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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 769



No. 709 Session of 1999

           APRIL 7, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of February 1, 1966 (1965 P.L.1656, No.581),
     2     entitled "An act concerning boroughs, and revising, amending
     3     and consolidating the law relating to boroughs," further
     4     providing for borough councils' and mayors' salaries.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Sections 1001 and 1025 of the act of February 1,
     8  1966 (1965 P.L.1656, No.581), known as The Borough Code, amended
     9  October 31, 1995 (P.L.346, No.58), are amended to read:
    10     Section 1001.  Organization of Council; Quorum; Compensation;
    11  Eligibility.--The borough council shall organize on the first
    12  Monday of January of each even-numbered year, by electing one of
    13  their number as president and one of their number as vice-
    14  president, who shall hold such offices at the pleasure of the
    15  council. If the first Monday is a legal holiday, the meeting and
    16  organization shall take place the first day following. Any
    17  action taken by any borough council at any time between 12:01
    18  o'clock ante meridian on January 1 of an even-numbered year and

     1  the organization of council in that year shall be subject to
     2  reconsideration by the new council at any time within ten days
     3  after such organization. The council may at the organization
     4  meeting elect such other officers as may be provided for by law
     5  or ordinance, or as may be deemed necessary for the conduct of
     6  affairs of the borough and may transact such other business as
     7  may come before the meeting. The president, and during his
     8  absence or incapacity the vice-president, shall preside over the
     9  meetings of council and perform such other duties as are
    10  prescribed by this act or by ordinance. A majority of the
    11  membership of council then in office shall constitute a quorum.
    12  Councilmen may receive compensation to be fixed by ordinance at
    13  any time and from time to time as follows: In boroughs with a
    14  population of less than five thousand, a maximum of eighteen
    15  hundred seventy-five dollars ($1875) a year; in boroughs with a
    16  population of five thousand or more but less than ten thousand,
    17  a maximum of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2500) a year;
    18  in boroughs with a population of ten thousand or more but less
    19  than fifteen thousand, a maximum of three thousand two hundred
    20  fifty dollars ($3250) a year; in boroughs with a population of
    21  fifteen thousand or more but less than twenty-five thousand, a
    22  maximum of four thousand one hundred twenty-five dollars ($4125)
    23  a year; in boroughs with a population of twenty-five thousand or
    24  more but less than thirty-five thousand, a maximum of four
    25  thousand three hundred seventy-five dollars ($4375) a year; and
    26  in boroughs with a population of thirty-five thousand or more, a
    27  maximum of five thousand dollars ($5000) a year. Such salaries
    28  shall be payable monthly or quarterly for the duties imposed by
    29  the provisions of this act. Benefits provided to members of
    30  council under section 1202(37) shall not be considered pay,
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     1  salary or compensation; but payment for all or a part of the
     2  premiums or charges for the benefits shall be in accordance with
     3  section 1202(37).
     4     The population shall be determined by the latest available
     5  official census figures. In no case shall the compensation for
     6  any councilman exceed that of the mayor in any given borough:
     7  Provided, however, That wherever the mayor's compensation
     8  exceeds that authorized by this section for councilmen, the
     9  president of council may receive compensation not to exceed that
    10  of the office of mayor.
    11     Section 1025.  Salary of Mayor Limited.--The salary of the
    12  mayor shall be established by ordinance and shall not exceed, in
    13  boroughs with a population of less than five thousand, a maximum
    14  of two thousand five hundred dollars ($2500) a year; in boroughs
    15  with a population of five thousand or more but less than ten
    16  thousand, a maximum of five thousand dollars ($5000) a year; in
    17  boroughs with a population of ten thousand or more but less than
    18  fifteen thousand, a maximum of seven thousand five hundred
    19  dollars ($7500) a year. In any borough with a population in
    20  excess of fifteen thousand, the salary of the mayor shall not
    21  exceed five hundred dollars ($500) per annum per thousand
    22  population or fraction thereof, the population to be determined
    23  by the latest official census figures. Such salaries shall be
    24  payable monthly or quarterly for the duties imposed by the
    25  provisions of this act. Benefits provided to the mayor under
    26  section 1202(37) shall not be considered pay, salary or
    27  compensation; but payment for all or a part of the premiums or
    28  charges for the benefits shall be in accordance with section
    29  1202(37).
    30     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.
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