See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 973



No. 844 Session of 2001



                                     AN ACT

     1  Requiring certain health insurers, service corporations and
     2     health maintenance organizations to offer standardized health
     3     benefits programs to certain employers; establishing a
     4     reinsurance program; providing for coverage by multiple
     5     employer arrangements; providing for action by the Insurance
     6     Commissioner regarding health benefit plans; and imposing a
     7     penalty.

     8                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     9  Chapter 1.  General Provisions
    10  Section 101.  Short title.
    11  Section 102.  Definitions.
    12  Section 103.  Application and availability of coverage.
    13  Chapter 3.  Small Employer Health Benefits Plans
    14  Section 301.  Health benefits plans required.
    15  Section 302.  Hospital confinement or other supplemental limited
    16                 benefit insurance plan.
    17  Section 303.  Application of coinsurance and deductibles.
    18  Section 304.  Standard coordination of benefits provisions.
    19  Section 305.  Prohibition on preexisting condition provisions.
    20  Section 306.  Renewal of policies or contracts of small

     1                 employers.
     2  Section 307.  Standards of carrier for acceptance of small
     3                 group.
     4  Section 308.  Transitional provisions, prohibitions and
     5                 application.
     6  Section 309.  Limitations and compliance with act.
     7  Section 310.  Continued coverage for terminated employees.
     8  Chapter 5.  Reinsurance
     9  Section 501.  Small Employer Health Benefits Program.
    10  Section 502.  Plan of operation.
    11  Section 503.  Program powers and duties generally.
    12  Section 504.  Reinsurance.
    13  Section 505.  Methodology for determining premium rates.
    14  Section 506.  Premium rates.
    15  Section 507.  Review of methodology.
    16  Section 508.  Adjustments to premium rates.
    17  Section 509.  Reporting and recoupment of losses.
    18  Section 510.  Establishment by commissioner of health benefits
    19                 plans available to all employers.
    20  Section 511.  Immunity.
    21  Section 512.  Standards for compensation.
    22  Section 513.  Tax exemption.
    23  Chapter 7.  Penalties, Limitations and Special Circumstances
    24  Section 701.  Penalties for violations.
    25  Section 702.  Prohibition on charge of assessment to
    26                 policyholders or public.
    27  Section 703.  Group hospital or medical coverage of residents
    28                 obtained through out-of-State trust.
    29  Section 704.  Multiple employer arrangements.
    30  Section 705.  Notification of multiple employer arrangements.
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     1  Section 706.  Limitations.
     2  Section 707.  Action by commissioner.
     3  Section 708.  Other insurance coverage not required.
     4  Section 709.  Plans for selective contracting.
     5  Chapter 9.  Miscellaneous Provisions
     6  Section 901.  Effective date.
     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9                             CHAPTER 1
    10                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    11  Section 101.  Short title.
    12     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Small
    13  Employer Health Insurance Act.
    14  Section 102.  Definitions.
    15     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    16  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    17  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    18     "Actuarial certification."  A written statement by a member
    19  of the American Academy of Actuaries or other individual
    20  acceptable to the Insurance Commissioner that a small employer
    21  carrier is in compliance with section 308, based upon
    22  examination, including a review of the appropriate records and
    23  actuarial assumptions and methods used by the small employer
    24  carrier in establishing premium rates for applicable health
    25  benefits plans.
    26     "Anticipated loss ratio."  The ratio of the present value of
    27  the expected benefits, not including dividends, to the present
    28  value of the expected premiums, not reduced by dividends, over
    29  the entire period for which rates are computed to provide
    30  coverage. For purposes of this ratio, the present values must
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     1  incorporate realistic rates of interest which are determined
     2  before Federal taxes but after investment expenses.
     3     "Carrier."  An insurance company, health service corporation,
     4  hospital service corporation, medical service corporation or
     5  health maintenance organization authorized to issue health
     6  benefits plans in this Commonwealth. For purposes of this act,
     7  carriers that are affiliated companies shall be treated as one
     8  carrier, except that any insurance company, health service
     9  corporation, hospital service corporation or medical service
    10  corporation that is an affiliate of a health maintenance
    11  organization located in this Commonwealth or any health
    12  maintenance organization located in this Commonwealth that is
    13  affiliated with an insurance company, health service
    14  corporation, hospital service corporation or medical service
    15  corporation shall treat the health maintenance organization as a
    16  separate carrier.
    17     "Commissioner."  The Insurance Commissioner of the
    18  Commonwealth.
    19     "Community rating."  A rating methodology in which the
    20  premium for all persons covered by a policy or contract form is
    21  the same based upon the experience of the entire pool of risks
    22  covered by that policy or contract form without regard to age,
    23  gender, health status, residence or occupation.
    24     "Department."  The Insurance Department of the Commonwealth.
    25     "Dependent."  The spouse or child of an eligible employee,
    26  subject to applicable terms of the health benefits plan covering
    27  the employee.
    28     "Eligible employee."  A full-time employee who works a normal
    29  work week of 25 or more hours. The term includes a sole
    30  proprietor, a partner of a partnership or an independent
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     1  contractor, if the sole proprietor, partner or independent
     2  contractor is included as an employee under a health benefits
     3  plan of a small employer, but does not include employees who
     4  work fewer than 25 hours a week, work on a temporary or
     5  substitute basis or are participating in an employee welfare
     6  arrangement established pursuant to a collective bargaining
     7  agreement.
     8     "Financially impaired."  A carrier which, after the effective
     9  date of this act, is not insolvent but is deemed by the
    10  Insurance Commissioner to be potentially unable to fulfill its
    11  contractual obligations or a carrier which is placed under an
    12  order of rehabilitation or conservation by a court of competent
    13  jurisdiction.
    14     "Health benefits plan."  A hospital and medical expense
    15  insurance policy or certificate; health, hospital or medical
    16  service corporation contract or certificate; or health
    17  maintenance organization subscriber contract or certificate
    18  delivered or issued for delivery in this Commonwealth by any
    19  carrier to a small employer group under section 301. The term
    20  excludes the following plans, policies or contracts: accident
    21  only, credit, disability, long-term care, coverage for Medicare
    22  services pursuant to a contract with the Federal Government,
    23  Medicare supplement, dental only or vision only, insurance
    24  issued as a supplement to liability insurance, coverage arising
    25  out of a workers' compensation or similar law, hospital
    26  confinement or other supplemental limited benefit insurance
    27  coverage or automobile medical payment insurance.
    28     "Late enrollee."  An eligible employee or dependent who
    29  requests enrollment in a health benefits plan of a small
    30  employer following the initial minimum 30-day enrollment period
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     1  provided under the terms of the health benefits plan. An
     2  eligible employee or dependent shall not be considered a late
     3  enrollee if the individual:
     4         (1)  was covered under another employer's health benefits
     5     plan at the time he was eligible to enroll and stated at the
     6     time of the initial enrollment that coverage under that other
     7     employer's health benefits plan was the reason for declining
     8     enrollment;
     9         (2)  has lost coverage under that other employer's health
    10     benefits plan as a result of termination of employment, the
    11     termination of the other plan's coverage, death of a spouse
    12     or divorce; and
    13         (3)  requests enrollment within 90 days after termination
    14     of coverage provided under another employer's health benefits
    15     plan.
    16  An eligible employee or dependent also shall not be considered a
    17  late enrollee if the individual is employed by an employer which
    18  offers multiple health benefits plans and the individual elects
    19  a different plan during an open enrollment period or if a court
    20  of competent jurisdiction has ordered coverage to be provided
    21  for a spouse or minor child under a covered employee's health
    22  benefits plan and request for enrollment is made within 30 days
    23  after issuance of that court order.
    24     "Licensed producer."  As defined in section 701 of the act of
    25  May 17, 1921 (P.L.789, No.285), known as The Insurance
    26  Department Act of 1921.
    27     "Member."  All carriers issuing health benefits plans in this
    28  Commonwealth on or after the effective date of this act.
    29     "Multiple employer arrangement."  An arrangement established
    30  or maintained to provide health benefits to employees and their
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     1  dependents of two or more employers, under an insured plan
     2  purchased from a carrier in which the carrier assumes all or a
     3  substantial portion of the risk, as determined by the Insurance
     4  Commissioner, and shall include, but is not limited to, a
     5  multiple employer welfare arrangement, or MEWA, multiple
     6  employer trust or other form of benefit trust.
     7     "Plan of operation."  The plan of operation of the Small
     8  Employer Health Benefits Program, including articles, bylaws and
     9  operating rules approved under section 502.
    10     "Preexisting condition provision."  A policy or contract
    11  provision that excludes coverage under that policy or contract
    12  for charges or expenses incurred during a specified period
    13  following the insured's effective date of coverage, for a
    14  condition that, during a specified period immediately preceding
    15  the effective date of coverage, had manifested itself in such a
    16  manner as would cause an ordinarily prudent person to seek
    17  medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment, or for which
    18  medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment was recommended or
    19  received as to that condition or as to pregnancy existing on the
    20  effective date of coverage.
    21     "Program."  The Small Employer Health Benefits Program
    22  established under Chapter 5.
    23     "Small employer."  Any person, firm, corporation, partnership
    24  or association actively engaged in business which, on at least
    25  50% of its working days during the preceding calendar year
    26  quarter, employed at least two but no more than 49 eligible
    27  employees, the majority of whom are employed within this
    28  Commonwealth. In determining the number of eligible employees,
    29  companies which are affiliated companies shall be considered one
    30  employer. Subsequent to the issuance of a health benefits plan
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     1  to a small employer under this act and for the purpose of
     2  determining eligibility, the size of a small employer shall be
     3  determined annually. Except as otherwise specifically provided,
     4  the provisions of this act which apply to a small employer shall
     5  continue to apply until the anniversary date of the health
     6  benefits plan next following the date the employer no longer
     7  meets the definition of a small employer.
     8     "Small employer carrier."  Any carrier that offers health
     9  benefits plans to small employers in accordance with this act.
    10     "Small employer health benefits plan."  A health benefits
    11  plan for small employers approved by the Insurance Commissioner
    12  under section 510.
    13     "Supplemental limited benefit insurance."  Insurance that is
    14  provided in addition to a health benefits plan on an indemnity
    15  nonexpense incurred basis.
    16  Section 103.  Application and availability of coverage.
    17     Every health insurer, health service corporation, medical
    18  service corporation, hospital service corporation and health
    19  maintenance organization licensed or authorized to provide
    20  health benefits or services in this Commonwealth which offer
    21  health insurance policies or coverages covering two or more
    22  employees of a small employer shall be subject to the provisions
    23  of this act. Coverage shall be offered to all eligible employees
    24  and their dependents and shall not exclude any employee or
    25  eligible dependent on the basis of an actual or expected health
    26  condition.
    27                             CHAPTER 3
    29  Section 301.  Health benefits plans required.
    30     (a)  Plans required to be offered.--Except as provided in
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     1  subsection (f), every small employer carrier shall, as a
     2  condition of transacting business in this Commonwealth, offer to
     3  every small employer the five health benefits plans as provided
     4  in this section. The commissioner shall establish a standard
     5  policy form for each of the five plans, which shall be the only
     6  plans offered to small groups on or after January 1, 2002. In
     7  the case of indemnity carriers, one policy form shall be
     8  established which contains benefits and cost-sharing levels
     9  which are equivalent to the health benefits plans of health
    10  maintenance organizations pursuant to the Health Maintenance
    11  Organization Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-222, 87 Stat. 914). The
    12  remaining policy forms shall contain basic hospital and medical-
    13  surgical benefits, including, but not limited to:
    14         (1)  Basic inpatient and outpatient hospital care.
    15         (2)  Basic and extended medical-surgical benefits.
    16         (3)  Diagnostic tests, including X-rays.
    17         (4)  Maternity benefits, including prenatal and postnatal
    18     care.
    19         (5)  Preventive medicine, including periodic physical
    20     examinations and inoculations.
    21  At least three of the forms shall provide for major medical
    22  benefits in varying lifetime aggregates, one of which shall
    23  provide at least $1,000,000 in lifetime aggregate benefits. The
    24  policy forms provided under this section shall contain benefits
    25  representing progressively greater actuarial values.
    26     (b)  Availability.--Initially, a carrier shall offer a plan
    27  within 90 days of the approval of the plan by the commissioner.
    28  Thereafter, the plans shall be available to all small employers
    29  on a continuing basis. Every small employer which elects to be
    30  covered under any health benefits plan who pays the premium
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     1  therefor and who satisfies the participation requirements of the
     2  plan shall be issued a policy or contract by the carrier.
     3     (c)  Premium payment plan.--The carrier may establish a
     4  premium payment plan which provides installment payments and
     5  which may contain reasonable provisions to ensure payment
     6  security, provided that provisions to ensure payment security
     7  are uniformly applied.
     8     (d)  Rider packages.--In addition to the five standard
     9  policies described in subsection (a), the commissioner may
    10  develop up to five rider packages. Any such package which a
    11  carrier chooses to offer shall be issued to a small employer who
    12  pays the premium therefor and shall be subject to the rating
    13  methodology set forth in section 308.
    14     (e)  Benefits exception.--Notwithstanding the provisions of
    15  subsection (a) to the contrary, the commissioner may approve a
    16  health benefits plan containing only medical-surgical benefits
    17  or major medical expense benefits, or a combination thereof,
    18  which is issued as a separate policy in conjunction with a
    19  contract of insurance for hospital expense benefits issued by a
    20  hospital service corporation, if the health benefits plan and
    21  hospital service corporation contract combined otherwise comply
    22  with this act.
    23     (f)  Alternative health benefit plans.--
    24         (1)  Notwithstanding the provisions of this section to
    25     the contrary, a health maintenance organization which is a
    26     qualified health maintenance organization pursuant to the
    27     Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 shall be
    28     permitted to offer health benefits plans formulated by the
    29     commissioner which are in accordance with the provisions of
    30     that law in lieu of the five plans required pursuant to this
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     1     section.
     2         (2)  Notwithstanding the provisions of this section to
     3     the contrary, a health maintenance organization which is
     4     approved under the act of December 29, 1972 (P.L.1701,
     5     No.364), known as the Health Maintenance Organization Act,
     6     shall be permitted to offer health benefits plans formulated
     7     by the commissioner which are in accordance with the
     8     provisions of that law in lieu of the five plans required
     9     pursuant to this section, except that the plans shall provide
    10     the same level of benefits as required for a federally
    11     qualified health maintenance organization, including any
    12     requirements concerning copayments by enrollees.
    13     (g)  Carrier not required to own or control health
    14  maintenance organization.--A carrier shall not be required to
    15  own or control a health maintenance organization or otherwise
    16  affiliate with a health maintenance organization in order to
    17  comply with the provisions of this section, but the carrier
    18  shall be required to offer the five health benefits plans which
    19  are formulated by the commissioner, including one plan which
    20  contains benefits and cost-sharing levels that are equivalent to
    21  those required for health maintenance organizations.
    22     (h)  Other riders.--
    23         (1)  In addition to the rider packages provided for in
    24     subsection (d), every carrier may offer, in connection with
    25     the five health benefits plans required to be offered by this
    26     section, any number of riders which may revise the coverage
    27     offered by the five plans in any way. However, any form of
    28     the rider or amendment thereof which decreases benefits or
    29     decreases the actuarial value of one of the five plans shall
    30     be filed for approval by the commissioner before the rider
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     1     may be sold. Any rider or amendment thereof which adds
     2     benefits or increases the actuarial value of one of the five
     3     plans shall be filed with the commissioner for informational
     4     purposes before the rider may be sold.
     5         (2)  The commissioner shall disapprove any rider filed
     6     pursuant to this subsection that is unjust, unfair,
     7     inequitable, unreasonably discriminatory, misleading,
     8     contrary to law or the public policy of this Commonwealth.
     9     The commissioner's determination shall be in writing and
    10     shall be appealable.
    11         (3)  The benefit riders provided for in paragraph (1)
    12     shall be subject to subsection (b) and sections 103, 305,
    13     306, 307, 308 and 310.
    14  Section 302.  Hospital confinement or other supplemental limited
    15                 benefit insurance plan.
    16     (a)  Coverage under health benefits plan contract or policy
    17  required.--A carrier shall not deliver or issue for delivery a
    18  hospital confinement or other supplemental limited benefit
    19  insurance plan unless the applicant for such coverage signs a
    20  statement on the application form that confirms that the
    21  applicant is already covered under a health benefits plan
    22  contract or policy. The application form shall be filed with the
    23  commissioner on an informational basis.
    24     (b)  Requirements.--A hospital confinement plan or other
    25  supplemental limited benefit insurance plan issued to a small
    26  employer or other group health benefits plan provider or to
    27  individual employees of a small employer or other group health
    28  benefits provider:
    29         (1)  shall be subject to the same rating requirements
    30     that apply to health benefits plans issued under section
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     1     308(a)(2), except that a hospital confinement plan and
     2     supplemental limited benefit insurance plan shall be subject
     3     to the commissioner's exclusive review and regulation with
     4     regard to loss ratios, medical underwriting and eligibility
     5     requirements and form approval; and
     6         (2)  may include preexisting condition exclusions.
     7     (c)  Coordination of benefits.--A health benefits plan shall
     8  not coordinate benefits against any hospital confinement or
     9  other supplemental limited benefit insurance plan.
    10  Section 303.  Application of coinsurance and deductibles.
    11     Plans required to be offered under this act may be subject to
    12  coinsurance and deductibles, which may vary by selected portions
    13  of the coverage, except that no deductible applicable to any
    14  portion of the coverage shall exceed $250 for an individual or
    15  family unit during any benefit year, and no coinsurance
    16  applicable to any portion of the coverage shall exceed $500 for
    17  an individual or family unit during any benefit year unless
    18  provided by the commissioner under section 510. Any person
    19  previously covered by a group or individual health benefits plan
    20  may apply any deductibles paid in the current benefit year under
    21  the previous plan to the annual limits of the successor plan.
    22  Section 304.  Standard coordination of benefits provisions.
    23     Coverage provided under this act shall be subject to standard
    24  coordination of benefits provisions for all persons covered
    25  under the policy or contract.
    26  Section 305.  Prohibition on preexisting condition provisions.
    27     (a)  General rule.--No health benefits plan subject to this
    28  act shall include any preexisting condition provision. However,
    29  a preexisting condition provision may apply to a late enrollee
    30  or to any group of two to five persons if such provision
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     1  excludes coverage for a period of no more than 180 days
     2  following the effective date of coverage of such enrollee and
     3  relates only to conditions manifesting themselves during the six
     4  months immediately preceding the effective date of coverage of
     5  such enrollee in such a manner as would cause an ordinarily
     6  prudent person to seek medical advice, diagnosis, care or
     7  treatment or for which medical advice, diagnosis, care or
     8  treatment was recommended or received during the six months
     9  immediately preceding the effective date of coverage, or as to a
    10  pregnancy existing on the effective date of coverage. In any
    11  event, if ten or more late enrollees request enrollment during
    12  any 30-day enrollment period, then no preexisting condition
    13  provision shall apply to any late enrollee.
    14     (b)  Application of preexisting condition provision.--In
    15  determining whether a preexisting condition provision applies to
    16  an eligible employee or dependent, all health benefits plans
    17  shall credit the time that person was covered under any previous
    18  health benefits plan if the previous coverage was continuous to
    19  a date not more than 90 days prior to the effective date of the
    20  new coverage, exclusive of any applicable waiting period under
    21  such plan.
    22  Section 306.  Renewal of policies or contracts of small
    23                 employers.
    24     Every policy or contract issued to small employers in this
    25  Commonwealth under this act shall be renewable with respect to
    26  all eligible employees or dependents at the option of the policy
    27  or contract holder or small employer except under the following
    28  circumstances:
    29         (1)  Nonpayment of the required premiums by the
    30     policyholder, contract holder or employer.
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     1         (2)  Fraud or misrepresentation of the policyholder,
     2     contract holder or employer or, with respect to coverage of
     3     eligible employees or dependents, the enrollees or their
     4     representatives.
     5         (3)  The number of employees covered under the health
     6     benefits plan is less than the number or percentage of
     7     employees required by participation requirements under the
     8     health benefits policy or contract.
     9         (4)  Noncompliance with a carrier's employment
    10     contribution requirements.
    11         (5)  Any carrier doing business under this chapter ceases
    12     doing business in the small employer market if the following
    13     conditions are satisfied:
    14             (i)  The carrier gives notice to cease doing business
    15         in the small employer market to the commissioner not
    16         later than eight months prior to the date of the planned
    17         withdrawal from the small group market, during which time
    18         the carrier shall continue to be governed by this act
    19         with respect to business written under this act. For the
    20         purposes of this subsection, "date of planned withdrawal"
    21         means the date upon which the first notice to small
    22         employers is sent by the carrier pursuant to subparagraph
    23         (ii).
    24             (ii)  No later than two months following the date of
    25         the notification to the commissioner that the carrier
    26         intends to cease doing business in the small employer
    27         market, the carrier shall mail a notice to every small
    28         business employer insured by the carrier that the policy
    29         or contract of insurance will be terminated. This notice
    30         shall be sent by certified mail to the small business
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     1         employer not less than six months in advance of the
     2         effective date of the cancellation date of the policy or
     3         contract.
     4             (iii)  Any carrier that ceases to do business
     5         pursuant to this act shall be prohibited from writing new
     6         business in the small employer market for a period of
     7         five years from the date of notice to the commissioner.
     8         (6)  In the case of policies or contracts issued in
     9     connection with membership in an association or trust of
    10     employers, an employer ceases to maintain its membership in
    11     the association or trust.
    12         (7)  The number of employees covered under the health
    13     benefits plan is less than two.
    14  Section 307.  Standards of carrier for acceptance of small
    15                 group.
    16     Any small employer carrier may require a reasonable specified
    17  minimum participation of eligible employees, which shall not
    18  exceed 75%, or reasonable minimum employer contributions in
    19  determining whether to accept a small group under this act. The
    20  standards so established by the carrier shall be first approved
    21  by the commissioner and shall be applied uniformly to all small
    22  groups, except that in no event shall a carrier require an
    23  employer to contribute more than 10% to the annual cost of the
    24  policy or contract, or an amount as otherwise provided by the
    25  commissioner, and any minimum participation standards
    26  established by the carrier shall be reasonable. In establishing
    27  the percentage of employee participation, a one-to-one credit
    28  shall be given for each employee covered by a spouse's health
    29  benefits coverage or for each employee participating in an
    30  employee welfare benefits plan established in accordance with a
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     1  collective bargaining agreement. In calculating an employer's
     2  participation, the carrier shall include all insured employees,
     3  regardless of whether the employees chose an indemnity plan or a
     4  health maintenance organization, or a combination thereof.
     5  Section 308.  Transitional provisions, prohibitions and
     6                 application.
     7     (a)  Transition from rating methodology to community
     8  rating.--
     9         (1)  Beginning on the third 12-month anniversary date of
    10     any policy or contract issued in 2001, no small employer
    11     health benefits plan shall be issued in this Commonwealth,
    12     unless the plan is community related.
    13         (2)  Beginning January 1, 2002, and upon the first 12-
    14     month anniversary date thereafter of the policy or contract,
    15     the premium rate charged by a carrier to the highest rated
    16     small group purchasing a small employer health benefits plan
    17     issued under this act shall not be greater than 300% of the
    18     premium rate charged to the lowest rated small group
    19     purchasing that same health benefits plan. However, the only
    20     factors upon which the rate differential may be based are
    21     age, gender and geography. These factors shall be applied in
    22     a manner consistent with regulations adopted by the
    23     commissioner.
    24         (3)  Beginning on the second 12-month anniversary after
    25     the date established in paragraph (2) of the policy or
    26     contract, the premium rate charged by a carrier to the
    27     highest rated small group purchasing a small employer health
    28     benefits plan issued under this act shall not be greater than
    29     200% of the premium rate charged for the lowest rated small
    30     group purchasing that same health benefits plan. However, the
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     1     only factors upon which the rate differential may be based
     2     are age, gender and geography. These factors shall be applied
     3     in a manner consistent with regulations adopted by the
     4     commissioner.
     5         (4)  Any policy or contract issued after January 1, 2002,
     6     to a small employer who was not previously covered by a
     7     health benefits plan issued by the issuing small employer
     8     carrier shall be subject to the same premium rate
     9     restrictions as provided in paragraphs (1), (2) and (3),
    10     which rate restrictions shall be effective on the date the
    11     policy or contract is issued.
    12         (5)  The commissioner shall establish under section 707:
    13             (i)  up to six geographic territories, none of which
    14         is smaller than a county; and
    15             (ii)  age classifications which, at a minimum, shall
    16         be in five-year increments.
    17     (b)  Prohibition on carriers acting as third-party
    18  administrators.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law to
    19  the contrary, no carrier offering any health benefits plan
    20  pursuant to the provisions of this act shall act to circumvent
    21  the intent of this act by acting as a third-party administrator
    22  for groups of small employers, any one of whom was insured as of
    23  September 1, 2001. However, this provision shall not act to
    24  limit a bona fide group of small employers who voluntarily act
    25  together to provide health benefits to their employees.
    26     (c)  Application to carriers.--
    27         (1)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
    28     contrary, the provisions of this act relating to small
    29     employer health insurance shall apply to a carrier which
    30     issues a policy to an association or trust of employers, if
    20010S0844B0973                 - 18 -

     1     the group includes one or more member employers or other
     2     member groups which have at least two but no more than 49
     3     employees or members exclusive of spouses and dependents. The
     4     provisions of this act relating to small employer health
     5     insurance shall not apply to a carrier which issued a policy
     6     exclusively to the members of an association on or before the
     7     effective date of this act if the policy was written in the
     8     name of the association, the carrier writes no other group
     9     health insurance policy in this Commonwealth and the
    10     aggregate number of insured association members exceeds 49.
    11         (2)  A carrier which is not exempt from the provisions of
    12     this act under this subsection and which issues a policy to
    13     an association or trust of employers after the effective date
    14     of this act shall be required to offer small employer health
    15     benefits plans to nonassociation or trust employers in the
    16     same manner as any other small employer carrier is required
    17     under this act.
    18     (d)  Premium rates for individuals and family units.--
    19  Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the use of premium rate
    20  structures to establish different premium rates for individuals
    21  and family units.
    22     (e)  Informational filing of schedule of premiums.--No
    23  insurance contract or policy subject to the provisions of this
    24  act relating to small employer health insurance may be entered
    25  into unless and until the carrier has made an informational
    26  filing with the commissioner of a schedule of premiums, not to
    27  exceed 12 months in duration, to be paid pursuant to the
    28  contract or policy, of the carrier's rating plan and
    29  classification system in connection with the contract or policy,
    30  and of the actuarial assumptions and methods used by the carrier
    20010S0844B0973                 - 19 -

     1  in establishing premium rates for the contract or policy.
     2     (f)  Increase or decrease of premiums.--Beginning January 1,
     3  2003, a carrier desiring to increase or decrease premiums for
     4  any policy form or benefit rider offered under section 301(h)
     5  subject to this act may implement such increase or decrease upon
     6  making an informational filing with the commissioner of the
     7  increase or decrease, along with the actuarial assumptions and
     8  methods used by the carrier in establishing the increase or
     9  decrease, if the anticipated minimum loss ratio for a policy
    10  form shall not be less than 85% of the premium therefor. Until
    11  December 31, 2002, the informational filing shall also include
    12  the carrier's rating plan and classification system in
    13  connection with the increase or decrease.
    14     (g)  Dividends and credits.--Each calendar year, a carrier
    15  shall return in the form of aggregate benefits for each of the
    16  five standard policy forms offered by the carrier under section
    17  301 at least 85% of the aggregate premiums collected for the
    18  policy form during that calendar year. Carriers shall annually
    19  report, no later than August 1 of each year, the loss ratio
    20  calculated pursuant to this section for each such policy form
    21  for the previous calendar year. In each case where the loss
    22  ratio for a policy fails to substantially comply with the 85%
    23  loss ratio requirement, the carrier shall issue a dividend or
    24  credit against future premiums for all policyholders with that
    25  policy form in an amount sufficient to assure that the aggregate
    26  benefits paid in the previous calendar year plus the amount of
    27  the dividends and credits shall equal 85% of the aggregate
    28  premiums collected for the policy form in the previous calendar
    29  year. The dividend or credit shall be issued to each policy
    30  which was in effect as of March 30 of the applicable year and
    20010S0844B0973                 - 20 -

     1  remains in effect as of the date the dividend or credit is
     2  issued. All dividends and credits must be distributed by
     3  December 31 of the year following the calendar year in which the
     4  loss ratio requirements were not satisfied. The annual report
     5  required by this paragraph shall include a carrier's calculation
     6  of the dividends and credits as well as an explanation of the
     7  carrier's plan to issue dividends or credits. The instructions
     8  and format for calculating and reporting loss ratios and issuing
     9  dividends or credits shall be specified by the commissioner by
    10  regulation. Regulations shall include provisions for the
    11  distribution of a dividend or credit in the event of
    12  cancellation or termination by a policyholder.
    13     (h)  Application of act.--The provisions of this act relating
    14  to small employer health insurance shall apply to health
    15  benefits plans which are delivered, issued for delivery, renewed
    16  or continued on or after January 1, 2002.
    17     (i)  Policy required to be offered.--A policy or contract
    18  covering two or more employees of a small employer issued by a
    19  carrier prior to January 1, 2002, shall remain in effect until
    20  the first 12-month anniversary date after February 28, 2002, of
    21  that policy or contract, but at least 60 days before the first
    22  12-month anniversary date thereof the carrier shall be required
    23  to offer the small employer a policy or contract under section
    24  301.
    25  Section 309.  Limitations and compliance with act.
    26     (a)  Limitations on coverage for small employers.-- No health
    27  maintenance organization shall be required to offer coverage or
    28  accept applications under section 301 to a small employer if the
    29  small employer is not physically located in the health
    30  maintenance organization's approved service area, to an employee
    20010S0844B0973                 - 21 -

     1  when the employee does not work or reside within a service area
     2  or if the health maintenance organization reasonably anticipates
     3  and demonstrates to the satisfaction of the commissioner that it
     4  will not have the capacity in its network of providers within
     5  the service area to deliver service adequately to the members of
     6  such groups because of its obligations to existing group
     7  contract holders and enrollees.
     8     (b)  Potentially financially impaired carriers.--No small
     9  employer carrier shall be required to offer coverage or accept
    10  applications under this act for any period of time in which the
    11  commissioner determines that the requiring of the issuing of
    12  policies or contracts under this act would place the carrier in
    13  a financially impaired position.
    14     (c)  Compliance with act.--A health maintenance organization
    15  which complies with the basic health benefits, underwriting and
    16  rating standards established by the Federal Government under
    17  Subact XI of the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973
    18  (Public Law 93-222, 87 Stat. 914) and which also provides the
    19  comprehensive health benefits plans coverage required by section
    20  301(f) shall be deemed in compliance with this act.
    21  Section 310.  Continued coverage for terminated employees.
    22     (a)  General rule.--Every policy or contract issued to a
    23  small employer in this Commonwealth, including, but not limited
    24  to, policies or contracts which are subject to this act and
    25  which are delivered, issued, renewed or continued on or after
    26  January 1, 2002, shall offer continued coverage under the plan
    27  to any employee whose employment was terminated for a reason
    28  other than for cause and to any employee covered by such plan
    29  whose hours of employment were reduced to fewer than 30
    30  subsequent to the effective date of coverage for that employee.
    20010S0844B0973                 - 22 -

     1  The employee shall make a written election for continued
     2  coverage within 30 days of a qualifying event. For the purposes
     3  of this section, "qualifying event" shall mean the date of
     4  termination of employment or the date on which a reduction in an
     5  employee's hours of employment becomes effective. For the
     6  purposes of this section, the date on which a health benefits
     7  plan is continued shall be the anniversary date of the issuance
     8  of the plan.
     9     (b)  Type of coverage required.--Coverage continued pursuant
    10  to subsection (a) shall consist of coverage which is identical
    11  to the coverage provided under the policy or contract to
    12  similarly situated beneficiaries whose coverage has not been
    13  terminated or hours of employment reduced. If coverage is
    14  modified under the policy or contract for any group of similarly
    15  situated beneficiaries, this coverage shall also be modified in
    16  the same manner for persons who are qualified beneficiaries
    17  entitled under subsection (a) to continued coverage.
    18  Continuation of coverage may not be conditioned upon or
    19  discriminate on the basis of lack of evidence of insurability.
    20     (c)  Payment of premium.--The health benefits plan may
    21  require payment of a premium by the employee for any period of
    22  continuation coverage as provided for in this section, except
    23  that the premium shall not exceed 102% of the applicable premium
    24  paid for similarly situated beneficiaries under the health
    25  benefits plan for a specified period and may at the election of
    26  the payor be made in monthly installments. No premium payment
    27  shall be due before the 30th day after the day on which the
    28  covered employee made the initial election for continued
    29  coverage.
    30     (d)  Cessation of coverage.--Coverage continued pursuant to
    20010S0844B0973                 - 23 -

     1  this section shall continue until the earlier of the following:
     2         (1)  The date upon which the employer under whose health
     3     benefits plan coverage is continued ceases to provide any
     4     health benefits plan to any employee or other qualified
     5     beneficiary.
     6         (2)  The date on which the continued coverage ceases
     7     under the health benefits plan by reason of a failure to make
     8     timely payment of any premium required under the plan by the
     9     former employee having the continued coverage. The payment of
    10     any premium shall be considered to be timely if made within
    11     30 days after the due date or within such longer period as
    12     may be provided for by the policy or contract.
    13         (3)  The date after the date of election on which the
    14     qualified beneficiary first becomes:
    15             (i)  covered under any other health benefits plan, as
    16         an employee or otherwise, which does not contain a
    17         provision which limits or excludes coverage with respect
    18         to any preexisting condition of a covered employee or any
    19         spouse or dependent who is included under the coverage
    20         provided the covered employee, for such period of the
    21         limitation or exclusion; or
    22             (ii)  eligible for benefits under Title XVIII of the
    23         Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. § 301 et
    24         seq.).
    25     (e)  Notice required.--Notice shall be provided to employees
    26  at the commencement of coverage as to their continuation rights
    27  under the plan. A qualified beneficiary may elect continuation
    28  coverage offered pursuant to this section no later than 30 days
    29  after the qualifying event. For the purposes of this section,
    30  "qualified beneficiary" means any person covered under a small
    20010S0844B0973                 - 24 -

     1  employer group policy.
     2     (f)  Application of section.--The provisions of this section
     3  shall not apply to any person who is a qualified beneficiary for
     4  the purposes of continuation of coverage as provided in
     5  accordance with section 4980B of the Internal Revenue Code of
     6  1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 4980B).
     7     (g)  Duration of coverage.--In no event shall any
     8  continuation of coverage provided for under this section exceed
     9  12 months from the qualifying event.
    10                             CHAPTER 5
    11                            REINSURANCE
    12  Section 501.  Small Employer Health Benefits Program.
    13     (a)  Establishment.--There is hereby established a nonprofit
    14  entity to be known as the Small Employer Health Benefits
    15  Program. A small employer carrier issuing health benefits plan
    16  policies and contracts may be a member of the program.
    17     (b)  Commissioner duties.--The program shall operate subject
    18  to the supervision and control of the commissioner.
    19  Section 502.  Plan of operation.
    20     (a)  Commissioner duties.--Within 180 days after the
    21  effective date of this act, the commissioner shall, after notice
    22  and hearing, adopt and promulgate a plan of operation and
    23  thereafter any amendments thereto necessary or suitable to
    24  assure the fair, reasonable and equitable administration of the
    25  program. The plan of operation shall be suitable to assure the
    26  fair, reasonable and equitable administration of the program and
    27  to provide for the sharing of program gains or losses on an
    28  equitable and proportionate basis in accordance with this
    29  chapter.
    30     (b)  Content of plan.--The plan of operation shall:
    20010S0844B0973                 - 25 -

     1         (1)  Establish procedures for handling and accounting of
     2     program assets and moneys and for an annual fiscal reporting
     3     to the department.
     4         (2)  Establish procedures for selecting an administering
     5     carrier and setting forth the powers and duties of the
     6     administering carrier.
     7         (3)  Establish procedures for reinsuring risks under this
     8     act.
     9         (4)  Establish procedures for collecting assessments from
    10     small employer carriers to fund claims and for administrative
    11     expenses incurred or estimated to be incurred by the program.
    12         (5)  Establish a methodology for applying the dollar
    13     thresholds contained in this act in the case of carriers that
    14     pay or reimburse health care providers through capitation or
    15     salary.
    16         (6)  Provide for any additional matters necessary for the
    17     implementation and administration of the program.
    18  Section 503.  Program powers and duties generally.
    19     The program shall have the general powers and authority
    20  granted under the laws of this Commonwealth to insurance
    21  companies and health maintenance organizations licensed to
    22  transact business except the power to issue health benefit plans
    23  directly to either groups or individuals. In addition, the
    24  program shall have the specific authority to:
    25         (1)  Enter into contracts as are necessary or proper to
    26     carry out the provisions and purposes of this act, including
    27     the authority, with the approval of the commissioner, to
    28     enter into contracts with similar programs of other states
    29     for the joint performance of common functions or with persons
    30     or other organizations for the performance of administrative
    20010S0844B0973                 - 26 -

     1     functions.
     2         (2)  Sue or be sued, including taking any legal actions
     3     necessary or proper to recover any assessments and penalties
     4     for, on behalf of or against the program or any small
     5     employer carriers.
     6         (3)  Take any legal action necessary to avoid the payment
     7     of improper claims against the program.
     8         (4)  Define the health benefits plans for which
     9     reinsurance will be provided and to issue reinsurance
    10     policies in accordance with the requirements of this act.
    11         (5)  Establish rules, conditions and procedures for
    12     reinsuring risks under the program.
    13         (6)  Establish actuarial functions as appropriate for the
    14     operation of the program.
    15         (7)  Assess small employer carriers under section 509(c)
    16     and to make advance interim assessments as may be reasonable
    17     and necessary for organizational and interim operating
    18     expenses. Any interim assessments shall be credited as
    19     offsets against any regular assessments due following the
    20     close of the fiscal year.
    21         (8)  Appoint appropriate legal, actuarial and other
    22     committees as necessary to provide technical assistance in
    23     the operation of the program, policy and other contract
    24     design and any other function within the authority of the
    25     program.
    26         (9)  Borrow money to effect the purposes of the program.
    27     Any notes or other evidence of indebtedness of the program
    28     not in default shall be legal investments for carriers and
    29     may be carried as admitted assets.
    30  Section 504.  Reinsurance.
    20010S0844B0973                 - 27 -

     1     A small employer carrier may reinsure with the program as
     2  provided for in this section:
     3         (1)  With respect to a health benefits plan, the program
     4     shall reinsure the level of coverage provided.
     5         (2)  A carrier participating under this act shall
     6     reinsure an entire employer group within 60 days of the
     7     commencement of the group's coverage under a health benefits
     8     plan.
     9         (3)  The program shall not reimburse a small employer
    10     carrier with respect to the claims of a reinsured employee or
    11     dependent until the carrier has incurred an initial level of
    12     claims for such employee or dependent of $5,000 in a calendar
    13     year for benefits covered by the program. In addition, the
    14     small employer carrier shall be responsible for 10% of the
    15     next $50,000 of benefit payments during a calendar year and
    16     the program shall reinsure the remainder. A small employer
    17     carrier's liability under this paragraph shall not exceed a
    18     maximum limit of $10,000 in any one calendar year with
    19     respect to any reinsured individual.
    20         (4)  The commissioner annually shall adjust the initial
    21     level of claims and the maximum limit to be retained by the
    22     carrier to reflect increases in costs and utilization within
    23     the standard market for health benefits plans within this
    24     Commonwealth. The adjustment shall not be less than the
    25     annual change in the medical component of the Consumer Price
    26     Index for All Urban Consumers of the Department of Labor,
    27     Bureau of Labor Statistics unless the commissioner approves a
    28     lower adjustment factor.
    29         (5)  A small employer carrier must apply all managed care
    30     and claims handling techniques, including, but not limited
    20010S0844B0973                 - 28 -

     1     to, utilization review, individual case management, preferred
     2     provider provisions and other managed-care provisions or
     3     methods of operation, consistently with respect to both
     4     reinsured and nonreinsured business.
     5  Section 505.  Methodology for determining premium rates.
     6     The commissioner as part of the plan of operation shall
     7  establish a methodology for determining premium rates to be
     8  charged by the program for reinsuring small employers and
     9  individuals under this act. The methodology shall include a
    10  system for classification of small employers that reflects the
    11  types of case characteristics commonly used by small employer
    12  carriers in this Commonwealth. The methodology shall provide for
    13  the development of base reinsurance premium rates which shall be
    14  multiplied by the factors set forth in section 506 to determine
    15  the premium rates for the program. The base reinsurance premium
    16  rates shall be established by the commissioner.
    17  Section 506.  Premium rates.
    18     An entire small employer group may be reinsured for a rate
    19  that is 1.5 times the base reinsurance premium rate for the
    20  group established.
    21  Section 507.  Review of methodology.
    22     The commissioner periodically shall review the methodology
    23  established under section 505, including the system of
    24  classification and any rating factors, to assure that it
    25  reasonably reflects the claims experience of the program.
    26  Section 508.  Adjustments to premium rates.
    27     The commissioner may consider adjustments to the premium
    28  rates charged by the program to reflect the use of effective
    29  cost containment and managed-care arrangements.
    30  Section 509.  Reporting and recoupment of losses.
    20010S0844B0973                 - 29 -

     1     (a)  Report.--Prior to March 1 of each year, the commissioner
     2  shall determine the program net loss for the previous calendar
     3  year, including administrative expenses and incurred losses for
     4  the year, taking into account investment income and other
     5  appropriate gains and losses.
     6     (b)  Losses recouped by assessment.--Any net loss for the
     7  year shall be recouped by assessments of small employer
     8  carriers. The following shall apply:
     9         (1)  The commissioner shall establish, as part of the
    10     plan of operation, a formula by which to make assessments
    11     against small employer carriers. The assessment formula shall
    12     be based on:
    13             (i)  each small employer carrier's share of the total
    14         premiums earned in the preceding calendar year from
    15         health benefits plans delivered or issued for delivery to
    16         small employers in this Commonwealth by small employer
    17         carriers; and
    18             (ii)  each small employer carrier's share of the
    19         premiums earned in the preceding calendar year from newly
    20         issued health benefits plans delivered or issued for
    21         delivery during the calendar year to small employers in
    22         this Commonwealth by small employer carriers.
    23         (2)  The formula established under paragraph (1) shall
    24     not result in any small employer carrier having an assessment
    25     share that is less than 50% nor more than 150% of an amount
    26     which is based on the proportion of the small employer
    27     carrier's total premiums earned in the preceding calendar
    28     year from health benefit plans delivered or issued for
    29     delivery to small employers in this Commonwealth by small
    30     employer carriers to the total premiums earned in the
    20010S0844B0973                 - 30 -

     1     preceding calendar year from health benefit plans delivered
     2     or issued for delivery to small employers in this
     3     Commonwealth by all small employer carriers.
     4         (3)  The commissioner may change the assessment formula
     5     established pursuant to paragraph (1) from time to time as
     6     appropriate. The commissioner may provide for the shares of
     7     the assessment base attributable to total premium and to the
     8     previous year's premium to vary during a transition period.
     9         (4)  The commissioner shall make an adjustment to the
    10     assessment formula for small employer carriers that are
    11     approved health maintenance organizations which are federally
    12     qualified under the Health Maintenance Organization Act of
    13     1973 (Public Law 93-222, 87 Stat. 914) to the extent, if any,
    14     that restrictions are placed on them that are not imposed on
    15     other small employer carriers.
    16     (c)  Assessment determination.--
    17         (1)  Prior to March 1 of each year, the commissioner
    18     shall determine an estimate of the assessments needed to fund
    19     the losses incurred by the program in the previous calendar
    20     year.
    21         (2)  If the commissioner determines that the assessments
    22     needed to fund the losses incurred by the program in the
    23     previous calendar year will exceed the amount specified in
    24     paragraph (3), the commissioner shall evaluate the operation
    25     of the program. The evaluation shall include an estimate of
    26     future assessments and consideration of the administrative
    27     costs of the program, the appropriateness of the premiums
    28     charged, the level of insurer retention under the program and
    29     the costs of coverage for small employers. The commissioner
    30     may implement such amendments to the plan of operation the
    20010S0844B0973                 - 31 -

     1     commissioner deems necessary to reduce future losses and
     2     assessments.
     3         (3)  For any calendar year, the amount specified in this
     4     paragraph is 5% of total premiums earned in the previous
     5     calendar year from health benefit plans delivered or issued
     6     for delivery to small employers in this Commonwealth by small
     7     employer carriers.
     8     (d)  When assessments exceed actual losses.--If assessments
     9  exceed net losses of the program, the excess shall be held at
    10  interest and used by the commissioner to offset future losses or
    11  to reduce program premiums. As used in this subsection, the term
    12  "future losses" includes reserves for incurred but not reported
    13  claims.
    14     (e)  Annual determination.--Each small employer carrier's
    15  proportion of the assessment shall be determined annually by the
    16  commissioner based on annual statements and other reports deemed
    17  necessary by the commissioner and filed by the small employer
    18  carrier with the commissioner.
    19     (f)  Late payments.--The plan of operation shall provide for
    20  the imposition of an interest penalty for late payment of
    21  assessments.
    22     (g)  Deferment.--A small employer carrier may seek from the
    23  commissioner a deferment from all or part of an assessment
    24  imposed by the commissioner. The commissioner may defer all or
    25  part of the assessment of a small employer carrier if the
    26  commissioner determines that the payment of the assessment would
    27  place the carrier in a financially impaired condition. If all or
    28  part of an assessment against a carrier is deferred, the amount
    29  deferred shall be assessed against the other participating
    30  carriers in a manner consistent with the basis for assessment
    20010S0844B0973                 - 32 -

     1  set forth in this section. The small employer carrier receiving
     2  the deferment shall remain liable to the program for the amount
     3  deferred and shall be prohibited from reinsuring any groups with
     4  the program until it pays the assessments.
     5  Section 510.  Establishment by commissioner of health benefits
     6                 plans available to all employers.
     7     (a)  Formulation of plans.--The commissioner shall formulate
     8  the five health benefits plans to be made available by small
     9  employer carriers in accordance with this act and shall
    10  promulgate five standard forms. The commissioner may establish
    11  benefits levels, deductibles and copayments, exclusions and
    12  limitations for such health benefits plans in accordance with
    13  the law.
    14     (b)  Forms.--The forms shall be consistent with section 301.
    15  Such forms may contain, but shall not be limited to, the
    16  following provisions:
    17         (1)  Utilization review of health care services,
    18     including review of medical necessity of hospital and
    19     physician services.
    20         (2)  Managed care systems, including large case
    21     management.
    22         (3)  Provision for selective contracting with hospitals,
    23     physicians and other health care providers.
    24         (4)  Reasonable benefits differentials which are
    25     applicable to participating and nonparticipating providers.
    26         (5)  Notwithstanding the provisions of section 303 to the
    27     contrary, the commissioner may from time to time adjust
    28     coinsurance and deductibles.
    29         (6)  Such other provisions which may be quantifiably
    30     established to be cost containment devices.
    20010S0844B0973                 - 33 -

     1         (7)  The department shall publish annually a list of the
     2     premiums charged for each of the five small employer health
     3     benefits plans and for any rider package by all carriers
     4     writing such plans. The department shall also publish the
     5     toll-free telephone number of each such carrier.
     6  Section 511.  Immunity.
     7     Neither the participation in the program as small employer
     8  carriers, the establishment of rates, forms or procedures nor
     9  any other joint or collective action required by this act shall
    10  be the basis of any legal action, criminal or civil liability,
    11  or penalty against the program or any of its small employer
    12  carriers either jointly or separately.
    13  Section 512.  Standards for compensation.
    14     The commissioner, as part of the plan of operation, shall
    15  develop standards setting forth the manner and levels of
    16  compensation to be paid to licensed producers for the sale of
    17  health benefits plans. In establishing such standards, the
    18  commissioner shall take into consideration the need to assure
    19  the broad availability of coverages, the objectives of the
    20  program, the time and effort expended in placing the coverage,
    21  the need to provide ongoing service to the small employer, the
    22  levels of compensation currently used in the industry and the
    23  overall costs of coverage to small employers selecting these
    24  plans.
    25  Section 513.  Tax exemption.
    26     The program shall be exempt from all State and local taxes.
    27                             CHAPTER 7
    29  Section 701.  Penalties for violations.
    30     A carrier which violates any provision of this act shall be
    20010S0844B0973                 - 34 -

     1  liable for a penalty of not less than $2,000 and not greater
     2  than $5,000 for each violation. The penalty shall be collected
     3  by the commissioner in the name of the Commonwealth in a summary
     4  proceeding.
     5  Section 702.  Prohibition on charge of assessment to
     6                 policyholders or public.
     7     No assessment provided for under this act shall be charged,
     8  directly or indirectly, to policyholders or the public, provided
     9  that a carrier may charge such an assessment to policyholders to
    10  the extent that the charging of the assessment is necessary to
    11  enable the carrier to earn a constitutionally adequate rate of
    12  return.
    13  Section 703.  Group hospital or medical coverage of residents
    14                 obtained through out-of-State trust.
    15     Group hospital or medical coverage obtained through an out-
    16  of-State trust covering a group of 49 or fewer employees or
    17  participating persons who are residents of this State shall
    18  comply with this act, regardless of the situs of delivery of the
    19  policy.
    20  Section 704.  Multiple employer arrangements.
    21     A multiple employer arrangement covering a group of 49 or
    22  fewer employees or participating persons of an individual
    23  employer who are residents of this Commonwealth shall register
    24  with the commissioner. The multiple employer arrangements shall
    25  be required to offer the health benefits plans established by
    26  the commissioner. The premium rates charged for the multiple
    27  employer arrangement health benefits plan shall conform to the
    28  requirements of sections 301(b), 305 and 306, regardless of the
    29  situs of delivery of the multiple employer arrangement.
    30  Section 705.  Notification of multiple employer arrangements.
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     1     A carrier shall notify the commissioner by December 31 of
     2  each year of any health care coverage or benefits, stop-loss
     3  coverage or administrative services-only contracts it provides
     4  or enters into with a multiple employer arrangement that
     5  provides health care benefits to employees and their dependents
     6  in this Commonwealth.
     7  Section 706.  Limitations.
     8     (a)  Plan or rider with greater actuarial value.--A small
     9  employer who purchases a health benefits plan or rider under
    10  this act shall not be permitted to purchase a health benefits
    11  plan or rider with a greater actuarial value until the first
    12  anniversary date of the small employer's existing health
    13  benefits plan.
    14     (b)  Plan or rider with lesser actuarial value.--If, after
    15  the first anniversary date of a small employer's health benefits
    16  plan, the small employer purchases a health benefits plan or
    17  rider of greater actuarial value than the existing health
    18  benefits plan or rider, the small employer shall not be
    19  permitted to change his health benefits plan or rider to one of
    20  lesser actuarial value until the anniversary date of the small
    21  employer's existing health benefits plan.
    22     (c)  Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be
    23  construed to prohibit a small employer who has purchased a
    24  health benefits plan or rider under this act from purchasing a
    25  health benefits plan or rider of lesser actuarial value prior to
    26  the anniversary date of the existing health benefits plan or
    27  rider if the existing plan or rider was purchased at least 12
    28  months prior to the latest anniversary date of the plan or
    29  rider.
    30  Section 707.  Action by commissioner.
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     1     (a)  General rule.--All actions adopted by the commissioner
     2  shall be subject to the provisions of this section,
     3  notwithstanding any provisions of law to the contrary.
     4     (b)  Notice requirements.--
     5         (1)  Prior to the adoption of an action of the
     6     commissioner, the commissioner shall publish notice of its
     7     intended action in three newspapers of general circulation in
     8     this Commonwealth and may publish the notice of intended
     9     action in any trade or professional publication which it
    10     deems necessary. The notice of intended action shall include
    11     procedures for obtaining a detailed description of the
    12     intended action and the time, place and manner by which
    13     interested persons may present their views. The commissioner
    14     shall provide the notice of intended action and a detailed
    15     description of the intended action by mail, or otherwise, to
    16     affected trade and professional associations, carriers
    17     subject to this act and such other interested persons or
    18     organizations which may request notification. The
    19     commissioner shall forward the notice of intended action and
    20     the detailed description of the intended action concurrently
    21     to the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the
    22     Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    23         (2)  The commissioner shall not charge any fee for
    24     placement upon the mailing list of associations, carriers or
    25     other persons to be notified, but the commissioner may charge
    26     a fee to an association, carrier or other person requesting a
    27     copy of the text of the intended action, which fee shall not
    28     be in excess of the actual cost of reproducing and mailing
    29     the copy.
    30         (3)  A copy of the text of the intended action shall be
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     1     available in the department.
     2     (c)  Public hearing.--The commissioner shall hold a public
     3  hearing on the establishment and modification of health benefits
     4  plans, and the commissioner may hold a public hearing on any
     5  other intended action. Notice of a hearing shall be given in the
     6  notice of intended action provided for in subsection (b).
     7     (d)  Opportunity to comment in writing.--
     8         (1)  Whether or not a public hearing is held, the
     9     commissioner shall afford all interested persons an
    10     opportunity to comment in writing on the intended action.
    11     Written comments shall be submitted to the commissioner
    12     within the time established by the commissioner in the notice
    13     of intended action, which time shall not be less than 20
    14     calendar days from the date of notice.
    15         (2)  The commissioner shall give due consideration to all
    16     comments received. Within a reasonable period of time
    17     following submission of the comments pursuant to this
    18     subsection, the commissioner shall prepare for public
    19     distribution a report listing all parties who provided
    20     written submissions concerning the intended action,
    21     summarizing the content of the submissions and providing the
    22     commissioner's response to the data, views and arguments
    23     contained in the submissions. A copy of the report shall be
    24     filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau for publication
    25     in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.
    26     (e)  Final action.--The commissioner may adopt the intended
    27  action immediately following the expiration of the public
    28  comment period provided for in subsection (d) or the hearing
    29  provided for in subsection (c), whichever date is later. The
    30  final action adopted by the commissioner shall be submitted for
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     1  publication in the Pennsylvania Bulletin and shall be effective
     2  on the date of the submission or such later date as the
     3  commissioner may establish.
     4     (f)  Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be
     5  construed to prohibit the commissioner from adopting any rule or
     6  regulation pursuant to the act of July 31, 1968 (P.L.769,
     7  No.240), referred to as the Commonwealth Documents Law, or from
     8  taking any other action required or authorized by this act.
     9     (g)  Definition.--As used in this section, the term "action"
    10  includes, but is not limited to:
    11         (1)  The establishment and modification of health
    12     benefits plans.
    13         (2)  Procedures and standards for the:
    14             (i)  assessment of members and the apportionment
    15         thereof;
    16             (ii)  filing of policy forms;
    17             (iii)  making of rate filings;
    18             (iv)  evaluation of material submitted by carriers
    19         with respect to loss ratios; and
    20             (v)  establishment of refunds to policy or contract
    21         holders.
    22         (3)  The promulgation or modification of policy forms.
    23  The term shall not include the hearing and resolution of
    24  contested cases, personnel matters and applications for
    25  withdrawal or exemptions.
    26  Section 708.  Other insurance coverage not required.
    27     A carrier shall not require a small employer to purchase any
    28  other insurance coverage, including, but not limited to, life
    29  insurance, accident insurance or disability insurance, as a
    30  condition of or in conjunction with the purchase of a health
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     1  benefits plan under this act.
     2  Section 709.  Plans for selective contracting.
     3     (a)  General rule.--Notwithstanding any other law to the
     4  contrary, the commissioner is authorized to approve the
     5  establishment of an arrangement by an insurance company
     6  operating pursuant to the insurance laws of this Commonwealth
     7  and authorized to issue health benefits plans in this
     8  Commonwealth that is entered into on or after June 1, 2001, and
     9  which provides for selective contracting with health care
    10  providers and reasonable benefit differentials applicable to
    11  participating and nonparticipating health care providers.
    12     (b)  Approval by commissioner required.--The agreement for an
    13  arrangement shall be filed and approved by the commissioner
    14  before it becomes effective. The commissioner shall approve the
    15  agreement if he determines in consultation with the Secretary of
    16  Health that the arrangement promotes health care cost
    17  containment while adequately preserving quality of care. The
    18  commissioner may adopt regulations necessary to enforce and
    19  administer the arrangements.
    20                             CHAPTER 9
    21                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    22  Section 901.  Effective date.
    23     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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