No. 825 Session of 1979



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 14, 1967 (P.L.746, No.345),
     2     entitled "An act relating to and regulating the business of
     3     savings associations heretofore designated under other acts
     4     and special charters variously as building and loan
     5     associations and savings and loan associations; defining the
     6     rights, powers, duties, liabilities, and immunities of such
     7     associations; affecting persons engaged in the business of
     8     savings associations; affecting the members, account holders
     9     and borrowers of such associations; affecting Federal savings
    10     and loan associations whose principal office is located in
    11     the Commonwealth; prohibiting the transaction of business in
    12     this Commonwealth by foreign savings associations; conferring
    13     powers and imposing duties on certain departments and
    14     officers of the Commonwealth and on the courts, recorders of
    15     deeds; creating a Savings Association Board and defining its
    16     powers and duties; prohibiting certain actions and imposing
    17     penalties, and repealing certain acts," further providing for
    18     change of interest on loans for property repair, alteration
    19     and improvement and loans secured by chattel paper; providing
    20     that delinquency charges be increased, that the charge on
    21     inactive accounts be increased, that the percentage of assets
    22     which may be invested in housing for the aging be increased,
    23     and providing for further delegation of powers by directors.

    24     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    25  hereby enacts as follows:
    26     Section 1.  Section 504, act of December 14, 1967 (P.L.746,
    27  No.345), known as the "Savings Association Code of 1967," is
    28  amended by adding a subsection to read:

     1     Section 504.  Method of Action by Board of Directors,
     2  Executive or Other Committee.--* * *
     3     (e)  The board of directors may by resolution adopted by a
     4  majority of the whole board designate two or more officers or
     5  personnel of the association to approve mortgages as to amount,
     6  type of property, and other requirements, as shall be
     7  established in the resolution authorizing the approval of said
     8  loans.
     9     Section 2.  Sections 819 and 909 of the act are amended to
    10  read:
    11     Section 819.  Service Charge.--An association may make a
    12  service charge of not more than [one dollar ($1)] five dollars
    13  ($5) in any calendar year against any savings account if at the
    14  time any such charge is made:
    15     (a)  The association is not required to distribute earnings
    16  to such account,
    17     (b)  No payment has been made and no earnings have been
    18  distributed on such account for a period of at least thirty-six
    19  months next preceding the date on which such charge is made, and
    20     (c)  Thirty days prior to making the first service charge the
    21  association has mailed to the holder of such account at his last
    22  known address a notice that service charges will be made in
    23  accordance with this section.
    24     Section 909.  Loans for Housing for the Aging.--An
    25  association may grant mortgage loans in an amount not exceeding
    26  at any time [five] ten percent of its assets in loans or
    27  participating interests therein to provide housing facilities
    28  for the aging which facilities are existing or are to be
    29  constructed for such purpose or altered for such purpose. No
    30  such loans shall exceed ninety percent of the fair market value
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     1  of the improved real estate given as security therefor.
     2     Section 3.  Subsection (b) of section 917, subsection (b) of
     3  section 918 and section 919 of the act, amended December 27,
     4  1974 (P.L.1012, No.329), are amended to read:
     5     Section 917.  Right to Make, Purchase, Sell and Participate
     6  in Mortgages.--* * *
     7     (b)  In addition to the authority set forth in sections 901
     8  and 910 of this article, an association shall have the right to
     9  make and purchase mortgages or participations in mortgages
    10  secured by property outside its regular lending area, subject to
    11  the following conditions:
    12     (3)  No mortgage shall be made nor shall a mortgage or
    13  participation interest in a mortgage be purchased unless the
    14  mortgage is one that the association could make under the
    15  provisions of this act if the security property were within its
    16  regular lending area, provided, however, that if the mortgage
    17  which is being purchased or in which a participation is being
    18  purchased is in a state other than the Commonwealth of
    19  Pennsylvania and mortgage guarantee insurance is required, the
    20  insurer shall be a company that is authorized to do business in
    21  the state in which the real property which is security for the
    22  mortgage loan is situated.
    23     (4)  The dollar amount that an association may have invested
    24  in mortgages and participation loans outside its regular lending
    25  area shall at no time exceed fifty percent of the assets of the
    26  association. This limitation shall not apply to loans insured or
    27  guaranteed in whole or in part by the United States or any
    28  instrumentality thereof or if there is a commitment to so insure
    29  or guarantee.
    30     (5)  Such further conditions as the department may prescribe
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     1  by regulation, giving primary consideration to the Declaration
     2  of Purposes as provided under section 103 of this act.
     3     Section 918.  Loans for Property Repair, Alteration and
     4  Improvement.--* * *
     5     (b)  When any such loan is not insured under Title I of the
     6  National Housing Act the principal amount thereof shall not
     7  exceed [ten thousand dollars ($10,000)] fifteen thousand dollars
     8  ($15,000) and the loan shall be evidenced by a judgment note or
     9  other written evidence of debt requiring repayment in regular
    10  monthly installments over a period not exceeding fifteen years
    11  and thirty-two days with interest at a rate not exceeding [six
    12  percent per annum] the authorized interest rate for loans
    13  insured under Title I of the National Housing Act on the
    14  declining balance except that loans over five thousand dollars
    15  ($5,000) shall be recorded or filed so as to create a lien
    16  position in the county in which the real estate is located.
    17  [Such loans may be made with or without charging the borrower a
    18  premium. The premium shall be paid by the borrower in
    19  installments and shall not exceed one percent per annum of the
    20  unpaid balance of the principal amount of the loan and shall be
    21  payable in monthly installments extending over the period of the
    22  loan which installments shall be payable upon the same day as
    23  the monthly payment of principal and interest is due upon said
    24  loan.] A loan is authorized under this section only if the
    25  association prepares and retains in its files written evidence
    26  that the loan is of the type that would be insurable under Title
    27  I of the National Housing Code. Such written evidence shall be
    28  retained in the files of the association while the loan is
    29  outstanding and for a period of one year thereafter. The note or
    30  other written evidence of debt shall contain a provision that if
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     1  the borrower shall sell the premises or assign his leasehold
     2  interest therein or remove therefrom any improvements described
     3  in the security agreement the entire balance remaining due on
     4  the loan shall immediately become due and payable. In addition
     5  to the interest herein authorized an association may make the
     6  following charges in connection with said loan:
     7     (1)  Premiums for insurance obtained in connection with the
     8  loan,
     9     (2)  A single delinquency charge for each installment in
    10  arrears for a period of more than fifteen days other than by
    11  reason of acceleration or by reason of a delinquency on a prior
    12  installment in an amount not to exceed the lesser of [two
    13  dollars and fifty cents ($2.50)] five dollars ($5.00) or five
    14  percent of the amount of the installment,
    15     (3)  A charge for an extension in an amount not to exceed two
    16  percent of the unpaid balance of the loan. Said charge may be
    17  imposed only one time during the life of the loan,
    18     (4)  Fees paid for filing documents in public offices in
    19  connection with said loan,
    20     (5)  Actual expenditures including reasonable attorneys' fees
    21  for proceedings to collect the loan.
    22     * * *
    23     Section 919.  Loans Secured by Chattel Paper.--(a)  When an
    24  association holds a mortgage on real estate or on a leasehold
    25  interest therein it may also grant a loan secured by chattel
    26  paper to the mortgagor of the real estate or a leasehold
    27  interest to assist him in the purchase of consumers' durable
    28  goods, which shall be used in connection with said mortgaged
    29  premises, for the equipping of residential property provided:
    30     (1)  Any such loan shall conform to the requirements of
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     1  Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code approved April 6, 1953
     2  (P.L.3, No.1), its amendments and supplements. No examination of
     3  public records shall be required in connection with the loan
     4  secured by chattel paper if the borrower is newly acquiring
     5  title to all of the chattels described in the security agreement
     6  and the seller of the chattels furnishes to the association a
     7  receipted bill for the same,
     8     (2)  No such loan shall exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000)
     9  in amount, nor shall its term exceed fifteen years and thirty-
    10  two days,
    11     (3)  No such loan may be granted unless it constitutes a
    12  first lien on the chattels described therein,
    13     (4)  In addition to obtaining a security agreement for such
    14  loans, the association shall secure a promissory note evidencing
    15  the borrower's agreement to repay said loan in regular monthly
    16  installments over a period not exceeding five years with
    17  interest at a rate not exceeding [six percent per annum] that
    18  herein authorized under section 918 for loans for property
    19  repair, alteration and improvement on the declining balance. The
    20  note shall contain a provision that if the obligor shall sell
    21  the mortgaged real estate or assign his leasehold interest
    22  therein or remove therefrom any chattels described in the
    23  security agreement the entire balance remaining due on the loan
    24  shall immediately become due and payable,
    25     (5)  An association may make the following charges in
    26  connection with said loan:
    27     (i)  Premiums for insurance obtained in connection with the
    28  loan,
    29     (ii)  A single delinquency charge for each installment in
    30  arrears for a period of more than fifteen days other than by
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     1  reason of acceleration or by reason of a delinquency on a prior
     2  installment, in an amount not to exceed the lesser of two
     3  dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) or five percent of the amount of
     4  the installment,
     5     (iii)  A charge for an extension in an amount not to exceed
     6  two percent of the unpaid balance of the loan, said charge may
     7  be imposed only one time during the life of the loan,
     8     (iv)  Fees paid for filing documents in public offices in
     9  connection with said loan,
    10     (v)  Actual expenditures, including reasonable attorneys'
    11  fees for proceedings to collect the loan,
    12     [(vi)  Such loans may be made with or without charging the
    13  borrower a premium. The premium shall be paid by the borrower in
    14  installments and shall not exceed one percent per annum of the
    15  unpaid balance of the principal amount of the loan and shall be
    16  payable in monthly installments extending over the period of the
    17  loan which installments shall be payable upon the same day as
    18  the monthly payment of principal and interest is due upon said
    19  loan.]
    20     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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