See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 894



No. 814 Session of 1989



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 31, 1945 (P.L.1198, No.418), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act providing for the conservation and
     3     improvement of land affected in connection with surface
     4     mining; regulating such mining; providing for the
     5     establishment of an Emergency Bond Fund for anthracite deep
     6     mine operators; and providing penalties," extending the
     7     Emergency Bond Fund to anthracite surface mines; and making
     8     an appropriation.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  The title and section 4.7 of the act of May 31,
    12  1945 (P.L.1198, No.418), known as the Surface Mining
    13  Conservation and Reclamation Act, amended or added December 12,
    14  1986 (P.L.1570, No.171), are amended to read:
    15                               AN ACT
    16  Providing for the conservation and improvement of land affected
    17     in connection with surface mining; regulating such mining;
    18     providing for the establishment of an Emergency Bond Fund for
    19     anthracite deep mine operators and anthracite surface mine
    20     operators; and providing penalties.
    21     Section 4.7.  Anthracite [Deep] Mine Operators Emergency Bond

     1  Fund.--(a)  Within thirty (30) days of the effective date of
     2  this section, the department shall establish an Emergency Bond
     3  Fund for the purpose of reclaiming any anthracite deep mined or
     4  surface mined lands which may be abandoned after the effective
     5  date of this section and on which the bond required by law and
     6  established by regulation has not been posted due to
     7  circumstances set forth in subsection (d).
     8     (b)  The department shall collect from the following classes
     9  of licensed anthracite deep mine operators and anthracite
    10  surface mine operators a fee of twenty-five cents (25¢) for each
    11  ton of coal extracted from mining operations for which the
    12  required bond has not been posted due to the circumstances set
    13  forth in subsection (d):
    14     (1)  Licensed anthracite deep mine operators and anthracite
    15  surface mine operators who submit to the department three
    16  letters of rejection from three separate bonding companies
    17  licensed to do business in this Commonwealth, stating that the
    18  operator has been denied a bond and the grounds for rejection.
    19     (2)  Licensed anthracite deep mine operators and anthracite
    20  surface mine operators whose bonds are canceled due to the
    21  insolvency or bankruptcy of any insurance company or surety
    22  company licensed to do business in this Commonwealth.
    23     (c)  The department shall deposit appropriations and the
    24  moneys collected into the Emergency Bond Fund. The department
    25  may establish such recordkeeping and reporting requirements as
    26  may be necessary for the purpose of implementing this section.
    27  Each operator affected by this section shall remit the fees to
    28  the department within forty-five (45) days following the sale of
    29  the tonnage on which the fee has been levied. The collection and
    30  deposit of the fees shall continue until the fund has reached a
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     1  level that equals the number of acres for which no bond has been
     2  posted multiplied by the per-acre bonding requirement as
     3  established by rules and regulations of the department.
     4     (d)  If the bonds of any anthracite deep mine operator or
     5  anthracite surface mine operator are canceled due to the
     6  insolvency or bankruptcy of any insurance company or surety
     7  company authorized to do business in this Commonwealth, and if
     8  replacement bonds from any other company are unavailable to the
     9  operator, even though the operator possesses sufficient
    10  financial resources to otherwise qualify for a bond, or if the
    11  operator has received the letters of rejection provided for in
    12  subsection (b), the operator shall so notify the department in
    13  writing. Notice to the department in the case of an operator who
    14  has received the letters of rejection provided for in subsection
    15  (b) shall contain the letters of rejection and such other
    16  information as the Environmental Quality Board may, by
    17  regulation, prescribe. In lieu of a bond, the operator's
    18  reclamation obligation for each site for which a permit has been
    19  applied shall be secured by the Emergency Bond Fund provided for
    20  in subsection (a) until such time as the site has been reclaimed
    21  or until an original or replacement bond, as the case may be,
    22  has been obtained by the operator: Provided, however, That no
    23  permit shall be issued under this subsection unless the operator
    24  has filed with the department a minimum payment of one thousand
    25  dollars ($1,000) toward the bond obligation and borrowed the
    26  remaining balances from the Emergency Bond Fund to cover the
    27  bond amounts for the entire permit area, as required by law. At
    28  such time as the operator has satisfied a reclamation obligation
    29  secured by the fund provided for in section 1, the department
    30  shall release to the operator the fees collected, in whole or in
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     1  part, according to the bond release schedule provided for by
     2  regulation. Any operator whose bond obligation is met by this
     3  section and whose permit application has been approved shall,
     4  throughout the term of the permit, undertake all reasonable
     5  actions to obtain an original or replacement bond, as the case
     6  may be, for said site.
     7     (e)  The Environmental Quality Board may adopt regulations
     8  which require the operator to demonstrate, from time to time,
     9  that he has made such reasonable attempts to obtain an original
    10  or replacement bond.
    11     (f)  In collecting the fees provided for and in securing
    12  reclamation obligations, the department shall maintain a
    13  separate record for each operator. The fees paid by an operator
    14  may be used only to secure the reclamation obligations of the
    15  operator.
    16     (g)  The sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) is hereby
    17  appropriated to the department for immediate deposit into the
    18  Emergency Bond Fund to provide the necessary funds for loans to
    19  qualified anthracite deep mine operators and anthracite surface
    20  mine operators to provide the required bonds to obtain mining
    21  permits.
    22     Section 2.  (a)  The sum of $50,000 is hereby appropriated to
    23  the Department of Environmental Resources for immediate deposit
    24  into the Emergency Bond Fund to provide additional funds for
    25  loans to qualified anthracite deep mine operators for bonds
    26  required to obtain mining permits.
    27     (b)  The sum of $100,000 is hereby appropriated to the
    28  Department of Environmental Resources for immediate deposit into
    29  the Emergency Bond Fund to provide additional funds for loans to
    30  qualified anthracite surface mine operators for bonds required
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     1  to obtain mining permits.
     2     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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