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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 751



No. 713 Session of 1997

           MARCH 14, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for Commonwealth support for a Mental Health and
     2     Mental Retardation Staff Member Loan Forgiveness Program for
     3     Commonwealth residents who graduate from institutions of
     4     higher education and who apply their degrees to careers as
     5     mental health and mental retardation staff members in this
     6     Commonwealth.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9  Section 1.  Short title.
    10     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Mental Health
    11  and Mental Retardation Staff Member Loan Forgiveness Program
    12  Act.
    13  Section 2.  Findings and declaration of purpose.
    14     The General Assembly finds and declares that:
    15         (1)  The number of college students planning to enter the
    16     mental health and mental retardation profession appears to be
    17     inadequate to meet the need for staff members in this
    18     Commonwealth.
    19         (2)  Demand from industry and other opportunities attract

     1     existing and potential staff members away from the
     2     profession.
     3         (3)  The pool of qualified staff members has diminished.
     4         (4)  Payment of a portion of student loans for mental
     5     health and mental retardation staff members serves the
     6     important public purpose of encouraging new staff members to
     7     continue their careers in this Commonwealth.
     8  Section 3.  Definitions.
     9     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    10  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    11  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    12     "Agency."  The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance
    13  Agency.
    14     "Qualified applicant."  A person who meets all of the
    15  following criteria:
    16         (1)  The person has been hired as a full-time staff
    17     member by a county mental health or mental retardation
    18     service agency through a merit or civil service system
    19     approved by the Secretary of Public Welfare or by a private
    20     provider that is under contract with a county to provide
    21     mental health or mental retardation services and earns no
    22     more than $35,000 per annum.
    23         (2)  The person has successfully completed both county
    24     and civil service probationary periods or, in the case of a
    25     contracted private provider, has successfully completed the
    26     provider's established probationary period.
    27         (3)  The person is performing staff duties at a county
    28     mental health or mental retardation service agency or at a
    29     private provider that is under contract with a county to
    30     provide mental health or mental retardation services.
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     1         (4)  The person has borrowed through an agency-
     2     administered loan program.
     3     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Public Welfare of the
     4  Commonwealth.
     5     "Staff member."  A caseworker, direct caregiver, therapist,
     6  program coordinator or director.
     7  Section 4.  Mental Health and Mental Retardation Staff Member
     8                 Loan Forgiveness Program.
     9     A qualified applicant who is selected for the Mental Health
    10  and Mental Retardation Staff Member Loan Forgiveness Program in
    11  accordance with this act shall be eligible for payment by the
    12  agency of a portion of the debt incurred by the applicant
    13  through an agency-administered loan program for the education
    14  necessary to be certified as a mental health or mental
    15  retardation staff member in this Commonwealth. For each year
    16  that the applicant is a full-time mental health or mental
    17  retardation staff member in an approved county mental health or
    18  mental retardation department or a private provider under
    19  contract to a county, the agency may forgive a proportional part
    20  of the applicant's loan so that the loan may be entirely
    21  forgiven over four years of full-time staff work. No more than
    22  $2,500 shall be forgiven in any year, and no more than $10,000
    23  shall be forgiven for any applicant. Payments shall be made in
    24  accordance with the procedures established by the agency.
    25  Section 5.  Loan forgiveness awards.
    26     Recipients of the loan forgiveness awards shall be those
    27  mental health and mental retardation staff members who are
    28  certified by the secretary and who have received a satisfactory
    29  rating by the county office of mental health or mental
    30  retardation service or a private provider under contract to a
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     1  county. Each mental health or mental retardation staff member
     2  shall be required to submit such documentation of continued
     3  eligibility as the agency may require.
     4  Section 6.  Funding.
     5     Loan forgiveness awards may be made to the extent that funds
     6  are appropriated by the General Assembly.
     7  Section 7.  Responsibility of agency.
     8     It shall be the responsibility of the agency to administer
     9  the Mental Health and Mental Retardation Staff Worker Loan
    10  Forgiveness Program established by this act and to adopt such
    11  regulations, policies, procedures and forms as are necessary and
    12  not inconsistent with the provisions of this act.
    13  Section 8.  Retroactivity.
    14     Loan forgiveness under this act may be based on mental health
    15  and mental retardation staff work performed prior to the
    16  effective date of this act.
    17  Section 9.  Effective date.
    18     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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