See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 985



No. 819 Session of 2003

        INTRODUCED BY STACK, JUNE 17, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing and directing the Department of General Services,
     2     with the approval of the Governor, to transfer jurisdiction
     3     and control from the Department of General Services to the
     4     Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, of certain
     5     lands situate in the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia
     6     County; and authorizing and directing the Department of
     7     General Services, with the approval of the Governor, to grant
     8     and convey to the Philadelphia Authority for Industrial
     9     Development a tract of land situate in the City of
    10     Philadelphia, Philadelphia County.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13  Section 1.  Transfer of jurisdiction in Philadelphia County.
    14     (a)  Transfer of jurisdiction authorized.--The Department of
    15  General Services, with the approval of the Governor, is hereby
    16  authorized and directed on behalf of the Commonwealth of
    17  Pennsylvania to transfer jurisdiction and control from the
    18  Department of General Services to the Department of Conservation
    19  and Natural Resources, certain lands situate in the City of
    20  Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, as more fully described in
    21  subsection (b). These lands shall be added to those lands

     1  designated as Benjamin Rush State Park by the act of December
     2  22, 1975 (P.L.606, No.175), entitled, "An act authorizing and
     3  directing the Department of General Services, or such department
     4  and The General State Authority, to convey to Philadelphia or
     5  transfer jurisdiction within the State government of certain
     6  tracts of Commonwealth real property acquired under the act of
     7  September 29, 1938 (Sp. Sess., P.L.53, No.21), entitled, as
     8  amended, 'An act relating to institutions of counties, cities,
     9  wards, boroughs, townships, institution districts and other
    10  political subdivisions, for the care, maintenance, and treatment
    11  of mental patients; providing for the transfer to the
    12  Commonwealth for the care, maintenance and treatment of mental
    13  patients of such institutions, and all grounds, lands, buildings
    14  and personal property of such political subdivisions used for
    15  the care and maintenance of indigent persons connected with such
    16  mental institutions; providing for the management and operation
    17  or closing and abandonment thereof; and the maintenance of
    18  mental patients therein; including the collection of maintenance
    19  in certain cases; providing for the retransfer of certain
    20  property to counties, cities, wards, boroughs, townships,
    21  institution districts and other political subdivisions under
    22  certain circumstances; conferring and imposing upon the
    23  Governor, the Department of Welfare, the courts of common pleas
    24  and counties, cities, wards, boroughs, townships, institution
    25  districts and other political subdivisions certain powers and
    26  duties; prohibiting cities, counties, wards, boroughs,
    27  townships, institution districts and other political
    28  subdivisions from maintaining and operating institutions, in
    29  whole or in part, for the care and treatment of mental patients;
    30  and repealing inconsistent laws,' imposing powers and duties on
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     1  the Department of Environmental Resources in connection with one
     2  such tract, and providing for use of land conveyed to the City
     3  of Philadelphia."
     4     (b)  Property description.--The property to be transferred
     5  pursuant to this section consists of approximately 22.29 acres,
     6  more particularly described as follows:
     7     ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground situate in the Fifty-
     8  eight Ward of the City of Philadelphia and described as follows
     9  (subject to an official survey and Plan): BEGINNING at a point
    10  on the southwesterly side of Southampton road (sixty feet wide)
    11  the two following courses and distances from the northwesterly
    12  side of The Roosevelt boulevard (two hundred fifty-four feet
    13  wide): (1) north forty-two degrees fifty-four minutes forty
    14  seconds west along the southwesterly side of said Southampton
    15  road the distance of eight hundred seventy-three and three
    16  hundred thirty-five feet to an angle point; and (2) north forty-
    17  five degrees six minutes forty seconds west along the
    18  southwesterly side of said Southampton road the distance of two
    19  hundred six and one hundred sixty-eight one-thousandths feet to
    20  said beginning point; thence extending south forty-eight degrees
    21  forty-six minutes fifty seconds west the distance of nine
    22  hundred seventy-one and sixty-nine one-thousandths feet to a
    23  point; thence extending north forty-four degrees forty-six
    24  minutes fifty-four seconds west the distance of nine hundred
    25  fifty-seven and four hundred seventy-four one-thousandths feet
    26  to a point; thence extending north forty-three degrees nine
    27  minutes one second east the distance of nine hundred fifty-nine
    28  and seven hundred sixty-seven one-thousandths feet to a point on
    29  the southwesterly side of said Southampton road; thence
    30  extending south fifty-four degrees ten minutes eight seconds
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     1  east along the southwesterly side of said Southampton road the
     2  distance of twenty-five and four hundred one-thousandths feet to
     3  an angle point; thence extending south forty-five degrees six
     4  minutes forty seconds east along the southwesterly side of said
     5  Southampton road the distance of one thousand twenty-seven and
     6  four hundred one one-thousandths feet to a point, being the
     7  first mentioned point and place of beginning.
     8     CONTAINING in area nine hundred seventy thousand nine hundred
     9  thirty-eight square feet or twenty-two and two thousand eight
    10  hundred seventy-four ten-thousandths acres.
    11     (c)  Removal of structures.--Out of funds generated in
    12  section 2, the Department of General Services shall remove, or
    13  contract to have removed, all structures, debris and hazardous
    14  waste from the property prior to transfer to the Department of
    15  Conservation and Natural Resources.
    16     (d)  Interagency transfer agreement.--The interagency
    17  transfer agreement shall be executed by the Secretary of General
    18  Services and the Secretary of Conservation and Natural
    19  Resources.
    20  Section 2.  Conveyance in Philadelphia County.
    21     (a)  Conveyance authorized.--The Department of General
    22  Services, with the approval of the Governor, is hereby
    23  authorized and directed on behalf of the Commonwealth of
    24  Pennsylvania to grant and convey to Philadelphia Authority for
    25  Industrial Development, or its assigns, certain land and
    26  improvements thereon known as Philadelphia State Hospital
    27  described in subsection (b) for the consideration stated in
    28  subsection (c) and subject to the conditions and restrictions
    29  established by this law and by the Department of General
    30  Services.
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     1     (b)  Property description.--The property to be conveyed
     2  pursuant to this section 2 consists of approximately 130.8 acres
     3  and improvements thereon situate in the Fifty-eighth Ward of the
     4  City of Philadelphia bounded and described as follows (subject
     5  to an official Survey and Plan):
     6                             TRACT ONE
     7     Beginning at the point of intersection of the northwesterly
     8  side of The Roosevelt Boulevard (two hundred fifty-four feet
     9  wide) and the northeasterly side of Southampton Road (sixty feet
    10  wide); thence extending north forty-two degrees fifty-four
    11  minutes four seconds west along the northeasterly side of the
    12  said Southampton Road the distance of eight hundred seventy-five
    13  and five hundred forty-two one-thousandths feet to an angle
    14  point; thence continuing north forty-five degrees six minutes
    15  forty seconds west along the northeasterly side of said
    16  Southampton Road the distance of approximately seven hundred
    17  forty-three feet to a point; thence extending northeastwardly
    18  along a line the distance of approximately two thousand forty-
    19  two feet to an angle point; thence extending northwardly along a
    20  line the distance of approximately thirty-five feet to a point;
    21  thence extending eastwardly along a line the distance of
    22  approximately forty-four feet to a point; thence extending
    23  northeastwardly along a line the distance of approximately two
    24  hundred twenty-one feet to an angle point along the
    25  southwesterly boundary of Benjamin Rush State Park; thence
    26  extending south eighty-eight degrees fifty-three minutes twenty-
    27  eight seconds east along a line the distance of two hundred feet
    28  to an angle point; thence extending north forty-six degrees six
    29  minutes thirty-two seconds east the distance of four hundred
    30  twelve and two hundred ninety-two one-thousandths feet to a
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     1  point; thence extending south forty-one degrees fifty-four
     2  minutes eleven seconds east the distance of eight hundred fifty-
     3  one and one hundred sixty-eight one-thousandths feet to a point;
     4  thence extending south forty-eight degrees five minutes forty-
     5  nine seconds west the distance of two hundred ninety-two and six
     6  hundred thirty-one one-thousandths feet to a point; thence
     7  extending south three degrees five minutes forty-nine seconds
     8  west the distance of three hundred sixty-eight and nine hundred
     9  twenty-seven one-thousandths feet to a point; thence extending
    10  south forty-one degrees fifty-four minutes eleven seconds east
    11  the distance of three hundred seventy-six and two hundred
    12  thirteen one-thousandths feet to a point; thence extending south
    13  eighty-six degrees fifty-four minutes eleven seconds east the
    14  distance of four hundred forty-two and five hundred thirty one-
    15  thousandths feet to a point on the northwesterly side of said
    16  The Roosevelt Boulevard; thence extending south forty-eight
    17  degrees five minutes forty-nine seconds west along the
    18  northwesterly side of said The Roosevelt Boulevard the distance
    19  of two thousand five hundred sixty-seven and one hundred fifteen
    20  one-thousandths feet to a point on the northeasterly side of
    21  said Southampton Road, being the first mentioned point and place
    22  of Beginning. Containing 105.2-acres.
    23                              Tract 2
    24     Beginning at the point of intersection of the southwesterly
    25  side of Carter Road (forty-six and fifty one-hundredths feet
    26  wide) and the northeasterly side of Southampton Road (sixty feet
    27  wide); thence extending north forty-one degrees four minutes
    28  twenty-two seconds east along the southwesterly side of said
    29  Carter Road the distance of one thousand four hundred three and
    30  three hundred ten one-thousandths feet to an angle point; thence
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     1  continuing along the southeasterly side of said Carter Road the
     2  distance of nine hundred twenty-eight and four hundred forty-two
     3  one-thousandths feet to a point; thence extending south forty-
     4  three degrees fifty-three minutes twenty-eight seconds east the
     5  distance of four hundred feet to an angle point; thence
     6  extending southwestwardly along a line the distance of
     7  approximately two hundred twenty-one feet to an angle point;
     8  thence extending westwardly along a line the distance of
     9  approximately forty-four feet to a point; thence extending
    10  southwardly along a line the distance of approximately thirty-
    11  five feet to an angle point; thence extending southwestwardly
    12  along a line the distance of approximately two thousand forty-
    13  two feet to a point on the northeasterly side of said
    14  Southampton Road; thence extending north forty-five degrees six
    15  minutes forty seconds west along the northeasterly side of said
    16  Southampton Road the distance of approximately five hundred two
    17  feet to a point on the southwesterly side of said Carter Road,
    18  being the first mentioned point and place of Beginning.
    19     Containing 25.6-acres.
    20     (c)  Consideration.--In consideration for the purchase of the
    21  property, Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development
    22  shall pay to the Department of General Services the lesser of
    23  the sum of $850,000 or the total removal costs expended by the
    24  Department of General Services under section 1(c). Such
    25  consideration shall be paid at closing. To the extent that the
    26  actual removal costs are not known at closing, Philadelphia
    27  Authority for Industrial Development shall pay $850,000 at
    28  closing. If the actual total removal costs expended by the
    29  Department of General Services are less than $850,000,
    30  Philadelphia Authority for Industrial Development shall receive
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     1  a monetary refund for the difference between $850,000 and the
     2  actual amount of the total removal costs expended by the
     3  Department of General Services.
     4     (d)  Conditions.--This conveyance shall be made under and
     5  subject to all lawful and enforceable easements, servitudes and
     6  rights of others, including, but not confined to, streets,
     7  roadways and rights of any telephone, telegraph, water,
     8  electric, gas or pipeline companies, as well as under and
     9  subject to any other easement of record.
    10     (e)  Restriction.--The deed of conveyance shall contain the
    11  following restriction:
    12     UNDER AND SUBJECT to the restrictions, limitations and
    13  conditions that a portion of the lands conveyed, known herein as
    14  "Tract 2," shall be used, and limited to, permitted open space
    15  benefits as defined in section 2 of the act of January 19, 1968
    16  (1967 P.L.992, No.442), entitled, as amended, "An act
    17  authorizing the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the local
    18  government units thereof to preserve, acquire or hold land for
    19  open space uses."
    20     (f)  Deed.--The deed of conveyance shall be by Special
    21  Warranty Deed and shall be executed by the Secretary of General
    22  Services in the name of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    23     (g)  Costs and fees.--Costs and fees incidental to this
    24  conveyance shall be borne by the Grantee.
    25     (h)  Proceeds.--Sale proceeds from this conveyance shall be
    26  deposited into the Capital Facilities Fund to be used by the
    27  Department of General Services to remove, or to contract to have
    28  removed, all structures, debris and hazardous waste from the
    29  property to be transferred to the Department of Conservation and
    30  Natural Resources required in section 1.
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     1     (i)  Alternative disposition.--In the event that this
     2  conveyance is not executed in accordance with this act and the
     3  terms established in an Agreement of Sale with the Department of
     4  General Services, dated July 17, 2002, as amended and as may be
     5  amended by the mutual consent of the parties, the property may
     6  be disposed of in accordance with Article 2406-A of the act of
     7  April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative
     8  Code of 1929.
     9  Section 3.  Effective date.
    10     This act shall take effect immediately.

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