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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 796, 1151                PRINTER'S NO. 1347



No. 732 Session of 1989

           MARCH 21, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333, No.320), entitled
     2     "An act concerning elections, including general, municipal,
     3     special and primary elections, the nomination of candidates,
     4     primary and election expenses and election contests; creating
     5     and defining membership of county boards of elections;
     6     imposing duties upon the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
     7     courts, county boards of elections, county commissioners;
     8     imposing penalties for violation of the act, and codifying,
     9     revising and consolidating the laws relating thereto; and
    10     repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating to
    11     elections," further providing for the information to be
    12     provided by signers of nomination petitions AND PAPERS AND BY  <--

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  Section 908 of the act of June 3, 1937 (P.L.1333,
    17  No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code, amended August
    18  13, 1963 (P.L.707, No.379), is amended to read:
    19     Section 908.  Manner of Signing Nomination Petitions; Time of
    20  Circulating.--Each signer of a nomination petition shall sign
    21  but one such petition for each office to be filled, and shall
    22  declare therein that he is a registered and enrolled member of
    23  the party designated in such petition: Provided, however, That

     1  where there are to be elected two or more persons to the same
     2  office, each signer may sign petitions for as many candidates
     3  for such office as, and no more than, he could vote for at the
     4  succeeding election. He shall also declare therein that he is a
     5  qualified elector of the county therein named, and in case the
     6  nomination is not to be made or candidates are not to be elected
     7  by the electors of the State at large, or the political district
     8  therein named, in which the nomination is to be made or the
     9  election is to be held. He shall add his [occupation and
    10  residence, giving city, borough or township, with street and
    11  number, if any,] precise mailing address and municipality in
    12  which he resides and shall add the date of signing, expressed in
    13  words or numbers[: Provided, however, That if the said political
    14  district named in the petition lies wholly within any city,
    15  borough or township, or is coextensive with same, it shall not
    16  be necessary for any signer of a nomination petition to state
    17  therein the city, borough or township of his residence]. No
    18  nomination petition shall be circulated prior to the thirteenth
    19  Tuesday before the primary, and no signature shall be counted
    20  unless it bears a date affixed not earlier than the thirteenth
    21  Tuesday nor later than the tenth Tuesday prior to the primary.
    22     Section 2.  Section 951(c) and (d) of the act are amended to
    23  read:
    24     Section 951.  Nominations by Political Bodies.--* * *
    25     (c)  Each person signing a nomination paper shall declare
    26  therein that he is a qualified elector of the State or district,
    27  as the case may be, and shall add to his signature his
    28  [occupation and residence, giving city, borough or township,
    29  with street and number, if any,] precise mailing address and
    30  municipality in which he resides and shall also add the date of
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     1  signing, expressed in words or numbers[: Provided, however, That
     2  if said political district named in the papers lies wholly
     3  within any city, borough or township, or is coextensive with
     4  same, it shall not be necessary for any signer of a paper to
     5  state therein the city, borough or township of his residence].
     6  No elector shall sign more than one nomination paper for each
     7  office to be filled, unless there are two or more persons to be
     8  elected to the same office, in which case he may sign nomination
     9  papers for as many candidates for such office as, and no more
    10  than, he could vote for at the succeeding election. More than
    11  one candidate may be nominated by one nomination paper and
    12  candidates for more than one office may be nominated by one
    13  nomination paper: Provided, That each political body nominating
    14  does not nominate more candidates than there are offices to be
    15  voted for at the ensuing election: And provided, That all the
    16  signers on each nomination paper are qualified to vote for all
    17  the candidates nominated therein.
    18     (d)  Nomination papers may be on one or more sheets and
    19  different sheets must be used for signers resident in different
    20  counties. If more than one sheet is used, they shall be bound
    21  together when offered for filing if they are intended to
    22  constitute one nomination paper, and each sheet shall be
    23  numbered consecutively, beginning with number one (1) at the
    24  foot of each page. Each sheet shall have appended thereto the
    25  affidavit of some person, not necessarily a signer, and not
    26  necessarily the same person on each sheet, setting forth--(1)
    27  that the affiant is a qualified elector of the State, or of the
    28  electoral district, as the case may be, referred to in the
    29  nomination paper; (2) [his residence, giving city, borough or
    30  township with street and number, if any] precise mailing address
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     1  and municipality in which he resides; (3) that the signers
     2  signed with full knowledge of the contents of the nomination
     3  paper; (4) that their respective residences are correctly stated
     4  therein; (5) that they all reside in the county named in the
     5  affidavit; (6) that each signed on the date set opposite his
     6  name; and (7) that, to the best of affiant's knowledge and
     7  belief, the signers are qualified electors of the State, or of
     8  the electoral district, as the case may be.
     9     * * *
    10     Section 3.  This act shall take effect January 1, 1990.

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