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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 810



No. 746 Session of 1989

           MARCH 23, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 27, 1953 (P.L.244, No.34), entitled "An
     2     act relating to and regulating the contracts of incorporated
     3     towns and providing penalties," further regulating contracts;
     4     and further providing for advertising requirements.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Sections 2(a) and (d), 3, 3.1 and 5 of the act of
     8  May 27, 1953 (P.L.244, No.34), entitled "An act relating to and
     9  regulating the contracts of incorporated towns and providing
    10  penalties," amended December 22, 1981 (P.L.542, No.157), are
    11  amended to read:
    12     Section 2.  Regulation of Contracts.--(a)  All contracts or
    13  purchases of incorporated towns in excess of [four thousand
    14  dollars] ten thousand dollars, except those hereinafter
    15  mentioned, shall not be made except with and from the lowest
    16  responsible bidder, after due notice in one newspaper of general
    17  circulation published or circulated in the county in which the
    18  town is situated at least three times at intervals of not less

     1  than three days where daily newspapers of general circulation
     2  are available for such publication, and in case of weekly
     3  newspapers shall be published once a week for two successive
     4  weeks. The first advertisement shall be published not less than
     5  ten days prior to the date fixed for the opening of bids. The
     6  amount of the contract shall in all cases, whether of straight
     7  sale price, conditional sale, bailment lease or otherwise, be
     8  the entire amount which the town pays to the successful bidder
     9  or his assigns in order to obtain the services or property or
    10  both, and shall not be construed to mean only the amount which
    11  is paid to acquire title or to receive any other particular
    12  benefit or benefits of the whole bargain.
    13     * * *
    14     (d)  The contracts or purchases made by council involving an
    15  expenditure of over [four thousand dollars] ten thousand dollars
    16  which shall not require advertising or bidding as hereinbefore
    17  provided are as follows:
    18     (1)  Those for maintenance, repairs or replacements for
    19  water, sewer, electric light or other public works of the
    20  incorporated town, provided they do not constitute new
    21  additions, extensions or enlargements of existing facilities and
    22  equipment, but a bond may be required by council as in other
    23  cases of work done.
    24     (2)  Those made for improvements, repairs and maintenance of
    25  any kind made or provided by any incorporated town through its
    26  own employes: Provided, That all materials used for street
    27  improvement, maintenance and/or construction in excess of [four
    28  thousand dollars] ten thousand dollars be subject to the
    29  advertising requirements contained herein.
    30     (3)  Those where particular types, models or pieces of new
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     1  equipment, articles, apparatus, appliances, vehicles or parts
     2  thereof are desired by council, which are patented and
     3  manufactured or copyrighted products.
     4     (4)  Those involving any policies of insurance or surety
     5  company bonds; those made for public utility service under
     6  tariffs on file with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission;
     7  those made with another political subdivision, or a county, the
     8  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Federal Government, any agency
     9  of the Commonwealth or the Federal Government, or any municipal
    10  authority, including the sale, leasing or loan of any supplies
    11  or material by the Commonwealth or the Federal Government or
    12  their agencies. But the price thereof shall not be in excess of
    13  that fixed by the Commonwealth, the Federal Government, or their
    14  agencies.
    15     (5)  Those involving personal or professional services.
    16     * * *
    17     Section 3.  Evasion of Advertising Requirements.--No member
    18  or members of council shall evade the provisions of Section two
    19  hereof by purchasing or contracting for services and personal
    20  properties piecemeal for the purpose of obtaining prices under
    21  [four thousand dollars] ten thousand dollars upon transactions
    22  which transaction should, in the exercise of reasonable
    23  discretion and prudence, be conducted as one transaction
    24  amounting to more than [four thousand dollars] ten thousand
    25  dollars. This provision is intended to make unlawful the evading
    26  of advertising requirements by making a series of purchases or
    27  contracts each for less than the advertising requirement of
    28  price, or by making several simultaneous purchases or contracts
    29  each below said price, when, in either case, the transactions
    30  involved should have been made as one transaction for one price.
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     1  Any members of council who so vote in violation of this
     2  provision and who know that the transaction upon which they so
     3  vote is or ought to be a part of a larger transaction and that
     4  it is being divided in order to evade the requirements as to
     5  advertising for bids shall be jointly and severally subject to
     6  surcharge for ten per centum of the full amount of the contract
     7  or purchase.
     8     Whenever it shall appear that a member of council may have
     9  voted in violation of this section but the purchase or contract
    10  on which he so voted was not approved by council, this section
    11  shall be inapplicable.
    12     Section 3.1.  Contracts between Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars
    13  and [Four Thousand Dollars] Ten Thousand Dollars; Written
    14  Bids.--In all cases of contracts or purchases, other than the
    15  kinds mentioned in clauses (1) to (5) inclusive of subsection
    16  (d) of section 2 of this act, from seven hundred fifty dollars
    17  to [four thousand dollars] ten thousand dollars inclusive,
    18  whether made by the town council or by an officer or appointee
    19  of the town, written bids shall be solicited therefor; and no
    20  such contract or purchase shall be made for the town except upon
    21  at least three such written bids. The specifications upon which
    22  bids are solicited shall be uniform in so far as possible to
    23  afford equal opportunity for bidding. Catalogues and circulars
    24  of firm prices shall be acceptable as bids upon the contracts or
    25  purchases herein regulated. All such bids shall be retained in
    26  the proper department or office for a period of at least two
    27  months, and shall be reported monthly to the person designated
    28  by the town council, who shall make a consolidated monthly
    29  report thereof to council. The town council and the person
    30  designated by the town council shall have access to the bids in
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     1  all departments and offices of the town for the enforcement of
     2  this provision. Any official or appointee of the town
     3  contracting or purchasing in violation of the provision of this
     4  section shall be liable upon his bond, if any, or personally, in
     5  the full amount of the purchase or contract so made, and the
     6  town council may avoid any such purchase or contract.
     7     Section 5.  Separate Bids for Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating
     8  and Electrical Work.--In the preparation for the erection,
     9  construction and alteration of any public building of an
    10  incorporated town, when the entire cost of such work shall
    11  exceed [four thousand dollars] ten thousand dollars, the
    12  architect, engineer or other person preparing such
    13  specifications shall prepare separate specifications for the
    14  plumbing, heating, ventilating and electrical work. The person
    15  or persons authorized to enter into contracts for the erection,
    16  construction or alteration of such public buildings shall
    17  receive separate bids upon each of the said branches of work and
    18  award the contract for the same to the lowest responsible bidder
    19  for each of said branches.
    20     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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