall pay a fee of $50 upon
     8  application for an initial license.
     9     (c)  Considerations.--If the applicant has met all
    10  requirements set forth in this section and if upon full
    11  consideration the board is satisfied that the applicant's
    12  knowledge and experience in the duties of an engineer are
    13  satisfactory, it shall grant a license to the applicant upon
    14  receipt of the fee as provided in subsection (a).
    15     (d)  Term and renewal.--A license shall authorize a person to
    16  be employed in engineer duties for a term of two years, and the
    17  license shall be annually renewed without examination upon the
    18  board's receipt of $50. A license shall be renewed after the
    19  expiration date if the applicant presents a previously valid
    20  license and restoration fee as prescribed by the board. The
    21  board may, upon receipt of a $5 fee, issue a duplicate license
    22  to replace a lost or stolen one.
    23     (e)  Active duty.--The license of any person that is in
    24  effect at the time the person enters active duty with the armed
    25  forces of the United States or, during a national emergency,
    26  duty with the Maritime Service shall remain in effect during the
    27  period of that service, plus six months after discharge, without
    28  the payment of any fee. However, the license shall expire six
    29  months after discharge if not renewed as provided in this
    30  section.
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     1  Section 5.  Powers and duties of board.
     2     The board shall have the power and duty to:
     3         (1)  Grant a boiler engineer license.
     4         (2)  Refuse to examine any applicant for a license until
     5     the applicant has furnished proof to the board that the
     6     applicant has been employed assisting a valid licensed
     7     operator in the actual operation of a boiler, steam-driven
     8     machinery or refrigeration machinery for a minimum of two
     9     years in the aggregate prior to the date of application.
    10     Proof of employment shall be certified by one employer and by
    11     two persons who are licensed in a grade equal to that to
    12     which application is being made and who are acquainted with
    13     the applicant and have direct knowledge of his employment
    14     during the required period. Other proof of past-related
    15     experience, including military experience, shall be
    16     acceptable when certification is not available. A degree or
    17     diploma held by the applicant from any technical school or
    18     college recognized by the Department of Education shall be
    19     equivalent to one year's employment for the purpose of this
    20     paragraph.
    21         (3)  Grant a license without examination upon receipt of
    22     a fee of $50 from any applicant who has on the effective date
    23     of this act a license to operate any boiler, steam machinery
    24     or refrigeration machinery given under the authority of any
    25     ordinance of this Commonwealth.
    26         (4)  Issue a license to an applicant who currently
    27     operates a boiler and has proof of experience in the
    28     operation of boilers.
    29         (5)  Prescribe the subject material, manner, time and
    30     place of examination and the filing of applications for
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     1     examination and licenses and supervise and provide for the
     2     conduct of the examination. The subject matter of all
     3     examinations shall be confined to the knowledge that is
     4     essential to practice as a boiler engineer.
     5         (6)  Grade the examinations described in paragraph (5)
     6     that are returned by candidates and, if the applicant had not
     7     obtained a minimum passing grade of 75%, keep the examination
     8     for at least one year. Any unsuccessful candidate may, upon
     9     written request to the board, review his graded paper. The
    10     board shall provide unlimited retesting opportunities for
    11     each applicant.
    12         (7)  Make written reports of the examinations described
    13     in paragraph (5), which reports shall be filed with the
    14     department, and certify to the department when an applicant
    15     has successfully passed the examination.
    16         (8)  Investigate and conduct hearings and discipline and
    17     prosecute those who commit illegal practices.
    18         (9)  Suspend and revoke by majority action of the entire
    19     board the license of any licensee who has been convicted of a
    20     crime that has a high probability of affecting the licensee's
    21     ability to perform his job in a safe and effective manner or
    22     misdemeanor involving moral turpitude, practices habitual
    23     intemperance, is addicted to the use of narcotic drugs or is
    24     insane or adjudged to be mentally incompetent and reinstate
    25     licenses in any case where a majority of the entire board
    26     determines that reinstatement is just and proper. The board
    27     may suspend or revoke the license of any person if the
    28     license is obtained through fraud or if the board finds the
    29     person guilty of gross negligence or the actual endangerment
    30     of life.
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     1         (10)  Provide for, regulate and require each person
     2     licensed in accordance with the provisions of this act to
     3     renew his license biannually, prescribe the form of license
     4     renewal, require as a condition precedent to license renewal
     5     the payment of the renewal fee and revoke the license of any
     6     person who fails, refuses or neglects to apply for a renewal
     7     or pay the fee, except as provided in section 4(d) and (e).
     8         (11)  Keep a record of all licenses issued by the board
     9     and keep minutes and records of all its transactions and
    10     proceedings for a period of at least eight years.
    11         (12)  Enter and inspect in the performance of its duties
    12     any and all premises where a license is or may be required
    13     and whenever a violation of this act is being or has been
    14     committed. It shall be unlawful for any person or corporation
    15     in any manner to hinder, obstruct, delay, resist, prevent or
    16     in any way interfere or attempt to interfere with any of the
    17     personnel of the board in the performance of any of its
    18     required duties or to refuse to permit authorized persons to
    19     perform their duties by refusing any of them entrance to the
    20     premises upon identification. Each day during which the
    21     unlawful act continues constitutes a separate violation.
    22         (13)  Adopt, promulgate and enforce rules and regulations
    23     as may be deemed necessary and proper by the board to carry
    24     into effect the powers conferred by this act.
    25         (14)  Require every holder of a license to place it in a
    26     frame under glass in some conspicuous place near the boiler
    27     or steam-driven refrigeration machinery so the license can be
    28     seen at all times.
    29  Section 6.  Records of defects.
    30         (1)  Any boiler engineer licensed under the provisions of
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     1     this act shall assist the inspectors in their examination of
     2     any boiler, steam-driven machinery or refrigeration machinery
     3     under the charge of the engineer, shall point out all defects
     4     and imperfections known to the engineer in the boiler or
     5     machinery and shall keep an accurate record of all defects
     6     and inspections.
     7         (2)  An individual who reports a defect of any kind shall
     8     not be subject to any employment retaliatory action by the
     9     employer, engineer or any individual as a result of the
    10     reporting of the defect.
    11  Section 7.  Notice.
    12     It shall be the duty of every licensed person, upon taking or
    13  vacating a position as engineer or fireman, to notify the board
    14  within 30 days of separation. Failure to comply with this
    15  section may be punishable by suspension of the person's license
    16  for such a period as the board shall determine.
    17  Section 8.  Substitution of unlicensed person.
    18     Every owner or lessee, or agent of the owner or lessee, of
    19  any boiler, steam-driven machinery or refrigeration machinery or
    20  any auxiliary connected with them that is included under the
    21  provisions of this act must not delegate or transfer in any
    22  manner whatsoever the responsibility or liability for the
    23  management, operation or maintenance in good condition and
    24  repair of any such boiler, steam-driven machinery or
    25  refrigeration machinery or any auxiliary connected with them to
    26  any person or persons other than a licensed engineer in charge
    27  of that operation. However, in case of the absence from duty of
    28  any such licensed engineer, an unlicensed person may take the
    29  place of the engineer for a period of not more than ten days.
    30  The ten-day period may be extended to 30 days in the discretion
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     1  of the board. The board shall be notified of any temporary
     2  change prior to or at the time that the change is made.
     3  Section 9.  Procedure.
     4     All actions of the board shall be made only in accordance
     5  with the rules and regulations of the board and only by a
     6  majority vote of the members of the board and shall be subject
     7  to the right of notice, hearing and adjudication and the right
     8  of appeal under 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to administrative law and
     9  procedure).
    10  Section 10.  Records to be public evidence.
    11     The records of the board shall be public and shall be open to
    12  inspection during business hours. Copies of the records,
    13  certified by the secretary of the board or any deputy of the
    14  board, shall be admissible in evidence in all courts and
    15  elsewhere.
    16  Section 11.  Penalties.
    17     A person who violates this act commits a summary offense and
    18  shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less
    19  than $25 nor more than $300 and costs of prosecution and, if in
    20  default of payment of the fine and costs, may be imprisoned for
    21  not more than 30 days. In addition, the person's license shall
    22  be suspended or revoked as the board shall determine.
    23  Section 12.  Repeals.
    24     (a)  Absolute.--The act of April 4, 1905 (P.L.102, No.75),
    25  entitled "An act to provide for the better protection of life
    26  and property, by the examination and licensing of engineers
    27  having charge of steam-boilers, steam-engines, and appliances
    28  connected therewith, in cities of the second and third class of
    29  this Commonwealth, and providing penalties for violation," is
    30  repealed.
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     1     (b)  General.--All other acts and parts of acts are repealed
     2  insofar as they are inconsistent with this act.
     3  Section 13.  Applicability.
     4     This act shall apply to all boilers in this Commonwealth,
     5  except those located in public utilities, farms or private
     6  dwellings and those under Federal jurisdiction. This act shall
     7  not apply to boilers where the safety valve or valves are set at
     8  less than 15 pounds per square inch and have less than 1,000
     9  square feet of heating surface in the aggregate, except where
    10  those boilers are located in theaters, hospitals, educational
    11  institutions, hotels and institutions licensed by the
    12  Commonwealth. Environmental heating or other means of heating
    13  shall be included in this act, where any pressure vessel in
    14  excess of 15 pounds per square inch is used in the system.
    15  Section 14.  Effective date.
    16     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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