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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 886



No. 821 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 24, 1931 (P.L.1206, No.331), entitled
     2     "An act concerning townships of the first class; amending,
     3     revising, consolidating, and changing the law relating
     4     thereto," providing for the selection and duties of a
     5     township tax collector; and further providing for the duties
     6     of township treasurers.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Section 503 of the act of June 24, 1931
    10  (P.L.1206, No.331), known as The First Class Township Code,
    11  reenacted and amended May 27, 1949 (P.L.1955, No.569), is
    12  amended to read:
    13     Section 503.  Elected Officers Enumerated.--The electors of
    14  each township shall elect (a) at least five township
    15  commissioners, (b) one township treasurer, (b.1) one township
    16  tax collector, (c) except as hereinafter otherwise provided, one
    17  township assessor and one assistant township assessor, and (d)
    18  except as otherwise hereinafter provided, three elected auditors
    19  or one appointed auditor, or one controller where such office

     1  has been established. All elected township officers shall be
     2  registered electors of the township.
     3     Section 2.  The heading of subarticle (c) of Article V of the
     4  act is amended to read:
     5                             ARTICLE V
     7                               * * *
     8                  (c)  Treasurer and Tax Collector
     9                               * * *
    10     Section 3.  Section 511 of the act is amended to read:
    11     Section 511.  Eligibility.--The same person may hold the
    12  office of township treasurer and treasurer of the school
    13  district, but no township treasurer shall hold any other
    14  township office [except that of tax collector].
    15     Section 4.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    16     Section 512.  Election of Tax Collector.--(a)  At the
    17  municipal election in the year one thousand nine hundred and
    18  ninety-seven, and every fourth year thereafter, the electors of
    19  each township shall elect a township tax collector for a term of
    20  four years, from the first Monday of January next following his
    21  election.
    22     (b)  When the township tax collector is unable to perform the
    23  duties of his office and fails or refuses to appoint a deputy,
    24  the court of common pleas, on petition of the township
    25  commissioners, shall appoint a deputy tax collector to serve
    26  until the tax collector is again able to perform the duties of
    27  his office, or until the deputy is removed by the court, but in
    28  no instance shall the deputy serve beyond the term of the tax
    29  collector in whose office he is serving as deputy tax collector.
    30  The court shall also fix the compensation of the deputy tax
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     1  collector at a rate not to exceed that paid to the elected
     2  township tax collector. For the time the deputy shall serve,
     3  such compensation shall be deducted from the compensation
     4  otherwise payable to the township tax collector. The deputy
     5  shall furnish bond in the same manner as the bond of the tax
     6  collector.
     7     Section 513.  Eligibility.--The same person may hold the
     8  office of township tax collector and tax collector of the school
     9  district.
    10     Section 5.  Section 530 of the act, amended May 1, 1981
    11  (P.L.32, No.12), is amended to read:
    12     Section 530.  Vacancies in General.--When a vacancy occurs in
    13  the office of township commissioner, auditor, controller,
    14  treasurer, tax collector, assessor, assistant auditor, or
    15  assistant triennial assessor in any township, by reason of
    16  death, resignation, removal from the township or ward, or
    17  otherwise, the board of township commissioners of such township
    18  shall fill such vacancy by appointing by resolution a registered
    19  voter of the ward or township, as the case may be, in which the
    20  vacancy occurs. If the board of township commissioners of any
    21  township shall refuse, fail, or neglect, or be unable for any
    22  reason whatsoever, to fill such vacancy within thirty (30) days
    23  after the vacancy occurs, then the vacancy board shall fill the
    24  vacancy within fifteen (15) additional days by appointing a
    25  registered elector of the ward or township, as the case may be,
    26  in which the vacancy occurs. The vacancy board shall consist of
    27  the board of commissioners and one registered elector of the
    28  township, who shall be appointed by the board of township
    29  commissioners at the board's first meeting each calendar year or
    30  as soon thereafter as practical, and who shall act as chairman
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     1  of the vacancy board. If the vacancy board does not fill the
     2  vacancy within the prescribed time, the chairman shall, or in
     3  the case of a vacancy in the chairmanship the remaining members
     4  of the vacancy board shall, petition the court of common pleas
     5  to fill the vacancy by appointing a registered elector of the
     6  ward or township, as the case may be, in which the vacancy
     7  occurs. In the case where there are vacancies in a majority of
     8  the offices of commissioners, the court of common pleas shall
     9  fill such vacancies upon presentation of petition signed by not
    10  less than fifteen (15) registered electors of the township. In
    11  all cases, the person so appointed shall hold the office if the
    12  term thereof continues so long, until the first Monday in
    13  January after the first municipal election occurring more than
    14  sixty (60) days after the vacancy occurs, at which election an
    15  eligible person shall be elected for the remainder of the term
    16  and shall have been a resident of the township continuously for
    17  at least one (1) year before his appointment. In townships
    18  divided into wards, all appointed commissioners shall reside in
    19  the ward in which the vacancy occurred and shall have resided in
    20  said ward continuously for at least one (1) year before
    21  appointment. No person who was convicted of or pled guilty or no
    22  contest to a felony shall be eligible for appointment to fill a
    23  vacancy on the board of commissioners for a period of three (3)
    24  years from the date of the conviction or plea.
    25     Section 6.  The heading of Article VIII of the act is amended
    26  to read:
    27                            ARTICLE VIII
    29     Section 7.  Section 801 of the act, amended July 2, 1953
    30  (P.L.326, No.71), is amended to read:
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     1     Section 801.  Fidelity Bond.--The treasurer of each township
     2  and the tax collector of each township shall give a fidelity and
     3  not a surety bond to the Commonwealth in a sum to be prescribed
     4  by ordinance or resolution and at least equal to fifty per
     5  centum of the probable amount of the annual township tax. Such
     6  bond shall be subscribed by a surety company or companies duly
     7  authorized to do business in this Commonwealth. The bond given
     8  by the treasurer shall be conditioned on a just accounting for
     9  and paying over all moneys belonging to the township funds that
    10  may come into his hands, as treasurer[, from taxation or
    11  otherwise,] for the payment over thereof only in the manner
    12  prescribed by law, for the delivery to his successor in office
    13  of all papers, books, documents, and other things held in right
    14  of his office, for the payment to such successor of any balance
    15  in money remaining in his hands or charged against him in the
    16  settlement of his accounts[, and that, as tax collector]. The
    17  bond given by the tax collector shall be conditioned on a just
    18  accounting for and paying over all tax moneys, for the delivery
    19  to his successor in office of all papers, books, documents or
    20  other things held in right of the office and for the payment to
    21  such successor of any balance of money remaining in his hands or
    22  charged against him in the settlement of his accounts of
    23  township, county, poor, institution district, and school taxes[,
    24  he]. The tax collector shall account for and pay over all moneys
    25  received by him as taxes, penalties and interest. The township
    26  [treasurer] tax collector and his sureties shall be discharged
    27  from further liability on any bond as tax collector as soon as
    28  all tax items, contained in the duplicates delivered to him, are
    29  either--(1) collected and paid over to the proper taxing
    30  district; or (2) set forth in schedules filed with or certified
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     1  to the proper tax authorities; or (3) returned to the county
     2  commissioners for sale of the real estate by the county
     3  treasurer, or returned in accordance with the Real Estate Tax
     4  Sale Law approved July 7, 1947, Pamphlet Laws 1368; or (4) in
     5  the case of occupation, poll, and per capita taxes, accounted
     6  for by payment over or by exoneration which shall be granted by
     7  the taxing district upon oath or affirmation that as tax
     8  collector he has complied with section 20 of the Local Tax
     9  Collection Law approved May 25th, 1945 (Pamphlet Laws 1050). The
    10  township treasurer and the township tax collector shall each be
    11  required to give but one bond, which shall include his duties as
    12  township treasurer [and] or as tax collector of township,
    13  county, school, institution district, and poor taxes, and shall
    14  cover the full term of his office. Should the township, county,
    15  school district, institution district or poor district be of the
    16  opinion at any time, that the bond given is not sufficient,
    17  additional security may be required to be given at the expense
    18  of the taxing district requiring the same. The [treasurer] tax
    19  collector shall not, in any event, be required to give bond or
    20  bonds aggregating an amount in excess of the taxes to be
    21  collected by him. The bond or bonds given by the township
    22  [treasurer] tax collector shall be for the use of the township,
    23  the county, the institution district, and the school district.
    24  Said bond shall be filed with the township commissioners.
    25     Section 8.  Sections 805 and 806 of the act are amended to
    26  read:
    27     Section 805.  Powers as Tax Collector.--The township
    28  [treasurer, by virtue of his office as treasurer, shall be tax
    29  collector. He] tax collector shall collect all county,
    30  institution district, township, school, and other taxes, within
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     1  such township, levied by authorities empowered to levy taxes. He
     2  shall, in addition to the powers, duties, and responsibilities
     3  enumerated in this act, have all the powers, perform all the
     4  duties, and be subject to all the obligations and
     5  responsibilities as are now by law vested in, conferred upon, or
     6  imposed upon, collectors of the several classes of taxes
     7  hereinbefore mentioned.
     8     It is the purpose and intent of this section that no local
     9  taxes shall be collected in any township, except by the
    10  [treasurer] tax collector of the township.
    11     Section 806.  Oath.--The [treasurer] tax collector of every
    12  township shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office
    13  as collector of taxes for the county, take and subscribe an oath
    14  of office and file the same in the office of the court of
    15  [quarter sessions] common pleas.
    16     Section 9.  Section 1712 of the act, amended December 14,
    17  1967 (P.L.819, No.351), is amended to read:
    18     Section 1712.  Delivery of Duplicates.--The board of township
    19  commissioners shall within thirty days after adoption of the
    20  budget or within thirty days after receipt of the assessment
    21  roll from the county, whichever is later, deliver a duplicate of
    22  the assessment of township taxes to the township [treasurer] tax
    23  collector, together with their warrant for the collection of the
    24  same.
    25     Section 10.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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