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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 820



No. 756 Session of 1989

           ANDREZESKI, MARCH 23, 1989

           MARCH 23, 1989

                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the certification of real estate appraisers;
     2     creating the Real Estate Appraisers Subcommittee and imposing
     3     powers and duties; providing additional powers and duties for
     4     the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs; and
     5     fixing civil and criminal penalties for violations.

     6                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     7  Chapter 1.  General Provisions
     8  Section 101.  Short title.
     9  Section 102.  Definitions.
    10  Chapter 3.  Scope of Regulations
    11  Section 301.  Compliance.
    12  Section 302.  Exclusion and Limitation.
    13  Chapter 5.  Real Estate Appraisers Subcommittee
    14  Section 501.  Subcommittee.
    15  Section 502.  Terms.
    16  Section 503.  Qualifications.
    17  Section 504.  Meetings.
    18  Section 505.  Officers, quorum and removal.
    19  Section 506.  Expenses.

     1  Section 507.  Rules and regulations.
     2  Section 508.  Powers and duties of subcommittee.
     3  Section 509.  Registry.
     4  Section 510.  Annual reports.
     5  Chapter 7.  Revenue
     6  Section 701.  Initial funding.
     7  Section 702.  Fees.
     8  Chapter 9.  Certification Process
     9  Section 901.  Examinations.
    10  Section 902.  Classes of Certification.
    11  Section 903.  Written examination; contents.
    12  Section 904.  Prerequisites.
    13  Section 905.  False statements.
    14  Section 906.  Denial of certification.
    15  Section 907.  Duration of certification.
    16  Section 908.  Nonresidents.
    17  Section 909.  Recognition of other State certification.
    18  Section 910.  Renewals.
    19  Section 911.  Late renewals.
    20  Section 912.  No corporate certification.
    21  Section 913.  Address of principal office.
    22  Section 914.  Signatures of subcommittee members.
    23  Section 915.  Use of certification number.
    24  Section 916.  Limitation on use of term.
    25  Section 917.  Reinstatement options.
    26  Chapter 11.  Continuing Education
    27  Section 1101.  General rule.
    28  Section 1102.  Additional rules and regulations.
    29  Section 1103.  Mandatory requirement.
    30  Chapter 13.  Disciplinary Proceedings
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     1  Section 1301.  General rule.
     2  Section 1302.  Disciplinary action.
     3  Section 1303.  Effect of civil suit.
     4  Section 1304.  Conduct of proceedings.
     5  Chapter 15.  Appraisal Reports
     6  Section 1501.  Reports.
     7  Chapter 17.  Miscellaneous
     8  Section 1701.  Records.
     9  Section 1702.  Criminal penalty.
    10  Section 1703.  Action for damages.
    11  Chapter 19.  Effective Date
    12  Section 1901.  Effective date.
    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15                             CHAPTER 1
    16                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    17  Section 101.  Short title.
    18     This act shall be known and may be cited as the State-
    19  Certified Real Estate Appraisers Law.
    20  Section 102.  Definitions.
    21     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    22  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    23  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    24     "Applicant."  A person who holds a current, valid broker's
    25  license issued to him under the provisions of the act of
    26  February 19, 1980 (P.L.15, No.9), known as the Real Estate
    27  Licensing and Registration Act.
    28     "Appraisal assignment."  An engagement for which an appraiser
    29  is employed or retained to act, or would be perceived by third
    30  parties or the public as acting, as a disinterested third party
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     1  in rendering an unbiased analysis, opinion or conclusion
     2  relating to the nature, quality, value or utility of specified
     3  interests in, or aspects of, identified real estate.
     4     "Appraisal Foundation."  The Appraisal Foundation
     5  incorporated as an Illinois Not for Profit Corporation on
     6  November 30, 1987.
     7     "Appraisal report."  Any communication, written or oral, of
     8  an analysis, opinion or conclusion relating to the nature,
     9  quality, value or utility of specified interests in, or aspects
    10  of, identified real estate, including, but not limited to,
    11  valuation reports, real estate counseling reports, real estate
    12  tax counseling reports, real estate offering memoranda, mortgage
    13  banking offers, highest and best use studies, market demand and
    14  economic feasibility studies, and all other reports
    15  communicating an appraisal analysis, opinion or conclusion,
    16  regardless of title, including reviews of any appraisal reports
    17  as defined in this act.
    18     "Commission."  The State Real Estate Commission.
    19     "Commissioner."  The Commissioner of Professional and
    20  Occupational Affairs in the Department of State.
    21     "Department."  The Department of State of the Commonwealth.
    22     "Real estate."  An identified parcel or tract of land,
    23  including improvements, if any.
    24     "Real estate appraisal" or appraisal."  An analysis, opinion
    25  or conclusion relating to the nature, quality, value or utility
    26  of specified interests in, or aspects of, identified real
    27  estate, for or in expectation of compensation.
    28     "Real property."  One or more defined interests in a parcel
    29  of real estate, whether an unencumbered fee or a lesser estate.
    30     "State-certified real estate appraiser."  A person who holds
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     1  a current valid certificate issued to him under the provisions
     2  of this act. A State-certified real estate appraiser may
     3  designate or identify appraisals rendered by him as certified
     4  appraisals.
     5     "Subcommittee."  The Real Estate Appraiser Subcommittee of
     6  the State Real Estate Commission established pursuant to the
     7  provisions of this act.
     8                             CHAPTER 3
     9                        SCOPE OF REGULATIONS
    10  Section 301.  Compliance.
    11     A State-certified real estate appraiser must comply with the
    12  standards provided in this act and applicable regulations for
    13  the development and communication of real estate appraisals for
    14  any appraisals of real estate located in this Commonwealth.
    15  Section 302.  Exclusion and limitation.
    16     This act does not preclude a person who is not certified as a
    17  State-certified real estate appraiser from appraising real
    18  estate for compensation. No person, other than a State-certified
    19  real estate appraiser, shall assume or use that title or any
    20  title, designation or abbreviation likely to create the
    21  impression of certification as a real estate appraiser by this
    22  Commonwealth. A person who is not certified pursuant to this act
    23  shall not describe or refer to any appraisal or other evaluation
    24  of real estate located in this Commonwealth by the term
    25  certified.
    26                             CHAPTER 5
    28  Section 501.  Subcommittee.
    29     There is hereby created within the State Real Estate
    30  Commission the Real Estate Appraisers Subcommittee which shall
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     1  consist of the commissioner and six members appointed by the
     2  Governor, two of whom shall be public members and four of whom
     3  shall be real estate appraisers.
     4  Section 502.  Terms.
     5     The term of each member shall be three years. Upon expiration
     6  of their terms, members of the subcommittee shall continue to
     7  hold office until the appointment and qualification of their
     8  successors but not longer than six months beyond the three-year
     9  period. No person shall serve as a member of the subcommittee
    10  for more than two consecutive terms. Initially, two members of
    11  the subcommittee shall be appointed for one year terms, two
    12  members for two year terms and two members for three year terms.
    13  Thereafter, all members shall be appointed for three-year terms.
    14  Section 503.  Qualifications.
    15     (a)  Real estate appraisers.--The real estate appraiser
    16  members of the subcommittee shall be members in good standing of
    17  a nationally recognized appraisal organization that requires
    18  appraisal experience, education and testing, as well as
    19  adherence to standards of professional practice, to qualify for
    20  and retain membership in good standing.
    21     (b)  Public members.--The public members of the subcommittee
    22  shall be members of the State Real Estate Commission and shall
    23  not be licensees of the department nor real estate appraisers
    24  nor employees of any institution engaged in mortgage lending.
    25     (c)  Certification after 1991.--The real estate appraiser
    26  members appointed after January 1, 1991, shall be State-
    27  certified real estate appraisers actively engaged in the
    28  practice of real estate appraising.
    29  Section 504.  Meetings.
    30     The subcommittee shall meet at least once each calendar
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     1  quarter to conduct its business. Places of future meetings shall
     2  be decided by the vote of members at meetings.
     3  Section 505.  Officers, quorum and removal.
     4     The members of the subcommittee shall elect a secretary from
     5  among its members. A quorum of the subcommittee shall be four
     6  members. A member who fails to attend three consecutive meetings
     7  shall forfeit his seat unless the commissioner excuses the
     8  member because of illness or death of a family member.
     9  Section 506.  Expenses.
    10     Each member of the subcommittee other than the commissioner
    11  shall receive reimbursement for reasonable expenses in
    12  accordance with Commonwealth regulations and per diem
    13  compensation at the rate of $60 per day for the time actually
    14  devoted to the business of the subcommittee.
    15  Section 507.  Rules and regulations.
    16     The subcommittee shall promulgate rules and regulations in
    17  aid or in furtherance of this act.
    18  Section 508.  Powers and duties of the subcommittee.
    19     The subcommittee shall have the following powers and duties:
    20         (1)  Establish educational programs and research projects
    21     related to the appraisal of real estate.
    22         (2)  Establish the administrative procedures for
    23     processing applications and issuing certificates for State-
    24     certified real estate appraisers and for disciplinary
    25     proceedings pursuant to the provisions of this act.
    26         (3)  To contract with a professional testing organization
    27     for the preparation and administration of the examination for
    28     each category of State-certified real estate appraisers, in
    29     accordance with section 812.1(a) of the act of April 9, 1929
    30     (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929,
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     1     and to establish prior to the administration of each
     2     examination an appropriate minimum passing score, in keeping
     3     with the purposes of this act. The examination shall be a
     4     written examination in accordance with the provisions of
     5     section 903.
     6         (4)  Further define by regulation and with respect to
     7     each category of State-certified real estate appraisers the
     8     type of educational experience, appraisal experience and
     9     equivalent experience that will meet the statutory
    10     requirements of this act.
    11         (5)  Further define by regulation and with respect to
    12     each category of State-certified real estate appraisers the
    13     continuing education requirements for the renewal of
    14     certification that will meet the statutory requirements
    15     provided in this act.
    16         (6)  Adopt standards for the development and
    17     communication of real estate appraisals, and adopt
    18     regulations explaining and interpreting the standards of the
    19     Appraisal Foundation.
    20         (7)  Perform such other functions and duties as may be
    21     necessary in carrying out this act including, but not limited
    22     to, the review from time to time the standards for the
    23     development and communication of real estate appraisals.
    24  Section 509.  Registry.
    25     The subcommittee shall maintain a registry of the names and
    26  addresses of people certified under this act. The subcommittee
    27  shall retain these records and all application materials
    28  submitted to it.
    29  Section 510.  Annual reports.
    30     The subcommittee shall file with the department an annual
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     1  report of its activities, including a complete statement of the
     2  receipts and disbursements of the subcommittee.
     3                             CHAPTER 7
     4                              REVENUE
     5  Section 701.  Initial funding.
     6     (a)  Initial fees.--The subcommittee shall charge and collect
     7  initial funding fees not in excess of the following:
     8         (1)  Application fee for certification............$200.00
     9         (2)  Examination fee...............................100.00
    10         (3)  Annual certificate renewal fee................100.00
    11         (4)  Delinquent renewal fee.........................25.00
    12     (b)  Fees paid into operating account.--All fees shall be
    13  paid into the subcommittee's operating account.
    14     (c)  No Commonwealth funds.--The subcommittee shall receive
    15  no Commonwealth funds through appropriation or otherwise and
    16  shall not expend any such Commonwealth funds.
    17  Section 702.  Fees.
    18     (a)  Establishment.--All fees required under this act shall
    19  be fixed by the subcommittee by regulation and shall be subject
    20  to review in accordance with the act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633,
    21  No.181), known as the Regulatory Review Act. If the projected
    22  revenues to be generated by fees, fines and civil penalties
    23  imposed in accordance with the provisions of this act are not
    24  sufficient to match expenditures over a two-year period, the
    25  subcommittee shall increase those fees by regulation, subject to
    26  review in accordance with the Regulatory Review Act, so that the
    27  projected revenues will meet or exceed projected expenditures.
    28     (b)  Power of bureau to increase fees.--If the Bureau of
    29  Professional and Occupational Affairs determines that the fees
    30  established by the subcommittee are inadequate to meet the
    19890S0756B0820                  - 9 -

     1  minimum enforcement efforts required, then the bureau, after
     2  consultation with the subcommittee, shall increase the fees by
     3  regulation, subject to review in accordance with the Regulatory
     4  Review Act, so that adequate revenue is raised to meet the
     5  required enforcement effort.
     6                             CHAPTER 9
     7                       CERTIFICATION PROCESS
     8  Section 901.  Examinations.
     9     (a)  Applications.--Applications for examinations, original
    10  certification and renewal certification made pursuant to this
    11  act shall be made in writing to the subcommittee on forms
    12  provided by the subcommittee.
    13     (b)  Fee.--Appropriate fees, as fixed by the subcommittee
    14  pursuant to section 702, shall accompany all applications for
    15  examination, original certification and renewal certification.
    16     (c)  Statement.--At the time of filing an application for
    17  certification, each applicant shall sign a pledge to comply with
    18  the standards set forth in this act and state that the applicant
    19  understands the types of misconduct for which disciplinary
    20  proceedings may be initiated against a State-certified real
    21  estate appraiser, as set forth in this act.
    22  Section 902.  Classes of certification.
    23     There shall be two classes of certification for certified
    24  real estate appraisers. One class shall consist of those persons
    25  applying for certification relating solely to the appraisal of
    26  residential real property of one to four units, and up to 12
    27  units when a net income capitalization analysis is not required
    28  by the terms of the assignment. The other class of certification
    29  shall consist of those persons applying for a general
    30  certification relating to the appraisal of real property. The
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     1  application for examination, original certification and renewal
     2  certification shall specify the classification being applied
     3  for.
     4  Section 903.  Written examination; contents.
     5     An original certification as a State-certified real estate
     6  appraiser shall not be issued to any person who has not
     7  demonstrated through a written examination process that that
     8  person possesses the following:
     9         (1)  Appropriate knowledge of technical terms commonly
    10     used in or related to real estate appraising, appraisal
    11     report writing and economic concepts applicable to real
    12     estate.
    13         (2)  Basic understanding of real estate law.
    14         (3)  Adequate knowledge of theories of depreciation, cost
    15     estimating, methods of capitalization and the mathematics of
    16     real estate appraisal.
    17         (4)  Understanding of the principles of land economics,
    18     real estate appraisal processes and of problems likely to be
    19     encountered in the gathering, interpreting and processing of
    20     data in carrying out appraisal disciplines.
    21         (5)  Understanding of the standards for the development
    22     and communication of real estate appraisals as provided in
    23     this act.
    24         (6)  Understanding the types of misconduct for which
    25     disciplinary proceedings may be initiated against a State-
    26     certified real estate appraiser, as set forth in this act.
    27  Section 904.  Prerequisites.
    28     (a)  General certification.--As a prerequisite to taking the
    29  examination for the general certification relating to the
    30  appraisal of real property, an applicant shall present evidence
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     1  satisfactory to the subcommittee that the applicant possesses
     2  the equivalent of three years of full-time experience in real
     3  property appraisal, acquired within a period of five years
     4  immediately preceding the filing of the application for
     5  certification, or the equivalent thereof, and either:
     6         (1)  has a college degree; or
     7         (2)  has successfully completed not less than 150
     8     classroom hours of academic experience in subjects related to
     9     real estate appraisal plus 15 classroom hours related to
    10     standards of professional practice and the provisions of this
    11     act.
    12     (b)  Residential real estate appraisal.--As a prerequisite to
    13  taking the examination for certification relating solely to the
    14  appraisal of residential real property of one to four units, and
    15  up to 12 units when a net income capitalization analysis is not
    16  required by the terms of the assignment, an applicant shall
    17  present evidence satisfactory to the subcommittee that the
    18  applicant possesses the equivalent of two years of full-time
    19  experience in real property appraisal, acquired within a period
    20  of five years immediately preceding the filing of the
    21  application for certification, or the equivalent thereof, and
    22  either:
    23         (1)  has a college degree; or
    24         (2)  has successfully completed not less than 60
    25     classroom hours of academic experience in subjects related to
    26     real estate appraisal plus 15 classroom hours related to
    27     standards of professional practice and the provisions of this
    28     act.
    29     (c)  Definition of subjects.--The subcommittee shall
    30  prescribe and define the subjects related to real property
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     1  appraisal, and the full-time experience in real property
     2  appraisal which will satisfy the requirements of subsections (a)
     3  and (b).
     4     (d)  Statement of experience.--Each applicant for
     5  certification shall furnish a detailed statement of the real
     6  estate appraisal assignments for each year for which experience
     7  is claimed by the applicant. Upon request, the applicant shall
     8  furnish to the subcommittee, for examination, copies of
     9  appraisal reports which the applicant has prepared in the course
    10  of appraisal experience.
    11  Section 905.  False statements.
    12     It is unlawful for any person to knowingly make any false
    13  statements with respect to that person's identity in connection
    14  with an application for examination or in the taking of an
    15  examination for certification as a State-certified real estate
    16  appraiser.
    17  Section 906.  Denial of certification.
    18     The subcommittee may, in accordance with the provisions of
    19  this act relating to hearings, deny the issuance of a
    20  certificate as a State-certified real estate appraiser to an
    21  applicant on any of the grounds enumerated in Chapter 13.
    22  Section 907.  Duration of certification.
    23     The term of a certificate issued under the authority of this
    24  act shall be two years from the date of issuance. The expiration
    25  date of the certificate shall appear on the certificate, and no
    26  other notice of its expiration need be given to its holder.
    27  Section 908.  Nonresidents.
    28     (a)  Service of process.--Every applicant for certification
    29  under this act who is not a resident of this Commonwealth shall
    30  submit, with the application for certification, an irrevocable
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     1  consent that service of process upon the nonresident applicant
     2  may be made by delivery of the process to the Secretary of the
     3  Commonwealth if the plaintiff, in an action against the
     4  applicant in a court of this Commonwealth arising out of the
     5  applicant's activities as a State-certified real estate
     6  appraiser, cannot, in the exercise of due diligence, effect
     7  personal service upon the applicant.
     8     (b)  Certification of nonresident.--A nonresident of this
     9  Commonwealth who has complied with the provisions of subsection
    10  (a) may obtain a certificate as a State-certified real estate
    11  appraiser by conforming to all the provisions of this act
    12  relating to State-certified real estate appraisers.
    13  Section 909.  Recognition of other State certification.
    14     The subcommittee shall issue a certificate as a State-
    15  certified real estate appraiser to a holder of a certificate
    16  issued by another state, upon a showing that both of the
    17  following requirements are met:
    18         (1)  The applicant passed the examination required for
    19     issuance of the applicant's certificate with passing grades
    20     that would have been passing grades at the time in this
    21     Commonwealth.
    22         (2)  If the applicant is applying for:
    23             (i)  general certification, the applicant shall meet
    24         the requirements of section 904(a); or
    25             (ii)  certification relating solely to the appraisal
    26         of residential real property of one to four units and up
    27         to 12 units when a net income capitalization analysis is
    28         not required by the terms of the assignment, the
    29         applicant shall meet the requirements of section 904(b).
    30  Section 910.  Renewals.
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     1     (a)  General rule.--To obtain a renewal certificate as a
     2  State-certified real estate appraiser, the holder of a current,
     3  valid certificate shall make application and pay the prescribed
     4  fee to the subcommittee not earlier than 120 days nor later than
     5  30 days prior to the expiration date of the certificate held.
     6  With the application for renewal, the State-certified real
     7  estate appraiser shall present evidence in the form prescribed
     8  by the subcommittee of having completed the continuing education
     9  requirements for renewal set forth in Chapter 11.
    10     (b)  Extension of time.--If the subcommittee determines that
    11  an applicant has failed to meet the requirements for renewal of
    12  certification through mistake, misunderstanding or circumstances
    13  beyond the control of the applicant, the subcommittee may extend
    14  the term of the certificate for a period not to exceed six
    15  months, upon payment by the applicant of a prescribed fee for
    16  the extension. If the applicant satisfies the requirement for
    17  renewal during the extended time of certification, the beginning
    18  date of the new renewal certificate shall be the day following
    19  the expiration of the certificate previously held by the
    20  applicant.
    21  Section 911.  Late renewals.
    22     If the person fails to renew a certificate of a State-
    23  certified real estate appraiser prior to its expiration or
    24  within a period of extension granted by the subcommittee
    25  pursuant to section 910, the person may obtain a renewal
    26  certificate by satisfying all the requirements for renewal and
    27  by the payment of a late renewal fee in an amount equal to one
    28  and one-third times the renewal fee in effect at the time the
    29  application is made for late renewal of the certificate.
    30  Section 912.  No corporate certification.
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     1     No certificate shall be issued under the provisions of this
     2  act to a corporation, partnership, firm or group. Nothing herein
     3  shall preclude a State-certified real estate appraiser from
     4  rendering appraisals for or on behalf of a corporation,
     5  partnership, firm or group practice, provided that the appraisal
     6  report is prepared by, or under the immediate direction of, the
     7  State-certified real estate appraiser and is signed by the
     8  State-certified real estate appraiser.
     9  Section 913.  Address of principal office.
    10     Each State-certified real estate appraiser shall advise the
    11  subcommittee of the address of the appraiser's principal place
    12  of business and all other addresses at which that appraiser is
    13  currently engaged in the business of preparing real property
    14  appraisal reports. Whenever a State-certified real estate
    15  appraiser changes a place of business, the appraiser shall amend
    16  the certificate issued by the subcommittee to reflect the change
    17  and shall immediately give written notification of the change to
    18  the subcommittee.
    19  Section 914.  Signatures of subcommittee members.
    20     A certificate issued under the authority of this act shall
    21  bear the signatures or facsimile signatures of the members of
    22  the subcommittee and a certificate number assigned by the
    23  subcommittee.
    24  Section 915.  Use of certification number.
    25     Each State-certified real estate appraiser shall place the
    26  certificate number adjacent to or immediately below the
    27  designation "State-Certified Real Estate Appraiser" when used in
    28  an appraisal report or in a contract or other instrument used by
    29  the certificate holder in conducting real property appraisal
    30  activities.
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     1  Section 916.  Limitation on the use of term.
     2     The term "State-Certified Real Estate Appraiser" may only be
     3  used to refer to individuals who hold the certificate and may
     4  not be used following or immediately in connection with the name
     5  or signature of a firm, partnership, corporation or group, or in
     6  such manner that it might be interpreted as referring to a firm,
     7  partnership, corporation, group or anyone other than an
     8  individual holder of the certificate.
     9  Section 917.  Reinstatement options.
    10     The subcommittee may require as a prerequisite to the
    11  granting of an application for reinstatement of a revoked
    12  certificate that the applicant successfully complete the written
    13  examination process referred to in section 903.
    14                             CHAPTER 11
    15                        CONTINUING EDUCATION
    16  Section 1101.  General rule.
    17     (a)  Prerequisite.--As a prerequisite to renewal of
    18  certification, a State-certified real estate appraiser shall
    19  present evidence satisfactory to the subcommittee of having met
    20  the continuing education requirements of this act.
    21     (b)  Basic continuing education requirement.--The basic
    22  continuing education requirement for renewal of certification
    23  shall be the completion by the applicant, during the immediately
    24  preceding term of certification, of not less than 30 classroom
    25  hours of instruction in courses which have received the approval
    26  of the subcommittee.
    27     (c)  Alternatives.--In lieu of meeting the requirements of
    28  subsection (b), an applicant for recertification may satisfy all
    29  or part of the requirements of the act by presenting evidence of
    30  the following:
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     1         (1)  Completion of courses of study determined by the
     2     subcommittee to be equivalent, for continuing education
     3     purposes, to courses approved by the subcommittee pursuant to
     4     subsection (b).
     5         (2)  Participation other than as a student in educational
     6     processes and programs in real property appraisal theory,
     7     practices or techniques, including, but not necessarily
     8     limited to, teaching, program development and preparation of
     9     textbooks, monographs, articles and other instructional
    10     materials.
    11  Section 1102.  Additional rules and regulations.
    12     (a)  Promulgation.--The subcommittee shall adopt regulations
    13  for implementation of the provisions of this act to the end of
    14  assuring that persons renewing their certifications as State-
    15  certified real estate appraisers have current knowledge of real
    16  property appraisal theories, practices and techniques which will
    17  provide a high degree of service and protection to those members
    18  of the public with whom they deal in a professional relationship
    19  under authority of the certification. The regulation shall
    20  prescribe the following:
    21         (1)  Policies and procedures for obtaining subcommittee
    22     approval of courses of instruction in accordance with section
    23     1101(b).
    24         (2)  Standards, policies and procedures to be applied by
    25     the subcommittee in evaluating applicants' claims of
    26     equivalency in accordance with section 1101(c).
    27         (3)  Standards, monitoring methods and systems for
    28     recording attendance to be employed by course sponsors as a
    29     prerequisite to subcommittee approval of courses for credit.
    30     (b)  Materials available to subcommittee.--In adopting
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     1  regulations pursuant to subsection (a)(1), the subcommittee may
     2  utilize courses of instruction, seminars and other real property
     3  appraisal education courses or programs previously or hereafter
     4  developed by or under the auspices of professional appraisal
     5  organizations and utilized by those associations for purposes of
     6  designation, certification or recertification of the members of
     7  the association.
     8     (c)  Effect of repeal on renewal credit.--No amendment or
     9  repeal of a regulation adopted by the subcommittee pursuant to
    10  this section shall operate to deprive a State-certified real
    11  estate appraiser of credit toward renewal of certification for
    12  any course of instruction completed by the applicant prior to
    13  the amendment or repeal of the regulation which would have
    14  qualified for continuing education credit under the regulation
    15  as it existed prior to the repeal or amendment.
    16  Section 1103.  Mandatory requirement.
    17     On and after January 1, 1991, a certification as a State-
    18  certified real estate appraiser that has been revoked as a
    19  result of disciplinary action by the subcommittee shall not be
    20  reinstated unless the applicant presents evidence of completion
    21  of the continuing education required by this act. This
    22  requirement of evidence of continuing education shall not be
    23  imposed upon an applicant for reinstatement who has been
    24  required to successfully complete the examination for State-
    25  certified real estate appraiser as a condition to reinstatement
    26  of certification.
    27                             CHAPTER 13
    28                      DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS
    29  Section 1301.  General rule.
    30     The rights of any holder under a certificate as a State-
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     1  certified real estate appraiser may be revoked or suspended, or
     2  the holder of the certificate may be otherwise disciplined in
     3  accordance with the provisions of this act relating to hearings,
     4  upon any of the grounds set forth in this act.
     5  Section 1302.  Disciplinary action.
     6     (a)  Investigation.--The subcommittee may investigate the
     7  actions of a State-certified real estate appraiser, and may
     8  revoke or suspend the rights of a certificate holder or
     9  otherwise discipline a State-certified real estate appraiser for
    10  any of the following acts:
    11         (1)  Procuring or attempting to procure a certificate
    12     pursuant to this act by knowingly making a false statement,
    13     submitting false information, refusing to provide complete
    14     information in response to a question in an application for
    15     certification or through any form of fraud or
    16     misrepresentation.
    17         (2)  Failing to meet the minimum qualifications
    18     established by this act.
    19         (3)  Paying, or offering to pay, any valuable
    20     consideration other than provided for by this act to any
    21     member or employee of the subcommittee to procure a
    22     certificate under this act.
    23         (4)  A conviction, including a conviction based upon a
    24     plea of guilty or nolo contendre, of a crime which is
    25     substantially related to the qualifications, functions and
    26     duties of a person developing real estate appraisals and
    27     communicating real estate appraisals to others.
    28         (5)  An act or omission involving dishonesty, fraud or
    29     misrepresentation with intent to substantially benefit the
    30     certificate holder in his profession or with the intent to
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     1     substantially injure another person.
     2         (6)  Violation of any of the standards for the
     3     development or communication of real estate appraisals as
     4     provided in this act and the Uniform Standards of
     5     Professional Appraisal Practice promulgated by the Appraisal
     6     Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation.
     7         (7)  Failure or refusal, without good cause, to exercise
     8     reasonable diligence in developing an appraisal, preparing an
     9     appraisal report or communicating an appraisal.
    10         (8)  Negligence or incompetence in developing an
    11     appraisal, in preparing an appraisal report or in
    12     communicating an appraisal.
    13         (9)  Willfully disregarding or violating any of the
    14     provisions of this act or the regulations of the subcommittee
    15     for the administration and enforcement of the provisions of
    16     this act.
    17         (10)  Accepting an appraisal assignment when the
    18     employment itself is contingent upon the appraiser reporting
    19     a predetermined analysis or opinion, or where the fee to be
    20     paid for the performance of the appraisal assignment is
    21     contingent upon the opinion, conclusion or valuation reached,
    22     or upon the consequence resulting from the appraisal
    23     assignment.
    24         (11)  Violating the confidential nature of records to
    25     which the appraiser gained access through employment or
    26     engagement as an appraiser.
    27     (b)  Basis for action.--An act, omission or crime that is a
    28  ground for disciplinary action under this section shall
    29  constitute a basis for disciplinary action against another
    30  license of the State-certified real estate appraiser if the act
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     1  or omission involved is substantially related to the
     2  qualification, functions or duties required of a person acting
     3  under authority of the other license.
     4  Section 1303.  Effect of civil suit.
     5     The subcommittee may suspend or revoke the certificate of a
     6  State-certified real estate appraiser based upon a final civil
     7  judgment against the person on grounds of fraud,
     8  misrepresentation or deceit in making of an appraisal of real
     9  property. In a disciplinary proceeding based upon the judgment,
    10  the State-certified real estate appraiser shall be afforded
    11  notice and the opportunity to present matters in mitigation and
    12  extenuation, but may not collaterally attack the civil judgment.
    13  Section 1304.  Conduct of proceedings.
    14     Disciplinary proceedings before the subcommittee shall be
    15  conducted in accordance with 2 Pa.C.S. (relating to
    16  administrative law and procedure).
    17                             CHAPTER 15
    18                         APPRAISAL REPORTS
    19  Section 1501.  Reports.
    20     (a)  Format.--Any certified appraisal report shall be
    21  presented in clear and unequivocal terms with sufficient
    22  information to enable the user of that report, or any person who
    23  may be expected to rely on it, to understand it properly, and in
    24  such a manner to avoid being misleading.
    25     (b)  Items covered.--Any written certified appraisal report
    26  shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:
    27         (1)  A discussion of any qualifications of the opinions
    28     or conclusions contained in the report, or in contrast with
    29     generally recognized appraisal practices, any limitations on
    30     the scope of the report or omissions.
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     1         (2)  A statement as to whether any person other than the
     2     appraiser whose signature appears on the report prepared the
     3     analysis, opinion or conclusions contained in the report, and
     4     if so, the identity of that person.
     5         (3)  A statement as to whether the person signing the
     6     report has a present or contemplated future interest in the
     7     property which is the subject of the appraisal or has a
     8     relationship with the owner of the property or with the
     9     prospective user of the appraisal data which would constitute
    10     a conflict of interest. If the report contains an affirmative
    11     statement with respect to these factors, it shall also
    12     include a conspicuous and accurate statement of the
    13     relationship.
    14         (4)  A certification that the statements of fact
    15     contained in the report are true and correct to the best
    16     knowledge and belief of the appraiser.
    17         (5)  A certification that the analysis, opinion and
    18     conclusions were developed and the report was prepared in
    19     conformity with the requirements of this act or a statement
    20     of the particulars for which that certification is not made.
    21                             CHAPTER 17
    22                           MISCELLANEOUS
    23  Section 1701.  Records.
    24     A State-certified real estate appraiser shall retain, for two
    25  years, appraisal reports and supporting data assembled and
    26  formulated by the appraiser in preparing appraisal reports. The
    27  period of retention of the records applicable to each engagement
    28  of the services of the appraiser shall run from the date of the
    29  submittal of the appraisal report to the client unless, within
    30  such two-year period, the appraiser is notified that the
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     1  appraisal or report is involved in litigation. These records
     2  shall be made available by the State-certified real estate
     3  appraiser for inspection and copying by the subcommittee on
     4  reasonable notice to the appraiser.
     5  Section 1702.  Criminal penalty.
     6     Any person who willfully violates or knowingly participates
     7  in the violation of section 905 commits a misdemeanor in the
     8  third degree.
     9  Section 1703.  Action for damages.
    10     Any person who has been damaged, or can demonstrate that he
    11  will potentially be irreparable damaged, may bring any action
    12  for damages, equitable relief, or both, against any person who
    13  violates this act. The court may award costs and reasonable
    14  attorney fees to the prevailing party, as determined by the
    15  court. The rights and remedies provided in this act are not
    16  exclusive of other rights or remedies provided by law.
    17                             CHAPTER 19
    18                           EFFECTIVE DATE
    19  Section 1901.  Effective date.
    20     This act shall take effect July 1, 1990.

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