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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 802



No. 748 Session of 1997

           HART, MUSTO AND STOUT, MARCH 19, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Creating and providing for the maintenance of a search team to
     2     conduct random safety and security inspections of State
     3     correctional facilities; and further providing for the powers
     4     and duties of the Department of Corrections.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Creation of search team.
     8     (a)  Purpose.--A search team of 30 persons is hereby created
     9  to conduct random safety and security inspections of State
    10  correctional facilities.
    11     (b)  Composition.--The team shall be composed of 20 men and
    12  ten women who have at least four years of working experience in
    13  safety, security, police science or prisons. These persons shall
    14  be physically and mentally fit, agile, capable of demonstrating
    15  authority, experienced in safety and security and highly
    16  honorable.
    17     (c)  Selection.--Candidates shall be selected by the
    18  Secretary of Corrections and the Commissioner of the

     1  Pennsylvania State Police.
     2  Section 2.  Training.
     3     (a)  Aspects of training.--Each search team member shall be
     4  trained in the following:
     5         (1)  Safety and security for prisons.
     6         (2)  Department of Corrections and prison regulations
     7     concerning items prisoners are forbidden to have.
     8         (3)  How to conduct thorough yet fast prison inspections
     9     while maintaining order in the facility.
    10         (4)  Procedure to be followed when forbidden items and
    11     unsafe circumstances are discovered in a random inspection.
    12     (b)  Training to be ongoing.--Each search team member shall
    13  drill individually and as an integral part of the search team on
    14  a regular basis to maintain fitness and readiness.
    15  Section 3.  Duties of search team.
    16     (a)  Random inspections of correctional facilities.--The
    17  search team shall conduct thorough random inspections of each
    18  correctional facility of this Commonwealth. Searches shall be
    19  unannounced and shall occur at least twice a year in each
    20  facility.
    21     (b)  Report.--The search team shall file a report with the
    22  Secretary of Corrections and with the superintendent of the
    23  facility no later than one week after a search. The report shall
    24  indicate clearly whether the inspected correctional facility is
    25  safe from escape for the surrounding communities and safe for
    26  employees and inmates. If the facility is not safe and secure,
    27  specific items of concern shall be listed, along with the
    28  location of each item of concern and the potential danger it
    29  creates. A time table to correct the problems identified must be
    30  part of the report.
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     1  Section 4.  Follow-up inspections.
     2     There shall be a Regional Deputy Secretary of Corrections
     3  designated for each of the eastern, middle and western regions
     4  of this Commonwealth. The deputy secretaries of the two regions
     5  wherein the inspected correctional facility does not lie shall
     6  be responsible for conducting a follow-up inspection to certify
     7  the facility as being safe and secure. The follow-up inspection
     8  shall be announced and shall occur between 10 and 15 days after
     9  the random inspection has been made. If the deputy secretaries
    10  have remaining or new items of concern, they shall notify the
    11  Secretary of Corrections and the superintendent of the facility
    12  immediately and shall supervise immediate elimination of or a
    13  plan addressing these concerns. This follow-up inspection may be
    14  done with the assistance of the search team if its assistance is
    15  deemed necessary by the deputy secretaries.
    16  Section 5.  Effective date.
    17     This act shall take effect immediately.

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