See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 844



No. 774 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the release of Project 500 restrictions imposed on
     2     certain land owned by the Township of Upper Dublin,
     3     Montgomery County in return for the imposition of Project 500
     4     restrictions on certain other land owned by the Township of
     5     Upper Dublin, Montgomery County.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Authorization.
     9     The land described in section 2 is hereby released from any
    10  restrictions or encumbrances on the title resulting from the
    11  provisions of the act of January 19, 1968 (1967 P.L.996,
    12  No.443), known as The Land and Water Conservation and
    13  Reclamation Act, in exchange for the imposition of The Land and
    14  Water Conservation and Reclamation Act provisions on the land
    15  owned by the Township of Upper Dublin, Montgomery County, and
    16  described in section 3.
    17  Section 2.  Description of released land.
    18     The land to be released from restrictions imposed by the act
    19  of January 19, 1968 (1967 P.L.996, No.443), known as The Land

     1  and Water Conservation and Reclamation Act, is more particularly
     2  described as follows:
     3     BEGINNING at a point in the bed of Susquehanna Road (eighty
     4  feet wide); said point marking the intersection of the
     5  centerline of Broad Street (thirty-three feet wide) and the
     6  title line of lands of Upper Dublin Township (Mondauk Common);
     7  thence extending along the said title line the following two
     8  courses and distances, (1) North 26 degrees 17 minutes 00
     9  seconds West, 193.91 feet; (2) North 46 degrees 56 minutes 00
    10  seconds West, 22.55 feet; thence extending along the proposed
    11  right-of-way of Broad Street (Re-alignment) the following four
    12  courses and distances, North 44 degrees 20 minutes 25 seconds
    13  East, 94.08 feet, curving to the right having a radius of 425
    14  feet and arc length of 222.53 feet, North 74 degrees 20 minutes
    15  25 seconds East, 130.34 feet, curving to the left having a
    16  radius of 325 feet and arc length of 177.58 feet; thence
    17  crossing legal right-of-way of existing Broad Street South 46
    18  degrees 58 minutes 00 seconds East, 25.00 feet to a point on the
    19  centerline of said road; then extending along the same
    20  centerline South 43 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds West, 653.94
    21  feet to the first mentioned point and place of beginning.
    22     CONTAINING 1.89 acres of land more or less.
    23  Section 3.  Description of land subject to restriction.
    24     The land on which the act of January 19, 1968 (1967 P.L.996,
    25  No.443), known as The Land and Water Conservation and
    26  Reclamation Act, restrictions shall be imposed is more
    27  particularly described as follows:
    28     BEGINNING at a spike marking the intersection of the center
    29  line of Susquehanna Road, (eighty feet wide) and the center line
    30  of Dillon Road (thirty-three feet wide) (formerly known as
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     1  Jarrett Road) the following four courses and distances: (1)
     2  North 43 degrees 12 minutes East 240.7 feet to a point; thence
     3  (2) to South 46 degrees 56 minutes East 240.7 feet to a point;
     4  thence (3) South 43 degrees 12 minutes West 240.7 feet to a
     5  point; thence (4) North 46 degrees 56 minutes West 240.7 feet to
     6  the first mentioned point and place of beginning.
     7     CONTAINING 1.33 acres of land more or less.
     8  Section 4.  Addition of restriction to records.
     9     The following restriction shall be added to the deed book
    10  records for the land described in section 3:
    11         "This land is to be used for municipal park, recreation
    12         and open space purposes as defined in the act of January
    13         19, 1968 (1967 P.L.996, No.443), known as The Land and
    14         Water Conservation and Reclamation Act."
    15  Section 5.  Effective date.
    16     This act shall take effect immediately.

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