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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 833



No. 770 Session of 1999

           APRIL 12, 1999


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
     2     Statutes, further providing for refunds of certain taxes.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5     Section 1.  Section 9017(a.1), (d) and (f) of Title 75 of the
     6  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, reenacted and amended
     7  December 21, 1998 (P.L.1126, No.151), are amended to read:
     8  § 9017.  Refunds.
     9     * * *
    10     (a.1)  Board of Finance and Revenue.--The Board of Finance
    11  and Revenue may make reimbursements and refunds of tax imposed
    12  and collected upon liquid fuels or fuels as provided under
    13  subsections (b), (c), (d) or (e). In addition, the board may
    14  refund on an annual basis any tax imposed by this chapter and
    15  collected by the department upon liquid fuels or fuels delivered
    16  to any entity exempt from tax under section 9004(e) (relating to
    17  imposition of tax, exemptions and deductions) which has not been

     1  claimed as exempt by the distributor or otherwise refunded. The
     2  board may adopt regulations relating to procedures for the
     3  administration of its duties under this subsection.
     4     * * *
     5     (d)  [Off-highway recreational vehicles.--
     6         (1)  When the tax imposed by this chapter has been paid
     7     on fuel used in off-highway recreational vehicles within this
     8     Commonwealth, an amount equal to the revenue generated by the
     9     tax, but not derived therefrom, may be appropriated through
    10     the General Fund to the Department of Conservation and
    11     Natural Resources. It is the intent of this chapter that all
    12     proceeds from the tax paid on fuel used in off-highway
    13     recreational vehicles within this Commonwealth be paid
    14     without diminution of the Motor License Fund.
    15         (2)  The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
    16     shall biennially calculate the amount of liquid fuel consumed
    17     by off-highway recreational vehicles and furnish information
    18     relating to its calculations and data as may be required by
    19     the Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the
    20     Appropriations Committee of the House of Representatives.
    21         (3)  The General Assembly shall review the fuel
    22     consumption calculations of the Department of Conservation
    23     and Natural Resources to determine the amount of liquid fuels
    24     tax paid on liquid fuels consumed in the propulsion of off-
    25     highway recreational vehicles in this Commonwealth and may
    26     annually appropriate to the Department of Conservation and
    27     Natural Resources the amount so determined.
    28         (4)  Money appropriated under paragraph (3) shall be used
    29     for the benefit of motorized and nonmotorized recreational
    30     trails by the Department of Conservation and Natural
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     1     Resources as provided in the Intermodal Surface
     2     Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (Public Law 102-240,
     3     105 Stat. 1914).] Motorized recreational vehicles.--An amount
     4     equal to 50% of the tax imposed by section 9004(a) (relating
     5     to imposition of tax, exemptions and deductions) on fuel
     6     consumed in the operation of motorized recreational vehicles
     7     within this Commonwealth, but not to exceed $3,500,000, shall
     8     be refunded out of the Liquid Fuels Tax Fund to the
     9     Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in the
    10     following manner:
    11         (1)  There is hereby established a special nonlapsing
    12     restricted receipts account in the State Treasury to be known
    13     as the Recreational Trails Trust Fund.
    14         (2)  One-half of the tax revenues, not to exceed
    15     $3,500,000 generated by the tax imposed by section 9004(a) on
    16     fuel used in motorized recreational vehicles used within this
    17     Commonwealth, as determined by the Department of Conservation
    18     and Natural Resources, shall be annually refunded to the
    19     department through the Recreational Trails Trust Fund.
    20         (3)  All moneys in the Recreational Trails Trust Fund are
    21     hereby appropriated on a continuing nonlapsing basis to the
    22     Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the
    23     activities referred to in paragraph (5).
    24         (4)  All interest earned by the Recreational Trails Trust
    25     Fund and refunds or repayments shall be credited to the fund
    26     and are hereby appropriated in the same manner as provided in
    27     paragraph (3).
    28         (5)  All money in the Recreational Trails Trust Fund
    29     shall be used by the Department of Conservation and Natural
    30     Resources as provided in the Transportation Equity Act for
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     1     the Twenty-First Century (Public Law 105-178, 112 Stat. 107),
     2     and for enforcement in State forests and State parks.
     3     * * *
     4     (f)  Claims, forms, contents, penalties.--A claim for
     5  reimbursement or refund under subsection (b), (c), (d) or (e)
     6  shall be made upon a form to be furnished by the board and must
     7  include, in addition to such other information as the board may
     8  by regulation prescribe, the name and address of the claimant;
     9  the period of time and the number of gallons of liquid fuels
    10  used for which reimbursement is claimed; a description of the
    11  farm machinery, aircraft or aircraft engine in which liquid
    12  fuels have been used; the purposes for which the machinery,
    13  aircraft or aircraft engine has been used; and the size of the
    14  farm and part in cultivation on which such liquid fuels have
    15  been used. A claim must contain statements that the liquid fuels
    16  for which reimbursement is claimed have been used only for
    17  purposes for which reimbursements are permitted; that records of
    18  the amounts of such fuels used in each piece of farm machinery,
    19  aircraft or aircraft engine have been kept; and that no part of
    20  the claim has been paid except as stated. A claim must contain a
    21  declaration that it and accompanying receipts are true and
    22  correct to the best of the claimant's knowledge and must be
    23  signed by the claimant or the person claiming on the claimant's
    24  behalf. A claim must be accompanied by receipts indicating that
    25  the liquid fuels tax was paid on the liquid fuels or that the
    26  excess liquid fuels tax was paid on the liquid fuels for which
    27  reimbursement is claimed. Records of purchases of liquid fuels
    28  and use in each tractor or powered machinery, aircraft or
    29  aircraft engine shall be kept for a period of two years. A claim
    30  must be made annually for the preceding year ending on June 30.
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     1  A claim must be submitted to the board by September 30. The
     2  board shall refuse to consider any claim received or postmarked
     3  later than that date. The claimant must satisfy the board that
     4  the tax has been paid and that the liquid fuels have been
     5  consumed by the claimant for purposes for which reimbursements
     6  are permitted under this section. The action of the board in
     7  granting or refusing reimbursement shall be final. The board
     8  shall deduct the sum of $1.50, which shall be considered a
     9  filing fee, from every claim for reimbursement granted. Filing
    10  fees are specifically appropriated to the board and to the
    11  department for expenses incurred in the administration of the
    12  reimbursement provisions of this chapter. The board has the
    13  power to refer to the department for investigation any claim for
    14  reimbursement filed under the provisions of this chapter. The
    15  department shall investigate the application and report to the
    16  board. A person making any false or fraudulent statement for the
    17  purpose of obtaining reimbursement commits a misdemeanor of the
    18  third degree.
    19     * * *
    20     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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