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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 883



No. 818 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 25, 1945 (P.L.1050, No.394), entitled
     2     "An act relating to the collection of taxes levied by
     3     counties, county institution districts, cities of the third
     4     class, boroughs, towns, townships, certain school districts
     5     and vocational school districts; conferring powers and
     6     imposing duties on tax collectors, courts and various
     7     officers of said political subdivisions; and prescribing
     8     penalties," further providing for notice of taxes; and making
     9     an editorial change.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Section 6 of the act of May 25, 1945 (P.L.1050,
    13  No.394), known as the Local Tax Collection Law, amended February
    14  10, 1970 (P.L.8, No.7), is amended to read:
    15     Section 6.  Notices of Taxes.--(a)  When any duplicate of
    16  taxes assessed is issued and delivered by any taxing district to
    17  the tax collector, he shall within thirty days after receiving
    18  the tax duplicate, unless such time shall be extended by the
    19  taxing district, notify every taxable whose name appears on such
    20  duplicate: Provided, however, That a tax notice shall be sent to
    21  every taxable whose name appears on the duplicate not later than

     1  the first day of July following receipt of the tax duplicate.
     2  Such notice shall contain--(1) the date of the tax notice; (2)
     3  the rate or rates of taxation; (3) the valuation and
     4  identification of the real property of such taxpayer; (4) the
     5  occupation valuation of such taxpayer, if any; (5) the several
     6  amounts of real and personal property and personal taxes for
     7  which said taxpayer is liable for the current year; (6) the
     8  total amount of said taxes; (7) a statement that such taxes are
     9  due and payable; and (8) a request for payment thereof. A
    10  separate notice shall be issued for each parcel of real property
    11  of a taxable. Personal property and personal taxes may be
    12  included on any one of such tax notices. Such notice shall
    13  further designate a place and time where the taxes shall be paid
    14  and state the time during which an abatement of tax will be
    15  allowed, when full amount of tax will be collected, and when an
    16  additional percentage will be added as a penalty. Such notice
    17  shall be mailed or delivered to the last known post office
    18  address of each of said taxables. Any such notice may include
    19  information as to taxes levied by two or more taxing districts.
    20     (b)  In preparing tax notices, the tax collector may round
    21  off to the nearest dollar the amounts of real or personal taxes
    22  for which the taxpayer is liable. This shall be accomplished by
    23  eliminating any amount less than fifty cents and increasing any
    24  amount that is fifty cents or more to the next highest dollar.
    25     (c)  The Department of Community [Affairs] and Economic
    26  Development shall prepare a uniform form of tax notice and
    27  supply specimen copies thereof to the county commissioners of
    28  the several counties for distribution to tax collectors.
    29     Section 2.  This act shall apply to the tax year beginning
    30  July 1, 1997, and each tax year thereafter.
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     1     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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