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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1016



No. 835 Session of 2003

           JUNE 24, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 26, 1971 (P.L.351, No.91), entitled
     2     "An act providing for a State Lottery and administration
     3     thereof; authorizing the creation of a State Lottery
     4     Commission; prescribing its powers and duties; disposition of
     5     funds; violations and penalties therefor; exemption of prizes
     6     from State and local taxation and making an appropriation,"
     7     establishing the Prescription Drug Access Clearinghouse
     8     Authority and providing for its powers and duties.

     9     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    10  hereby enacts as follows:
    11     Section 1.  The act of August 26, 1971 (P.L.351, No.91),
    12  known as the State Lottery Law, is amended by adding a chapter
    13  to read:
    14                            CHAPTER 7-A
    16  Section 701-A.  Definitions.
    17     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    18  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    19  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    20     "Authority."  The Prescription Drug Access Clearinghouse

     1  Authority established by this chapter.
     2     "Board."  The board of directors of the Prescription Drug
     3  Access Clearinghouse Authority.
     4     "Discount plan."  A prescription drug discount plan.
     5     "Discount program."  The Prescription Drug Discount Program
     6  under section 707-A.
     7     "PACE."  As defined in section 502.
     8     "PACENET."  As defined in section 502.
     9  Section 702-A.  Establishment and duties of authority.
    10     (a)  Authority established.--The Prescription Drug Access
    11  Clearinghouse Authority is hereby established to assist citizens
    12  with accessing prescription drug services at affordable prices.
    13     (b)  Duties of authority.--The authority shall:
    14         (1)  Disseminate information and advertise programs that
    15     will assist citizens with purchasing prescription drugs at a
    16     lower cost.
    17         (2)  Provide specific assistance to State residents to
    18     facilitate greater participation in the PACE and PACENET
    19     programs.
    20         (3)  Assist State residents with enrolling in programs
    21     such as PACE, PACENET and Medicaid and that may provide for
    22     prescription drug coverage for which they may be eligible.
    23         (4)  Assist residents of this Commonwealth with assessing
    24     discount programs or insurance programs that may be of
    25     benefit to them.
    26         (5)  Perform studies to identify additional strategies
    27     that may help improve access by Commonwealth residents to
    28     prescription drugs and provide appropriate reports to the
    29     Governor and General Assembly.
    30         (6)  Serve as a general resource responsible for
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     1     promoting the interest of residents of this Commonwealth on
     2     prescription drug access issues.
     3  Section 703-A.  Authority board of directors.
     4     (a)  Membership.--The authority shall be governed by a 13-
     5  member board of directors as follows:
     6         (1)  Four members appointed by the Governor, one of whom
     7     shall be a consumer representative and one of whom shall have
     8     knowledge of pharmaceutical benefit programs.
     9         (2)  Two members appointed by the Majority Leader of the
    10     Senate, one of whom shall be a practicing pharmacist.
    11         (3)  Two members appointed by the Minority Leader of the
    12     Senate, one of whom shall have knowledge of group procurement
    13     practices.
    14         (4)  Two members appointed by the Majority Leader of the
    15     House of Representatives, one of whom shall have experience
    16     in operations of group health plans.
    17         (5)  Two members appointed by the Minority Leader of the
    18     House of Representatives, one of whom shall represent
    19     individuals in this Commonwealth who are elderly or have
    20     disabilities.
    21         (6)  The executive director of the authority, to be
    22     selected by the other members of the board, who shall serve
    23     as an ex officio, voting member of the board.
    24     (b)  Executive director.--The executive director of the
    25  authority shall be the chief executive officer of the authority
    26  and presiding officer of the board of directors.
    27     (c)  Compensation.--Except for the executive director,
    28  members of the board shall receive no compensation for their
    29  services but shall be reimbursed for their necessary expenses
    30  incurred while serving as board members.
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     1     (d)  Vacancies.--A vacancy on the board shall be filled by
     2  the appointing authority for the balance of the term.
     3     (e)  Terms of members.--
     4         (1)  Initial terms of appointed members shall be as
     5     follows:
     6             (i)  The Governor shall appoint one member for two
     7         years.
     8             (ii)  The Majority Leader of the Senate shall appoint
     9         one member for two years.
    10             (iii)  The Minority Leader of the Senate shall
    11         appoint one member for two years.
    12             (iv)  The Majority Leader of the House of
    13         Representatives shall appoint one member for two years.
    14             (v)  The Minority Leader of the House of
    15         Representatives shall appoint one member for two years.
    16             (vi)  The remaining members shall be appointed for
    17         four years.
    18         (2)  Each subsequent term of a member shall be for four
    19     years and until a successor is appointed and qualified.
    20     Except for the executive director, members may serve only two
    21     consecutive full terms. Any member of the board may be
    22     removed by the Governor or by a majority of the other board
    23     members for malfeasance in office, failure to attend
    24     regularly scheduled meetings, or for any cause that renders
    25     the member incapable of for unfit to discharge the duties of
    26     a director.
    27     (f)  Meetings.--Meetings of the board shall be subject to 65
    28  Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to open meetings) and the act of June
    29  21, 1957 (P.L.390, No.212), referred to as the Right-to-Know
    30  Law. A quorum for a meeting shall be a majority of the total
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     1  membership of the board. Any action of the board of directors
     2  requires the affirmative vote of a majority of a quorum.
     3     (g)  Conflicts of interest.--No part of the revenues or
     4  assets of the authority may inure to the benefit of, or be
     5  distributed to, its board of directors or officers or any other
     6  private person or entity. Any member of the board of directors
     7  and any employee or other agent or advisor of the authority, who
     8  has a direct or indirect interest in a pharmaceutical
     9  manufacturer, pharmacy, discount program, insurance program or
    10  in any contract or transaction with the authority, must disclose
    11  this interest to the authority. If a board member has an
    12  interest in a transaction, then the member may not participate
    13  in the deliberations or voting on such a transaction. The status
    14  of the authority's chief executive officer, in and of itself,
    15  does not constitute a conflicting interest.
    16     (h)  Personnel.--A State employee who elects to become an
    17  employee of the authority shall receive full credit from the
    18  authority for sick leave and annual leave accrued while employed
    19  by the State. The authority may establish and administer its own
    20  personnel program, including a wage and benefit structure for
    21  authority employees. Authority employees may participate in and
    22  be eligible for enrollment in the Commonwealth retirement system
    23  established pursuant to 71 Pa.C.S. Pt. XXV (relating to
    24  retirement for State employees and officers).
    25  Section 704-A.  General powers of authority.
    26     The authority shall have the general powers of an independent
    27  corporate entity, including the following:
    28         (1)  To have the duties, privileges, immunities, rights,
    29     powers, liabilities and obligations of a body corporate and
    30     politic.
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     1         (2)  To enroll residents in State programs offering a
     2     prescription drug benefit after entering into a memorandum of
     3     understanding with the relevant agency regarding coordination
     4     of enrollment procedures.
     5         (3)  To provide counseling and guidance to residents of
     6     this Commonwealth regarding existing Federal, State or
     7     private programs, including manufacturer assistance programs,
     8     that may be available to help address individual needs.
     9         (4)  To evaluate or rate prescription drug programs,
    10     insurance programs and discount programs according to
    11     criteria determined by the authority in advance, so long as
    12     the authority deems the evaluation or ratings useful to
    13     members of the public.
    14         (5)  To advertise the availability of any public or
    15     private program offering prescription drug benefits to
    16     members of the public in accordance with criteria the
    17     authority determines will advance the public's ability to
    18     acquire quality prescription drugs at lower cost.
    19         (6)  To enter into any contract, agreement or other
    20     instrument necessary or convenient in the exercise of the
    21     powers and functions of the authority that are not
    22     inconsistent with the laws of this Commonwealth.
    23         (7)  To manage its own finances and deposit funds into
    24     independent banking accounts.
    25         (8)  To contract for and to accept any grants and loans
    26     of funds, property or any other aid in any form from the
    27     Federal or State government sources, or any other source, or
    28     any combination thereof.
    29         (9)  To appoint agents, employees and professional and
    30     business advisers as may from time to time be necessary in
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     1     its judgment to accomplish the purposes of the authority and
     2     to fix the compensation of its officers, employees, agents
     3     and advisers, and to establish the powers and duties of its
     4     agents, officers, employees and other persons contracting
     5     with the authority.
     6  Section 705-A.  Construction.
     7     Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as a restriction
     8  or limitation upon any other powers which the authority might
     9  otherwise have under any other law of this Commonwealth.
    10  Section 706-A.  Exemption from taxation.
    11     Any real property acquired, maintained and operated by the
    12  authority under this chapter shall not be subject to taxation by
    13  any political subdivision or local taxing authority. The
    14  authority is exempt from sales and use taxes imposed under
    15  Article II of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as
    16  the Tax Reform Code of 1971, for purchases acquired and used for
    17  its public purposes.
    18  Section 707-A.  Availability of discount programs.
    19     (a)  General rule.--The authority shall administer a
    20  prescription drug discount program. The authority shall
    21  establish public-private partnerships using a process to
    22  identify multiple-private sector prescription drug discount
    23  plans that will accept enrollment from any eligible resident of
    24  this Commonwealth; provide enrollees with enhanced access to
    25  prescription drugs; and engage in ongoing competition for
    26  enrollees on the basis of access, cost and quality of service
    27  and product offered.
    28     (b)  Contract standards.--The authority shall issue requests
    29  for proposals for participation by private sector prescription
    30  drug discount plans on an annual or biannual basis as necessary,
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     1  to ensure that residents of this Commonwealth have access to
     2  multiple plans throughout this Commonwealth.
     3     (c)  Eligibility.--Any resident of this Commonwealth is
     4  eligible for the discount program under this chapter.
     5     (d)  Subsidy.--The Commonwealth shall subsidize
     6  administrative costs associated with the discount program,
     7  including the authority's efforts to actively endorse and
     8  promote the selected discount plans. The Commonwealth is not
     9  responsible for subsidizing the direct cost of prescription
    10  drugs under this discount program.
    11     (e)  Out-of-pocket costs.--Enrollees in the discount program
    12  are responsible for all costs of prescription drugs that they
    13  may purchase at discounted rates as available under competing
    14  prescription drug plans participating in the discount program.
    15     (f)  Enrollment.--Participation in the discount program is
    16  contingent upon enrollment and selection of a discount plan. The
    17  authority shall establish an annual open enrollment period and
    18  may prevent residents from changing plans during the course of a
    19  year unless a discount plan's contract is revoked or the
    20  discount plan becomes unable to deliver services.
    21     (g)  Participation.--Participation in the discount program is
    22  voluntary. Enrollees are permitted to purchase prescription
    23  drugs outside of the discount program at any time.
    24     (h)  Enrollment fee.--The authority may authorize discount
    25  plans to collect a modest enrollment fee up to $25 from each
    26  individual enrolling in the discount plans on a sliding fee
    27  schedule.
    28     (i)  Consumer choice.--Eligible residents shall be given a
    29  choice of discount plans in which to participate. The authority
    30  may, at its discretion, create categories of plans to address
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     1  different consumer needs.
     2     (j)  Nonexclusivity.--Residents of this Commonwealth may
     3  enroll in a discount plan regardless of whether they have other
     4  prescription drug insurance coverage or other coverage.
     5     (k)  Plan selection.--Subject to public notice and comment
     6  and in consultation with industry representatives, the authority
     7  shall issue requests for proposals from discount plans, such as
     8  discount card programs, pharmacy chain discount programs,
     9  pharmaceutical benefit managers and other qualifying entities
    10  capable of delivering lower prices to residents of this
    11  Commonwealth. In designing the criteria for evaluating the
    12  responses, the authority shall take into account the quality of
    13  the services to be provided and the savings generated for
    14  residents of this Commonwealth. The authority may take into
    15  account other factors, including geographic coverage, product
    16  differentiation, the need to target different populations within
    17  this Commonwealth, mail order service, coverage of rural areas
    18  and other factors as determined by the authority. If the
    19  authority receives multiple qualifying proposals in a category,
    20  the authority must approve at least two contractors in each
    21  category, but may, at its sole discretion, limit the maximum
    22  number of contractors in each category.
    23     (l)  Applicability.--The discount program applies to
    24  medically necessary prescription drugs and biologicals provided
    25  to patients in outpatient pharmacies. Under all circumstances,
    26  there must be at least two drugs equally available to enrollees
    27  in each therapeutic class or subclass of pharmaceutical agents.
    28  The authority, through the contracting process, shall ensure
    29  adequate access to medically necessary prescription drugs.
    30     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.
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