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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1011



No. 887 Session of 1989

           MAY 2, 1989


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 31, 1955 (P.L.531, No.131), entitled
     2     "An act permitting and regulating wrestling and boxing
     3     contests and exhibitions; requiring licenses and permits;
     4     conferring powers and imposing duties upon the State Athletic
     5     Commission; providing for the granting, suspension, and
     6     revocation of licenses and permits issued by the Commission;
     7     preserving the rights of existing licensees and permittees;
     8     prescribing penalties, fines, forfeitures and misdemeanors;
     9     requiring bonds and insurance; creating a Medical Advisory
    10     Board; providing for rules and regulations; and making
    11     appropriations," establishing the Boxing and Wrestling
    12     Commission and providing for its powers and duties; further
    13     providing for the regulation of boxing and wrestling contests
    14     and exhibitions; further providing for fees, safety
    15     regulations and penalties; reestablishing the commission
    16     under the Sunset Act; creating a task force on boxing; making
    17     repeals; and making an appropriation.

    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20     Section 1.  Section 101 of the act of August 31, 1955
    21  (P.L.531, No.131), known as the Pennsylvania Athletic Code, is
    22  amended to read:
    23     Section 101.  Short Title.--This act shall be known and may
    24  be cited as the ["Pennsylvania Athletic Code."] "Boxing and
    25  Wrestling Code."

     1     Section 2.  The definition of "commission" in section 102 of
     2  the act, amended May 24, 1956 (1955 P.L.1693, No.574), is
     3  amended to read:
     4     Section 102.  Definitions; Construction.--The following terms
     5  shall be construed when used in this act to have the following
     6  meanings, except in those instances where the context clearly
     7  indicates otherwise:
     8     * * *
     9     "Commission" shall mean the [State Athletic Commission]
    10  Boxing and Wrestling Commission.
    11     * * *
    12     Section 3.  The heading of Article II of the act, amended May
    13  24, 1956 (1955 P.L.1693, No.574), is amended to read:
    14                             ARTICLE II
    15                        BOXING AND WRESTLING
    16                  COMMISSION AND THE REGULATION OF
    18     Section 4.  Sections 201, 202, 204.1, 204.2, 204.3 and 204.4
    19  of the act, amended or added November 3, 1983 (P.L.213, No.62),
    20  are amended to read:
    21     Section 201.  [Power of Commission to Control Wrestling and
    22  Boxing.--Except as provided in section 103, the Commission is
    23  hereby granted sole direction, control and jurisdiction over all
    24  amateur and professional boxing and wrestling contests and
    25  exhibitions or any variations thereof held within the
    26  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, except such contests and
    27  exhibitions as are specifically exempted from the provisions of
    28  this act.] Boxing and Wrestling Commission.--(a)  The Boxing and
    29  Wrestling Commission is hereby established as a departmental
    30  administrative commission within the Department of State. The
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     1  Commission shall have sole direction, control and jurisdiction
     2  over all amateur and professional boxing and wrestling contests
     3  and exhibitions or any variations thereof held within the
     4  Commonwealth, except such contests and exhibitions as are
     5  hereinafter specifically exempted from the provisions of this
     6  act.
     7     (b)  The Commission shall consist of three (3) members who
     8  shall be appointed by the Governor. The Secretary of the
     9  Commonwealth shall also be a member, ex officio. Each
    10  Commissioner, except the Secretary of the Commonwealth, shall
    11  hold office for a term of two (2) years and until his successor
    12  is appointed and qualified. The Commissioners shall set the
    13  policies by which boxing and wrestling contests and exhibitions
    14  will be conducted in this Commonwealth.
    15     (c)  A chairman shall be elected by the Commission who shall
    16  serve for a term of two (2) years and until a successor shall be
    17  elected. The chairman shall preside at meetings of the
    18  Commission.
    19     (d)  Each Commissioner, except the Secretary of the
    20  Commonwealth and the chairman, shall receive a salary of ten
    21  thousand dollars ($10,000) per annum and the chairman shall
    22  receive a salary of ten thousand five hundred dollars ($10,500)
    23  per annum. Each Commissioner shall receive reasonable and
    24  necessary travel expenses incurred by him in the performance of
    25  his duties.
    26     (e)  Two (2) members of the commission shall constitute a
    27  quorum, and the concurrence of at least two (2) members of the
    28  Commission shall be necessary to render valid any action by the
    29  Commission.
    30     (f)  The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall appoint and fix
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     1  the compensation of an executive director, deputies and such
     2  other employes as the Secretary of the Commonwealth may from
     3  time to time find necessary for the proper performance of the
     4  functions of the Commission.
     5     (g)  It shall be the duty of the executive director to devote
     6  his full time to the general supervision of all the affairs of
     7  the Commission and to serve as chief deputy of the Commission.
     8     Section 202.  [Boxing and Wrestling Regulated.--Amateur or
     9  professional boxing or wrestling contests or exhibitions,
    10  including kick boxing, shall be held within the Commonwealth of
    11  Pennsylvania only in accordance with the provisions of this act
    12  and the rules and regulations promulgated hereunder. Such
    13  contests or exhibitions may be held on Sundays.] General Powers
    14  of the Commission.--The Commission shall have the power to
    15  supervise all boxing and wrestling contests and exhibitions, in
    16  accordance with this act and the rules and regulations
    17  promulgated hereunder. These contests or exhibitions may be held
    18  on Sundays. The Commission may adopt the rules and regulations
    19  necessary to carry out this act.
    20     Section 204.1.  Medical Training Seminars.--The Commission
    21  shall conduct frequent mandatory medical training seminars at
    22  least three (3) per year [for all ring personnel, Commission
    23  personnel and for other persons employed by the Commission and
    24  designated to attend]. All ring personnel, Commission deputies
    25  and those licensees designated by the Commission shall attend at
    26  least one (1) seminar per year.
    27     Section 204.2.  Register.--The Commission shall establish and
    28  maintain a register for all professional boxers and wrestlers
    29  licensed in Pennsylvania. The register shall include a
    30  photograph of the boxer or wrestler. In the register, the
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     1  Commission shall record the results of each boxing contest or
     2  exhibition the boxer is involved in, including technical
     3  knockouts, knockouts and other boxing related injuries, as well
     4  as the dates of each contest or exhibition and the record of
     5  wins and losses.
     6     Section 204.3.  Medical Equipment.--No professional or
     7  amateur boxing event shall be started unless there is on the
     8  premises:
     9     (1)  an ambulance, together with emergency equipment and
    10  personnel; and
    11     (2)  a portable resuscitator with oxygen and appropriate
    12  endotracheal tubes and a qualified operator.
    13     Section 204.4.  Suspension.--For sound medical reasons and to
    14  protect the individual boxers, the Commission shall establish
    15  mandatory license suspensions of those persons who sustain
    16  certain injuries. The Commission may suspend a boxer's license
    17  for up to sixty (60) days for a laceration of the face, up to
    18  thirty (30) days for a technical knockout with minor injuries
    19  and up to forty-five (45) days for head injuries. [Boxers
    20  receiving a knockout may receive up to a ninety (90) day
    21  suspension and shall receive an EEG within twenty-four (24)
    22  hours of the knockout.] Boxers receiving a knockout may be
    23  prohibited by the Commission from participating in a contest or
    24  exhibition for up to ninety (90) days and shall undergo an
    25  electroencephalogram within twenty-four (24) hours of the
    26  knockout and shall immediately provide the results to the
    27  Commission.
    28     Section 5.  Section 205 of the act, amended June 2, 1965
    29  (P.L.84, No.47), is amended to read:
    30     Section 205.  Examinations.--(a)  In addition to any other
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     1  examination required by this act or the rules and regulations
     2  promulgated hereunder, each boxer or wrestler must be examined
     3  by the attending physician within two (2) hours before he enters
     4  the ring. If, in the opinion of the physician, any boxer or
     5  wrestler is physically or mentally unfit to proceed, the
     6  physician shall forthwith notify any commissioner or the deputy
     7  in charge, or the chief deputy, who shall immediately cancel the
     8  contest or exhibition.
     9     (b)  This required examination shall conform to the rules and
    10  regulations promulgated hereunder pursuant to the advice of the
    11  Medical Advisory Board.
    12     (c)  In addition to the examination required herein, every
    13  boxer shall be examined by a physician designated by the
    14  Commission during the five (5) days following every contest or
    15  exhibition in which he was a participant. Such examination shall
    16  be performed at the expense of the promoter.
    17     (d)  The results of the examinations required by this section
    18  shall be reduced to writing by the physician, signed by him and
    19  filed with the Commission within forty-eight (48) hours after
    20  they have been performed.
    21     Section 6.  Section 208 of the act, amended November 3, 1983
    22  (P.L.213, No.62), is amended to read:
    23     Section 208.  Gloves.--When the boxers are one hundred
    24  thirty-five (135) pounds or under, they shall wear thumbless
    25  boxing gloves weighing not less than five (5) ounces each. When
    26  the boxers are over one hundred thirty-five (135) pounds but do
    27  not exceed one hundred sixty (160) pounds, they shall wear
    28  thumbless boxing gloves weighing not less than six (6) ounces
    29  each. When the boxers are over one hundred sixty (160) pounds,
    30  they shall wear thumbless boxing gloves weighing not less than
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     1  ten (10) ounces each.
     2     Section 7.  Sections 213 and 214 of the act are amended to
     3  read:
     4     Section 213.  Advertising Wrestling Exhibitions--Every
     5  wrestling exhibition shall be advertised as an exhibition and
     6  not as a contest. [A licensed referee but no judge as such shall
     7  officiate at each exhibition, at the expense of the promoter.]
     8     Section 214.  Duty of Disclosure.--Every licensee shall,
     9  immediately after learning thereof, disclose to any member of
    10  the Commission, or, if in attendance at any contest or
    11  exhibition, to the executive director of the Commission or to
    12  the deputy in charge or the attending physician or referee, all
    13  knowledge or information in his possession concerning any mental
    14  or physical disability, injury, illness or incapacity of any
    15  boxer or wrestler.
    16     Section 8.  Sections 215 and 216 of the act, amended May 24,
    17  1956 (1955 P.L.1693, No.574), are amended to read;
    18     Section 215.  Sham or Collusive Contest Prohibited.--(a)  No
    19  licensee or other person shall knowingly conduct, give,
    20  participate in or be in anyway connected with any sham or
    21  collusive boxing or wrestling [contest] event.
    22     (b)  Any licensee who knows or has reason to suspect that a
    23  boxing or wrestling [contest] event is, was or is going to be a
    24  sham or collusive [contest] event, shall have a duty to promptly
    25  report this to the Commission or a representative thereof. Such
    26  report shall be in writing or, if oral, shall be forthwith
    27  reduced to writing and shall contain all of the reporter's
    28  reasons for the conclusions set forth in his report.
    29     (c)  A sham or collusive [contest] event is one in which one
    30  or both of the participants does not use his best efforts and
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     1  skill or does not strive earnestly in good faith to win. It
     2  includes, but is not limited to, any pseudo [contest] event, the
     3  result of which has been prearranged or any pseudo [contest]
     4  event in which either participant does not, is not going to, or
     5  is unable to use or is prevented from using his best efforts and
     6  skill as a result of coercion, bribery, duress, threats, reward
     7  or promise thereof, physical incapacity or disability,
     8  suggestion or agreement, or any other improper or unlawful
     9  means[.], provided, that this provision shall not apply to
    10  predetermined wrestling exhibitions.
    11     (d)  A violation of this section shall constitute a
    12  misdemeanor.
    13     Section 216.  Minimum Purses for Boxers.--No purse less than
    14  [twenty-five dollars ($25.00)] fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be
    15  paid by the promoter to any professional boxer for any contest
    16  or exhibition, other than a training exhibition.
    17     Section 9.  Sections 217, 218 and 221 of the act are amended
    18  to read:
    19     Section 217.  Distribution of Purses to Boxers; Statements.--
    20  (a)  Unless otherwise directed by any Commissioner, the deputy
    21  in charge or the referee, all boxing purses shall be distributed
    22  by the promoter not later than twenty-four (24) hours after the
    23  conclusion of the contest or exhibition for which the purse is
    24  being paid. A written statement showing the distribution of the
    25  purse including each item of receipt and each expenditure or
    26  deduction shall be furnished to the boxer and his manager,
    27  together with his share of the purse, and a copy thereof
    28  certified by the promoter to be true and correct shall be filed
    29  forthwith in the office of the Commission. Receipted vouchers
    30  for every expenditure or deduction shall be attached to the copy
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     1  filed with the Commission.
     2     (b)  Unless otherwise directed by any Commissioner, the
     3  deputy in charge, the executive director, or the referee, every
     4  manager shall furnish a statement of distribution to the boxer
     5  he manages, together with the boxer's share of the purse, not
     6  later than twenty-four (24) hours after he receives the purse
     7  and statement from the promoter. A copy thereof, certified by
     8  the manager to be true and correct, shall be filed forthwith in
     9  the office of the Commission and it shall have attached to it
    10  receipted vouchers for every expenditure or deduction made by
    11  the manager.
    12     Section 218.  Withholding of Purses.--[Any member of the
    13  Commission,] The executive director or the referee, or in the
    14  absence of a member of the Commission, the deputy in charge
    15  shall have the power to order the promoter to withhold any
    16  purse, or any part thereof, or any receipts or other funds
    17  belonging to or payable to any contestant or for which any
    18  contestant is competing or the share thereof of any manager, if,
    19  in his judgment, it should appear that such contestant is not
    20  competing honestly, or is intentionally not competing to the
    21  best of his ability and skill, or if it should appear that the
    22  contestant, his manager or any of his seconds has violated any
    23  provision of this act or the rules and regulations promulgated
    24  hereunder.
    25     Section 221.  Payments Regulated.--(a)  No promoter or
    26  foreign co-promoter shall pay, lend or give any money to a
    27  contestant before any boxing contest as an advance against his
    28  purse or for a similar purpose, except that a promoter may, with
    29  the prior written permission of [any member of the Commission]
    30  the executive director, pay or advance to a contestant necessary
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     1  expenses for transportation and maintenance in preparation for a
     2  contest. The total payments shall not exceed [five hundred
     3  dollars ($500.00)] one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for any one
     4  contest.
     5     (b)  If a contestant's purse is forfeited, the Commission may
     6  include such payments or advances as part of the forfeiture,
     7  and, if he does not forthwith forward such amount to the
     8  Commission, it may be recovered in the same manner as a debt due
     9  the Commonwealth.
    10     Section 10.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
    11     Section 224.  Crowd Control.--The promoter and the owner or
    12  operator of the arena or facility shall be responsible for
    13  ensuring that adequate security personnel are in attendance at
    14  each boxing or wrestling contest or exhibition to control fans
    15  in attendance. The size of the security force shall be
    16  determined by the promoter and the owner or operators of the
    17  arena or facility, as they shall agree.
    18     Section 225.  Self-Mutilation.--It shall be unlawful for any
    19  wrestler to deliberately cut or otherwise mutilate himself while
    20  participating in a wrestling exhibition.
    21     Section 11.  The heading of Article IIA, sections 256 and 303
    22  of the act, amended or added May 24, 1956 (1955 P.L.1693,
    23  No.574), are amended to read:
    24                            ARTICLE IIA
    25                     BOXING SAFETY REGULATIONS
    26     Section 256.  Six Consecutive Defeats.--A boxer who has
    27  suffered six consecutive defeats shall be investigated by the
    28  Commission, and examined by a physician to determine the boxer's
    29  continued fitness for licensure.
    30     Section 303.  Representative Managers' Licenses.--Before
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     1  acting as such, every representative manager shall procure a
     2  manager's license. He shall file with the Commission the name of
     3  each boxer or wrestler whom he represents, together with a
     4  written consent from each such boxer or wrestler and his manager
     5  authorizing him to transact business for such manager or boxer
     6  or wrestler or to act as or for the manager of such boxer or
     7  wrestler. A violation of this section shall constitute a
     8  misdemeanor.
     9     Every person, other than the manager of a professional boxer
    10  or wrestler, who performs any of the acts usually performed by
    11  the manager or who aids, assists, or substitutes for the manager
    12  or who uses a licensed manager to conceal his own actions as a
    13  manager, shall be considered a representative manager.
    14     Section 12.  Section 308 of the act is amended to read:
    15     Section 308.  Restrictions.--No officer, director,
    16  stockholder or employe of a licensed promoter shall have any
    17  other interest in any professional boxer or wrestler or
    18  professional contest or exhibition except as a matchmaker.
    19  Provided, that nothing in this section shall prohibit a licensed
    20  referee, timekeeper, or announcer from being an employe of, or
    21  under contract with, the sponsoring promoter of a wrestling
    22  exhibition.
    23     Section 13.  Section 316 of the act, amended November 26,
    24  1978 (P.L.1253, No.298), is amended to read:
    25     Section 316.  License Fees.--(a)  The following annual
    26  license fees shall accompany each application for a license or
    27  the renewal of a license:
    28  [Promoter's license--      one hundred dollars ($100.00)
    29  Matchmaker's license--    fifty dollars ($50.00)
    30  Booking Agent's license-- thirty-five dollars ($35.00)
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     1  Physician's license--     forty dollars ($40.00)
     2  Referee's license--       thirty-five dollars ($35.00)
     3  Manager's license--       forty dollars ($40.00)
     4  Judge's license--         thirty-five dollars ($35.00)
     5  Timekeeper's license--    twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
     6  Announcer's license--     twenty dollars ($20.00)
     7  Professional boxer's
     8     license--              twenty dollars ($20.00)
     9  Professional wrestler's
    10     license--              twenty dollars ($20.00)
    11  Trainer's license--       twenty dollars ($20.00)
    12  Second's license--        twenty dollars ($20.00)]
    13  Promoter's license--      two hundred dollars ($200.00)
    14  Matchmaker's license--    one hundred dollars ($100.00)
    15  Booking Agent's license-- seventy dollars ($70.00)
    16  Physician's license--     eighty dollars ($80.00)
    17  Referee's license--       seventy dollars ($70.00)
    18  Manager's license--       eighty dollars ($80.00)
    19  Judge's license--         seventy dollars ($70.00)
    20  Timekeeper's license--    fifty dollars ($50.00)
    21  Announcer's license--     forty dollars ($40.00)
    22  Professional boxer's
    23     license--              forty dollars ($40.00)
    24  Professional wrestler's
    25     license--              forty dollars ($40.00)
    26  Trainer's license--       fifty dollars ($50.00)
    27  Second's license--        fifty dollars ($50.00)
    28     (b)  The commission may issue licenses without fees to
    29  referees and physicians authorizing them to officiate only at
    30  boxing or wrestling contests or exhibitions between amateurs.
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     1     Section 14.  Sections 317 and 502 of the act are amended to
     2  read:
     3     Section 317.  Permit Fees.--(a)  The following fees, based
     4  upon the seating capacity of the premises where the program is
     5  to be presented, shall accompany each application for a permit
     6  to present a program of contests or exhibitions:
     7     [Seating Capacity                  Fee
     8  Cities of the first class:
     9      2,000 or less,    twenty dollars ($20.00)
    10      2,000 to 5,000,   twenty-five dollars ($25.00)
    11      5,000 and over,   fifty dollars ($50.00)
    12  Cities of the second class:
    13      2,000 or less,    fifteen dollars ($15.00)
    14      2,000 to 5,000,   twenty dollars ($20.00)
    15      5,000 and over,   thirty dollars ($30.00)
    16  Cities of the second class A and
    17     all other political subdivisions:
    18      2,000 or less,    ten dollars ($10.00)
    19      2,000 to 5,000,   fifteen dollars ($15.00)
    20      5,000 and over,   twenty dollars ($20.00)]
    21     Seating Capacity                  Fee
    22  Cities of the first class:
    23      2,000 or less,    forty dollars ($40.00)
    24      2,000 to 5,000,   fifty dollars ($50.00)
    25      5,000 and over,   one hundred dollars ($100.00)
    26  Cities of the second class:
    27      2,000 or less,    thirty dollars ($30.00)
    28      2,000 to 5,000,   forty dollars ($40.00)
    29      5,000 and over,   sixty dollars ($60.00)
    30  Cities of the second class A and
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     1     all other political subdivisions:
     2      2,000 or less,    twenty dollars ($20.00)
     3      2,000 to 5,000,   thirty dollars ($30.00)
     4      5,000 and over,   forty dollars ($40.00)
     5     (b)  The fee for the issuance of a foreign co-promoter's
     6  permit for each program of contests or exhibitions shall be [one
     7  hundred dollars ($100.00)] two hundred dollars ($200.00).
     8     Section 502.  Contracts Subject to Law.--Every contract
     9  subject to the provisions of this article shall contain the
    10  following clause:
    11     "This agreement is subject to the provisions of the
    12  [Pennsylvania Athletic Code] Boxing and Wrestling Code and to
    13  the rules and regulations of the [Pennsylvania Athletic
    14  Commission] Boxing and Wrestling Commission, and to any future
    15  amendments of either of them."
    16     Section 15.  Section 601 of the act, amended May 24, 1956
    17  (1955 P.L.1693, No.574), is amended to read:
    18     Section 601.  Promoters and Foreign Co-Promoters Required to
    19  File Bonds.--(a)  Before any license or renewal of a license
    20  shall be issued to a promoter of a boxing or wrestling contest
    21  or exhibition and before any permit shall be issued to a foreign
    22  co-promoter, he shall be required to execute and file a surety
    23  bond with the Commission in such reasonable amount, but not less
    24  than three thousand dollars ($3,000.00), as the Commission shall
    25  determine.
    26     (a.1)  Before any license or renewal of a license shall be
    27  issued to a promoter of a wrestling exhibition and before any
    28  permit shall be issued to a foreign co-promoter, he shall be
    29  required to execute and file a surety bond with the Commission
    30  in such reasonable amount, but not less than ten thousand
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     1  dollars ($10,000.00) as the Commission shall determine.
     2     (b)  All such bonds shall be upon forms supplied by the
     3  Commission[, which shall have first adopted them with the
     4  approval of the Department of Justice].
     5     (c)  The sufficiency of the sureties shall be subject to
     6  approval of the Commission [and the Department of Justice].
     7     (d)  The surety bond shall be conditioned upon the faithful
     8  performance by the promoter or foreign co-promoter of his
     9  obligations under this act and the rules and regulations
    10  promulgated pursuant hereto, including but not limited to the
    11  fulfillment of his contractual obligations to contestants,
    12  managers and other licensees, and the payment of all license and
    13  permit fees provided for in this act: Provided, however, That
    14  the aggregate annual liability of the surety for all obligations
    15  and fees shall in no event exceed the amount of the bond.
    16     Section 16.  Sections 801, 901 and 902 of the act are amended
    17  to read:
    18     Section 801.  Misdemeanors.--Any person, convicted of any
    19  misdemeanor created by or set forth in this act, shall be
    20  sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars
    21  ($5,000.00), or undergo imprisonment[, either by separate or
    22  solitary confinement at labor or to simple imprisonment,] for a
    23  period not exceeding three (3) years, or both.
    24     Section 901.  Financial Interest in Boxer or Wrestler
    25  Prohibited.--No licensed physician, referee, judge or promoter
    26  shall have any direct or indirect financial or pecuniary
    27  interest in any boxer or wrestler. A violation of this section
    28  shall constitute a misdemeanor. This section shall not apply to
    29  wrestling exhibitions.
    30     Section 902.  Financial Interest in Opponent Prohibited.--No
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     1  manager, trainer or second of any boxer or wrestler shall have
     2  any direct or indirect, financial or pecuniary interest in the
     3  opponent in any contest in which his own boxer or wrestler
     4  participates. Nor shall any boxer or wrestler have any direct or
     5  indirect, financial or pecuniary interest in his opponent in any
     6  contest. A violation of this section shall constitute a
     7  misdemeanor. This section shall not apply to wrestling
     8  exhibitions.
     9     Section 17.  (a)  A Task Force is hereby established to
    10  examine the sport of boxing in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  and to recommend such changes in law as it finds advisable.
    12     (b)  The Task Force shall consist of six members. One member
    13  shall be appointed by the President pro tempore of the Senate,
    14  one by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, one by the
    15  Minority Leader of the Senate, one by the Minority Leader of the
    16  House of Representatives, one by the Secretary of the
    17  Commonwealth and one by the Secretary of Health.
    18     (c)  The Task Force shall:
    19         (1)  Examine the state of the sport of boxing in
    20     Pennsylvania and determine the level of regulation required.
    21         (2)  Review Pennsylvania laws and regulations relating to
    22     boxing.
    23         (3)  Review proposed legislation relating to boxing.
    24         (4)  Examine regulatory efforts in other states relating
    25     to boxing.
    26         (5)  Make specific findings and recommendations for
    27     proposed legislation.
    28     (d)  Staff support for the Task Force shall be provided by
    29  the Joint State Government Commission.
    30     (e)  The Task Force shall communicate its findings and
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     1  recommendations to the General Assembly and to the Governor on
     2  or before March 1, 1990, and shall terminate on that date.
     3     Section 18.  The members of the State Athletic Commission, as
     4  of the effective date of this act, shall continue to serve as
     5  members until their present terms of office expire or until
     6  their successors are appointed and qualified.
     7     Section 19.  Each rule, regulation and fee of the State
     8  Athletic Commission in effect on the effective date of this act
     9  shall remain in effect after such date until repealed or amended
    10  by the Pennsylvania Boxing and Wrestling Commission in the
    11  manner provided by law.
    12     Section 20.  This act, with respect to the State Athletic
    13  Commission, shall constitute the legislation required to
    14  reestablish the commission under the act of December 22, 1981
    15  (P.L.508, No.142), known as the Sunset Act.
    16     Section 21.  The sum of $350,000, or as much thereof as may
    17  be necessary, is hereby appropriated from the General Fund to
    18  the Department of State for the operation of the Boxing and
    19  Wrestling Commission for the fiscal period July 1, 1989, to June
    20  30, 1990.
    21     Section 22.  (a)  Section 427 of the act of April 9, 1929
    22  (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, is
    23  hereby repealed.
    24     (b)  All acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as they
    25  are inconsistent with this act.
    26     Section 23.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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