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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 990



No. 797 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Keystone Quality Certificate program for
     2     certain child-care providers; and providing for the powers
     3     and duties of the Department of Public Welfare.

     4     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
     5         (1)  The development of children into healthy and
     6     productive adults begins at birth with parents as the first
     7     teachers. Achieving the healthy development of children
     8     involves a partnership of parents, extended families,
     9     communities and child-care programs.
    10         (2)  Nearly 2,000,000 children, from birth through 12
    11     years of age, live in this Commonwealth, of which nearly
    12     900,000 are five years of age or younger.
    13         (3)  As society changes, an increasing number of children
    14     are enrolled in child-care programs. Children can spend as
    15     many hours in these programs prior to entering kindergarten
    16     as they spend in school from kindergarten through 12th grade.
    17     The quality of the experience in these programs has a
    18     significant impact on whether children enter school ready to

     1     succeed and ready to learn, master the basics of reading and
     2     math and get along well with their peers and teachers.
     3         (4)  For working parents who choose a child day-care
     4     program for their children, job commitment and productivity
     5     are enhanced when their children are enrolled in worry-free,
     6     child-care settings that are known to provide a safe, quality
     7     environment.
     8         (5)  The purpose of this act is to recognize that
     9     enhancing and improving quality in child-care programs will
    10     foster healthy child development and assist the Commonwealth
    11     in securing the educational and economic future of its entire
    12     population.
    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15  Section 1.  Short title.
    16     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Keystone
    17  Quality Child Care Act.
    18  Section 2.  Definitions.
    19     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    20  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    21  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    22     "Child day-care center."  A premises in which child day care
    23  is provided simultaneously for seven or more children who are
    24  not related to the provider, regardless of which article of the
    25  act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Public
    26  Welfare Code, applies.
    27     "Department."  The Department of Public Welfare of the
    28  Commonwealth.
    29     "Family day-care home."  A home in which child day care is
    30  provided at any one time for four, five or six children who are
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     1  not relatives of the provider and which is required to be
     2  registered under the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known
     3  as the Public Welfare Code.
     4     "Group child day-care home."  The premises in which care is
     5  provided at one time for:
     6         (1)  more than six but fewer than 16 older school-age
     7     level children; or
     8         (2)  more than six but fewer than 13 children of another
     9     age level who are unrelated to the operator.
    10  The term includes a facility located in a residence or another
    11  premises.
    12     "Keystone Quality Certificate."  The designation by the
    13  Department of Public Welfare of a child-care provider that is
    14  accredited by a recognized accrediting association.
    15     "Recognized accrediting association."  A national, regional
    16  or State organization that has established an early childhood
    17  accreditation program for the purpose of improving the quality
    18  of child care through the use of research-based standards,
    19  provided that accreditation program meets the following
    20  criteria:
    21         (1)  Demonstrates fiscal and administrative capability
    22     for administering an accreditation program.
    23         (2)  Establishes a program that has conducted a
    24     sufficient number of post-pilot test accreditation visits.
    25         (3)  Contains a comprehensive self-evaluation that
    26     includes parents, staff and program administrators and
    27     promotes self-improvement.
    28         (4)  Contains onsite peer review validators with academic
    29     qualifications and formal training by the accreditation
    30     group.
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     1         (5)  Makes accreditation decisions with experts in the
     2     field, after a review of all documentation and based on
     3     standards and criteria established by the organization.
     4         (6)  Provides a maximum accreditation period of three
     5     years with guidelines for a reaccreditation process and
     6     annual reporting of improvements and other changes.
     7         (7)  Includes validators, training procedures and
     8     instruments used in the process, which are evaluated for
     9     reliability and validity on an ongoing basis.
    10         (8)  Includes administration policies and system
    11     evaluation procedures that are in place to avoid conflicts of
    12     interest and address issues such as deferred status,
    13     withdrawal of accreditation, appeal processes and complaints.
    14         (9)  Includes program standards based on current research
    15     about quality in child-care programs, which standards are
    16     periodically reviewed and updated and must address the
    17     following areas: staff qualifications, staff-child ratios and
    18     group sizes, staff training and professional development,
    19     administration, physical environment, health and safety,
    20     nutrition and food service, parent/program relationship and
    21     child development program.
    22     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Public Welfare of the
    23  Commonwealth.
    24  Section 3.  Keystone Quality Certificate program.
    25     (a)  Keystone Quality Certificate designation by
    26  department.--The department shall establish a procedure to
    27  confer the Keystone Quality Certificate and shall identify
    28  recognized accrediting associations for use in conferring the
    29  Keystone Quality Certificate and in implementing this act.
    30     (b)  Procedure.--
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     1         (1)  An accrediting organization seeking to become a
     2     recognized accrediting organization under this act shall make
     3     application to the department for such designation in a
     4     manner to be determined by the department.
     5         (2)  An accrediting association that has made application
     6     to become a recognized accrediting association and has
     7     received an adverse decision from the department shall have
     8     the right to appeal that decision. All appeals shall be
     9     governed by the general rules of administrative practice and
    10     procedure for Commonwealth agencies.
    11         (3)  The Keystone Quality Certificate designation by the
    12     department shall be provided to the Child-Care Information
    13     Services agency or any successor agency that the department
    14     uses to provide child-care information or resources and
    15     referral services for parents, employers and the general
    16     public. The Child-Care Information Services agency shall
    17     provide the information about the Keystone Quality
    18     Certificate designation of a child-care provider to parents,
    19     employers and the general public.
    20     (c)  Promotion of designation.--The department shall promote
    21  the Keystone Quality Certificate designation as an indicator of
    22  quality in child care. The department shall encourage the Child-
    23  Care Information Services agencies and county assistance offices
    24  and any other relevant State governmental agencies or
    25  contractors to promote the Keystone Quality Certificate
    26  designation when providing information about child care.
    27     (d)  Additional designations.--The department may establish
    28  additional quality standards and develop quality designations to
    29  be conferred on child-care programs that voluntarily meet those
    30  standards.
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     1  Section 4.  Funds to support quality improvements through
     2                 accreditation.
     3     (a)  General rule.--The department shall spend not less than
     4  $2,000,000 of the annual federally required quality set-aside
     5  for child care as required through the Child Care and
     6  Development Fund, or it successor programs, in support of a
     7  competitive grant program to child-care providers to assist them
     8  in attaining or continuing the Keystone Quality Certificate
     9  designation. Should additional Federal funds be made available
    10  to support improvements in quality in child care, the department
    11  shall also use such funds in accordance with this section.
    12     (b)  Qualifying child-care providers.--The designated funds
    13  shall be used to assist child-care providers that are not
    14  currently accredited by a recognized accrediting association to
    15  become accredited in order to obtain the Keystone Quality
    16  Certificate. The designated funds shall also be used to assist
    17  child-care providers that are accredited by a recognized
    18  accrediting association to maintain such accreditation.
    19     (c)  Use of funds.--Funds may be used to support the purchase
    20  of equipment and supplies, as well as personnel, necessary to
    21  meet or continue Keystone Quality Certificate standards. Funds
    22  may also be used for making site improvements, provided that the
    23  improvements are necessary to achieve or continue the Keystone
    24  Quality Certificate designation. Funds shall be made available
    25  by the department in such amounts as shall substantially assist
    26  providers in achieving the Keystone Quality Certificate
    27  designation.
    28     (d)  Technical assistance.--The department shall provide for
    29  technical assistance to assist child-care providers in attaining
    30  accreditation by a recognized accrediting association or
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     1  continuing their accreditation status. The assistance may
     2  include payments in support of mentor teachers and other
     3  professionals to assist with the achievement of the Keystone
     4  Quality Certificate designation.
     5     (e)  Applicability of program.--The Keystone Quality
     6  Certificate program shall be available to child-care centers,
     7  group day-care homes and family day-care homes that meet the
     8  following conditions:
     9         (1)  Have signed agreements with a Child-Care Information
    10     Services agency indicating a willingness to accept children
    11     participating in the Commonwealth's subsidized child-care
    12     program.
    13         (2)  Operate at least five and one-half hours per day, 12
    14     months per year.
    15  Section 5.  Funds to support Keystone Quality Certificate
    16                 recipients.
    17     (a)  General rule.--The department shall provide additional
    18  support and incentives to child-care programs with Keystone
    19  Quality Certificate designations.
    20     (b)  Amount of funding.--
    21         (1)  For a child-care program whose average annual
    22     enrollment of children receiving child-care subsidy through
    23     the Child Care Works subsidized child-care program is equal
    24     to or less than 10% upon initial attainment of the Keystone
    25     Quality Certificate and upon reaccreditation by a recognized
    26     accrediting association, the department shall provide that
    27     Keystone Quality Certificate child-care provider with a bonus
    28     payment of at least:
    29             (i)  $1,500 for a family day-care home.
    30             (ii)  $2,400 for a group day-care home.
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     1             (iii)  $5,000 for a child-care center with an average
     2         enrollment between 13 and 25 children.
     3             (iv)  $15,000 for a child-care center with an average
     4         enrollment between 26 and 99 children.
     5             (v)  $20,000 for a child-care center with an average
     6         enrollment of 100 or more children.
     7     The support is to be adjusted annually in accordance with the
     8     Consumer Price Index.
     9         (2)  Child-care programs whose average annual enrollment
    10     of children receiving child-care subsidy through the Child
    11     Care Works subsidized child-care program is greater than 10%
    12     shall receive an additional incentive payment per child equal
    13     to 10% more than 100% of the market rate for child care in
    14     each county of this Commonwealth, taking into account the age
    15     of the child and the child-care setting. The department shall
    16     determine the rate biannually and provider payment rates for
    17     Keystone Quality Certificates shall be adjusted accordingly.
    18         (3)  A child-care program receiving a bonus pursuant to
    19     paragraph (1) may be eligible for a rate supplement pursuant
    20     to paragraph (2) beginning 12 months after the bonus payment
    21     is made, provided the program meets the requirements of
    22     paragraph (2) with respect to enrollment of subsidized
    23     children.
    24     (c)  Expenditures.--The purpose of expenditures under this
    25  section shall be to assist child-care providers to maintain
    26  quality standards achieved through accreditation and to ensure
    27  that high quality child-care services designated by the Keystone
    28  Quality Certificate are accessible to low-income children.
    29  Section 6.  Annual report to General Assembly.
    30     The department shall submit an annual report to the General
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     1  Assembly on the department's activities under this act. The
     2  report shall include, but not be limited to, the total number of
     3  Keystone Quality Certificates granted, the total number and
     4  dollar amount of program bonuses, the total number of children
     5  served and the total number of subsidized children served. The
     6  report shall provide information on each of the activities
     7  supported through this act and the impact of each of the
     8  activities on providers and children in this Commonwealth.
     9  Section 7.  Effective date.
    10     This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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