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                                 HOUSE AMENDED
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 872                       PRINTER'S NO. 1100



No. 780 Session of 2001

           APRIL 4, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 2, 1945 (P.L.382, No.164), entitled "An
     2     act providing for the incorporation as bodies corporate and
     3     politic of "Authorities" for municipalities, counties and
     4     townships; prescribing the rights, powers and duties of such
     5     Authorities heretofore or hereafter incorporated; authorizing
     6     such Authorities to acquire, construct, improve, maintain and
     7     operate projects, and to borrow money and issue bonds
     8     therefor; providing for the payment of such bonds, and
     9     prescribing the rights of the holders thereof; conferring the
    10     right of eminent domain on such Authorities; authorizing such
    11     Authorities to enter into contracts with and to accept grants
    12     from the Federal Government or any agency thereof; and
    13     conferring exclusive jurisdiction on certain courts over
    14     rates," further providing for the purposes and powers of an
    15     authority and for governing body residency requirements.

    16     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    17  hereby enacts as follows:
    18     Section 1.  Section 7A of the act of May 2, 1945 (P.L.382,
    19  No.164), known as the Municipality Authorities Act of 1945,
    20  amended December 20, 2000 (P.L.792, No.112), is amended to read:
    21     Section 7.  Governing Body.--A.  The powers of each Authority
    22  shall be exercised by a governing body (herein called the
    23  "Board") composed as follows:

     1     (a)  If the Authority is incorporated by one municipality the
     2  board shall consist of such number of members not less than five
     3  as shall be set forth in the articles of incorporation or
     4  amendment thereto. The governing body of such municipality shall
     5  appoint the members of the board, whose terms of office shall
     6  commence on the date of appointment. One member shall serve for
     7  one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four
     8  years and one for five years from the first Monday in January
     9  next succeeding the date of incorporation or amendment, and if
    10  there are more than five members of the board, their terms shall
    11  be staggered in a similar manner for terms of from one to five
    12  years from the first Monday in January next succeeding.
    13  Thereafter whenever a vacancy has occurred by reason of the
    14  expiration of the term of any member, the said governing body
    15  shall appoint a member of the board for a term of five years
    16  from the date of expiration of the prior term to succeed the
    17  member whose term has expired.
    18     (b)  If the Authority is incorporated by two or more
    19  municipalities, the board shall consist of a number of members
    20  at least equal to the number of municipalities incorporating the
    21  Authority, but in no event less than five. When one or more
    22  additional municipalities join an existing Authority, each of
    23  such joining municipalities shall have such membership on the
    24  board as the municipalities then members of the Authority and
    25  the joining municipalities may determine by appropriate
    26  resolutions. The members of the board of a joint Authority shall
    27  each be appointed by the governing body of the incorporating or
    28  joining municipality he represents and their terms of office
    29  shall commence on the date of appointment. One member shall
    30  serve for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one
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     1  for four years and one for five years from the first Monday in
     2  January next succeeding the date of incorporation, amendment or
     3  joinder, and if there are more than five members of the board,
     4  their terms shall be staggered in a similar manner for terms of
     5  from one to five years from the first Monday in January next
     6  succeeding. Thereafter, whenever a vacancy has occurred by
     7  reason of the expiration of the term of any member, the
     8  governing body of the municipality which has the power of
     9  appointment shall appoint a member of the board for a term of
    10  five years from the date of expiration of the prior term.
    11     Except as herein provided for transit authorities created for
    12  the purpose of eliminating grade crossings the members of the
    13  board, each of whom shall be a [resident] taxpayer in, maintain
    14  a business in, or be a citizen of the municipality by which he
    15  is appointed or be a taxpayer in, maintain a business in, or be
    16  a citizen of a municipality into which one or more of the
    17  projects of the Authority extends or is to extend or to which
    18  one or more of said projects has been or is to be leased, shall
    19  be appointed, their terms fixed and staggered, and vacancies
    20  filled, and where two or more municipalities are members of the
    21  Authority, shall be apportioned in such manner as the articles
    22  of incorporation, the amendments thereof or the application for
    23  membership required by section three point one of this act[.]
    26  Authority's board members shall be citizens residing in the
    27  incorporating municipality or incorporating municipalities of
    28  the Authority.
    29     If the Authority, is created for the purpose of eliminating
    30  grade crossings, the members of the board, the majority of whom
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     1  shall be citizens of the municipality by which they are
     2  appointed or of a municipality into which one or more of the
     3  projects of the Authority extends or is to extend or to which
     4  one or more of said projects has been or is to be leased, shall
     5  be appointed, their terms fixed and staggered, and vacancies
     6  filled, and where two or more municipalities are members of the
     7  Authority, shall be apportioned in such manner as the articles
     8  of incorporation, the amendments thereof or the application for
     9  membership required by section 3.1 of this act shall provide.
    10     Unless excused by the board, a member of a board who fails to
    11  attend three consecutive meetings of the board may be removed by
    12  the appointing municipality up to sixty days after the date of
    13  the third meeting of the board which the member failed to
    14  attend.
    15     * * *
    16     Section 2.  Notwithstanding any provision of section 2 of the
    17  act of December 20, 2000 (P.L.792, No.112) entitled "An act
    18  amending the act of May 2, 1945 (P.L.382, No.164), entitled 'An
    19  act providing for the incorporation as bodies corporate and
    20  politic of "Authorities" for municipalities, counties and
    21  townships; prescribing the rights, powers and duties of such
    22  Authorities heretofore or hereafter incorporated; authorizing
    23  such Authorities to acquire, construct, improve, maintain and
    24  operate projects, and to borrow money and issue bonds therefor;
    25  providing for the payment of such bonds, and prescribing the
    26  rights of the holders thereof; conferring the right of eminent
    27  domain on such Authorities; authorizing such Authorities to
    28  enter into contracts with and to accept grants from the Federal
    29  Government or any agency thereof; and conferring exclusive
    30  jurisdiction on certain courts over rates,'" to the contrary,
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     1  any member of a board of an Authority who was appointed prior to
     2  the effective date of the act of December 20, 2000 (P.L.792,
     3  No.112) and who was qualified to be a member of a board under
     4  section 7A of the act immediately prior to enactment of the act
     5  of December 20, 2000 (P.L.792, No.112) shall remain and be
     6  deemed to have remained at all times qualified to be a member of
     7  such board until the regular expiration of such member's term.
     8     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 30 days.

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