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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 775



No. 712 Session of 1989

           HELFRICK, LEWIS AND HESS, MARCH 20, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 24, 1976 (P.L.424, No.101), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act providing for the payment of death
     3     benefits to the surviving spouse or children or parents of
     4     firefighters, ambulance service or rescue squad members or
     5     law enforcement officers killed in the performance of their
     6     duties," increasing the death benefit.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Section 1 of the act of June 24, 1976 (P.L.424,
    10  No.101), referred to as the Emergency and Law Enforcement
    11  Personnel Death Benefits Act, amended October 16, 1981 (P.L.295,
    12  No.102), is amended to read:
    13     Section 1.  (a)  In the event a law enforcement officer,
    14  ambulance service or rescue squad member or firefighter is
    15  killed in the performance of his duties, such political
    16  subdivision within 30 days from the date of death shall submit
    17  certification of such death to the Commonwealth. A volunteer
    18  firefighter shall be deemed to be acting in the performance of
    19  his duties for the purposes of this act going to or directly

     1  returning from a fire which the fire company or fire department
     2  attended including travel from and direct return to a
     3  firefighter's home, place of business or other place where he or
     4  she shall have been when he or she received the call or alarm or
     5  while participating in instruction fire drills in which the fire
     6  department or fire company shall have participated or while
     7  repairing or doing other work about or on the fire apparatus or
     8  buildings and grounds of the fire company or fire department
     9  upon the authorization of the chief of the fire company or fire
    10  department or other person in charge or while answering any
    11  emergency calls for any purpose or while riding upon the fire
    12  apparatus which is owned or used by the fire company or fire
    13  department or while performing any other duties of such fire
    14  company or fire department as authorized by the municipality or
    15  while performing duties imposed by section 15, act of April 27,
    16  1927 (P.L.465, No.299), referred to as the Fire and Panic Act. A
    17  volunteer ambulance service or rescue squad member shall be
    18  deemed to be acting in the performance of his duties for the
    19  purposes of this act going to or directly returning from an
    20  emergency which the ambulance service or rescue squad attended
    21  including travel from and direct return to an ambulance service
    22  or rescue squad member's home, place of business or other place
    23  where he or she shall have been when he or she received the call
    24  or alarm or while participating in drills in which the ambulance
    25  service or rescue squad shall have participated or while
    26  repairing or doing other work about or on any emergency vehicle
    27  or buildings and grounds of the ambulance service or rescue
    28  squad upon the authorization of the chief of the ambulance
    29  service or rescue squad or other person in charge while
    30  answering any emergency calls for any purpose or while riding
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     1  upon any vehicles which are owned or used by the ambulance
     2  service or rescue squad. Upon receipt of such certification, the
     3  Commonwealth shall, from moneys payable out of the General Fund,
     4  pay to the political subdivision the sum of [$25,000] $50,000.
     5  Within five days of receipt of said sum from the Commonwealth,
     6  the political subdivision shall pay such sum as a benefit to the
     7  surviving spouse, or if there is no surviving spouse, to the
     8  minor children of the firefighter, ambulance service or rescue
     9  squad member or law enforcement officer killed in the
    10  performance of duty. When no spouse or minor children survive,
    11  the benefit shall be paid to the parent or parents of such
    12  firefighter, ambulance service or rescue squad member or law
    13  enforcement officer.
    14     (b)  The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall pay out of the
    15  General Fund to the surviving spouse, or, if there is no
    16  surviving spouse, the minor children of a State police officer
    17  or other law enforcement officer of the Commonwealth killed in
    18  the performance of his duties the sum of [$25,000] $50,000. When
    19  no spouse or minor children survive, the benefit shall be paid
    20  to the parent or parents of such State police officer or other
    21  law enforcement officer of the Commonwealth. The benefit shall
    22  be payable whether or not the officer was killed within the
    23  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    24     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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