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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 797



No. 733 Session of 1989

           MARCH 21, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 20, 1967 (P.L.869, No.385),
     2     entitled "An act establishing a uniform and mandatory system
     3     governing the requirement of bonds to be furnished by
     4     contractors in the prosecution of any public building, or
     5     other public work or public improvement, including road work;
     6     the rights and remedies of persons furnishing labor or
     7     material in the prosecution of such public building, public
     8     work or public improvement, including road work; procedure in
     9     connection with suits on payment bonds; rights of persons
    10     furnishing labor or materials to a copy of bond; prescribing
    11     penalties; and repealing other prior acts or provisions
    12     thereof inconsistent herewith," providing for financial
    13     security to protect certain contracting bodies.

    14     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    15  hereby enacts as follows:
    16     Section 1.  The act of December 20, 1967 (P.L.869, No.385),
    17  known as the Public Works Contractors' Bond Law of 1967, is
    18  amended by adding a section to read:
    19     Section 3.1.  (a)--Before any contract exceeding five
    20  thousand dollars ($5,000) for the construction, reconstruction,
    21  alteration or repair of any public building or other public work
    22  or public improvement, including highway work, of any
    23  contracting body is awarded to any prime contractor, such

     1  contractor shall furnish to the contracting body the following
     2  financial security, which shall become binding upon the awarding
     3  of said contract to such contractor:
     4     (1)  Any financial security, acceptable to and approved by
     5  the contracting body, including, but not limited to, Federal or
     6  Commonwealth chartered lending institution irrevocable letters
     7  of credit and restrictive or escrow accounts in such lending
     8  institutions, equal to one hundred percent of the contract
     9  amount, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the
    10  contract in accordance with the plans, specifications and
    11  conditions of the contract. Such financial security shall be
    12  solely for the protection of the contracting body which awarded
    13  the contract.
    14     (2)  Any financial security, acceptable to and approved by
    15  the contracting body, including, but not limited to, Federal or
    16  Commonwealth chartered lending institution irrevocable letters
    17  of credit and restrictive or escrow accounts in such lending
    18  institutions, equal to one hundred percent of the contract
    19  amount. Such financial security shall be solely for the
    20  protection of claimants supplying labor or materials to the
    21  prime contractor to whom the contract was awarded, or to any of
    22  his subcontractors, in the prosecution of the work provided for
    23  in such contract, and shall be conditioned for the prompt
    24  payment of all such material furnished or labor supplied or
    25  performed in the prosecution of the work. "Labor or materials"
    26  shall include public utility services and reasonable rentals of
    27  equipment, but only for periods when the equipment rented is
    28  actually used at the site.
    29     (b)  Any bond or other financial security under the
    30  provisions of this act shall be executed by one or more surety
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     1  companies or Federal or Commonwealth chartered lending
     2  institutions, chosen by the party posting the financial security
     3  and acceptable to the contracting body, legally authorized to do
     4  business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
     5     (c)  A duplicate copy of each financial security, including
     6  bonds, shall be filed in the office of the contracting body
     7  which awarded the contract for which such bonds or financial
     8  security were given.
     9     (d)  For purposes of this section, the phrase "contracting
    10  body" shall mean any city, borough, incorporated town, township
    11  home-rule municipality and any authority formed under the act of
    12  May 2, 1945 (P.L.382, No.164), known as the "Municipality
    13  Authorities Act of 1945."
    14     (e)  For the contracting body as defined in subsection (d),
    15  the provisions of this section supersede the provisions of
    16  section 3 of this act.
    17     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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