See other bills
under the
same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 814, 1659, 2225,         PRINTER'S NO. 2541



No. 750 Session of 1989

           MARCH 23, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 2, 1945 (P.L.382, No.164), entitled "An
     2     act providing for the incorporation as bodies corporate and
     3     politic of 'Authorities' for municipalities, counties and
     4     townships; prescribing the rights, powers and duties of such
     5     Authorities heretofore or hereafter incorporated; authorizing
     6     such Authorities to acquire, construct, improve, maintain and
     7     operate projects, and to borrow money and issue bonds
     8     therefor; providing for the payment of such bonds, and
     9     prescribing the rights of the holders thereof; conferring the
    10     right of eminent domain on such Authorities; authorizing such
    11     Authorities to enter into contracts with and to accept grants
    12     from the Federal Government or any agency thereof; and
    13     conferring exclusive jurisdiction on certain courts over
    14     rates," further defining "project" and "local government       <--
    15     unit"; adding a definition for "working capital"; further
    16     providing for the general powers and duties of an authority;
    17     further providing for removal of members; further providing    <--
    18     for contract procedures, purchases and advertising for bids;
    19     and providing a penalty.

    20     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    21  hereby enacts as follows:
    22     Section 1.  Section 2(j) and (p) of the act of May 2, 1945     <--
    23  (P.L.382, No.164), known as the Municipality Authorities Act of
    24  1945, amended or added June 22, 1990 (P.L.236, No.54), are IS     <--
    25  amended and the section is amended by adding a clause to read:

     1     Section 2.  Definitions.--The following terms whenever used
     2  or referred to in this act shall have the following meanings,
     3  except in those instances where the context clearly indicates
     4  otherwise:
     5     * * *
     6     (j)  The term "project" shall mean equipment to be leased by
     7  an Authority to the municipality or municipalities that
     8  organized it or to any municipality or school district located
     9  wholly or partially within the boundaries of the municipality or
    10  municipalities that organized it, or any structure, facility or
    11  undertaking which an Authority is authorized to acquire,
    12  construct, finance, improve, maintain or operate, or provide
    13  financing for insurance reserves under the provisions of this
    14  act, or any working capital which an authority is authorized to
    15  finance under the provisions of this act.
    16     * * *
    17     (p)  The term "local government unit" shall have the same      <--
    18  meaning as that provided in section 102(c)(10) of the act of
    19  July 12, 1972 (P.L.781, No.185), known as the "Local Government
    20  Unit Debt Act[."]," except that the term shall also include a
    21  city or county of the first class.
    22     * * *
    23     (r)  The term "working capital" shall mean and include, but
    24  shall not be limited to, funds for supplies, materials,
    25  services, salaries, pensions and any other proper operating
    26  expenses; provided that "working capital" shall be limited
    27  solely to hospitals and health centers, and private, nonprofit,
    28  nonsectarian colleges and universities, State-related
    29  universities and community colleges, which are determined by the
    30  Authority to be eligible educational institutions. Nothing
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     1  herein shall prohibit the borrowing of working capital as may be
     2  necessary or incidental to the undertaking or placing in
     3  operation of any project undertaken in whole or in part pursuant
     4  to this act.
     5     Section 2.  The introductory paragraph of clause (a) and
     6  clause (b)(2)(v) of subsection A of section 4 of the act,
     7  amended June 22, 1990 (P.L.236, No.54), are amended and clause
     8  (b)(2) is amended by adding a subclause to read:
     9     Section 4.  Purposes and Powers; General.--A.  Every
    10  Authority incorporated under this act shall be a body corporate
    11  and politic, and shall be for the purpose of acquiring, holding,
    12  constructing, improving, maintaining, and operating, owning,
    13  leasing, either in the capacity of lessor or lessee, projects of
    14  the following kind and character and providing financing for
    15  insurance reserves.
    16     (a)  The Authority shall be for the purpose of financing
    17  working capital and of acquiring, holding, constructing,
    18  financing, improving, maintaining and operating, owning,
    19  leasing, either in the capacity of lessor or lessee, projects of
    20  the kind and character described in the following subclauses and
    21  for the purpose of providing financing for insurance reserves:
    22     * * *
    23     (b)  This section is subject to the following limitations:
    24     * * *
    25     (2)  The purpose and intent of this act being to benefit the
    26  people of the Commonwealth by, among other things, increasing
    27  their commerce, health, safety and prosperity, and not to
    28  unnecessarily burden or interfere with existing business by the
    29  establishment of competitive enterprises, none of the powers
    30  granted by this act shall be exercised in the construction,
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     1  financing, improvement, maintenance, extension or operation of
     2  any project or projects or providing financing for insurance
     3  reserves which in whole or in part shall duplicate or compete
     4  with existing enterprises serving substantially the same
     5  purposes. This limitation shall not apply to the exercise of the
     6  powers granted hereunder:
     7     * * *
     8     (v)  to provide financing for insurance reserves, if each
     9  municipality or Authority intending to use any proceeds thereof
    10  shall declare by resolution or ordinance that it is desirable
    11  for the health, safety and welfare of the people in such local
    12  government unit or served by such Authority[.]; nor
    13     (vi)  to projects for financing working capital.
    14     * * *
    15     Section 3.  Subsection B of section 7 of the act, amended      <--
    16  July 27, 1953 (P.L.639, No.185), is amended to read:
    17     Section 7.  Governing Body.--* * *
    18     B.  Members shall hold office until their successors have
    19  been appointed, and may succeed themselves, and, except members
    20  of the boards of Authorities organized or created by a school
    21  district or school districts, shall receive such salaries as may
    22  be determined by the governing body or bodies of the
    23  municipality or municipalities, but none of such salaries shall
    24  be increased or diminished by such governing body or bodies
    25  during the term for which the member receiving the same shall
    26  have been appointed. Members of the board of any Authority
    27  organized or created by a school district or school districts
    28  shall receive no compensation for their services, but the
    29  members of such board in office on the effective date of this
    30  amendment shall continue to receive their salaries during the
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     1  remainder of their existing term. A member may be removed [for
     2  cause by the court of quarter sessions of the county in which
     3  the Authority is located after having been provided with a copy
     4  of the charges against him for at least ten days and full
     5  hearing by the court.] by the governing body that appointed the
     6  member. The governing body shall give the member at least ten
     7  days notice of the intention to remove, prior to the removal
     8  vote, and shall conduct a public hearing if requested by the
     9  member. If a vacancy shall occur by reason of the death,
    10  disqualification, resignation or removal of a member, the
    11  municipal authorities shall appoint a successor to fill his
    12  unexpired term. In joint Authorities such vacancies shall be
    13  filled by the municipal Authorities of the municipality in the
    14  representation of which the vacancy occurs. Whenever any
    15  municipality shall withdraw from a joint Authority the term of
    16  any member or members appointed from such municipality shall
    17  immediately terminate.
    18     * * *
    19     Section 4 3.   Section 10 of the act, amended or added June    <--
    20  28, 1979 (P.L.53, No.22) and February 18, 1982 (P.L.86, No.31),
    21  is amended to read:
    22     Section 10.  Competition in Award of Contracts.--A.  All
    23  construction, reconstruction, repairs or work of any nature made
    24  by any Authority, where the entire cost, value or amount of such
    25  construction, reconstruction, repairs or work, including labor
    26  and materials, shall exceed [four thousand dollars ($4,000)] ten
    27  thousand dollars ($10,000), except construction, reconstruction,
    28  repairs or work done by employes of said Authority, or by labor
    29  supplied under agreement with any Federal or State agency, with
    30  supplies and materials purchased as hereinafter provided, shall
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     1  be done only under contract or contracts to be entered into by
     2  the Authority with the lowest responsible bidder upon proper
     3  terms, after due public notice has been given asking for
     4  competitive bids as hereinafter provided. No contract shall be
     5  entered into for construction or improvement or repair of any
     6  project or portion thereof, unless the contractor shall give an
     7  undertaking with a sufficient surety or sureties approved by the
     8  Authority, and in an amount fixed by the Authority, for the
     9  faithful performance of the contract. All such contracts shall
    10  provide among other things that the person or corporation
    11  entering into such contract with the Authority will pay for all
    12  materials furnished and services rendered for the performance of
    13  the contract, and that any person or corporation furnishing such
    14  materials or rendering such services may maintain an action to
    15  recover for the same against the obligor in the undertaking, as
    16  though such person or corporation was named therein, provided
    17  the action is brought within one year after the time the cause
    18  of action accrued. Nothing in this section shall be construed to
    19  limit the power of the Authority to construct, repair or improve
    20  any project or portion thereof, or any addition, betterment or
    21  extension thereto, directly by the officers, agents and employes
    22  of the Authority, or otherwise than by contract.
    23     B.  All supplies and materials costing [four thousand dollars
    24  ($4,000)] ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or more, shall be
    25  purchased only after due advertisement as hereinafter provided.
    26  Authority shall accept the lowest bid or bids, kind, quality and
    27  material being equal, but the Authority shall have the right to
    28  reject any or all bids or select a single item from any bid. The
    29  provisions as to bidding shall not apply to the purchase of
    30  patented and manufactured products offered for sale in a
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     1  noncompetitive market or solely by a manufacturer's authorized
     2  dealer.
     3     B.1  Written or telephonic price quotations from at least
     4  three qualified and responsible contractors shall be requested
     5  for all contracts that exceed four thousand dollars ($4,000) but
     6  are less than the amount requiring advertisement and competitive
     7  bidding or, in lieu of price quotations, a memorandum shall be
     8  kept on file showing that fewer than three qualified contractors
     9  exist in the market area within which it is practicable to
    10  obtain quotations. A written record of telephonic price
    11  quotations shall be made and shall contain at least the date of
    12  the quotation, the name of the contractor and the contractor's
    13  representative, the construction, reconstruction, repair,
    14  maintenance or work which was the subject of the quotation and
    15  the price. Written price quotations, written records of
    16  telephonic price quotations and memoranda shall be retained for
    17  a period of three years.
    18     C.  The terms advertisement or due public notice wherever
    19  used in this section, shall mean a notice published at least ten
    20  (10) days before the award of any contract, in a newspaper of
    21  general circulation published in the municipality where the
    22  Authority has its principal office, and if no newspaper is
    23  published therein then by publication in a newspaper in the
    24  county where the Authority has its principal office: Provided,
    25  That such notice may be waived where the Authority determines an
    26  emergency exists, and such supplies and materials must be
    27  immediately purchased by the said Authority.
    28     D.  No member of the Authority or officer or employe thereof
    29  shall either directly or indirectly be a party to or be in any
    30  manner interested in any contract or agreement with the
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     1  Authority for any matter, cause or thing whatsoever by reason
     2  whereof any liability or indebtedness shall in any way be
     3  created against such Authority. If any contract or agreement
     4  shall be made in violation of the provisions of this section the
     5  same shall be null and void and no action shall be maintained
     6  thereon against such Authority.
     7     E.  Subject to the aforesaid any Authority may (but without
     8  intending by this provision to limit any powers of such
     9  Authority) enter into and carry out such contracts, or establish
    10  or comply with such rules and regulations concerning labor and
    11  materials and other related matters in connection with any
    12  project or portion thereof, as the Authority may deem desirable,
    13  or as may be requested by any Federal agency that may assist in
    14  the financing of such project or any part thereof: Provided,
    15  however, That the provisions of this section shall not apply to
    16  any case in which the Authority has taken over by transfer or
    17  assignment any contract authorized to be assigned to it under
    18  the provisions of section nine of this act, nor to any contract
    19  in connection with the construction of any project which the
    20  Authority may have had transferred to it by any person or
    21  private corporation.
    22     F.  Every contract for the construction, reconstruction,
    23  repair, improvement or maintenance of public works shall contain
    24  a provision that any steel products used or supplied in the
    25  performance of the contract or any subcontracts thereunder shall
    26  be from steel made in the United States.
    27     G.  An Authority shall not evade the provisions of this
    28  section as to bids or purchasing materials or contracting for
    29  services piece-meal, for the purpose of obtaining prices under
    30  ten thousand dollars ($10,000), upon transactions which should
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     1  in the exercise of reasonable discretion and prudence be
     2  conducted as one transaction amounting to more than ten thousand
     3  dollars ($10,000). This provision is intended to make unlawful
     4  the practice of evading contracting requirements by making a
     5  series of purchases or contracts each for less than the
     6  advertising requirement price, or by making several simultaneous
     7  purchases or contracts each below said price, when in either
     8  case the transaction involved should have been made as one
     9  transaction for one price.
    10     H.  Any Authority member who votes to unlawfully evade the
    11  provisions of this section and who knows that the transaction
    12  upon which he so votes is or ought to be part of a larger
    13  transaction and that it is being divided in order to evade the
    14  requirements as to advertising for bids, commits a misdemeanor
    15  of the third degree for each contract entered into as a direct
    16  result of that vote.
    17     Section 5 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.           <--

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