See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1003



No. 870 Session of 2001

           MAY 11, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for the regulation of the location and construction of
     2     water wells, for licensing water-well contractors and for the
     3     collection of information on groundwater quality and
     4     quantity; conferring powers and duties on the Department of
     5     Environmental Protection; creating the Water-Well
     6     Construction Technical Advisory Committee; establishing the
     7     Water-Well Construction Fund; and imposing penalties.

     8                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     9  Section 1.  Short title.
    10  Section 2.  Legislative findings and declaration of purpose.
    11  Section 3.  Definitions.
    12  Section 4.  Power and duties of Environmental Quality Board.
    13  Section 5.  Power and duties of Department of Environmental
    14                 Protection.
    15  Section 6.  Certification board.
    16  Section 7.  Powers and duties of local agencies.
    17  Section 8.  Licensing of water-well contractors and permitting
    18                 of water-well rigs.
    19  Section 9.  Certification of water-well drillers.
    20  Section 10.  Water-well registration.

     1  Section 11.  Water quality analysis and well yield reports.
     2  Section 12.  Interim fees and requirements.
     3  Section 13.  Recordkeeping and reports.
     4  Section 14.  Water-Well Construction Technical Advisory
     5                 Committee.
     6  Section 15.  Penalties and remedies.
     7  Section 16.  Local agency hearings and appeals.
     8  Section 17.  Water-Well Construction Fund.
     9  Section 18.  Transfer of funds.
    10  Section 19.  Status of existing licenses and permits.
    11  Section 20.  Savings provision.
    12  Section 21.  Severability.
    13  Section 22.  Repeal.
    14  Section 23.  Applicability.
    15  Section 24.  Construction.
    16  Section 25.  Effective date.
    17     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    18  hereby enacts as follows:
    19  Section 1.  Short title.
    20     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Water-Well
    21  Construction Act.
    22  Section 2.  Legislative findings and declaration of purpose.
    23     (a)  Findings.--The General Assembly finds that a large
    24  portion of this Commonwealth's citizens rely on water wells for
    25  drinking water and that improperly constructed water wells can
    26  adversely affect public health and cause groundwater
    27  contamination.
    28     (b)  Purpose.--The purpose of this act is to:
    29         (1)  Protect public health and safety by establishing
    30     location and construction standards for water wells.
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     1         (2)  Establish a Statewide program to regulate water-well
     2     construction in a manner which will protect the groundwater
     3     resource for present and future use.
     4         (3)  Protect public health and safety and groundwater
     5     resources through the licensing of water-well contractors.
     6         (4)  Provide information on groundwater quantity and
     7     quality which will enhance the economic and efficient use of
     8     this Commonwealth's groundwater resources.
     9  Section 3.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Aquifer."  Any geologic material, including, but not limited
    14  to, sand, gravel or rock, below the land surface which has the
    15  capability to transmit water.
    16     "Board."  The Environmental Quality Board.
    17     "Casing penetration."  Any hole or slot that is bored, cut,
    18  ripped, burned or otherwise created through the wall of a well
    19  casing at any point below the land surface. This term includes,
    20  but is not limited to, any hole below the land surface that is
    21  necessary to install or operate any pumping or other equipment
    22  in the well.
    23     "Certification board."  The administrative board within the
    24  Department of Environmental Protection established in section 6.
    25     "Committee."  The Water-Well Construction Technical Advisory
    26  Committee.
    27     "Decommissioned" or "decommissioning."  In reference to a
    28  water well, this term means that the water well is no longer
    29  equipped in such a manner as to be able to draw groundwater.
    30  This term also refers to a well where the pump, piping or
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     1  electrical components have been disconnected or removed and then
     2  sealed in accordance with the decommissioning standards in the
     3  regulations promulgated under this act and which is released
     4  from liability under the act of June 22, 1937 (P.L.1987,
     5  No.394), known as The Clean Streams Law.
     6     "Department."  The Department of Environmental Protection of
     7  the Commonwealth.
     8     "Direct supervision."  Being observed and directed by a
     9  licensed water-well driller who is onsite.
    10     "Drinking water well."  Any water well which provides or is
    11  intended to provide water for human consumption if the well is
    12  not regulated under the act of May 1, 1984 (P.L.206, No.43),
    13  known as the Pennsylvania Safe Drinking Water Act.
    14     "Fund."  The Water-Well Construction Fund established in
    15  section 17.
    16     "Geothermal well."  Any borehole in the ground constructed
    17  for the purpose of extracting heat from or transferring heat to
    18  the ground or groundwater. This term does not include a trench
    19  necessary for installation of horizontal closed-loop heat
    20  transfer systems.
    21     "Groundwater."  Water that is either contained in or removed
    22  from an aquifer.
    23     "Immediate relative."  An individual's spouse, child, parent,
    24  sibling, niece, nephew, grandparent, uncle, aunt or first
    25  cousin, regardless of whether the relation is by consanguinity,
    26  affinity or adoption.
    27     "In service."  A water well that is being used to locate,
    28  monitor, withdraw or inject water from or into any aquifer or
    29  for the purpose of transferring heat to or from the ground or
    30  groundwater.
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     1     "Local agency."  A municipality or any combination of
     2  municipalities acting cooperatively or jointly under the laws of
     3  this Commonwealth, county health department or joint county
     4  health department.
     5     "Lot."  Any part of a subdivision or a parcel of land used as
     6  a building site or intended to be used for building purposes,
     7  whether immediate or future, which would not be further
     8  subdivided.
     9     "Out of service."  In reference to a water well, this term
    10  means that the water well is not being used to locate, monitor,
    11  withdraw or inject water from or into any aquifer or for the
    12  purpose of transferring heat to or from the ground or
    13  groundwater and that is to be a temporarily closed water well or
    14  that becomes a decommissioned water well.
    15     "Person."  An individual, partnership, association, company,
    16  corporation, municipal authority, political subdivision or
    17  agency of the Federal or State Government. The term includes the
    18  officers, employees and agents of any partnership, association,
    19  company, corporation, municipality, municipal authority,
    20  political subdivision or any agency of Federal or State
    21  Government.
    22     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Environmental Protection of
    23  the Commonwealth.
    24     "Temporarily closed" or "temporary closure."  In reference to
    25  a water well, this term means that the water well has been
    26  closed with a sanitary cap that is removable for future
    27  operational service where the pump, piping or electrical
    28  components have not been disconnected or removed in accordance
    29  with the temporary closure standards regulations promulgated
    30  under this act.
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     1     "Water well."  Any borehole in the ground made with the
     2  intent to locate, monitor, withdraw or inject water from or into
     3  any aquifer. The term includes geothermal wells. The term does
     4  not include:
     5         (1)  A borehole made for the purpose of mining,
     6     producing, extracting or injecting any gas, petroleum or
     7     other liquid related to oil or gas production or storage,
     8     including brine disposal.
     9         (2)  A ditch or other excavation such as an agricultural
    10     drain, road construction drain or culvert, curtain drain,
    11     tile drain or on-lot sewage disposal system that is within
    12     the soil profile and within 15 feet from the soil surface and
    13     that has as its purpose the diversion, storage or
    14     transmission of water.
    15     "Water-well alteration."  Any activity that physically
    16  modifies an existing water well. The term does not include
    17  opening or unsealing of the water well for the purposes of
    18  disinfecting the well, monitoring the groundwater level or the
    19  repair and replacement of the pump or pumping equipment.
    20     "Water-well construction."  Any activity undertaken for the
    21  purpose of creating, altering or decommissioning a water well.
    22  This term includes, but is not limited to:
    23         (1)  The drilling, digging, boring, jetting or other
    24     processes necessary to construct the hole in the ground.
    25         (2)  The installation and removal of well casings,
    26     screens, liners, packers, sealants, aggregates, plugs and
    27     other appurtenances inside the hole that are necessary to
    28     either construct or decommission a water well.
    29         (3)  The creation and sealing of any casing penetrations
    30     that are or will be located below the land surface following
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     1     construction of the well.
     2         (4)  Activities, including, but not limited to,
     3     hydrofracturing, surging, jetting and brushing that are
     4     undertaken on or inside a water well to modify or restore the
     5     yield.
     6  This term does not include the installation of pumps and pumping
     7  equipment.
     8     "Water-well construction permit."  A permit issued by a
     9  certified water-well enforcement officer stating that the water-
    10  well location and casing of a newly constructed water well meet
    11  the standards of this act and the regulations promulgated under
    12  this act.
    13     "Water-well contractor."  A person that has been issued a
    14  valid license by the Department of Environmental Protection to
    15  construct, decommission or alter water wells.
    16     "Water-well driller."  An individual who has been issued a
    17  valid water-well driller certificate by or under the authority
    18  of the Department of Environmental Protection.
    19     "Water-well enforcement officer."  An official of a local
    20  agency who:
    21         (1)  has been issued a valid water-well enforcement
    22     officer certificate by or under the authority of the
    23     Department of Environmental Protection;
    24         (2)  reviews permit applications and issues permits under
    25     this act; and
    26         (3)  conducts the investigations and inspections
    27     necessary to implement this act and regulations under this
    28     act.
    29     "Water-well rig."  The principal drilling or excavation
    30  equipment used in the construction, alteration or
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     1  decommissioning of a water well.
     2     "Well yield."  The quantity of water per unit of time which
     3  may flow or be pumped from a drinking water well under specified
     4  conditions.
     5  Section 4.  Power and duties of Environmental Quality Board.
     6     (a)  Regulations.--The board shall have the power and its
     7  duty shall be to adopt rules and regulations as it deems
     8  necessary for the implementation of this act. The rules and
     9  regulations shall include, but not be limited to:
    10         (1)  Standards for the location, construction,
    11     inspection, alteration and temporary closure or
    12     decommissioning of water wells, provided that:
    13             (i)  Any minimum distance requirement between an
    14         existing on-lot sewage disposal system component
    15         specified in the regulations under this act or in the act
    16         of January 24, 1966 (1965 P.L.1535, No.537), known as the
    17         Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act, or the regulations
    18         promulgated thereunder, and a proposed water well on the
    19         same lot shall not be applicable if the local agency
    20         finds, after reviewing appropriate groundwater studies
    21         submitted by an applicant, the new distance between the
    22         proposed water well and on-lot sewage disposal system
    23         component will not pose a threat of pollution to the
    24         water well.
    25             (ii)  Minimum distances between a proposed water well
    26         on the applicant's lot and any on-lot sewage disposal
    27         system component on any other lot must satisfy the
    28         specifications set forth in the regulations under this
    29         act.
    30             (iii)  No regulation may be promulgated to require
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     1         decommissioning of a water well in which initial
     2         construction activity was commenced prior to the
     3         effective date of the initial regulations promulgated
     4         under this act.
     5         (2)  Requirements and procedures for determining and
     6     reporting on water quality and well yield for drinking water
     7     wells.
     8         (3)  Criteria for licensing and review of water-well
     9     contractors and registration of water-well rigs.
    10         (4)  Criteria for the certification and review of water-
    11     well drillers and water-well enforcement officers.
    12         (5)  Water-well registration and reporting requirements.
    13         (6)  Criteria for the programs administered by local
    14     agencies under section 7, including criteria for issuing
    15     water-well construction permits.
    16     (b)  Fees.--The board shall establish fees for water-well
    17  registrations, water-well contractor license applications,
    18  water-well rig permits, water-well driller certification and
    19  water-well enforcement officer certification. Fees shall bear a
    20  reasonable relationship to the cost of administering this act.
    21  Section 5.  Power and duties of Department of Environmental
    22                 Protection.
    23     The department shall have the power and its duty shall be to:
    24         (1)  Administer the water-well programs established under
    25     this act.
    26         (2)  Cooperate with local agencies and appropriate
    27     Federal, State and interstate units of government and with
    28     appropriate private organizations in carrying out its duties
    29     under this act.
    30         (3)  Establish procedures, forms and an appeal process
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     1     for the submission, review, approval, denial, modification,
     2     suspension, revocation, reinstatement and rejection of any
     3     water-well contractor license, water-well rig permit, water-
     4     well enforcement officer certification or water-well driller
     5     certification.
     6         (4)  Establish procedures and formats for the water-well
     7     registration and water-well certification reports required by
     8     this act.
     9         (5)  Require water-well contractors to submit geological
    10     and groundwater data and any other papers, books and records
    11     to the department for the purposes set forth in this act.
    12         (6)  Establish programs for educating the public about
    13     groundwater resources, the construction and operation of
    14     their water supply systems and the regulatory program enacted
    15     by this act.
    16         (7)  Cooperate with the organizations that represent
    17     water-well drillers, water-well enforcement officers and
    18     businesses engaged in well-drilling activities and to assist
    19     these organizations in the development of training curricula
    20     that address the knowledge base, minimum skills and technical
    21     aspects which will be the subject of the department's
    22     certification examinations.
    23         (8)  Prescribe or establish minimum continuing education
    24     requirements, such as the number of training hours, provided
    25     that renewal of certification shall not be contingent upon
    26     passage of the initial certification examination.
    27         (9)  Review the performance of local agencies in the
    28     administration of this act.
    29         (10)  Order a local agency to take actions deemed by the
    30     department as necessary to effectively administer this act in
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     1     conformance with the rules and regulations of the department.
     2         (11)  Make inspections and require the submission of
     3     papers, books and records by local agencies for the purposes
     4     set forth in this act.
     5         (12)  Make available all water-well registration reports,
     6     water-well certification reports, water-well decommissioning
     7     reports and other reports related to well construction or
     8     decommissioning, to the Bureau of Topographic and Geologic
     9     Survey in the Department of Conservation and Natural
    10     Resources. These reports, facsimiles of these reports or
    11     access to the information contained in these reports shall be
    12     provided in a timely manner and in an electronic format such
    13     as a computer data base.
    14  Section 6.  Certification board.
    15     (a)  Establishment.--
    16         (1)  There is hereby created within the department a
    17     State Board for Certification of Water-Well Enforcement
    18     Officers, Water-Well Drillers and Water-Well Contractors.
    19         (2)  The certification board shall consist of five
    20     members to be appointed by the secretary. One member shall be
    21     a representative of local government; one member shall be a
    22     water-well enforcement officer certified under the provisions
    23     of this act; one member shall be a practicing registered
    24     professional geologist; one member shall be a water-well
    25     driller certified or licensed under the provisions of this
    26     act; and one shall be a water-well contractor certified or
    27     licensed under the provisions of this act.
    28         (3)  Nominees shall be submitted to the secretary by the
    29     Water-Well Construction Technical Advisory Committee which
    30     shall designate a minimum of two nominees for each position.
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     1         (4)  Each appointment shall be for a period of four
     2     years.
     3         (5)  Until such time that a licensing and certification
     4     procedure is in place, the requirement that members of the
     5     board be certified or licensed shall not apply.
     6         (6)  The secretary may reappoint certification board
     7     members for one successive term. If vacancies occur prior to
     8     completion of a term, the secretary shall appoint another
     9     member in accordance with this section to fill the unexpired
    10     term. No individual shall serve more than eight consecutive
    11     years.
    12         (7)  No member of this committee may also be a member or
    13     alternate of the Water-Well Construction Technical Advisory
    14     Committee.
    15     (b)  Meetings.--
    16         (1)  Within 180 days of the effective date of this act,
    17     the secretary, or his representative, shall call the first
    18     meeting of the certification board. At the initial meeting
    19     the board shall elect a chairperson. Thereafter, the chairman
    20     shall be elected annually.
    21         (2)  The board shall meet at least twice annually and
    22     other meetings may be called by the chairman as needed to
    23     conduct the business of the board. Three members of the board
    24     shall constitute a quorum.
    25         (3)  The members of the board shall receive no
    26     compensation for their services but shall be reimbursed for
    27     actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of
    28     their duties.
    29     (c)  Powers and duties.--The certification board shall have
    30  the power and its duty shall be, in accordance with the rules
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     1  and regulations of the department, to:
     2         (1)  Review and approve or deny applications for
     3     certification of water-well enforcement officers and water-
     4     well drillers within 30 days of the receipt of the test
     5     results from the testing contractor. If the board does not
     6     meet within this time period, the applicants who have
     7     achieved the necessary passing score on the certification
     8     examination and who are not in violation or restrained by any
     9     department regulation from certification shall be deemed to
    10     be certified.
    11         (2)  Administer such examinations as prepared by the
    12     department, as may be deemed necessary to determine the
    13     qualification of candidates for certification. Such
    14     examinations shall be held no less than four times in each
    15     calendar year. The board shall determine and shall announce,
    16     in sufficient time, the location and time for such
    17     examinations except that the board shall allow the department
    18     to schedule special walk-in examinations when a local agency
    19     demonstrates an immediate need to obtain a water-well
    20     enforcement officer. During the first year after the
    21     effective date of this act, no fees shall be charged for the
    22     examinations. During the second and subsequent years, the
    23     board may collect a fee of $10 from each applicant for
    24     certification.
    25         (3)  Hold hearings and issue adjudications under the
    26     provisions of 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice
    27     and procedure of Commonwealth agencies) on any revocation,
    28     suspension or reinstatement of certification by the
    29     department, provided, that the filing of an appeal with the
    30     board shall not operate as an automatic supersedeas of the
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     1     action of the department. Actions of the department may be
     2     appealed to the Environmental Hearing Board.
     3         (4)  Compile and keep current a register showing the
     4     names and addresses of water-well enforcement officers,
     5     water-well drillers and water-well contractors. Copies of
     6     this register shall be furnished on request upon payment of
     7     such reasonable fees as the department shall establish.
     8  Section 7.  Powers and duties of local agencies.
     9     (a)  General rule.--County or joint county departments of
    10  health shall administer this act in the territorial area subject
    11  to their jurisdiction. In all other areas this act shall be
    12  administered by each municipality unless the municipality has
    13  transferred or delegated the administration of this act to
    14  another local agency or is cooperating in the administration, in
    15  conformance with 53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 23 Subch. A (relating to
    16  intergovernmental cooperation), and the other local agency has
    17  accepted administration of this act. No local agency shall
    18  voluntarily surrender administration of the provisions of this
    19  act except to another local agency pursuant to this section.
    20     (b)  Specific powers and duties.--Each local agency, county
    21  or joint county department of health, in addition to the powers
    22  and duties conferred upon it by existing law, shall have the
    23  power and the duty:
    24         (1)  To employ or contract with an adequate number of
    25     water-well enforcement officers to adequately perform the
    26     services required of water-well enforcement officers within
    27     the time periods set forth in this act and in accordance with
    28     the rules and regulations of the department. No person shall
    29     be employed or contracted as a water-well enforcement officer
    30     unless the person has been certified by the department
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     1     pursuant to standards set by the Environmental Quality Board.
     2     No individual shall be employed or contracted as a water-well
     3     enforcement officer to administer the provisions of this act
     4     with respect to a water well for which the individual or an
     5     immediate relative was or is the contractor or with respect
     6     to a water well, or the property or structure which the water
     7     well is intended to serve, in which the individual or an
     8     immediate relative has a financial interest. In such a case,
     9     the local agency's alternate water-well enforcement officer
    10     shall administer the provisions of this act with respect to
    11     the particular water well.
    12         (2)  To have at least one alternate water-well
    13     enforcement officer as authorized by the local agency to work
    14     in the municipality or municipalities of the local agency.
    15         (3)  To employ or contract with other technical and
    16     administrative personnel necessary to support the activities
    17     of the water-well enforcement officer and the local agency.
    18         (4)  To adopt by resolution a list of individuals who are
    19     water-well enforcement officers employed by the local agency
    20     or by companies or corporations under contract with the local
    21     agency to perform the services of water-well enforcement
    22     officers.
    23         (5)  To set rates of compensation, maintain offices,
    24     establish personnel policies and establish administrative
    25     rules or policies and to purchase necessary equipment and
    26     supplies.
    27         (6)  To set and collect fees necessary to support the
    28     administrative and personnel costs of implementing the
    29     requirements of this act. When engineering or consulting
    30     services are required by the local agency to complete their
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     1     review of a permit application, the application or review
     2     fees charged for such services shall be reasonable and in
     3     accordance with the ordinary and customary charges by the
     4     engineer or consultant for similar service in the community,
     5     and in no event shall the fees exceed the rate or cost
     6     charged by the engineer or consultant to the local agency
     7     when fees are not reimbursed by or otherwise imposed on
     8     applicants.
     9         (7)  To make or cause to be made such inspections and
    10     tests as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this
    11     act, and the local agency's authorized representatives shall
    12     have the right to enter upon lands for said purpose.
    13         (8)  To proceed to restrain violations of this act and
    14     the rules and regulations promulgated under this act.
    15         (9)  To submit such reports and data to the department as
    16     the department may by its rules and regulations or by order
    17     require.
    18         (10)  To adopt and maintain standards and procedures for
    19     applications and permits identical to those of the
    20     department. Any other rules or regulations which the local
    21     agency deems necessary in order to administer and enforce
    22     this act may only be adopted if they are consistent with this
    23     act and the rules and regulations promulgated under this act.
    24         (11)  To make such inspections of and to verify
    25     measurements made by applicants on public or private
    26     properties which are determined by the local agency's
    27     authorized representative to have natural or manmade features
    28     from which specific isolation distances are required prior to
    29     the approval of water-well construction permits. The local
    30     agency's authorized representative shall have the right to
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     1     enter upon lands for these purposes.
     2     (c)  Limitations.--
     3         (1)  No municipality, local agency or water-well
     4     enforcement officer may, orally or in writing, suggest,
     5     recommend or require the use of any individual or firm
     6     providing services which may be required or are subject to
     7     review pursuant to this act or the regulations hereunder.
     8         (2)  The following shall apply:
     9             (i)  Except as set forth in subparagraph (ii), no
    10         water-well enforcement officer shall perform any
    11         consulting or design work or related services required or
    12         regulated under this act within the municipality or local
    13         agency by which the officer is employed or with which the
    14         officer has a contractual relationship.
    15             (ii)  Subparagraph (i) shall not apply if:
    16                 (A)  the work is for a water well which will
    17             serve the residence of the water-well enforcement
    18             officer or an immediate relative;
    19                 (B)  the undertaking of the work is approved in
    20             advance by the local agency and the department; and
    21                 (C)  the work is permitted and inspected by an
    22             alternate well-water officer.
    23         (3)  No water-well enforcement officer may issue a permit
    24     or participate in the official processing of an application
    25     for a water-well permit in which the water-well enforcement
    26     officer, an immediate relative of the water-well enforcement
    27     officer, a business associate of the water-well enforcement
    28     officer or an employer of the water-well enforcement officer,
    29     other than the local agency, has a financial interest.
    30     (d)  Existing municipal ordinances.--
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     1         (1)  Provisions of municipal water-well construction
     2     ordinances in effect on the effective date of the regulations
     3     promulgated under this act that do not at least equal the
     4     minimum requirements of the regulations promulgated under
     5     this act shall be amended to provide for the minimum
     6     requirements.
     7         (2)  Provisions of municipal water-well construction
     8     ordinances in effect on the effective date of the regulations
     9     promulgated under this act that equal or exceed the minimum
    10     requirements of the regulations promulgated under this act
    11     shall remain in effect until such time as they no longer
    12     equal or exceed the minimum requirements of the regulations
    13     adopted under this act.
    14     (e)  Review of ordinances by department.--After the effective
    15  date of the regulations promulgated under this act, the
    16  department shall review any municipal water-well construction
    17  ordinance proposing to exceed the minimum requirements of this
    18  act based on the following standards:
    19         (1)  That certain clear and convincing local, geologic,
    20     topographic or public health and safety circumstances or
    21     conditions justify the more stringent provision.
    22         (2)  That the more stringent provision shall be adequate
    23     for the purpose intended and shall meet a standard of
    24     performance equal to or greater than that prescribed by this
    25     act.
    26         (3)  That the more stringent provision would not diminish
    27     or threaten the health, safety and welfare of the public.
    28         (4)  That the more stringent provision shall be generally
    29     consistent with the legislative findings and purpose
    30     described in section 2.
    20010S0870B1003                 - 18 -

     1     (f)  Reimbursement.--Expenses for activities under this
     2  section shall be deemed eligible for reimbursement under section
     3  6(b)(1) of the act of January 24, 1966 (1965 P.L.1535, No.537),
     4  known as the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act.
     5  Section 8.  Licensing of water-well contractors and permitting
     6                 of water-well rigs.
     7     (a)  License requirement.--It shall be a violation of this
     8  act for any person to undertake the construction, alteration or
     9  decommissioning of a water well unless it is under the authority
    10  of a valid water-well contractor license. All water-well
    11  contractors shall register annually with the department. The
    12  contractor shall insure that certified water-well drillers are
    13  responsible for the construction, alteration and decommissioning
    14  of all water wells for which the contractor has been retained.
    15  The contractor shall also obtain a yearly permit for all water-
    16  well rigs employed in the construction, alteration or
    17  decommissioning of water wells.
    18     (b)  Application.--An application for a license shall be in
    19  writing on forms provided by the department and shall be
    20  accompanied by the water-well contractor license fee and water-
    21  well rig registration fee, if applicable, as established under
    22  section 12, or as set by regulation of the board. The
    23  application shall contain a statement showing:
    24         (1)  The name of the applicant.
    25         (2)  The business address of the applicant.
    26         (3)  The registration of all water-well rigs that will be
    27     used during the license year.
    28         (4)  Any additional information the department may
    29     require.
    30     (c)  Requirements for licensee.--Until such time as the board
    20010S0870B1003                 - 19 -

     1  adopts regulations on licensee qualifications, the department
     2  may issue and renew licenses and rig registrations based on
     3  satisfaction of the requirements contained in subsection (b). In
     4  accordance with regulations promulgated under this act, the
     5  applicant for a license shall meet all the following
     6  requirements:
     7         (1)  Demonstrate to the department that the applicant and
     8     the applicant's agents and employees are qualified to
     9     practice water-well construction, alteration and
    10     decommissioning.
    11         (2)  File with the department evidence of financial
    12     responsibility, which shall include, but not be limited to, a
    13     commercial liability insurance policy or self-insurance in an
    14     amount to be prescribed by rules and regulations promulgated
    15     under this act.
    16         (3)  Pay the annual license fees.
    17         (4)  Register with the department any water-well rig to
    18     be operated during the license year and pay a registration
    19     fee for each water-well rig registered. The department shall
    20     issue one water-well rig placard with the water-well
    21     contractor license number for each water-well rig registered.
    22     The water-well contractor shall post such placards on each
    23     rig registered under his license.
    24         (5)  Provide any other information the department deems
    25     necessary.
    26     (d)  Regulations.--The board shall adopt such regulations to
    27  provide proof of a licensee's qualifications and to provide for
    28  proof of financial responsibility of licensees as is necessary
    29  to insure compliance with this act.
    30     (e)  Renewal.--Any license issued under this section is not
    20010S0870B1003                 - 20 -

     1  transferable and must be renewed annually. The board by
     2  regulation may require individuals licensed under this section
     3  to attend continuing education programs as a prerequisite for
     4  the renewal of a license.
     5     (f)  Duplicates.--The department may issue a duplicate
     6  license or rig registration to replace a lost or destroyed
     7  license or registration.
     8     (g)  Suspension or revocation.--Whenever the department
     9  determines that the holder of a license issued pursuant to this
    10  section has violated any provision of this act, any rule or
    11  regulation adopted under this act, any order of the department
    12  or any condition of any license issued under this act, the
    13  department may suspend or revoke that license.
    14     (h)  Limitation on reissuance.--The department may not issue
    15  a new license to a water-well contractor within one year after
    16  revocation of the contractor's previous license.
    17     (i)  Reciprocal licensing.--The department, upon application
    18  for the license and payment of the fees required by the
    19  department, shall issue a water-well contractor license to a
    20  person who holds a similar license in any state, territory or
    21  possession of the United States, or in any foreign country, if
    22  the requirements for licensing of a water-well contractor under
    23  which the license was issued are of a standard not lower than
    24  those specified by the provisions of this act and the rules and
    25  regulations promulgated under this act. The provisions of this
    26  subsection shall apply to those states and territories that
    27  provide similar provisions to water-well contractors of this
    28  Commonwealth.
    29     (j)  Equivalency.--On an annual basis, the board will
    30  identify states where a license and a water-well drillers
    20010S0870B1003                 - 21 -

     1  certification are equivalent to the Commonwealth's standards. In
     2  such cases, Commonwealth licensure or certification shall be
     3  granted.
     4  Section 9.  Certification of water-well drillers.
     5     (a)  General rule.--Except as provided in subsections (b) and
     6  (c), it shall be a violation of this act for any individual to
     7  construct, decommission or alter a water well without first
     8  obtaining, through processes approved by the department, a
     9  water-well driller certificate.
    10     (b)  Exemption.--Any individual operating under the direct
    11  supervision of a certified water-well driller is exempt from the
    12  requirements of subsection (a).
    13     (c)  Direct supervision.--Only one water-well construction,
    14  alteration or decommissioning operation can be directly
    15  supervised by a licensed water-well driller at any given time
    16  unless all of the water-well construction, alteration or
    17  decommissioning operations being supervised simultaneously are
    18  being done for the same client, on the same site and under the
    19  same contract with that client.
    20     (d)  Interim certification.--Until such time as the board
    21  promulgates regulations regarding the certification requirements
    22  for water-well drillers, the department shall issue interim
    23  certificates to individuals that provide the department with the
    24  following information:
    25         (1)  The name of the applicant.
    26         (2)  The business address of the applicant.
    27         (3)  The affiliation with any water-well contractor.
    28         (4)  Any additional information the department may
    29     require.
    30  Section 10.  Water-well registration.
    20010S0870B1003                 - 22 -

     1     (a)  Registration identification number.--In advance of
     2  constructing or altering any water well and upon the payment of
     3  the registration fee established by section 12 or as may be
     4  required by regulation of the board, the water-well contractor
     5  shall obtain from the department a water-well registration
     6  identification number, in the form of a tag, label or other
     7  device, which shall be permanently affixed to the water well
     8  upon completion of the work and in a manner specified by the
     9  department.
    10     (b)  Registration required.--
    11         (1)  The information required to register newly
    12     constructed or altered water wells shall be provided by the
    13     water-well contractor and be on a form prescribed by the
    14     department. The required information shall at a minimum
    15     include:
    16             (i)  the water-well registration identification
    17         number;
    18             (ii)  the name of the water-well owner;
    19             (iii)  the address of the property owner on which the
    20         water well is located;
    21             (iv)  the name and license number of the water-well
    22         contractor responsible for the work;
    23             (v)  the name, certification number and signature of
    24         the water-well driller that supervised the work;
    25             (vi)  the exact geographic location of the water
    26         well;
    27             (vii)  a log of the water well containing a
    28         description of materials penetrated;
    29             (viii)  the size, depth, diameters and lengths of the
    30         boring, the casings and the screen installed;
    20010S0870B1003                 - 23 -

     1             (ix)  the static water level, pumping water level and
     2         pumping rate; and
     3             (x)  any other information the department deems
     4         necessary.
     5     The water quality analysis and well yield reports, as
     6     required by section 11, shall be submitted to the department
     7     at the time of registration of each drinking water well.
     8         (2)  The information required to register decommissioned
     9     water wells shall be provided by the water-well contractor
    10     and be on a form prescribed by the department. The required
    11     information shall at a minimum include:
    12             (i)  the water-well registration identification
    13         number, if one was previously issued for the water well;
    14             (ii)  the date of decommissioning;
    15             (iii)  the type of closure performed;
    16             (iv)  the name and license number of the water-well
    17         contractor responsible for the decommissioning;
    18             (v)  the name, certification number and signature of
    19         the water-well driller that supervised the
    20         decommissioning;
    21             (vi)  the exact geographic location of the water
    22         well;
    23             (vii)  the materials used; and
    24             (viii)  any other information the department deems
    25         necessary.
    26     The water-well contractor shall return the water-well
    27     registration tag to the department whenever a water well with
    28     a registration tag is decommissioned. The water-well
    29     contractor shall not be required to obtain a registration
    30     identification number or pay a fee in connection with the
    20010S0870B1003                 - 24 -

     1     decommissioning of any water well.
     2     (c)  Certification by water-well contractor.--Within 30 days
     3  of completing the construction, alteration or decommissioning of
     4  a water well, the water-well contractor performing the work
     5  shall provide written certification to the owner of the water
     6  well that the work was performed in accordance with this act and
     7  with all applicable standards, rules and regulations. This
     8  certification shall be accomplished on a form prescribed by the
     9  department containing the information required by this
    10  subsection or as may be established by regulation of the board.
    11     (d)  Duty to notify local agency and department.--A licensed
    12  driller shall notify the local agency and the department within
    13  30 days of any action to temporarily close or decommission a
    14  water well.
    15  Section 11.  Water quality analysis and well yield reports.
    16     (a)  Water quality analysis report.--The water-well
    17  contractor shall collect and submit to the department and the
    18  owner of the drinking water well a water quality analysis
    19  report. The report shall be based on a water sample obtained
    20  from the drinking water well according to the procedures
    21  established by the board under section 4.
    22     (b)  Content.--The report shall include water quality
    23  analyses performed by a laboratory certified under the act of
    24  May 1, 1984 (P.L.206, No.43), known as the Pennsylvania Safe
    25  Drinking Water Act, of the contaminants specified by regulation
    26  and any other substances which the drinking water-well owner may
    27  request.
    28     (c)  Water quality information.--The department shall develop
    29  water quality information which shall include, but not be
    30  limited to, water quality standards, potential effects on human
    20010S0870B1003                 - 25 -

     1  health and safety relative to the tested substances, available
     2  water treatment technologies and associated costs. The
     3  information shall be provided to all certified laboratories and
     4  water-well contractors who shall provide this information to the
     5  owner of the drinking water well.
     6     (d)  Notice to well users.--Where the owner of a drinking
     7  water well is not the sole user of the water from a drinking
     8  water well, the owner shall, within 48 hours of receipt of the
     9  water quality analysis report, notify all other users of the
    10  results of the water quality analysis. The notice shall be given
    11  by mail or by conspicuous posting at the place of use in a
    12  location where it will be seen by users.
    13     (e)  Well yield report.--In accordance with regulations
    14  adopted by the board, the water-well contractor shall submit to
    15  the department and drinking water-well owner a well yield
    16  report. The well yield report must be based on testing of the
    17  drinking water well according to the procedures established by
    18  the board under section 4.
    19  Section 12.  Interim fees and requirements.
    20     (a)  Water-well registration fee.--Until alternative fees are
    21  established by the board by regulation, a registration fee of
    22  $35 for each water well constructed or altered after the
    23  effective date of this act shall be paid by the well contractor
    24  to the department. Each well contractor shall register with the
    25  department each water well by completing and submitting the form
    26  provided by the department, including the registration fee
    27  prescribed by the department, for each water well in accordance
    28  with section 11.
    29     (b)  Water-well contractor license fee.--Until alternative
    30  annual license fees are established by the board by regulation,
    20010S0870B1003                 - 26 -

     1  an annual license fee of $80 shall be paid to the department by
     2  any person prior to constructing or altering a water well. Each
     3  water-well contractor shall apply to the department by
     4  completing and submitting the application form provided by the
     5  department, including the license fee, in accordance with
     6  section 8.
     7     (c)  Water-well rig registration fee.--Until alternative
     8  annual fees are established by the board by regulation, an
     9  annual water-well rig registration fee $30 shall be paid to the
    10  department by the water-well contractor for each water-well rig
    11  which is to be owned or operated during the registration year.
    12  Each water-well contractor shall register each water-well rig
    13  with the department by completing and submitting the form
    14  provided by the department, including the registration fee, in
    15  accordance with section 8.
    16     (d)  Water-well drillers certification fee.--Until
    17  alternative annual fees are established by the board by
    18  regulation, an annual water-well driller certification fee of
    19  $20 shall be paid to the department by each individual water-
    20  well driller.
    21     (e)  Use of registration fees.--All fees collected by the
    22  department shall be deposited in the Water-Well Construction
    23  Fund established under section 17.
    24  Section 13.  Recordkeeping and reports.
    25     The department may require any water-well contractor to
    26  establish and maintain such records and make such reports and
    27  furnish such data as the department deems necessary to
    28  demonstrate that the water-well contractor is complying with
    29  this act and the rules and regulations promulgated under this
    30  act. A copy of the written certification required by section
    20010S0870B1003                 - 27 -

     1  11(d) shall be kept for ten years by the water-well contractor.
     2  Section 14.  Water-Well Construction Technical Advisory
     3                 Committee.
     4     (a)  Establishment and composition.--
     5         (1)  There is hereby established the Water-Well
     6     Construction Technical Advisory Committee. The committee
     7     shall consist of 20 members, all of whom shall be appointed
     8     by the secretary within three months of the effective date of
     9     this act and all of whom must be residents of this
    10     Commonwealth with five years of experience in this
    11     Commonwealth in their respective fields. In addition, one
    12     alternate member shall be appointed for each member. The
    13     alternate member shall take the place of the respective
    14     member whenever that member is unable to attend an official
    15     meeting. The committee shall encourage alternate members to
    16     attend all meetings even when not taking the place of the
    17     member.
    18         (2)  The committee shall be composed of the following
    19     members:
    20             (i)  Four members shall be water-well contractors
    21         recommended from the membership of the Pennsylvania
    22         Ground Water Association, at least one shall be a cable
    23         tool driller and at least one shall be a rotary driller.
    24             (ii)  Two geologists with expertise in hydrogeology
    25         shall be recommended from the membership of the
    26         Pennsylvania Council of Professional Geologists and
    27         licensed under the act of May 23, 1945 (P.L.913, No.367),
    28         known as the Engineer, Land Surveyor and Geologist
    29         Registration Law.
    30             (iii)  One member shall be a public health official,
    20010S0870B1003                 - 28 -

     1         chosen from a list of at least four names submitted by
     2         the department's Citizens Advisory Council to the
     3         secretary.
     4             (iv)  Three members shall be water-well owners,
     5         chosen from a list of six names submitted by the
     6         department's Citizens Advisory Council to the secretary.
     7             (v)  One member representing Pennsylvania townships
     8         of the first class shall be recommended from the
     9         membership of the Pennsylvania State Association of
    10         Township Commissioners.
    11             (vi)  One member representing Pennsylvania townships
    12         of the second class shall be recommended from the
    13         membership of the Pennsylvania State Association of
    14         Township Supervisors.
    15             (vii)  One member representing Pennsylvania boroughs
    16         shall be recommended from the membership of the
    17         Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs.
    18             (viii)  One member representing Pennsylvania cities
    19         shall be recommended from the membership of the
    20         Pennsylvania League of Cities and Municipalities.
    21             (ix)  One member representing Pennsylvania counties
    22         shall be recommended from the membership of the County
    23         Commissioners Association of Pennsylvania.
    24             (x)  One member representing the home building
    25         industry shall be recommended from the membership of
    26         Pennsylvania Home Builders Association.
    27             (xi)  Two members representing agriculture shall be
    28         recommended from the membership of the Pennsylvania Farm
    29         Bureau.
    30             (xii)  One member representing sewage enforcement
    20010S0870B1003                 - 29 -

     1         officers shall be recommended from the membership of the
     2         Pennsylvania Association of Sewage Enforcement Officers.
     3             (xiii)  One member representing county health
     4         departments with a water-well ordinance in effect upon
     5         the effective date of this act.
     6     (b)  Expenses.--Committee members shall not receive a salary
     7  but shall be reimbursed for all necessary expenses incurred in
     8  the performance of their duties. An alternate may not be
     9  reimbursed unless serving in place of the appointed member.
    10     (c)  Meetings, chairperson, etc.--All actions of the
    11  committee shall be by majority vote of the members assembled if
    12  a quorum is present. A quorum shall be considered as being one
    13  more than 50% of the total membership. The committee shall meet
    14  upon the call of the secretary, but not less than semiannually,
    15  to carry out its duties under this act. The committee shall
    16  select a chairperson and other officers and establish bylaws as
    17  it deems appropriate. The department shall provide clerical and
    18  technical support as the committee may reasonably require.
    19     (d)  Regulations.--The department shall consult with the
    20  committee in the formulation, drafting and presentation stages
    21  of all regulations promulgated under this act. The committee
    22  shall be given a reasonable opportunity to review and comment on
    23  all regulations prior to their submission to the board for
    24  initial consideration. The written comments of the committee
    25  shall be presented to the board with any regulatory proposal.
    26  Section 15.  Penalties and remedies.
    27     (a)  Summary offense.--
    28         (1)  A person who violates any provision of this act, any
    29     regulation of the department, any order of the department, or
    30     any term or condition of a well registration or license of
    20010S0870B1003                 - 30 -

     1     the department issued under this act, or who resists or
     2     interferes with an officer, agent or employee of the
     3     department in the performance of his duties commits a summary
     4     offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a
     5     fine of not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 and costs for
     6     each separate offense or, in default of payment thereof,
     7     shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a period of not more
     8     than 30 days.
     9         (2)  For purposes of this subsection, a summary offense
    10     may be prosecuted before the district justice with
    11     jurisdiction over the area where the offense occurred.
    12         (3)  Employees of the department authorized to conduct
    13     inspections or investigations are hereby declared to be law
    14     enforcement officers authorized to issue or file citations
    15     for summary violations under this act and the General Counsel
    16     is hereby authorized to prosecute these offenses.
    17     (b)  Equitable relief.--The department may apply to the
    18  Commonwealth Court or to a court of common pleas having
    19  jurisdiction for preliminary, special or final injunction to
    20  restrain or prevent violations of this act or to compel
    21  compliance with this act or any rule, regulation, order, license
    22  or registration issued under this act.
    23     (c)  Civil penalties.--
    24         (1)  In addition to proceeding under any other remedy
    25     available at law or in equity for a violation of any
    26     provision of this act, any rule or regulation of the
    27     department or order of the department, or any term or
    28     condition of any well registration or license issued under
    29     this act, the department may assess a civil penalty upon a
    30     person for such violation. The maximum civil penalty which
    20010S0870B1003                 - 31 -

     1     may be assessed under this subsection shall be $1,000 per day
     2     for each violation. The penalty may be assessed whether the
     3     violation was willful or negligent.
     4         (2)  When the department assesses a civil penalty, it
     5     shall inform the person of the amount of the penalty. The
     6     person charged with the penalty shall then have 30 days to
     7     pay the penalty in full or, if the person wishes to contest
     8     either the amount of the penalty or the fact of the
     9     violation, the person shall, within the 30-day period, file
    10     an appeal of the action with the Environmental Hearing Board.
    11     Failure to appeal within 30 days shall result in a waiver of
    12     all legal rights to contest the violation or the amount of
    13     the penalty.
    14     (d)  Remedies cumulative.--The penalties and remedies
    15  prescribed by this act shall be deemed cumulative, and the
    16  existence of or exercise of any remedy shall not prevent the
    17  department from exercising any other remedy under this act, at
    18  law or in equity.
    19     (e)  Separate offense.--Violations on separate days shall
    20  constitute separate offenses.
    21  Section 16.  Local agency hearings and appeals.
    22     (a)  Right to hearing.--Any person aggrieved by an action of
    23  a local agency or water-well enforcement officer in granting or
    24  denying a permit, issuing an order or other actions taken under
    25  this act shall have the right within 30 days after receipt of
    26  notice of the action to request a hearing before the local
    27  agency.
    28     (b)  Revocation of permits.--
    29         (1)  Revocation of permits shall occur only after:
    30             (i)  notice and opportunity for hearing have been
    20010S0870B1003                 - 32 -

     1         given to the permittee; and
     2             (ii)  the opportunity to appeal is exhausted.
     3         (2)  If work has not been commenced on a property for
     4     which a water-well construction permit has been issued and
     5     for which the permittee has received notice of a permit
     6     revocation, the permittee may not commence work on the water
     7     well and the permit shall be suspended until the applicant
     8     has requested a hearing under subsection (a), the hearing has
     9     been conducted and a decision announced or the time for such
    10     request has expired. If the time has expired and no hearing
    11     request has been received by the local agency, the revocation
    12     shall be final.
    13         (3)  If work has commenced on a property for which a
    14     water well construction permit has been issued and for which
    15     the permittee has received notice of a permit revocation, the
    16     permittee shall cease work on the water well except such work
    17     as may be needed to secure the water well to prevent
    18     contamination of the groundwater or prevent a safety hazard.
    19     The permit shall be suspended until the permittee has
    20     requested a hearing under subsection (a), the hearing has
    21     been conducted and a decision announced or until the time for
    22     such request has expired. If the time has expired and no
    23     hearing request has been received by the local agency, the
    24     revocation shall be final.
    25     (c)  Hearings.--Hearings under subsections (a) and (b) shall
    26  be conducted pursuant to 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. B (relating to
    27  practice and procedure of local agencies).
    28     (d)  Appeals.--
    29         (1)  Any subsequent appeal shall be to the court of
    30     common pleas of the county where the land to which the permit
    20010S0870B1003                 - 33 -

     1     pertains is located. The Attorney General shall be notified
     2     in writing by the appellant of any appeal challenging the
     3     constitutionality of any provision of this act or the
     4     validity of any rule or regulation promulgated under this
     5     act.
     6         (2)  Any order, permit or decision of the department
     7     under this act, except as otherwise provided by sections 5
     8     and 6(c), shall be taken, subject to the right of notice and
     9     appeal to the Environmental Hearing Board, pursuant to
    10     section 1921-A of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175),
    11     known as The Administrative Code of 1929 and 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5
    12     Subch. A (relating to practice and procedure of Commonwealth
    13     agencies).
    14  Section 17.  Water-Well Construction Fund.
    15     (a)  Establishment.--There is established in the State
    16  Treasury a restricted nonlapsing fund to be known as the Water-
    17  Well Construction Fund for the deposit of all fees, fines and
    18  civil penalties authorized by this act and collected by the
    19  department. All moneys in the fund are hereby appropriated on a
    20  continuing basis to the department for the costs of
    21  administering the provisions of this act.
    22     (b)  Grants to owners of water wells.--
    23         (1)  Sixty-five percent of the money contained in the
    24     fund each fiscal year shall be used by the department to
    25     provide grants to owners of water wells to offset costs
    26     incurred by the owner in decommissioning a water well in
    27     accordance with the standards and requirements imposed
    28     pursuant to this act.
    29         (2)  During a fiscal year, an owner may not make more
    30     than one application for a grant under this subsection.
    20010S0870B1003                 - 34 -

     1     (c)  Reimbursement to local agencies.--
     2         (1)  Each fiscal year 15% of the moneys contained in the
     3     fund shall be used for reimbursing the expenses incurred by
     4     local agencies in the enforcement of section 7.
     5         (2)  Reimbursement requests under this subsection may be
     6     submitted simultaneously with, and on the same forms used
     7     for, reimbursement requests under section 6(b)(1) of the act
     8     of January 24, 1966 (1965 P.L.1535, No.537), known as the
     9     Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act.
    10     (d)  Other sources.--The fund may be supplemented by
    11  appropriations from the General Assembly, the Federal, State or
    12  a local government or from any private source.
    13  Section 18.  Transfer of funds.
    14     All moneys currently collected under the act of May 29, 1956
    15  (1955 P.L.1840, No.610), known as the Water Well Drillers
    16  License Act, shall be immediately transferred to the Water-Well
    17  Construction Fund.
    18  Section 19.  Status of existing licenses and permits.
    19     Water-well driller licenses and water-well rig permits issued
    20  under the act of May 29, 1956 (1955 P.L.1840, No.610), known as
    21  the Water Well Drillers License Act, shall remain in full force
    22  and effect for six months after the effective date of the
    23  regulations adopted under this act.
    24  Section 20.  Savings provision.
    25     The provisions of this act shall not affect any suit,
    26  prosecution or other action instituted, prior to the effective
    27  date of this act, to enforce any right or abate any violation of
    28  any act or part thereof repealed by this act.
    29  Section 21.  Severability.
    30     The provisions of this act are severable. If any provision of
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     1  this act or its application to any person or circumstance is
     2  held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions
     3  or applications of this act which can be given effect without
     4  the invalid provision or application.
     5  Section 22.  Repeal.
     6     The act of May 29, 1956 (1955 P.L.1840, No.610), known as the
     7  Water Well Drillers License Act, is repealed.
     8  Section 23.  Applicability.
     9     With the exception of the rules and regulations regarding
    10  standards for the inspection, alteration, temporary closure or
    11  decommissioning of water wells as established by the board under
    12  section 4, the provisions of this act shall not apply to any
    13  well in which initial construction activity was commenced prior
    14  to the effective date of the regulations promulgated under this
    15  act.
    16  Section 24.  Construction.
    17     Unless where specifically authorized, nothing in this act
    18  shall be construed to alter the requirements contained in the
    19  act of May 1, 1984 (P.L.206, No.43), known as the Pennsylvania
    20  Safe Drinking Water Act, and applicable regulations or the
    21  requirements contained in other environmental statutes.
    22  Section 25.  Effective date.
    23     This act shall take effect as follows:
    24         (1)  Section 7 shall take effect 180 days after
    25     promulgation of regulations established by the Environmental
    26     Quality Board under section 4.
    27         (2)  Section 11 shall take effect upon promulgation of
    28     regulations established by the Environmental Quality Board
    29     under section 4.
    30         (3)  The remainder of this act shall take effect
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     1     immediately.

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