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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 893



No. 813 Session of 1989

           APRIL 10, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), entitled
     2     "An act providing for and reorganizing the conduct of the
     3     executive and administrative work of the Commonwealth by the
     4     Executive Department thereof and the administrative
     5     departments, boards, commissions, and officers thereof,
     6     including the boards of trustees of State Normal Schools, or
     7     Teachers Colleges; abolishing, creating, reorganizing or
     8     authorizing the reorganization of certain administrative
     9     departments, boards, and commissions; defining the powers and
    10     duties of the Governor and other executive and administrative
    11     officers, and of the several administrative departments,
    12     boards, commissions, and officers; fixing the salaries of the
    13     Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and certain other executive
    14     and administrative officers; providing for the appointment of
    15     certain administrative officers, and of all deputies and
    16     other assistants and employes in certain departments, boards,
    17     and commissions; and prescribing the manner in which the
    18     number and compensation of the deputies and all other
    19     assistants and employes of certain departments, boards and
    20     commissions shall be determined," creating the Department of
    21     Energy and prescribing its powers and duties; establishing
    22     the Energy Research and Development Advisory Board as an
    23     advisory board in the Department of Energy; further providing
    24     for the powers and duties of the Department of Environmental
    25     Resources and the appointment of mine inspectors; further
    26     providing for the composition of the Environmental Quality
    27     Board; creating a Division of Administrative Hearings in the
    28     Office of Attorney General and prescribing its powers and
    29     duties; further providing for mine inspectors and certain
    30     conflicts of interest; providing for the salary of the
    31     Secretary of Energy; further providing for special powers
    32     relating to State vehicles; providing for energy or fuel

     1     supply emergencies and for coordination of monitoring of
     2     supplies of energy resources; further providing for the
     3     composition of the Energy Development Authority and for
     4     indebtedness of the Energy Development Authority;
     5     transferring certain bureaus, personnel, allocations,
     6     appropriations, equipment and other materials; and making
     7     repeals.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 201 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177,
    11  No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, amended
    12  December 30, 1984 (P.L.1299, No.245) and repealed in part May
    13  26, 1988 (P.L.414, No.72), is amended to read:
    14     Section 201.  Executive Officers, Administrative Departments
    15  and Independent Administrative Boards and Commissions.--The
    16  executive and administrative work of this Commonwealth shall be
    17  performed by the Executive Department, consisting of the
    18  Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the Commonwealth,
    19  Attorney General, Auditor General, State Treasurer, and
    20  Secretary of Education; by the Executive Board, and the
    21  Pennsylvania State Police; by the following administrative
    22  departments: Department of State, Office of Attorney General,
    23  Department of Corrections, Department of the Auditor General,
    24  Treasury Department, Department of Education, Department of
    25  Military Affairs, Insurance Department, Department of Banking,
    26  Department of Agriculture, Department of Transportation,
    27  Department of Health, Department of Labor and Industry,
    28  Department of Aging, Department of Public Welfare, Department of
    29  General Services, Department of Revenue, Department of Commerce,
    30  Department of Community Affairs [and], Department of
    31  Environmental Resources and Department of Energy; and by the
    32  following independent administrative boards and commissions:
    33  Pennsylvania Game Commission, Pennsylvania Fish Commission,
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     1  State Civil Service Commission, Pennsylvania Public Utility
     2  Commission and the Pennsylvania Securities Commission.
     3     All of the provisions of this act, which apply generally to
     4  administrative departments, or generally except to the
     5  Department of the Auditor General, the Treasury Department and
     6  the Office of Attorney General, shall apply to the Executive
     7  Board and to the Pennsylvania State Police.
     8     Section 2.  As much as relates to the Department of
     9  Environmental Resources in section 202 of the act, added
    10  December 3, 1970 (P.L.834, No.275), is amended to read:
    11     Section 202.  Departmental Administrative Boards,
    12  Commissions, and Offices.--The following boards, commissions,
    13  and offices are hereby placed and made departmental
    14  administrative boards, commissions, or offices, as the case may
    15  be, in the respective administrative departments mentioned in
    16  the preceding section, as follows:
    17     * * *
    18     In the Department of Environmental Resources,
    19         Environmental Quality Board,
    20         Environmental Hearing Board,
    21         State Board for Certification of Sewage Treatment and
    22             Waterworks Operators,
    23         State Soil and Water Conservation Commission[,
    24         Anthracite Mine Inspectors,
    25         Bituminous Mine Inspectors].
    26     * * *
    27     Section 3.  Section 203 of the act, amended December 3, 1970
    28  (P.L.834, No.275), July 22, 1975 (P.L.75, No.45), June 20, 1978
    29  (P.L.477, No.70), December 6, 1982 (P.L.774, No.223), April 29,
    30  1988 (P.L.381, No.60) and June 30, 1988 (P.L.475, No.80), is
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     1  amended to read:
     2     Section 203.  Advisory Boards and Commissions.--The following
     3  advisory boards and commissions are placed in and made parts of
     4  the respective administrative departments, as follows:
     5     In the Department of Military Affairs,
     6         State Military Reservation Commission,
     7     In the Department of Environmental Resources,
     8         Citizens Advisory Council;
     9     In the Department of Health,
    10         Advisory Health Board;
    11     In the Department of Labor and Industry,
    12         Advisory Council on Affairs of the Handicapped,
    13         Advisory Board on Problems of Older Workers,
    14         Policy, Planning and Evaluation Advisory Committee;
    15     In the Department of Public Welfare,
    16         State Board of Public Welfare,
    17         Advisory Committee for the Blind,
    18         Advisory Committee for General and Special Hospitals,
    19         Advisory Committee for Children and Youth,
    20         Advisory Committee for Public Assistance,
    21         Advisory Committee for Mental Health and Mental
    22             Retardation;
    23     In the Department of Commerce,
    24         Board of the Ben Franklin Partnership Fund;
    25     In the Department of Energy,
    26         Energy Research and Development Advisory Board.
    27     Section 4.  Sections 206 and 207.1(d)(1) of the act, amended
    28  December 30, 1984 (P.L.1299, No.245), are amended to read:
    29     Section 206.  Department Heads.--Each administrative
    30  department shall have as its head an officer who shall, either
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     1  personally, by deputy, or by the duly authorized agent or
     2  employe of the department, and subject at all times to the
     3  provisions of this act, exercise the powers and perform the
     4  duties by law vested in and imposed upon the department.
     5     The following officers shall be the heads of the
     6  administrative departments following their respective titles:
     7     Secretary of the Commonwealth, of the Department of State;
     8     Auditor General, of the Department of the Auditor General;
     9     State Treasurer, of the Treasury Department;
    10     Attorney General, of the Office of Attorney General;
    11     Secretary of Education, of the Department of Education;
    12     Adjutant General, of the Department of Military Affairs;
    13     Insurance Commissioner, of the Insurance Department;
    14     Secretary of Banking, of the Department of Banking;
    15     Secretary of Agriculture, of the Department of Agriculture;
    16     Secretary of Transportation, of the Department of
    17         Transportation;
    18     Secretary of Health, of the Department of Health;
    19     Secretary of Labor and Industry, of the Department of Labor
    20         and Industry;
    21     Secretary of Aging, of the Department of Aging;
    22     Secretary of Public Welfare, of the Department of Public
    23         Welfare;
    24     Secretary of Revenue, of the Department of Revenue;
    25     Secretary of Commerce, of the Department of Commerce;
    26     Secretary of Community Affairs, of the Department of
    27         Community Affairs;
    28     Secretary of Environmental Resources, of the Department of
    29         Environmental Resources;
    30     Secretary of Energy, of the Department of Energy;
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     1     Secretary of General Services, of the Department of General
     2         Services;
     3     Secretary of Corrections, of the Department of Corrections.
     4     Section 207.1.  Gubernatorial Appointments.--* * *
     5     (d)  The Governor shall nominate in accordance with the
     6  provisions of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of
     7  Pennsylvania and, by and with the advice and consent of a
     8  majority of the members elected to the Senate appoint persons to
     9  fill the following positions:
    10     (1)  The Secretary of Education, the Secretary of the
    11  Commonwealth, the Adjutant General, the Insurance Commissioner,
    12  the Secretary of Banking, the Secretary of Agriculture, the
    13  Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of Health, the
    14  Commissioner of the State Police, the Secretary of Corrections,
    15  the Secretary of Labor and Industry, the Secretary of Aging, the
    16  Secretary of Public Welfare, the Secretary of General Services,
    17  the Secretary of Revenue, the Secretary of Commerce, the
    18  Secretary of Community Affairs [and], the Secretary of
    19  Environmental Resources and the Secretary of Energy.
    20     * * *
    21     Section 5.  Section 438 of the act, amended December 3, 1970
    22  (P.L.834, No.275), is amended to read:
    23     Section 438.  Mine Inspectors.--There shall be as many
    24  [anthracite mine inspectors, and as many bituminous mine
    25  inspectors, as may now or hereafter be provided by law] mine
    26  inspectors as may now or hereafter be necessary to conduct
    27  inspections with the frequency mandated by State and Federal
    28  law. All such mine inspectors shall be appointed[, respectively,
    29  from among persons holding valid certificates of qualification
    30  issued by the Department of Environmental Resources.] in
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     1  accordance with the act of August 5, 1941 (P.L.752, No.286),
     2  known as the "Civil Service Act."
     3     The manner of appointing mine inspectors[,] and their
     4  qualifications[, and their terms of office,] shall be as may now
     5  or hereafter be provided by law.
     6     Section 6.  Section 448 of the act is amended by adding a
     7  clause to read:
     8     Section 448.  Advisory Boards and Commissions.--The advisory
     9  boards and commissions, within the several administrative
    10  departments, shall be constituted as follows:
    11     * * *
    12     (q)  The Energy Research and Development Advisory Board shall
    13  consist of the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of Commerce,
    14  the Secretary of Environmental Resources, the Chairman of the
    15  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, the Executive Director
    16  of the Energy Development Authority and twelve members appointed
    17  by the Governor, one of whom shall be designated as chairman.
    18  The twelve appointed members shall be knowledgeable in fields
    19  related to energy development, production and use and shall be
    20  appointed by the Governor as follows: two members shall be from
    21  an electric power utility which operates at least one coal-fired
    22  generating station, one member shall be the owner or an operator
    23  of a gas or oil producing operation, one member shall be the
    24  owner or an operator of an anthracite coal mining operation, one
    25  member shall be the owner or an operator of a bituminous coal
    26  mining operation, one member shall be from a small power
    27  producer or shall be knowledgeable in renewable energy
    28  resources, two members shall be from the energy research staff
    29  of an accredited Pennsylvania university or college, one member
    30  shall be from a consumer organization interested in energy-
    19890S0813B0893                  - 7 -

     1  related matters, one member shall be a member of organized labor
     2  employed by one or more energy-related industries, one member
     3  shall be from an organization which represents environmental
     4  interests and one member shall be a local government official.
     5  The membership of the Energy Research Development Advisory Board
     6  shall also include four members of the General Assembly or their
     7  designees, one appointed by the President pro tempore of the
     8  Senate, one by the Minority Leader of the Senate, one by the
     9  Speaker of the House of Representatives and one by the Minority
    10  Leader of the House of representatives.
    11     The term of office of each member appointed by the Governor
    12  shall be four years, measured from the third Tuesday of January
    13  of the year in which the member takes office, or until his
    14  successor has been appointed except, that in the initial
    15  appointments of the members of the board, the Governor shall
    16  appoint six members for terms of two years each and six members
    17  for terms of three years each.
    18     Any member appointed to fill a vacancy created otherwise than
    19  by expiration of a term shall be appointed for the unexpired
    20  term of the member whom he is to succeed. Members of the board
    21  shall not receive any compensation for their service, but shall
    22  be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the
    23  performance of their duties and shall receive a per diem
    24  allowance of ninety dollars ($90).
    25     A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. Meetings
    26  of the board shall be held at least quarterly or at the call of
    27  the chairman, or at the request of at least nine members of the
    28  board.
    29     The Department of Energy shall provide technical assistance
    30  and support services to the board.
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     1     Section 7.  Section 471 of the act, amended November 1, 1979
     2  (P.L.251, No.83), is amended to read:
     3     Section 471.  Environmental Quality Board.--The Environmental
     4  Quality Board shall consist of the Secretary of Environmental
     5  Resources, who shall be chairman thereof, the Secretary of
     6  Health, the Secretary of Commerce, the Secretary of
     7  Transportation, the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of
     8  Labor and Industry, the Secretary of Community Affairs, the
     9  Secretary of Energy, the Executive Director of the Fish
    10  Commission, the Executive Director of the Game Commission, the
    11  Chairman of the Public Utilities Commission, [the Executive
    12  Director of the State Planning Board,] the Executive Director of
    13  the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, five members
    14  of the Citizens Advisory Council, and four members of the
    15  General Assembly. The Citizens Advisory Council members shall be
    16  designated by, and serve at the pleasure of, the Citizens
    17  Advisory Council. One of the General Assembly members shall be
    18  designated by, and serve at the pleasure of, the President Pro
    19  Tempore of the Senate, one by the Minority Leader of the Senate,
    20  one by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and one by
    21  the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. In addition
    22  to the heads of the various departments as elsewhere in this act
    23  provided, the other members of the board may have named
    24  alternates to serve in their stead, the alternates for the
    25  members of the board from the Citizens Advisory Council to be
    26  selected by that council from members of the council and each
    27  other alternate to be selected by that particular member of the
    28  board in whose stead he is to serve. No person will serve as
    29  alternate for more than one board member.
    30     Eight members of the board shall constitute a quorum.
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     1     Section 8.  Section 1901-A of the act, added December 3, 1970
     2  (P.L.834, No.275), is amended to read:
     3     Section 1901-A.  Powers and Duties in General.--The
     4  Department of Environmental Resources shall, subject to any
     5  inconsistent provision in this act contained, continue to
     6  exercise the powers and perform the duties by law heretofore
     7  vested in and imposed upon:
     8     (1)  The Department of Forests and Waters, the Secretary of
     9  Forests and Waters, the Water and Power Resources Board, the
    10  Flood Control Commission, the Pennsylvania State Park and Harbor
    11  Commission of Erie, and the State Forest Commission;
    12     [(2)  The Department of Mines and Mineral Industries, the
    13  Secretary of Mines and Mineral Industries, the Oil and Gas
    14  Conservation Commission, the Mine Inspectors' Examining Board
    15  for the Bituminous Coal Mines of Pennsylvania, and the
    16  Anthracite Mine Inspectors' Examining Board;]
    17     (3)  The Oil and Gas Inspectors' Examining Board, created by
    18  the act of December 21, 1959 (P.L.1967), which board is hereby
    19  abolished;
    20     (4)  The Land Restoration Board, created by the act of June
    21  27, 1947 (P.L.1095), which board is hereby abolished;
    22     (5)  The Land Reclamation Board, created by the act of May
    23  31, 1945 (P.L.1198), which board is hereby abolished;
    24     (6)  The Department of Health and the Secretary of Health in
    25  so far as such powers and duties pertain to the control of
    26  nuisances from grounds, vehicles, apartments, buildings and
    27  places within the Commonwealth, to the sanitary condition of
    28  tenements, lodging and boarding houses, to management of the
    29  sanitary affairs of the Commonwealth, the issuance of waterworks
    30  permits and to the control of water pollution;
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     1     (7)  The former Commissioner of Health and the Department of
     2  Health by the act of April 22, 1905 (P.L.260), entitled "An act
     3  to preserve the purity of the waters of the State, for the
     4  protection of the public health;"
     5     (8)  The Department of Health and the Secretary of Health by
     6  the act of August 20, 1953 (P.L.1217), entitled "An act
     7  providing for payments by the Commonwealth to municipalities
     8  which have expended money to acquire and construct sewage
     9  treatments plants in accordance with the Clean Streams Program
    10  and the act, approved the twenty-second day of June, one
    11  thousand nine hundred thirty-seven (Pamphlet Laws 1987), and
    12  making an appropriation;"
    13     (9)  The Department of Health by the act of June 23, 1931
    14  (P.L.899), known as the "Public Bathing Law;"
    15     [(10)  The Department of Health by the act of January 19,
    16  1968 (P.L.996), known as "The Land and Water Conservation and
    17  Reclamation Act;"]
    18     (11)  The Department of Health by the act of May 23, 1945
    19  (P.L.926), entitled "An act for the protection of the public
    20  health by regulating the conduct and operation of public eating
    21  and drinking places within this Commonwealth; requiring their
    22  licensing; imposing certain duties on the Department of Health
    23  of this Commonwealth and on the local health authorities; and
    24  providing penalties;"
    25     (12)  The Department of Health by the act of April 30, 1929
    26  (P.L.897), entitled "An act regulating the manufacturing,
    27  bottling, and selling of certain waters, and requiring permits
    28  therefor; prescribing the authority of the Department of Health
    29  and of local boards of health and health officers with respect
    30  thereto; and providing penalties;"
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     1     (13)  The Department of Health by the act of November 10,
     2  1959 (P.L.1400), entitled "An act providing for the annual
     3  registration of organized camps for children, youth and adults;
     4  defining the duties of the Department of Health of the
     5  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; and prescribing penalties;"
     6     (14)  The Department of Health by the act of January 24, 1966
     7  (P.L.1535), known as the "Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act;"
     8     (15)  The Department of Health by the act of July 31, 1968
     9  (Act No.241), known as the "Pennsylvania Solid Wastes Management
    10  Act;"
    11     (16)  The Department of Health by the act of January 8, 1960
    12  (P.L.2119), known as the "Air Pollution Control Act;"
    13     (17)  The Department of Health by the act of January 28, 1966
    14  (P.L.1625), known as "The Atomic Energy Development and
    15  Radiation Control Act;"
    16     (18)  The Department of Health by the act of September 8,
    17  1959 (P.L.807), entitled "An act empowering the Department of
    18  Health to regulate the burial of radioactive material and to
    19  issue permits therefor; and prescribing penalties;"
    20     (19)  The Department of Health and the Secretary of Health by
    21  the act of October 26, 1959 (P.L.1380), entitled "An act
    22  empowering the Commonwealth to acquire land and operate burial
    23  grounds for the disposal of radioactive materials;"
    24     [(20)  The Department of Health by the act of June 22, 1937
    25  (P.L.1987), known as "The Clean Streams Law;"]
    26     (21)  The Department of Health by the act of November 18,
    27  1968 (Act No. 322), known as the "Sewage Treatment Plant and
    28  Waterworks Operators' Certification Act;"
    29     (22)  The Sanitary Water Board;
    30     (23)  The Air Pollution Commission, created by the act of
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     1  January 8, 1960 (P.L.2119), known as the "Air Pollution Control
     2  Act," which commission is hereby abolished[;].
     3     [(24)  The Department of Labor and Industry and the Secretary
     4  of Labor and Industry in so far as such powers and duties relate
     5  to regulation of mining operations, quarry operations and sand
     6  and gravel pits under the act of July 1, 1937 (P.L.2681),
     7  entitled "An act relating to, and regulating the manufacture,
     8  storing, and possession of explosives; requiring permits for
     9  magazines, and prescribing permit fees; and providing
    10  penalties," and July 10, 1957 (P.L.685), entitled "An act
    11  regulating the use of explosives in certain blasting operations;
    12  requiring examination and licensing of certain explosives'
    13  detonators and prescribing the fee thereof; and conferring
    14  powers and imposing duties on the Department of Labor and
    15  Industry."]
    16     Section 9.  Section 1902-A(6) and (13) of the act, added
    17  December 3, 1970 (P.L.834, No.275) and amended July 2, 1980
    18  (P.L.345, No.87), are amended to read:
    19     Section 1902-A.  Forest Powers and Duties.--The Department of
    20  Environmental Resources shall have the power, and its duty shall
    21  be:
    22     * * *
    23     (6)  Whenever it shall appear that the welfare of the
    24  Commonwealth, with reference to reforesting, and the betterment
    25  of the State forests, with respect to control, management,
    26  protection, utilization, development, and regulation, of their
    27  occupancy and use, will be advanced by selling or disposing of
    28  any of the timber on the State forests, to dispose of such
    29  timber on terms most advantageous to the State: Provided, That
    30  the department is authorized and directed to set aside, within
    19890S0813B0893                 - 13 -

     1  the State forests, unusual or historical groves of trees, or
     2  natural features, especially worthy of permanent preservation,
     3  to make the same accessible and convenient for public use, and
     4  to dedicate them in perpetuity to the people of the State for
     5  their recreation and enjoyment. [And the said department is
     6  hereby empowered, to make and execute contracts or leases, in
     7  the name of the Commonwealth, for the mining or removal of any
     8  valuable minerals that may be found in said State forests, or of
     9  oil and gas beneath those waters of Lake Erie owned by the
    10  Commonwealth, or of oil and gas beneath the land of Woodville
    11  State Hospital owned by the Commonwealth, whenever it shall
    12  appear to the satisfaction of the department that it would be
    13  for the best interests of the State to make such disposition of
    14  said minerals: And provided further, That any proposed contracts
    15  or leases of valuable minerals, exceeding one thousand dollars
    16  ($1,000) in value, shall have been advertised once a week for
    17  three weeks, in at least two newspapers published nearest the
    18  locality indicated, in advance of awarding such contract or
    19  lease. Such contracts or leases may then be awarded to the
    20  highest and best bidder, who shall give bond for the proper
    21  performance of the contract as the department shall designate:
    22  Provided, however, That where the Commonwealth owns a fractional
    23  interest in the oil, natural gas and other minerals under State
    24  forest lands, the requirement of competitive bidding may be
    25  waived, and the department may enter into a contract to lease
    26  that fractional interest, with the approval of the Governor, and
    27  upon such terms and conditions as the department deems to be in
    28  the best interest of the Commonwealth.]
    29     * * *
    30     [(13)  The Department of Environmental Resources shall, with
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     1  the approval of the Governor, have the authority to enter into
     2  agreements with owners or lessees of property or property rights
     3  located in the same area as lands owned or leased by the
     4  Commonwealth, for the protection, preservation or recovery of
     5  metallic or nonmetallic ore, fuel, oil, natural gas or any other
     6  mineral deposits underlying said lands, provided the said
     7  deposits are owned by the Commonwealth;]
     8     * * *
     9     Section 10.  Section 1903-A(12) of the act is repealed.
    10     Section 11.  Section 1904-A(6) of the act, added December 3,
    11  1970 (P.L.834, No.275), is amended to read:
    12     Section 1904-A.  Waters.--The Department of Environmental
    13  Resources shall have the power and its duty shall be:
    14     * * *
    15     (6)  [To] Subject to the provisions of section 1902-B(34), to
    16  maintain a complete inventory of all the water resources of the
    17  Commonwealth; collect all pertinent data, facts, and information
    18  in connection therewith; classify, tabulate, record, and
    19  preserve the same; and, upon the basis thereof, determine, the
    20  points at which storage reservoirs may be constructed for flood
    21  control, for municipal and domestic supply, [hydraulic and
    22  hydroelectric power, steam raising, steam condensation,]
    23  navigation, and other utilization; and generally to devise all
    24  possible ways and means to conserve and develop the water supply
    25  and water resources of the Commonwealth for the use of the
    26  people thereof;
    27     * * *
    28     Section 12.  Sections 1906-A(9), 1908-A(3), 1915-A, 1916-A
    29  and 1928-A of the act are repealed.
    30     Section 13.  The act is amended by adding an article to read:
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     1                           ARTICLE XIX-B
     2                      POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE
     3                     DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, ITS
     4                     OFFICERS AND ITS ADVISORY
     5                               BOARD
     6     Section 1901-B.  Powers and Duties in General.--The
     7  Department of Energy shall, subject to any inconsistent
     8  provision in this act, continue to exercise the powers and
     9  perform the duties by law heretofore vested in and imposed upon
    10  the Department of Environmental Resources under section 1901-
    11  A(2), section 1901-A(10), as much of section 1901-A(20) as
    12  relates to any matter within the jurisdiction of the Department
    13  of Energy and section 1901-A(24).
    14     Section 1902-B.  The Department of Energy shall have the
    15  power and its duty shall be:
    16     (1)  To promote the development of this Commonwealth's
    17  indigenous energy resources, consistent with economic
    18  feasibility, environmental protection and public health and
    19  safety by providing information, technical assistance and
    20  financial assistance.
    21     (2)  To promote the efficient use and conservation of energy
    22  in this Commonwealth through the conduct of a Statewide
    23  educational program and by providing information, technical
    24  assistance and financial assistance.
    25     (3)  To serve as the primary agency in this Commonwealth for
    26  the collection, maintenance and analysis of information on all
    27  forms of energy, conservation of energy and related subjects.
    28     (4)  To maintain a liaison with energy producers, suppliers,
    29  distributors and consumers and other State and Federal agencies
    30  concerning energy-related matters.
    19890S0813B0893                 - 16 -

     1     (5)  In cooperation with the Energy Research and Development
     2  Advisory Board and the Energy Development Authority, to promote
     3  research and development efforts which will contribute to the
     4  integrity and adequacy of Pennsylvania's energy resources, with
     5  priority given to research and development involving utilization
     6  of Pennsylvania's coal resources and pollution control methods
     7  which will facilitate utilization of Pennsylvania coal.
     8     (6)  To encourage the development of new markets for
     9  Pennsylvania's indigenous energy resources.
    10     (7)  To monitor energy prices and evaluate rate and price
    11  policies.
    12     (8)  To establish an energy information forecasting system.
    13     (9)  To determine the effect of energy and fuel shortages on
    14  consumers.
    15     (10)  To coordinate the monitoring of energy or fuel supplies
    16  to determine whether there exists or is likely to exist an
    17  emergency shortage pursuant to section 2802-C(a) of this act and
    18  to conduct emergency allocation measures during a period of
    19  declared energy or fuel supply emergencies, pursuant to section
    20  2802-C(b) of this act in accordance with an Emergency Allocation
    21  Plan. The Emergency Allocation Plan shall be developed and
    22  implemented by the department in conjunction with the
    23  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and the Pennsylvania
    24  Emergency Management Agency and shall be part of the
    25  Pennsylvania Energy Policy and Plan.
    26     (11)  To review, study and monitor the efficiency of energy
    27  utilization in State Government operations and suggest remedial
    28  measures. The department shall direct all Commonwealth agencies
    29  to develop, subject to the department's approval, contingency
    30  plans for dealing with energy or fuel supply emergencies.
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     1  Portions of emergency allocation or contingency plans which
     2  pertain to energy industries regulated by the Pennsylvania
     3  Public Utility Commission shall be made available to the
     4  department upon request.
     5     (12)  To assist in the review of plans, policies, rules and
     6  regulations of other Commonwealth agencies regarding energy
     7  development, production, conversion, distribution, transmission,
     8  use or conservation.
     9     (13)  To intervene in the proceedings of the Pennsylvania
    10  Public Utility Commission and regulatory proceedings of other
    11  State or Federal agencies if the proceedings relate to energy
    12  development, production, conversion, distribution, transmission,
    13  use or conservation.
    14     (14)  To apply for, accept and expend grants-in-aid and
    15  assistance for energy programs from public and private sources
    16  and to serve as the manager and coordinator of Federal energy
    17  grants, petroleum overcharge funds and private energy funds.
    18     (15)  To update and publish, at least once every five years,
    19  a Pennsylvania Energy Policy and Plan developed by the Energy
    20  Research and Development Advisory Board. The Pennsylvania Energy
    21  Policy and Plan shall include information regarding the
    22  development, production, distribution, consumption and
    23  conservation of energy in this Commonwealth. The Emergency
    24  Allocation Plan shall be included in the Pennsylvania Energy
    25  Policy and Plan. The Pennsylvania Energy Policy and Plan and any
    26  amendments thereto shall be submitted to the Governor and the
    27  General Assembly.
    28     (16)  To provide necessary staff and assistance to the Energy
    29  Research and Development Advisory Board and the Energy
    30  Development Authority.
    19890S0813B0893                 - 18 -

     1     (17)  To assist in the implementation of the act of December
     2  15, 1980 (P.L.1203, No.222), known as the "Building Energy
     3  Conservation Act," and to establish a Building Energy
     4  Conservation Committee, pursuant to section 304 of the "Building
     5  Energy Conservation Act."
     6     (18)  To enter into interstate compacts or agreements to
     7  carry out energy research and planning with other states or the
     8  Federal Government.
     9     (19)  To advise the Governor and the General Assembly
    10  regarding State, Federal and international energy policies,
    11  practices, programs and legislation and to submit proposed
    12  legislation to the General Assembly for its consideration.
    13     (20)  To issue subpoenas and conduct hearings and
    14  investigations.
    15     (21)  To acquire, purchase, grant and contract for eminent
    16  domain title to real property to demonstrate facilities for
    17  improved energy efficiency.
    18     (22)  To construct and operate facilities which improve
    19  energy efficiency.
    20     (23)  To contract with any other public agency or
    21  corporation.
    22     (24)  To make and execute contracts or leases in the name of
    23  the Commonwealth, with the approval of the Governor, and have
    24  the authority to enter into agreements with owners or lessees of
    25  property or property rights located in the same areas as lands
    26  owned or leased by the Commonwealth, for the protection,
    27  preservation or recovery of metallic or nonmetallic ore, oil,
    28  natural gas or any other mineral deposits underlying said lands,
    29  provided said deposits are owned by the Commonwealth, whenever
    30  it is determined by the department that it would be for the best
    19890S0813B0893                 - 19 -

     1  interests of the Commonwealth to make such disposition of said
     2  deposits. Any proposed contracts or leases for the extraction or
     3  recovery of metallic or nonmetallic ore, oil, natural gas or
     4  other minerals shall have been published once a week for three
     5  consecutive weeks, in at least two newspapers of general
     6  circulation in the locality where the extraction or recovery is
     7  to be located, prior to awarding such contract or lease. Such
     8  contract or lease shall be awarded to the highest and best
     9  bidder capable for the proper performance of the contract:
    10  Provided, however, That where the Commonwealth owns a fractional
    11  interest in the oil, natural gas and other minerals, the
    12  requirement of competitive bidding may be waived, and the
    13  department may enter into a contract to lease that fractional
    14  interest, with the approval of the Governor, and upon such terms
    15  and conditions as the department deems to be in the best
    16  interest of the Commonwealth.
    17     (25)  To make and execute contracts or leases, in the name of
    18  the Commonwealth, for the mining or removal of any valuable
    19  minerals that may be found in State forests, or of oil and gas
    20  beneath those waters of Lake Erie owned by the Commonwealth, or
    21  of oil and gas beneath the land of Woodville State Hospital
    22  owned by the Commonwealth, whenever it shall appear to the
    23  satisfaction of the department that it would be for the best
    24  interests of the State to make such disposition of said
    25  minerals: Provided, That any proposed contracts or leases of
    26  valuable minerals exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000) in
    27  value shall have been advertised once a week for three weeks, in
    28  at least two newspapers published nearest the locality
    29  indicated, in advance of awarding such contract or lease. Such
    30  contracts or leases may then be awarded to the highest and best
    19890S0813B0893                 - 20 -

     1  bidder, who shall give bond for the proper performance of the
     2  contract as the department shall designate: Provided, however,
     3  That where the Commonwealth owns a fractional interest in the
     4  oil, natural gas and other minerals under State forest lands,
     5  the requirement of competitive bidding may be waived, and the
     6  department may enter into a contract to lease that fractional
     7  interest, with the approval of the Governor and upon such terms
     8  and conditions as the department deems to be in the best
     9  interest of the Commonwealth.
    10     (26)  To enter into agreements to sell, lease or otherwise
    11  dispose of any iron, coal, limestone, fire-clay, oil, gas and
    12  other minerals, except sand and gravel and minerals deposited in
    13  pools created by dams, that may be found in or beneath the beds
    14  of navigable streams or bodies of water within this Commonwealth
    15  and nonnavigable streams or bodies of water where the beds
    16  thereof are owned by the Commonwealth, on such terms and
    17  conditions as the department deems to be in the best interest of
    18  the Commonwealth. Nothing herein shall authorize the
    19  interference with free navigation of said streams or bodies of
    20  water or to undermine the bed thereof or to interfere with the
    21  rights of any person or persons holding property on the banks
    22  thereof.
    23     (27)  To enter into contracts: (i) to implement the Abandoned
    24  Mine Reclamation Program under Title IV of the Surface Mining
    25  Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, (Public Law 95-87, 30
    26  U.S.C. § 1231 et seq.); (ii) for the abatement and control work
    27  authorized under the act of January 19, 1968 (1967 P.L.996,
    28  No.443), known as "The Land and Water Conservation and
    29  Reclamation Act"; (iii) to reclaim abandoned surface mines as
    30  provided for in the act of May 31, 1945 (P.L.1198, No.418),
    19890S0813B0893                 - 21 -

     1  known as the "Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act,"
     2  the act of December 19, 1984 (P.L.1093, No.219), known as the
     3  "Noncoal Surface Mining Conservation and Reclamation Act," and
     4  the act of September 24, 1968 (P.L.1040, No.318), known as the
     5  "Coal Refuse Disposal Control Act"; (iv) to restore, repair or
     6  mitigate damages as provided for in the act of April 27, 1966
     7  (1st Sp.Sess., P.L.31, No.1), known as "The Bituminous Mine
     8  Subsidence and Land Conservation Act"; and (v) to plug abandoned
     9  oil and gas wells as provided in the act of December 19, 1984
    10  (P.L.1140, No.223), known as the "Oil and Gas Act." In all cases
    11  in which the department enters into a contract and the other
    12  party to the contract is required to post a bond or other
    13  acceptable security to be held to apply as a credit against any
    14  unpaid balances or to carry out any unfulfilled conditions, the
    15  moneys of said bonds or securities shall accrue to the benefit
    16  of the Department of Energy insofar as necessary to indemnify
    17  the department and the Commonwealth from all losses caused by
    18  failure of the contracting party to fulfill any contract
    19  condition. Moneys not required by the department to pay unpaid
    20  balances or to fulfill contract conditions shall accrue to the
    21  General Fund; Provided, however, That where the contract was
    22  awarded under clause (26) of this section, the excess moneys
    23  shall be deposited into the fund under which the contract was
    24  authorized.
    25     (28)  To see that the mining laws of this Commonwealth are
    26  faithfully executed, and, for that purpose, cause lawfully
    27  qualified mine inspectors to enter, inspect and examine any mine
    28  or colliery within this Commonwealth and the works and machinery
    29  connected therewith.
    30     (29)  To give such aid and instruction to the mine
    19890S0813B0893                 - 22 -

     1  inspectors, from time to time, as may be calculated to protect
     2  the health and promote the safety of all persons employed in and
     3  about the mines.
     4     (30)  To make such examinations and investigations as may be
     5  necessary to enable it to make recommendations upon any matters
     6  pertaining to the general welfare of coal miners and others
     7  connected with mining and the interests of mine owners and
     8  operators in this Commonwealth.
     9     (31)  To seal or close or backfill abandoned deep or strip
    10  coal mines, to plug abandoned oil and gas wells, other than
    11  those governed by the act of December 19, 1984 (P.L.1140,
    12  No.223), known as the "Oil and Gas Act," to fill voids in
    13  abandoned coal mines, to drill bore holes, dig ditches or
    14  construct flumes which would relieve flooding or hazardous
    15  conditions caused by mine water, and to extinguish fires in
    16  abandoned coal mines and in culm banks, in those instances where
    17  such work is in the interest of the public welfare.
    18     (32)  To administer the laws and regulations of this
    19  Commonwealth relating to the drilling and operation of oil and
    20  gas wells and gas storage reservoirs.
    21     (33)  To administer the laws and regulations of this
    22  Commonwealth which regulate: (i) the construction operation and
    23  maintenance of dams, water obstructions or encroachments for
    24  hydraulic and hydroelectric power; (ii) stream raising and steam
    25  condensation reservoirs; and (iii) any dam, impoundment,
    26  embankment and other water obstruction and encroachment
    27  necessary for the extraction, recovery or processing of metallic
    28  and nonmetallic ore, oil, gas and other minerals.
    29     (34)  To request and receive, from any Commonwealth agency,
    30  department, board, bureau or commission, any assistance and data
    19890S0813B0893                 - 23 -

     1  required to carry out the purposes of this article. The
     2  department is hereby authorized, with the approval of the
     3  Governor, to enter into memorandums of understanding,
     4  cooperative agreements or contracts to achieve such end and to
     5  cooperate in the activities of and with such Commonwealth
     6  agency, department, board, bureau or commission and the Federal
     7  Government or any appropriate agency thereof.
     8     (35)  To formulate, adopt and promulgate such rules and
     9  regulations necessary for the proper performance of the work of
    10  the department, and continue to exercise any power to formulate,
    11  adopt and promulgate rules and regulations relating to any
    12  matter within the jurisdiction of the department heretofore
    13  vested in the Environmental Quality Board or other departments
    14  and boards; and any such rules or regulations promulgated prior
    15  to the effective date of this act shall be the rules and
    16  regulations of the Department of Energy until such time as they
    17  are modified, repealed, suspended, superseded or otherwise
    18  changed by the Department of Energy.
    19     (36)  To keep complete and accurate minutes of all hearings
    20  held before the department or any division of the department.
    21     (37)  To promulgate regulations necessary to administer this
    22  article and to administer any applicable Federal regulations.
    23     (38)  To cooperate with all other Federal and State agencies
    24  in carrying out its responsibilities.
    25     Section 1903-B.  Review of Regulations.--Any rule,
    26  regulation, policy or procedure pertaining to matters within the
    27  jurisdiction of the department in effect on the effective date
    28  of this amendatory act shall be reviewed by the Secretary of
    29  Energy on the written request of a person substantially affected
    30  by the rule, regulation, policy or procedure. The secretary
    19890S0813B0893                 - 24 -

     1  shall initiate a review within thirty (30) days of receipt of
     2  the request and issue a decision, in writing, within ninety (90)
     3  days of receipt of the request to retain, modify or suspend and
     4  the reasons therefor.
     5     Section 1904-B.  Division of Administrative Hearings.--(a)
     6  There is hereby created a Division of Administrative Hearings in
     7  the Office of Attorney General.
     8     (b)  The division shall have the power and it duties shall be
     9  to hold hearings and issue adjudications under Title 2 of the
    10  Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes (relating to administrative
    11  law and procedure), on any decision or action of the department,
    12  including, but not limited to: notice of violation, penalty
    13  assessment, order, permit, license, or the whole or part of a
    14  rule or equivalent. A decision or action shall be considered
    15  final when reduced to writing, whether affirmative, negative,
    16  injunctive or declaratory in form.
    17     (c)  The division shall continue to exercise any power to
    18  hold hearings and issue adjudications relating to any matter
    19  within the jurisdiction of the department heretofore vested in
    20  the Environmental Hearing Board.
    21     (d)  Anything in any law to the contrary notwithstanding, any
    22  action of the department may be taken initially without regard
    23  to the provisions of Title 2 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
    24  Statutes, but no such action of the department adversely
    25  affecting any person shall be final as to such person until such
    26  person has had the opportunity to appeal such action to the
    27  division: Provided, however, That any such action shall be final
    28  as to any person who has not perfected his appeal in the manner
    29  hereinafter specified.
    30     (e)  An appeal taken to the division from a decision of the
    19890S0813B0893                 - 25 -

     1  department shall not act as a supersedeas, but upon cause shown
     2  and where the circumstances require it, the department or the
     3  board shall have the power to grant a supersedeas.
     4     (f)  Hearings of the division shall be conducted in
     5  accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Office of
     6  the Attorney General, and such rules and regulations shall
     7  include time limits for the taking of appeals, procedures for
     8  the taking of appeals, locations at which hearings shall be held
     9  and such other rules and regulations as may be determined
    10  advisable.
    11     (g)  The Attorney General shall employ hearing examiners,
    12  knowledgeable of the laws of this Commonwealth, and such other
    13  personnel as are necessary to perform the duties prescribed
    14  herein: Provided, however, That the number of examiners employed
    15  shall be sufficient to provide timely and expeditious hearings
    16  at each office of the department.
    17     (h)  The division shall have the power to subpoena witnesses,
    18  records and papers; and upon certification to it of failure to
    19  obey any such subpoena, the Commonwealth Court is empowered,
    20  after hearing, to enter, when proper, an adjudication of
    21  contempt and such other order as the circumstances require.
    22     Section 1905-B.  Energy Research and Development Advisory
    23  Board.--(a)  The Energy Research and Development Advisory Board
    24  shall have the responsibility for developing a Pennsylvania
    25  Energy Policy and Plan for this Commonwealth.
    26     (b)  The board shall assist and provide advice to the
    27  Secretary of Energy and the Energy Development Authority. The
    28  Secretary of Energy and the Energy Development Authority shall
    29  work with and receive advice from the Energy Research and
    30  Development Advisory Board in the development of energy programs
    19890S0813B0893                 - 26 -

     1  and projects in this Commonwealth.
     2     (c)  The functions of the Energy Research and Development
     3  Advisory Board shall include, but not be limited to, the
     4  following:
     5     (1)  Providing liaison among energy producers, labor
     6  organizations, academia and agencies of the Commonwealth and the
     7  United States on matters relating to energy and encouraging the
     8  exchange of information regarding energy research and
     9  development between the Commonwealth and other states and
    10  nations.
    11     (2)  Providing coordination and oversight of all energy
    12  research programs conducted at colleges and universities located
    13  within this Commonwealth and, where possible, provide
    14  coordination and oversight of all energy research programs
    15  conducted in the private sector.
    16     (3)  Recommending energy research and development projects,
    17  with priority being given to demonstrations of technology which
    18  enhance the production and use of Pennsylvania coals and the
    19  more efficient combustion of all fossil fuels. Before the board
    20  makes any recommendation, it shall first consult with agencies
    21  of the Federal Government that have jurisdiction over matters
    22  involving energy, colleges and universities within this
    23  Commonwealth, and other state governments in order to avoid
    24  duplication of effort and expense.
    25     (4)  Assisting the Energy Development Authority in the
    26  evaluation of energy research and development projects which
    27  apply to the Energy Development Authority for financial or
    28  technical assistance.
    29     (5)  Assisting the Secretary of Energy in developing
    30  environmentally sound, cost-effective energy programs and
    19890S0813B0893                 - 27 -

     1  policies and procedures to implement such programs.
     2     Section 1906-B.  Mine Inspectors.--Subject to any
     3  inconsistent provisions contained in this act, anthracite mine
     4  inspectors and bituminous mine inspectors shall, respectively,
     5  under the direction of the Secretary of Energy, continue to
     6  exercise the powers and perform the duties vested in and imposed
     7  upon them by law.
     8     Section 1907-B.  Conflict of Interest in Mining and Oil and
     9  Gas Regulation.--(a)  No employe of the Department of Energy
    10  performing any function or duty within the scope of activities
    11  covered by the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of
    12  1977 (Public Law 95-87 30 U.S.C. § 1201 et seq.) shall have a
    13  direct or indirect financial interest in any underground or
    14  surface coal mining operation as defined by this act. Whoever
    15  knowingly violates the provisions of this subsection shall, upon
    16  conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than two thousand
    17  five hundred dollars ($2,500) or by imprisonment of not more
    18  than one year, or both. Rules and regulations shall be
    19  promulgated hereunder to establish methods by which the
    20  provisions of this subsection will be monitored and enforced by
    21  the Department of Energy, including, but not limited to,
    22  appropriate provisions for the filing by such employes and the
    23  review of statements and supplements thereto concerning any
    24  financial interest which may be affected by this subsection.
    25     (b)  No employe of the Department of Energy performing the
    26  function or duty of an oil or gas inspector shall act as a
    27  manager, employe or agent of any oil or gas drilling operation
    28  or of any mining or mining operation, nor shall he be interested
    29  in any pecuniary way in such operations in this Commonwealth.
    30  Whoever knowingly violates the provisions of this subsection
    19890S0813B0893                 - 28 -

     1  shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than
     2  two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) or by imprisonment of
     3  not more than one year, or both. Rules and regulations shall be
     4  promulgated hereunder to establish methods by which the
     5  provisions of this subsection will be monitored and enforced by
     6  the Department of Energy, including, but not limited to,
     7  appropriate provisions for the filing by such employes and the
     8  review of statements and supplements thereto concerning any
     9  financial interest which may be affected by this subsection.
    10     Section 1908-B.  Salary of Secretary of Energy.--The
    11  Secretary of Energy shall receive an annual salary, payable in
    12  equal semi-monthly installments, of seventy-two thousand dollars
    13  ($72,000).
    14     Section 14.  Sections 2407.1, 2801-C and 2802-C of the act,
    15  added December 14, 1982 (P.L.1213, No.280), are amended to read:
    16     Section 2407.1.  Special Power Relating to State Vehicles.--
    17  (a)  The Department of General Services, in cooperation with the
    18  Department of Energy, shall, on an ongoing basis, monitor the
    19  research and development efforts to produce synthetic motor
    20  vehicle fuel derived in whole or in part from coal and shall
    21  determine the feasibility of converting State-owned vehicles to
    22  operate on such synthetic fuel.
    23     (b)  In making [its] the determination of the feasibility of
    24  using a synthetic motor vehicle fuel derived in whole or in part
    25  from coal, the [department is] departments are authorized to
    26  utilize such synthetic fuel in a limited number of State-owned
    27  vehicles on an experimental basis and to make necessary
    28  mechanical changes in those vehicles to facilitate the
    29  experimentation.
    30     (c)  If, as a result of the monitoring and experimentation
    19890S0813B0893                 - 29 -

     1  conducted in accordance with subsections (a) and (b), the
     2  [department determines] departments determine that there is a
     3  sufficient, assured supply of such synthetic fuel which can be
     4  used in one or more State-owned vehicles at a reasonable cost
     5  and without creating any significant threat to the environment,
     6  the [department] departments shall submit to the General
     7  Assembly a plan for such conversion. Such plan shall be
     8  accompanied by a summary report setting forth the basis for the
     9  [department's] determination that such conversion is feasible.
    10     Section 2801-C.  Definitions.--The following words and
    11  phrases when used in this article shall have the meanings given
    12  to them in this section unless the context clearly indicates
    13  otherwise:
    14     "Authority" means the Energy Development Authority.
    15     "Board" means the board of directors of the authority.
    16     "Bond" or "Bonds" means notes, bonds, refunding or renewal
    17  notes and bonds and other evidence of indebtedness or
    18  obligations which the authority is authorized to issue.
    19     "Cost" means the expense of construction and the expense of
    20  acquisition of all structures, lands and other property rights
    21  and interests in land necessary to a project. The term also
    22  includes the expense of demolishing, removing or relocating any
    23  buildings or structures on lands acquired or to be acquired,
    24  including the expense of acquiring any lands to which such
    25  buildings or structures may be moved or relocated; sewage
    26  treatment, waste treatment and pollution control facilities;
    27  railroad sidings, spurs or branch lines; all labor, materials,
    28  machinery and equipment, fixtures; financing charges; interest
    29  on all bonds prior to and during construction, and for a period
    30  of one year thereafter; engineering, financial and legal
    19890S0813B0893                 - 30 -

     1  services; plans, specifications, studies, surveys necessary or
     2  incidental to determining the feasibility or practicability of
     3  constructing a project; administrative expenses; reserves for
     4  interest and for extension, enlargements, additions and
     5  improvements; and such other expenses as may be necessary or
     6  incidental to the construction of the project and the placing of
     7  the same in operation.
     8     "Energy or fuel supply emergency" means a state of emergency,
     9  declared by proclamation of the Governor within twenty-four
    10  hours after the occurrence of an energy resource shortage or
    11  supply or distribution problem resulting because of an absence
    12  of availability or a critically reduced supply of any energy
    13  source, which cannot be satisfactorily alleviated or resolved by
    14  or under the authority of State regulatory authorities having
    15  jurisdiction over such energy resources, thereby jeopardizing
    16  the health, safety, welfare and economic well-being of the
    17  inhabitants of this Commonwealth.
    18     "Energy resource" means any force or material which yields or
    19  has the potential to yield energy, including, but not limited
    20  to, electrical, fossil and nuclear sources.
    21     "Person" means a natural person, corporation, partnership,
    22  association, and any municipality of this Commonwealth and any
    23  public corporation, authority or body whatsoever.
    24     "Petroleum product" includes motor gasoline, kerosene,
    25  distillates (including Number 2 fuel oil) and diesel fuel.
    26     "Project" means an activity, entirely or largely conducted in
    27  Pennsylvania, which cannot be effectively funded using privately
    28  available resources, relating to:
    29     (1)  basic and applied research concerning energy use,
    30  renewable energy resources and energy extraction, transmission,
    19890S0813B0893                 - 31 -

     1  storage or conversion;
     2     (2)  limited scale demonstration of innovative or
     3  commercially unproven technology to promote the production, use
     4  or conservation of energy; [or]
     5     (3)  activities to promote or remove obstacles to the
     6  utilization and transportation of Pennsylvania energy resources,
     7  including but not limited to limited scale synthetic fuel
     8  facilities and the conversion or technological improvement of
     9  industrial, commercial or agricultural systems to utilize
    10  Pennsylvania coal or renewable energy resources: Provided, That
    11  no such facility unreasonably interferes with private waste
    12  recycling industries[.];
    13     (4)  activities to promote and develop projects, on a local
    14  or regional basis, for the cogeneration of power through the
    15  utilization of solid waste; or
    16     (5)  activities which seek to reduce pollution and are
    17  associated with energy development, production or distribution.
    18     "Renewable energy source" means any method, process or
    19  substance whose supply is rejuvenated through natural processes
    20  and, subject to those material processes, remains relatively
    21  constant, including, but not limited to, biomass conversion,
    22  geothermal energy, solar and wind energy and hydroelectric
    23  power, and excluding those sources of energy used in the fission
    24  and fusion processes.
    25     Section 2802-C.  [Emergency Petroleum Product Shortages.--(a)
    26  The Governor may, by executive order, proclaim a state of
    27  emergency based upon a finding that there impends or exists a
    28  substantial shortage of petroleum products available for use in
    29  Pennsylvania which poses a serious threat to health, safety or
    30  welfare of the public.] Energy or Fuel Supply Emergency.--(a)
    19890S0813B0893                 - 32 -

     1  In the event that the threat or danger of an energy or fuel
     2  supply emergency is imminent, the Governor may, after
     3  consultation with the Lieutenant Governor, the Department of
     4  Energy, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and the
     5  Department of Environmental Resources, declare a state of energy
     6  or fuel supply emergency. A state of energy or fuel supply
     7  emergency shall remain in effect for the maximum period of
     8  ninety days [and may be extended], but may be terminated or
     9  extended by the Governor unless the termination or extension is
    10  disapproved by concurrent resolution adopted by both Houses of
    11  the General Assembly. A state of emergency may be declared for
    12  all or any portion of the Commonwealth.
    13     (b)  [Upon proclamation of a state of emergency, the Governor
    14  shall designate a State agency to conduct emergency allocation
    15  measures during the period of the declared emergency. Emergency
    16  allocation measures may consist of:
    17     (1)  the administration of any emergency allocation powers
    18  delegated to the State by the President or any Federal agency;
    19     (2)  the implementation of a set aside program, for not more
    20  than one percent (1%) of the petroleum products available for
    21  use in Pennsylvania, to alleviate hardship or meet emergency
    22  needs. A set aside program shall be established in conformity
    23  with any Federal law, regulations or executive orders governing
    24  petroleum allocation, and shall apply only to petroleum products
    25  found to be in a substantial shortage;
    26     (3)  measures to reduce the demand for or consumption of
    27  gasoline; and
    28     (4)  other measures identified by the Governor in his
    29  executive order proclaiming a state of emergency as necessary to
    30  protect the public health, safety and welfare.
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     1     (c)  The agency designated by the Governor to conduct
     2  emergency measures may, during the period of the emergency,
     3  adopt rules and regulations pursuant to section 204 of the act
     4  of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the
     5  Commonwealth Documents Law. Any regulation adopted during a
     6  state of emergency shall be automatically rescinded upon the
     7  expiration of the emergency.
     8     (d)  The Governor may designate a state agency to monitor
     9  supplies of petroleum products available for use in the
    10  Commonwealth to determine whether there exists, or is likely to
    11  exist, an emergency shortage.
    12     (1)  In order to monitor supplies of petroleum products, the
    13  agency may require recordkeeping and periodic reports from
    14  petroleum suppliers. These reporting and recordkeeping
    15  requirements shall, to the maximum extent possible, employ
    16  Federally mandated reports and records, avoid any unnecessary
    17  duplicative reporting or recordkeeping, and minimize paperwork,
    18  recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
    19     (2)  Reports filed and records maintained pursuant to this
    20  subsection shall be deemed confidential.
    21     (3)  When a petroleum supplier or a company providing
    22  information to a petroleum supplier claims that the information
    23  requested by the agency is confidential, proprietary, market or
    24  trade secret information, or when the information is deemed
    25  confidential pursuant to this section, the agency shall not
    26  disclose such information publicly or to any other governmental
    27  agency unless the information is aggregated as part of a
    28  statistical report in which the data and individual companies
    29  supplying the data cannot be identified.
    30     (4)  No employe or appointee of the agency or other person
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     1  may release information from a petroleum product company that
     2  would enable data provided by or relating to individual
     3  customers of the petroleum company to be identified as relating
     4  to or coming from the individual customer. Any person disclosing
     5  such information in violation of this section shall be guilty of
     6  a misdemeanor, shall be subject to disciplinary action,
     7  including reprimand, suspension or termination, and may be
     8  ordered to make restitution to any injured or aggrieved party
     9  for losses or damages shown.
    10     (5)  In order to obtain information required pursuant to this
    11  subsection, the agency designated by the Governor to monitor
    12  supplies of petroleum products may receive or share information
    13  from any other Commonwealth, Federal or local agency: Provided,
    14  That the agency shall provide the same confidentiality to
    15  information recovered as is provided by the supplying agency.]
    16  Upon proclamation of a state of emergency, the Governor shall
    17  have the power:
    18     (1)  To direct the Department of Energy to conduct emergency
    19  petroleum allocation measures which may consist of any of the
    20  following:
    21     (i)  The administration of any emergency petroleum allocation
    22  powers delegated to the State by the President or any Federal
    23  agency.
    24     (ii)  The implementation of a set-aside program, for not more
    25  than one per centum (1%) of the petroleum products available for
    26  use in Pennsylvania, to alleviate hardship or meet emergency
    27  needs. A set-aside program shall be established in conformity
    28  with any Federal law, regulations or executive orders governing
    29  petroleum allocation, and shall apply only to petroleum products
    30  found to be in a substantial shortage.
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     1     (iii)  Measures to reduce the demand for or consumption of
     2  petroleum products.
     3     (iv)  The adoption of rules and regulations in the manner
     4  provided by law. Any regulation adopted during a state of
     5  emergency shall be automatically rescinded upon the expiration
     6  of the emergency.
     7     (v)  Any other measures deemed necessary to protect the
     8  public health, safety and welfare.
     9     (2)  To encourage increased use of renewable energy sources.
    10     (3)  To suspend or modify existing state standards and
    11  requirements affecting or affected by the use of energy
    12  resources, including those related to air quality control.
    13     (4)  To order specific restrictions on the use and sale of
    14  energy resources, including, but not limited to:
    15     (i)  Restrictions on the interior temperature of public,
    16  commercial, industrial and school buildings.
    17     (ii)  Restrictions on the hours and days during which public,
    18  commercial, industrial and school buildings may be open.
    19     (iii)  Restrictions on lighting levels in public, commercial,
    20  industrial and school buildings.
    21     (iv)  Restrictions on the use of display and decorative
    22  lighting.
    23     (v)  Restrictions on the use of privately owned vehicles or a
    24  reduction in speed limits.
    25     (vi)  Restrictions on the use of public transportation,
    26  including directions to close a public transportation facility.
    27     (vii)  Restrictions on the use of pupil transportation
    28  programs operated by public schools.
    29     (viii)  Reduction in the number of elevators operating in
    30  office buildings during nonpeak hours.
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     1     (ix)  Curtailment of nighttime sports, entertainment and
     2  recreational activities.
     3     (x)  Closing of public museums, art galleries and historic
     4  buildings.
     5     (xi)  Requiring Sunday closings of retail establishments,
     6  except for those retail establishments that provide goods or
     7  services essential to the public welfare.
     8     (xii)  Reduction in the number of hours during which retail
     9  establishments may be open for business, except for those retail
    10  establishments which provide goods or services essential to the
    11  public welfare. Any retail establishment subject to this
    12  subclause shall be permitted to set its specific hours of
    13  operation, provided the total number of hours does not exceed
    14  the maximum number of hours authorized pursuant to this
    15  subclause.
    16     (c)  Any restrictions ordered by the Governor shall be
    17  automatically rescinded upon the expiration of the emergency.
    18     (d)  Any actions taken by the Governor pursuant to this
    19  section, insofar as they may apply to a regulated utility, shall
    20  not conflict with or supersede regulations or orders of the
    21  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or curtailment procedures
    22  on file with the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, nor
    23  shall any restrictions on the use of fuel for the generation of
    24  energy or on the transportation of fuel for the generation of
    25  energy be imposed prior to consultation with the Pennsylvania
    26  Public Utility Commission.
    27     (e)  An executive order, proclamation or directive issued
    28  under this section shall be disseminated promptly by means
    29  calculated to bring its contents to the attention of the
    30  citizens of this Commonwealth and published in accordance with
    19890S0813B0893                 - 37 -

     1  the law. The Governor shall notify the General Assembly promptly
     2  of an executive order, proclamation or directive issued under
     3  this article.
     4     (f)  Any person who knowingly violates any order,
     5  proclamation or directive issued by the Governor under this
     6  section commits a misdemeanor of the third degree and shall,
     7  upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than
     8  five hundred dollars ($500). Each day of a continuing violation
     9  shall be a separate offense.
    10     (g)  Nothing in this article shall limit the authority of the
    11  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to regulate public
    12  utility service as provided in Title 66 of the Pennsylvania
    13  Consolidated Statutes (relating to public utilities).
    14     Section 15.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    15     Section 2802.1-C.  Coordination of Monitoring of Supplies of
    16  Energy Resources.--(a)  The Department of Energy shall
    17  coordinate the monitoring of supplies of energy resources
    18  available for use in this Commonwealth to determine whether
    19  there exists, or is likely to exist, an emergency shortage.
    20     (b)  In order to coordinate the monitoring of energy
    21  resources, the Department of Energy may require recordkeeping
    22  and periodic reports from energy resource suppliers. These
    23  reporting and recordkeeping requirements shall, to the maximum
    24  extent possible, employ mandated reports and records of other
    25  Commonwealth, Federal or local agencies, avoid any unnecessary
    26  duplicative reporting or recordkeeping, and minimize paperwork,
    27  recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
    28     (c)  Any agency that provides or receives reports or records
    29  under this act, any other act, any rule or regulation or any
    30  executive order or similar directive for the purpose of
    19890S0813B0893                 - 38 -

     1  monitoring or coordinating the monitoring of supplies of energy
     2  resources shall keep such records or reports confidential unless
     3  the reports or records are deemed to be public information
     4  pursuant to the act, rule or regulation, executive order or
     5  directive under which they are provided.
     6     (d)  When an energy resource supplier or a company providing
     7  information to an energy resource supplier claims that the
     8  information requested by the agency is confidential,
     9  proprietary, market or trade secret information, or when the
    10  information is deemed confidential pursuant to this section, the
    11  agency shall not disclose such information publicly or to any
    12  other governmental agency unless the information is aggregated
    13  as part of a statistical report in which the data and individual
    14  companies supplying the data cannot be identified.
    15     (e)  No employe or appointee of the agency or other person
    16  may release information from an energy resource company that
    17  would enable data provided by or relating to individual
    18  customers of the energy resource company to be identified as
    19  relating to or coming from the individual customer. Any person
    20  disclosing such information in violation of this section shall
    21  be guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree, shall be subject
    22  to disciplinary action, including reprimand, suspension or
    23  termination, and may be ordered to make restitution to any
    24  injured or aggrieved party for losses or damages shown.
    25     (f)  In order to obtain information required pursuant to this
    26  section, the Department of Energy may receive or share
    27  information from any other Commonwealth, Federal or local
    28  agency: Provided, however, That the Department of Energy shall
    29  provide the same confidentiality to information received as is
    30  provided by the supplying agency.
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     1     Section 16.  Section 2803-C of the act, amended or added
     2  December 14, 1982 (P.L.1213, No.280) and July 11, 1985 (P.L.211,
     3  No.55), is amended to read:
     4     Section 2803-C.  Energy Development Authority.--(a)  There is
     5  hereby established, within the Department of Energy, the Energy
     6  Development Authority.
     7     (b)  The authority shall be governed and all of its corporate
     8  powers exercised by a board of directors which shall be composed
     9  of the following individuals:
    10     (1)  Nine members to be appointed by the Governor, one of
    11  whom shall be designated as chairman. At least two members shall
    12  be members of the general public. The members initially
    13  appointed shall serve for terms of two, three and four years,
    14  respectively, the particular term of each to be designated by
    15  the Governor at the time of appointment. The terms of all of
    16  their successors shall be four years each, except that any
    17  person appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve only for the
    18  unexpired term. Every member's term shall extend until his
    19  successor is appointed and qualified. Any appointment of a
    20  member of the authority shall be subject to the advice and
    21  consent of a majority of all of the members of the Senate. Any
    22  appointed member of the authority shall be eligible for
    23  reappointment.
    24     (2)  The Secretary of Energy or his designee.
    25     [(2)] (3)  The Secretary of Environmental Resources or his
    26  designee.
    27     [(3)] (4)  The Secretary of Banking or his designee.
    28     [(4)] (5)  The Secretary of Commerce or his designee.
    29     [(5)] (6)  The Secretary of Agriculture or his designee.
    30     [(6)] (7)  Two members of the Senate, one from the majority
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     1  party and one from the minority party, to be appointed by the
     2  President pro tempore to serve at his pleasure, or the designees
     3  appointed by such members.
     4     [(7)] (8)  Two members of the House of Representatives, one
     5  from the majority party and one from the minority party, to be
     6  appointed by the Speaker of the House to serve at his pleasure,
     7  or the designees appointed by such members.
     8     [(8)](9)  The Consumer Advocate or his designee.
     9     [(9)] (10)  The Chairman of the Public Utility Commission or
    10  his designee.
    11     (11)  The Chairman of the Energy Research and Development
    12  Advisory Board.
    13     (c)  The members of the board of directors shall be entitled
    14  to no compensation for their services as members but shall be
    15  entitled to reimbursement for all necessary expenses incurred in
    16  connection with the performance of their duties as members.
    17     (d)  The board of directors shall provide for the holding of
    18  regular and special meetings. Ten directors attending shall
    19  constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business and at
    20  least six votes shall be required to adopt any action, except
    21  that at least nine votes shall be required to approve financial
    22  assistance for any project.
    23     Section 17.  Section 2804-C(a) of the act, added December 14,
    24  1982 (P.L.1213, No.280), is amended to read:
    25     Section 2804-C.  Technical and Financial Support.--(a)  The
    26  [Governor shall designate a State agency to] Department of
    27  Energy shall provide staff services to the authority for its
    28  administration of the act, including technical services to
    29  assist the authority in carrying out the provisions of this
    30  article.
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     1     * * *
     2     Section 18.  Section 2807-C(a) of the act, amended December
     3  15, 1988 (P.L.1239, No.152), is amended to read:
     4     Section 2807-C.  Authority Indebtedness.--(a)  The authority
     5  shall have the power and hereby is authorized from time to time,
     6  by resolution of the authority and subject to the written
     7  approval of the Governor, to issue its negotiable bonds in such
     8  principal amount as, in the opinion of the authority, shall be
     9  necessary to provide sufficient funds for any of its corporate
    10  purposes, the establishment of reserves to secure such bonds and
    11  all other expenditures of the authority incident to and
    12  necessary or convenient to carry out its corporate purposes and
    13  powers. The authority may issue its bonds to provide financial
    14  assistance for projects only after the authority has first
    15  identified and approved such projects. The aggregate principal
    16  amount of bonds and notes of the authority shall not exceed
    17  [$300,000,000] $400,000,000 outstanding at any one time.
    18     * * *
    19     Section 19.  All personnel, allocations, appropriations,
    20  equipment, files, records, contracts, agreements, obligations
    21  and other material which are used, employed or expended in
    22  connection with the powers, duties or functions of the
    23  Pennsylvania Energy Office are hereby transferred to the
    24  Department of Energy established by this act with the same force
    25  and effect as if the appropriations had been made to and said
    26  items had been the property of the Department of Energy in the
    27  first instance, and as if said contracts, agreements and
    28  obligations had been incurred or entered into by the Department
    29  of Energy. The personnel, appropriations, equipment and other
    30  items and material transferred by this section shall include
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     1  Federal grants and funds and other benefits from any Federal
     2  program.
     3     Section 20.  (a)  The following are transferred to the
     4  Department of Energy:
     5         (1)  All bureaus, divisions and government units, or
     6     portions thereof, in the Department of Environmental
     7     Resources concerned with the function relating to any matter
     8     within the jurisdiction of the Department of Energy.
     9         (2)  All bureaus, divisions and government units, or
    10     portions thereof, in the Department of Commerce responsible
    11     for the functions enumerated in section 2501-B(c), (d) and
    12     (e) of the act.
    13     (b)  All personnel, allocations, appropriations, equipment,
    14  files, records, contracts, agreements, obligations and other
    15  materials which are used, employed or expended in connection
    16  with the powers, duties or functions transferred by this act to
    17  the Department of Energy are hereby transferred to the
    18  Department of Energy with the same force and effect as if the
    19  appropriations had been made to and said items had been the
    20  property of the Department of Energy in the first instance and
    21  as if said contracts, agreements and obligations had been
    22  incurred or entered into by said Department of Energy.
    23     (c)  The personnel, appropriations, equipment and other items
    24  and material transferred by this section shall include an
    25  appropriate portion of the general administrative, overhead and
    26  supporting personnel, appropriations, equipment and other
    27  material of the agency and shall also include, where applicable,
    28  Federal grants and funds and other benefits from any Federal
    29  program.
    30     (d)  All personnel transferred pursuant to this act shall
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     1  retain any civil service employment status assigned to said
     2  personnel.
     3     Section 21.  All positions in the Department of Energy shall
     4  be deemed to be included in the list of positions set forth in
     5  section 3(d) of the act of August 5, 1941 (P.L.752, No.286),
     6  known as the Civil Service Act, and the provisions and benefits
     7  of that act shall be applicable to the employees of, and
     8  positions in, the department.
     9     Section 22.  Whenever the Secretary of Environmental
    10  Resources shall be entitled by law to serve on a board,
    11  commission or other body relating to any matter within the
    12  jurisdiction of the department, the Secretary of Energy shall
    13  serve in his place as if the Secretary of Energy had been
    14  designated to serve in the first instance.
    15     Section 23.  All orders, permits, regulations, decisions and
    16  other actions of the Department of Environmental Resources or
    17  any department, board, commission or agency whose functions have
    18  been transferred by this act to the Department of Energy shall
    19  remain in full force and effect until modified, repealed,
    20  superseded or otherwise changed by appropriate action of the
    21  Department of Energy.
    22     Section 24.  (a)  Nothing set forth in this act shall
    23  supersede any curtailment plans which are established and
    24  approved by any Federal regulatory commission, the Pennsylvania
    25  Public Utility Commission or any ordinance duly adopted by any
    26  municipality or public gas system.
    27     (b)  All orders, permits, regulations, decisions and other
    28  actions of the Pennsylvania Energy Office or any department,
    29  board, commission or agency whose functions have been
    30  transferred by this act to the Department of Energy shall remain
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     1  in full force and effect until modified, repealed, superseded or
     2  otherwise changed by appropriate action of the Department of
     3  Energy.
     4     (c)  The Department of Energy shall not have any authority to
     5  take any action affecting the jurisdiction of the Pennsylvania
     6  Public Utility Commission or any Federal administrative or
     7  regulatory agency. The Secretary of Energy or his designee,
     8  however, shall have the authority to appear before the
     9  Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission or any Federal
    10  administrative or regulatory agency to provide information
    11  concerning State energy policies.
    12     Section 25.  All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar
    13  as they are inconsistent with this act.
    14     Section 26.  Nothing in this amendatory act shall be
    15  construed to abrogate or modify the power and jurisdiction of
    16  the Department of Environmental Resources to administer the laws
    17  of this Commonwealth except as provided in this amendatory act.
    18     Section 27.  This act shall take effect in 180 days.

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