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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 965



No. 825 Session of 2007

           WOZNIAK, MAY 3, 2007


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of February 2, 1965 (P.L.1860, No.586),
     2     entitled "An act encouraging landowners to make land and
     3     water areas available to the public for recreational purposes
     4     by limiting liability in connection therewith, and repealing
     5     certain acts," further providing for liability of landowners
     6     toward recreational users, persons or property for acts or
     7     acts of omission by recreational users.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  Section 1 of the act of February 2, 1965
    11  (P.L.1860, No.586), entitled "An act encouraging landowners to
    12  make land and water areas available to the public for
    13  recreational purposes by limiting liability in connection
    14  therewith, and repealing certain acts," is amended to read:
    15     Section 1.  The purpose of this act is to encourage owners of
    16  land to make land and water areas available to the public for
    17  recreational purposes by limiting their liability toward
    18  [persons entering thereon for such purposes.]:
    19     (1)  recreational users entering thereon for such purposes or

     1  their property that sustains any damage on the land; and
     2     (2)  persons or property, wherever located, based on acts or
     3  acts of omission by recreational users.
     4     Section 2.  Section 2 of the act is amended by adding a
     5  paragraph to read:
     6     Section 2.  As used in this act:
     7     * * *
     8     (5)  "Recreational user" means any person who enters or uses
     9  land for a recreational purpose.
    10     Section 3.  Sections 3, 4, 6 and 7 of the act are amended to
    11  read:
    12     Section 3.  Except as specifically recognized or provided in
    13  section 6 of this act, an owner of land owes no duty of care to
    14  keep the premises safe for entry or use by [others for
    15  recreational purposes] recreational users, or to give any
    16  warning of a dangerous condition, use, structure, or activity on
    17  such premises to [persons entering for such purposes]
    18  recreational users.
    19     Section 4.  Except as specifically recognized by or provided
    20  in section 6 of this act, an owner of land who either directly
    21  or indirectly invites or permits without charge any [person]
    22  recreational user to use such property [for recreational
    23  purposes] does not thereby:
    24     (1)  Extend any assurance that the premises are safe for any
    25  purpose.
    26     (2)  Confer upon such [person] recreational user the legal
    27  status of an invitee or licensee to whom a duty of care is owed.
    28     (3)  Assume responsibility for [or incur liability for any
    29  injury to persons or property caused by an act of omission of
    30  such persons.] any of the following that is caused by an act or
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     1  an act of omission of a recreational user:
     2     (i)  Any injury to any recreational user or any damage to the
     3  property of any recreational user that is sustained on such
     4  land.
     5     (ii)  Any injury to persons or any damage to property,
     6  wherever such persons or property are located.
     7     Section 6.  Nothing in this act limits in any way any
     8  liability which otherwise exists:
     9     (1)  For wilful or malicious failure to guard or warn against
    10  a dangerous condition, use, structure, or activity.
    11     (2)  For injury suffered in any case where the owner of land
    12  charges the [person or persons] recreational user or users who
    13  enter or go on the land [for the recreational use thereof],
    14  except that in the case of land leased to the State or a
    15  subdivision thereof, any consideration received by the owner for
    16  such lease shall not be deemed a charge within the meaning of
    17  its section.
    18     Section 7.  Nothing in this act shall be construed to:
    19     (1)  Create a duty of care or ground of liability for injury
    20  to persons or property.
    21     (2)  Relieve any [person using the land of another for
    22  recreational purposes] recreational user from any obligation
    23  which he may have in the absence of this act to exercise care in
    24  his use of such land and in his activities thereon, or from the
    25  legal consequences of failure to employ such care.
    26     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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