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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 958



No. 808 Session of 2003

           C. WILLIAMS, JUNE 10, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 74 (Transportation) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, providing for use of airport
     3     facilities; and prescribing penalties.

     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6     Section 1.  Chapter 59 of Title 74 of the Pennsylvania
     7  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding a subchapter to read:
     8                            SUBCHAPTER C
     9                     USE OF AIRPORT FACILITIES
    10  Sec.
    11  5931.  Access to airports and gates.
    12  5932.  Monopolization of passenger air carrier service.
    13  5933.  Penalties.
    14  5934.  Mediation of disputes.
    15  § 5931. Access to airports and gates.
    16     (a)  General rule.--No person providing or intending to
    17  provide aeronautical services to the public has the exclusive
    18  right to the use of any public airport, or any part thereof, in

     1  this Commonwealth.
     2     (b)  Allocation of access.--Every public airport in this
     3  Commonwealth is available for public use on fair and reasonable
     4  terms and without unjust discrimination. No public airport shall
     5  discriminate against any air carrier in the allocation of access
     6  to its airport gates. Every public airport in this Commonwealth
     7  shall allocate access to airport gates in a manner that will
     8  enhance competition among competing air carriers and provide
     9  airline travelers with choices on those routes most heavily
    10  traveled to and from the public airport.
    11     (c)  Comparable fees, rules, etc.--Each air carrier using a
    12  public airport shall be subject to:
    13         (1)  such nondiscriminatory and substantially comparable
    14     rates, fees, rentals and other charges which are directly and
    15     substantially related to providing air transportation as are
    16     applicable to all air carriers which make similar use of the
    17     airport and which utilize similar facilities, subject to
    18     reasonable classifications as tenants or nontenants; and
    19         (2)  such nondiscriminatory and substantially comparable
    20     rules, regulations and conditions as are applicable to all
    21     air carriers which make similar use of the airport and which
    22     utilize similar facilities, subject to reasonable
    23     classifications as tenants or nontenants.
    24  However, status as a tenant shall not be unreasonably withheld
    25  by an airport if the air carrier assumes obligations
    26  substantially similar to those already imposed on other carriers
    27  in the same classification or status.
    28  § 5932.  Monopolization of passenger air carrier service.
    29     (a)  Monopoly.--It shall be unlawful to monopolize, attempt
    30  to monopolize or combine or conspire to monopolize a part of
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     1  trade or commerce in this Commonwealth involving the provisions
     2  of passenger air carrier service.
     3     (b)  Acquisitions.--It shall be unlawful to acquire, directly
     4  or indirectly, the whole or any part of the stock, or other
     5  share capital, or assets of any other entity, where the effect
     6  of the acquisition may be to substantially lessen competition or
     7  tend to create a monopoly in a line of trade or commerce in this
     8  Commonwealth involving the provision of passenger air carrier
     9  service.
    10  § 5933.   Penalties.
    11     (a)  Recovery of damages.--An air carrier injured by a
    12  violation of section 5931 (relating to access to airports and
    13  gates) or 5932 (relating to monopolization of passenger air
    14  carrier service) may recover damages in addition to reasonable
    15  attorney fees and costs.
    16     (b)  Civil penalties.--
    17         (1)  Any public airport which violates section 5931 is
    18     subject to a civil penalty of not less than $2,500 for each
    19     day the violation continues. Actions to recover penalties
    20     under this section shall be brought in the name of the
    21     Commonwealth in the Commonwealth Court. The action shall be
    22     commenced and prosecuted to final judgment by the Attorney
    23     General. In any action, all penalties incurred up to the time
    24     of commencing the action may be sued for and recovered. All
    25     fines and penalties recovered by the Commonwealth in any
    26     action, together with the costs thereof, shall be paid into
    27     the State Treasury for deposit in the General Fund.
    28         (2)  Any person, partnership, corporation, association or
    29     other entity who fails to comply with section 5931 or 5932
    30     shall be liable for a civil penalty of not more than $50,000
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     1     for each day during which the person is in violation of this
     2     section.
     3     (c)  Divestiture.--Upon violation of section 5931 or 5932 by
     4  any person, partnership, corporation, association or other
     5  entity, in addition to any other remedy provided in this
     6  section, the court may order the divestiture of stock or assets
     7  in the manner and within the time fixed by order of the court.
     8  § 5934.  Mediation of disputes.
     9     (a)  Procedure.--If, after a reasonable period of
    10  negotiation, a dispute or impasse exists over access to airport
    11  gates between the representatives of the air carrier and the
    12  public airport, either party may voluntarily submit to
    13  mediation, but, if no agreement is reached between the parties
    14  within 21 days after negotiations have commenced and mediation
    15  has not been utilized by the parties, both parties shall
    16  immediately in writing call upon the Secretary of Transportation
    17  to find that an impasse in the negotiations has been reached.
    18  Upon a finding that an impasse has been reached, the Secretary
    19  of Transportation shall appoint a mediator acceptable to both
    20  parties for the purpose of assisting the parties in reconciling
    21  their differences and resolving the controversy on terms that
    22  are mutually acceptable. The costs of mediation shall be shared
    23  equally by both parties.
    24     (b)  Arbitration.--If the mediator fails to resolve the
    25  dispute within 30 days after his appointment, the dispute shall
    26  be submitted to an arbitrator acceptable to both parties
    27  appointed by the Secretary of Transportation. The arbitration
    28  award shall be final and binding on the parties. The costs of
    29  arbitration shall be shared equally by the parties.
    30     Section 2.  Nothing in this act shall be deemed to affect or
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     1  impair the provisions of any contract entered into prior to the
     2  effective date of this act.
     3     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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