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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 868



No. 788 Session of 1989

           BELAN, APRIL 10, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Prohibiting the sale, manufacture, distribution or use of
     2     certain cleaning agents containing phosphates; conferring
     3     powers and duties on the Environmental Quality Board and the
     4     Department of Environmental Resources; and providing
     5     penalties.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8  Section 1.  Short title.
     9     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Phosphate
    10  Detergent Act.
    11  Section 2.  Prohibition on certain cleaning agents.
    12     Except as provided in section 3, a person may not use, sell,
    13  manufacture or distribute for use or sale within this
    14  Commonwealth any cleaning agent that contains more than 0.0%
    15  phosphorus by weight, expressed as elemental phosphorus, except
    16  for an amount not exceeding 0.5% phosphorus that is incidental
    17  to manufacturing.
    18  Section 3.  Exclusions and exceptions.

     1     (a)  Exclusions.--This act shall not apply to a cleaning
     2  agent that is:
     3         (1)  Used in dairy, beverage or food processing
     4     equipment.
     5         (2)  A product used as an industrial sanitizer,
     6     brightener, acid cleaner or metal conditioner, including
     7     phosphoric acid products or trisodium phosphate.
     8         (3)  Used in hospitals, veterinary hospitals or clinics,
     9     or health care facilities.
    10         (4)  Used in agricultural production.
    11         (5)  Used in a commercial laundry that provides laundry
    12     services for a hospital or health care facility or for a
    13     veterinary hospital or clinic.
    14         (6)  Used by industry for metal cleaning or conditioning.
    15         (7)  Manufactured, stored or distributed for use or sale
    16     outside this Commonwealth.
    17         (8)  Used in any laboratory, including a biological
    18     laboratory, research facility, chemical laboratory or
    19     engineering laboratory.
    20         (9)  Used for cleaning hard surfaces, including household
    21     cleansers for windows, sinks, counters, stoves, tubs or other
    22     food preparation surfaces and plumbing fixtures.
    23         (10)  Used as a water softening chemical, antiscale
    24     chemical or corrosion inhibitor intended for use in closed
    25     systems, such as boilers, air conditioners, cooling towers or
    26     hot water systems.
    27     (b)  Exceptions.--A person may use, sell, manufacture or
    28  distribute for use or sale a cleaning agent that contains
    29  greater than 0.0% phosphorus by weight, but does not exceed 8.7%
    30  phosphorus by weight, if it is:
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     1         (1)  A detergent used in a dishwashing machine, whether
     2     commercial or household.
     3         (2)  A substance the Environmental Quality Board, by
     4     regulation, excludes from the 0.0% phosphorus limitation
     5     contained in section 2 based on a finding that compliance
     6     with this act would:
     7             (i)  create a significant hardship on the user; or
     8             (ii)  be unreasonable because of the lack of an
     9         adequate substitute cleaning agent.
    10  Section 4.  Regulatory authority.
    11     The Environmental Quality Board shall adopt regulations to
    12  implement the provisions of this act.
    13  Section 5.  Administration.
    14     (a)  Enforcement.--It shall be the power and duty of the
    15  Department of Environmental Resources to administer and enforce
    16  the provisions of this act, and the department shall have the
    17  authority to issue such orders as are necessary to effectuate
    18  the same.
    19     (b)  Appeal.--Any person who is aggrieved by an order of the
    20  department issued hereunder shall have the right, within 30 days
    21  of receipt of notice thereof, to appeal the action to the
    22  Environmental Hearing Board in accordance with the act of July
    23  13, 1988 (P.L.530, No.94), known as the Environmental Hearing
    24  Board Act.
    25  Section 6.  Penalties.
    26     (a)  Use.--Any person who uses a cleaning agent in violation
    27  of this act commits a summary offense and shall, upon
    28  conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $100.
    29     (b)  Sells, distributes or makes.--Any person who sells,
    30  distributes or manufactures a cleaning agent in violation of
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     1  this act commits a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be
     2  sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000.
     3  Section 7.  Severability.
     4     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
     5  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
     6  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
     7  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
     8  the invalid provision or application.
     9  Section 8.  Repeals.
    10     All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as they are
    11  inconsistent with this act.
    12  Section 9.  Sunset.
    13     This act shall expire on December 31, 1992, unless otherwise
    14  extended by act of the General Assembly.
    15  Section 10.  Effective date.
    16     This act shall take effect as follows:
    17         (1)  On March 1, 1990, in all counties situated partially
    18     or wholly within the Susquehanna River Watershed or in the
    19     Lake Erie Watershed.
    20         (2)  On March 1, 1991, in all other counties.

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