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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 789



No. 740 Session of 1997

           KITCHEN AND BELAN, MARCH 17, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing for continuing
     6     professional development and for the State Board of Education
     7     to require the incorporation of guidelines for early
     8     childhood development.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  Section 1205.1(c) of the act of March 10, 1949
    12  (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949, added
    13  December 15, 1986 (P.L.1602, No.178), is amended  and the
    14  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    15     Section 1205.1.  Continuing Professional Development.--* * *
    16     (c)  The professional development plan of each school
    17  district, joint school district, intermediate unit and area
    18  vocational-technical school shall be designed to meet the
    19  educational needs of that school entity and its professional
    20  employes[.] and shall include professional development

     1  opportunities focusing on the development of children eight
     2  years of age and younger and on developmentally appropriate
     3  practices for teaching such children. Each plan shall include
     4  options for professional development and for fulfilling the
     5  professional development requirements of subsection (d),
     6  including activities such as professionally related graduate
     7  level coursework, obtaining a professionally related master's
     8  degree, Department of Education approved inservice courses,
     9  curriculum development work, attendance at professional
    10  conferences and supervised classroom observations of other
    11  professional employes. In its professional development plan, a
    12  school district, joint school district, intermediate unit or
    13  area vocational-technical school may provide for undertaking
    14  joint or cooperative professional development activities with
    15  another school entity or an institution of higher education.
    16     * * *
    17     (d.1)  Any kindergarten through third grade teacher not
    18  possessing early childhood education certification shall be
    19  required at least once during every five-year period to
    20  participate in professional development activity focusing on the
    21  development of children eight (8) years of age and younger and
    22  on developmentally appropriate practices for teaching such
    23  children.
    24     * * *
    25     Section 2.  Sections 2602-B(e) and (f) and 2604-B(b) of the
    26  act, added March 30, 1988 (P.L.321, No.43), are amended to read:
    27     Section 2602-B.  Membership.--* * *
    28     (e)  For the purpose of formulating policy proposals
    29  applicable to early childhood, elementary, secondary,
    30  vocational-technical education and higher education in this
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     1  Commonwealth, there shall be two councils, which shall consist
     2  of ten (10) members of the board each, the chairman being a
     3  member of both councils, and shall be known as the Council of
     4  Basic Education and the Council of Higher Education. The
     5  Governor shall designate to serve at his pleasure a member
     6  serving on each council to act as chairman of the council. Each
     7  council shall meet at the call of its chairman or at the request
     8  of a majority of the members of the council. The chairman of the
     9  board may appoint special joint committees from among the
    10  members of the board to formulate policy proposals in those
    11  areas which fall within the purview of both of the councils.
    12     (f)  Except for the chairman, not more than two (2) members
    13  serving on each council shall be employed either in a school
    14  system or in the Department of Education. For purposes of this
    15  subsection, the State System of Higher Education shall not be
    16  considered a school system. Three (3) members of the Council of
    17  Higher Education shall be actively employed by an institution of
    18  higher education, at least one holding an administrative
    19  position and at least one holding a professional position on a
    20  faculty of an institution of higher education. At least two (2)
    21  members serving on each council shall have had previous
    22  experience with vocational-technical education or training. One
    23  (1) member of the Council of Basic Education shall be an expert
    24  in the field of early childhood education.
    25     * * *
    26     Section 2604-B.  Powers and Duties of Council of Basic
    27  Education and Council of Higher Education.--* * *
    28     (b)  The Council of Basic Education shall have the power, and
    29  its duty shall be to:
    30     (1)  develop a master plan for basic education in this
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     1  Commonwealth, as provided by law, for adoption by the board;
     2     (2)  investigate programs, conduct research studies and
     3  formulate policy proposals in all educational areas not within
     4  the purview of higher education, including, but not limited to:
     5     (i)  the creation, merger, consolidation and reorganization
     6  of school districts, the establishment of joint schools, area
     7  vocational-technical schools and such other administrative
     8  organizations as may be provided by law;
     9     (ii)  the operation of small high schools, one-room schools,
    10  summer schools, extension education programs and such other
    11  special schools as may be provided by law;
    12     (iii)  the location, design, safety, health and educational
    13  features of public school buildings and equipment;
    14     (iv)  the transportation of public school pupils, vehicle
    15  characteristics and driver qualifications;
    16     (v)  admission, attendance, graduation and other separation
    17  requirements;
    18     (vi)  the education and training of exceptional children;
    19     (vii)  the subjects to be taught and the activities to be
    20  conducted in elementary, secondary, adult education and other
    21  schools; and
    22     (viii)  the qualifications for employment of professional
    23  personnel in the public schools;
    24     (3)  encourage and promote such agricultural, industrial,
    25  vocational and technical education programs as the needs of this
    26  Commonwealth may, from time to time, require; [and]
    27     (4)  investigate and, if deemed appropriate, make
    28  recommendations pertaining to the work of any schools of design,
    29  schools of industrial arts or industrial schools to which the
    30  General Assembly may make an appropriation[.]; and
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     1     (5)  review recent research on the education and development
     2  of children eight years of age and younger and make necessary
     3  changes in regulations relating to the certification
     4  requirements for teaching such children.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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