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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 832



No. 767 Session of 1999



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of February 1, 1974 (P.L.34, No.15), entitled
     2     "An act creating a Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System
     3     for the payment of retirement allowances to officers,
     4     employes, firemen and police of political subdivisions and
     5     municipal authorities and of institutions supported and
     6     maintained by political subdivisions and municipal government
     7     associations and providing for the administration of the same
     8     by a board composed of the State Treasurer and others
     9     appointed by the Governor; imposing certain duties on the
    10     Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Board and the actuary
    11     thereof; providing the procedure whereby political
    12     subdivisions and municipal authorities may join such system,
    13     and imposing certain liabilities and obligations on such
    14     political subdivisions and municipal authorities in
    15     connection therewith, and as to certain existing retirement
    16     and pension systems, and upon officers, employes, firemen and
    17     police of such political subdivisions, institutions supported
    18     and maintained by political subdivisions, and upon municipal
    19     authorities; providing for the continuation of certain
    20     municipal retirement systems now administered by the
    21     Commonwealth; providing certain exemptions from taxation,
    22     execution, attachment, levy and sale and providing for the
    23     repeal of certain related acts," further providing for the
    24     allocation of excess interest by successor municipalities in
    25     the case of certain authorities that have their operating
    26     functions transferred back or dissolved.

    27     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    28  hereby enacts as follows:
    29     Section 1.  Section 110 of the act of February 1, 1974
    30  (P.L.34, No.15), known as the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement

     1  Law, amended May 17, 1980 (P.L.135, No.50), is amended to read:
     2     Section 110.  Management and Investment of Fund; Interest
     3  Credits.--The members of the board shall be trustees of the
     4  fund, and shall have the exclusive management of said fund, with
     5  full power to invest the moneys therein, subject to the terms,
     6  conditions, limitations and restrictions imposed by law upon
     7  fiduciaries. The said trustees shall have power to hold,
     8  purchase, sell, assign, transfer and dispose of any securities
     9  and investments in said fund, as well as the proceeds of such
    10  investments, and of the money belonging to such fund.
    11     The board shall annually allow regular interest to the credit
    12  on each contributor's account, municipal account, the retired
    13  members reserve account and the total disability reserve
    14  account. In addition, the board shall, after paying expenses,
    15  annually allow such excess interest as each municipality deems
    16  appropriate to the credit of the municipal accounts, member's
    17  accounts, the member's excess investment accounts, retired
    18  members reserve accounts and total disability reserve accounts.
    19     If a municipal plan is created by an authority, the authority
    20  is either dissolved under the laws of this Commonwealth or the
    21  operating functions have been transferred back to the creating
    22  municipality, there are no active members left in the plan, and
    23  the plan has no unfunded actuarial accrued liability as of the
    24  most recently filed actuarial valuation report required under
    25  the act of December 18, 1984 (P.L.1005, No.205), known as the
    26  "Municipal Pension Plan Funding Standard and Recovery Act," the
    27  municipality responsible for any remaining financial obligations
    28  of the plan, including, but not limited to, the administrative
    29  fees associated with any vested or retired members of the plan,
    30  shall allocate the excess interest allowed by the board to the
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     1  pension plan on an equalized basis among the municipal account,
     2  the vested members' accounts and the retired members' reserve
     3  accounts based upon the present values of the accounts.
     4     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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