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same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1018



No. 889 Session of 1989


        REFERRED TO FINANCE, MAY 8, 1989

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 20, 1949 (P.L.1584, No.478), entitled
     2     "An act defining and prohibiting unfair sales of cigarettes;
     3     conferring powers and imposing duties on the Department of
     4     Revenue and on persons, as herein defined, engaged in the
     5     sale of cigarettes at retail or wholesale; providing for the
     6     suspension and revocation of Cigarette Tax Permits; and
     7     providing remedies and penalties for violations," further
     8     defining certain terms; regulating sales; providing remedies;
     9     conferring powers upon the Attorney General; and providing
    10     penalties.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  The definitions of "wholesaler," "retailer,"
    14  "basic cost of cigarettes," "cost to the wholesaler" and "cost
    15  to the retailer" in section 2 of the act of May 20, 1949
    16  (P.L.1584, No.478), known as the Unfair Cigarette Sales Act, are
    17  amended and the section is amended by adding definitions to
    18  read:
    19     Section 2.  Definitions.--The following words, terms and
    20  phrases, when used in this act, shall have the meaning ascribed
    21  to them in this section, except where the context clearly

     1  indicates a different meaning.
     2     * * *
     3     (d)  ["Wholesaler" shall mean and include any person who
     4  purchases cigarettes direct from the manufacturer or from any
     5  other person who purchases from a manufacturer and sells at
     6  least seventy-five per centum (75%) of all such cigarettes
     7  purchased by him to others for resale.] "Wholesaler" shall mean
     8  and include:
     9     (1)  Any person, other than the cigarette stamping agent,
    10  who, in the usual course of business, purchases cigarettes and
    11  sells, within this Commonwealth, at least seventy-five per
    12  centum (75%) of all such cigarettes purchased by him or her to
    13  retail dealers, other wholesale dealers, or any other persons
    14  who shall buy said cigarettes from him or her for the purpose of
    15  resale to the ultimate consumer: Provided, That such person
    16  maintains a separate established place of business for the
    17  receiving, storage and distribution of cigarettes.
    18     (2)  Any person who is engaged in the business of
    19  distributing cigarettes through vending machines to the ultimate
    20  consumer by means of placing said cigarette vending machines,
    21  owned or leased by him, in various outlets within the
    22  Commonwealth, and who pays to the owner or lessee of the
    23  premises a commission or rental for the use of said premises:
    24  Provided, That such vending machine operator shall operate at
    25  least ten vending machines: And, provided further, That said
    26  vending machine operator meets all the other requirements for
    27  licensing of wholesalers under this article, including
    28  maintaining a separate established place of business for the
    29  receiving, storage and distribution of cigarettes.
    30     (3)  Any person who owns and operates no less than five
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     1  stores which retail outlets having one hundred per centum (100%)
     2  common ownership, who services such retail outlets by the
     3  maintenance of an established place of business for the
     4  receiving, storage and distribution of cigarettes, and who
     5  purchases cigarettes from a cigarette stamping agency or another
     6  wholesaler for resale to the ultimate consumer or a business
     7  entity which is granted the right to engage in the business of
     8  offering, selling or distributing goods or service under a
     9  marketing plan or system prescribed by the grantor of that
    10  right, for which a direct or indirect fee is paid, such grant
    11  commonly called a franchise agreement: Provided, That such
    12  person maintains complete and accurate records of all purchases
    13  and sales in his or her main office and also in the retail
    14  outlet and otherwise meets the requirements for licensing of
    15  wholesalers under this act.
    16     (e)  "Retailer" shall mean and include any person who sells
    17  cigarettes at retail, including a wholesaler or a cigarette
    18  stamping agent for the purposes of its sale to consumers.
    19     * * *
    20     (h)  "Basic cost of cigarettes" shall mean the invoice cost
    21  of cigarettes to the retailer, cigarette stamping agent or
    22  wholesaler, as the case may be, or the replacement cost of
    23  cigarettes to the retailer, cigarette stamping agent or
    24  wholesaler, as the case may be, within thirty days prior to the
    25  date of sale in the quantity last purchased, whichever is lower,
    26  [less all trade discounts and customary discounts for cash,] but
    27  not less any discounts such as stamping commission or discount,
    28  prompt payment discount or anticipatory or promotional discounts
    29  which may be withdrawn at any time,  to which shall be added the
    30  full face value of any tax which may be required by any
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     1  cigarette tax act of this Commonwealth now in effect or
     2  hereafter enacted, if not already included by the manufacturer
     3  in his list price.
     4     (i)  "Cost [to] of the wholesaler" shall mean the "basic cost
     5  of cigarettes" to the wholesaler plus the cost of doing business
     6  by the wholesaler [and must include, without limitation, labor
     7  costs (including salaries of executives and officers), rent,
     8  depreciation, selling costs, maintenance of equipment, delivery
     9  costs, all types of licenses, taxes, insurance, and advertising]
    10  as evidenced by the accounting standards and methods regularly
    11  employed by the wholesaler in his determination of costs for the
    12  purpose of Federal income tax reporting for the total operation
    13  of his establishment, including direct and indirect costs,
    14  expressed as a percentage and applied to the basic cost of
    15  cigarettes, plus the cost of doing business by the cigarette
    16  stamping agent with respect to sales of cigarettes to
    17  wholesalers. There shall be determined a separate cost of the
    18  wholesaler for sales to retail dealers. In the absence of filing
    19  satisfactory proof of a lesser or higher cost of doing business
    20  by the [wholesaler making the sale, the cost of doing business
    21  by the wholesaler shall be presumed to be four per centum (4%)
    22  of the "basic cost of cigarettes" to the wholesaler.] wholesaler
    23  with respect to sales to retail dealers the cost of doing
    24  business shall be presumed to be two per centum (2%) of the
    25  basic cost of cigarettes. When a wholesaler establishes a lesser
    26  or higher cost of doing business than the presumptive two per
    27  centum (2%) cost of doing business, such lesser or higher cost
    28  of doing business may be used to compute the "cost of the
    29  wholesaler" for a period of time no greater than six (6) months,
    30  at the end of which time the "cost of the wholesaler" shall be
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     1  computed using the presumptive two per centum (2%) cost of doing
     2  business, unless the wholesaler again establishes a lesser or
     3  higher cost of doing business.
     4     (j)  "Cost [to] of the retailer" shall mean the "basic cost
     5  of cigarettes" to the retailer plus the cost of doing business
     6  by the retailer [and must include, without limitation, labor
     7  costs (including salaries of executives and officers), rent,
     8  depreciation, selling costs, maintenance of equipment, delivery
     9  costs, all types of licenses, taxes, insurance, and advertising]
    10  as evidenced by the accounting standards and methods regularly
    11  employed by the retailer in his determination of costs for the
    12  purpose of Federal income tax reporting for the total operation
    13  of his establishment, including direct and indirect costs
    14  expressed or a percentage and applied to the basic cost of
    15  cigarettes, plus the cost of doing business by the cigarette
    16  stamping agent with respect to sales of cigarettes to retailers.
    17  In the absence of filing of satisfactory proof of a lesser or
    18  higher cost of doing business by the retailer making the sale,
    19  the cost of doing business by the retailer shall be presumed to
    20  be six per centum (6%) of the sum of the "basic cost of
    21  cigarettes" to the retailer plus the cost of doing business by
    22  the wholesaler with respect to cigarettes sold to retail
    23  dealers. When a retailer establishes a lesser or higher cost of
    24  doing business than the presumptive six per centum (6%) cost of
    25  doing business, such lesser or higher cost of doing business may
    26  be used to compute the "cost of the retailer" for a period of
    27  time no greater than six (6) months, at the end of which time
    28  the "cost to the retailer" shall be computed using the
    29  presumptive six per centum (6%) cost of doing business, unless
    30  the retailer again establishes a lesser or higher cost of doing
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     1  business.
     2     In the case of any person who purchases cigarettes for sale
     3  at retail from any manufacturer of cigarettes without resort to
     4  a wholesaler as such, such person shall be deemed, for the
     5  purposes of this act, to be engaged in the sale of cigarettes
     6  both as a wholesaler and retailer and as such, shall be subject
     7  both to the wholesale and retail mark-up provisions of this act,
     8  in the order named.
     9     (k)  "Cost of doing business" shall mean that amount, as
    10  evidenced by the standards and methods of accounting regularly
    11  employed in the determination of costs for the purpose of
    12  Federal income tax reporting, for the total operation of the
    13  establishment for the previous twelve (12) month-period, and
    14  must include, but shall not be limited to, all direct costs,
    15  including, where applicable, inbound freight charges, labor
    16  costs to affix tax indicia, cost of equipment to affix hand
    17  stamps, ink, glue, rental and maintenance expenses for the
    18  cigarette tax machine, State and local cigarette licenses, and
    19  indirect overhead costs and expenses paid or incurred such as,
    20  preopening expenses, management fees, labor costs (including
    21  salaries of executives and officers), rents, depreciation,
    22  selling costs, maintenance expenses, interest expenses, delivery
    23  costs, all types of licenses, all types of taxes, insurance,
    24  advertising and any central and regional administrative
    25  expenses.
    26     (l)  "Cost of the cigarette stamping agent" shall mean the
    27  basic cost of doing business by the cigarette stamping agent as
    28  evidenced by the accounting standards and methods regularly
    29  employed by said agent in his determination of costs for the
    30  purpose of Federal income tax reporting for the total operation
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     1  of his establishment, and must include, without limitation,
     2  labor, (including salaries of executives and officers), rent,
     3  depreciation, selling costs, maintenance of equipment, delivery
     4  costs, interest payable, all types of licenses, taxes, insurance
     5  and advertising expressed as a percentage and applied to the
     6  basic cost of cigarettes. In the case of sales at retail by
     7  cigarette stamping agents, the "cost of the cigarette stamping
     8  agent" shall be the same as the "cost of the retailer." There
     9  shall be determined a separate cost of the cigarette stamping
    10  agent for sales to wholesale dealers, and for sales to retail
    11  dealers. In the absence of filing of satisfactory proof of a
    12  lesser or higher cost of doing business of the cigarette
    13  stamping agent making the sale, the cost of doing business shall
    14  be presumed to be two per centum (2%) of the basic cost of
    15  cigarettes for sales to wholesale dealers, and five per centum
    16  (5%) of the basic cost of cigarettes with respect to sales to
    17  retail.
    18     When a cigarette stamping agent establishes a lesser or
    19  higher cost of doing business than the presumptive costs
    20  contained herein, such lesser or higher cost of going business
    21  may be used to compute the "cost of the cigarette stamping
    22  agent" for a period of time no greater than six (6) months, at
    23  the end of which time the "cost of the cigarette stamping agent"
    24  shall be computed using the presumptive costs contained herein,
    25  unless the cigarette stamping agent again establishes a lesser
    26  or higher cost of doing business.
    27     (m)  "Cigarette stamping agent" shall mean any person who is
    28  licensed as such by the Department of Revenue for the purpose of
    29  affixing cigarette tax stamps to packages of cigarettes and
    30  transmitting the proper tax to the Commonwealth, who maintains
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     1  separate warehousing facilities for the purpose of receiving and
     2  distributing cigarettes and conducting his business, and who has
     3  received commitments from at least two (2) cigarette
     4  manufacturers whose aggregate market share is at least forty per
     5  centum (40%) of the Commonwealth cigarette market and who
     6  purchases cigarettes directly from cigarette manufacturers.
     7     Section 2.  Sections 3, 12, 13 and 14 of the act are amended
     8  to read:
     9     Section 3.  Sales at Less Than Cost.--
    10     (a)  It shall be unlawful [for any retailer or wholesaler,
    11  with intent to injure competitors or destroy or substantially
    12  lessen competition, to advertise, offer to sell or sell, at
    13  retail or wholesale, cigarettes at less than cost to such
    14  retailer or wholesaler, as the case may be.]:
    15     [(b)  Evidence of advertisement, offering to sell or sale of
    16  cigarettes by any retailer or wholesaler at less than cost to
    17  him shall be prima facie evidence of intent to injure
    18  competitors and to destroy or substantially lessen competition.]
    19     (1)  For any cigarette stamping agent, wholesale dealer or
    20  retail dealer, with intent to injure competitors or destroy or
    21  substantially lessen competition, or with intent to avoid the
    22  collection or paying over of such taxes as may be required by
    23  law, to advertise, offer to sell or sell cigarettes at less than
    24  cost of such cigarette stamping agent, wholesale dealer or
    25  retail dealer, as the case may be.
    26     (2)  For any wholesaler:
    27     (i)  to induce or attempt to induce or to procure or attempt
    28  to procure the purchase of cigarettes at a price less than the
    29  cost of the cigarette stamping agent with respect to sales to
    30  wholesaler; or
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     1     (ii)  to induce or attempt to induce or to procure or attempt
     2  to procure any rebate or concession of any kind or nature
     3  whatsoever in connection with the purchase of cigarettes.
     4     (3)  For any retail dealer:
     5     (i)  to induce or attempt to induce or to procure or attempt
     6  to procure the purchase of cigarettes at a price less than the
     7  cost to the cigarette stamping agent for sales to retail
     8  dealers, if purchased from an agent, or at a price less than the
     9  cost of the wholesaler; or
    10     (ii)  to induce or attempt to induce or to procure or attempt
    11  to procure any rebate or concession of any kind or nature
    12  whatsoever in connection with the purchase of cigarettes.
    13     (b)  Evidence of advertisement, offering to sell or sale of
    14  cigarettes by any cigarette stamping agent, wholesaler or retail
    15  dealer at less than cost, or evidence of any offer of a rebate
    16  in price, or giving of a rebate in price, or an offer of a
    17  concession, or the giving of a concession of any kind or nature
    18  whatsoever in connection with the sale of cigarettes, or the
    19  inducing or attempt to induce or to the procuring or the attempt
    20  to procure the purchase of cigarettes at a price less than cost
    21  of the cigarette stamping agent, wholesaler, or the retail
    22  dealer shall be prima facie evidence of intent to injure
    23  competitors and to destroy or substantially lessen competition
    24  or of intent to avoid the collection or paying over of such
    25  taxes as may be required by law. Evidence of a final selling
    26  cost which is not the invoice cost, or an invoice which does not
    27  include allowable discounts, rebates, allowances or free or
    28  discounted merchandise relating to the sale of cigarettes, when
    29  used by the cigarette stamping agent, wholesaler or retailer
    30  shall be prima facie evidence of violation of this act.
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     1     Section 12.  Remedies.--(a)  The [Department of Revenue]
     2  Attorney General of this Commonwealth, in the case of any
     3  violation or threatened violation of this act, or any person
     4  injured by any violation or who shall suffer injury from any
     5  threatened violation of this act, may maintain an action in any
     6  court of competent jurisdiction to prevent, restrain or enjoin
     7  such violation or threatened violation. If in such action a
     8  violation or threatened violation of this act shall be
     9  established, the court shall enjoin and restrain or otherwise
    10  prohibit such violation or threatened violation and in addition
    11  thereto the court shall assess in favor of the plaintiff and
    12  against the defendant the costs of suit, including reasonable
    13  attorneys' fees. In any such action it shall not be necessary
    14  that actual damages to the plaintiff be alleged or proved, but
    15  where alleged and proved by a plaintiff, other than the
    16  [Department of Revenue] Attorney General, the plaintiff in said
    17  action, in addition to such injunctive relief and costs of suit,
    18  including reasonable attorneys' fees, shall be entitled to
    19  recover from the defendant the actual damages sustained by him.
    20     (b)  In the event that no injunctive relief is sought or
    21  required, any person injured by a violation of this act may
    22  maintain an action for damages and costs of suit in any court of
    23  competent jurisdiction.
    24     Section 13.  Department of Revenue; Powers and Duties.--The
    25  administration of this act is hereby vested in the Department of
    26  Revenue of this Commonwealth. Such department [may] shall adopt
    27  rules and regulations for the enforcement of this act and [may]
    28  shall from time to time make or cause to be made one or more
    29  cost surveys to establish the lowest "cost of the cigarette
    30  stamping agent, the lowest" "cost [to] of the retailer" and the
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     1  lowest "cost [to] of the wholesaler," as defined in this act,
     2  for the State or such trading area or areas therein as it shall
     3  define. Any such survey made or caused to be made by the
     4  department may be used for the purposes specified in section
     5  eleven of this act. Regulations shall provide a procedure for
     6  licensees to prove a cost different from the State presumptive
     7  costs, including proof of lower costs, filing of petition, cost
     8  allocation, data to be submitted and guidelines necessary to
     9  implement this act. Authorization to sell below the State's
    10  presumptive minimum shall be in writing and otherwise in
    11  conformance with the requirements of this act, and shall contain
    12  a statement that the authorization is effective forty-five (45)
    13  days after the issuance of the writing and is valid for six (6)
    14  months. The Department of Revenue may, upon notice and after
    15  hearing, suspend or revoke any permit issued under the
    16  provisions of the Cigarette Tax Act (Act of March 24, 1949,
    17  Pamphlet Laws 336), for failure of the permittee to comply with
    18  any of the provisions of this Unfair Cigarette Sales Act. Any
    19  person aggrieved by any decision or order of the department
    20  suspending or revoking any such permit may appeal from such
    21  decision or order, as provided in the Administrative Agency Law
    22  (Act of June 4, 1945, Pamphlet Laws 1388), as amended.
    23     Section 14.  Penalty.--[Any retailer or wholesaler who shall
    24  advertise, offer to sell or sell cigarettes at retail or
    25  wholesale in violation of the provisions of this act shall, for
    26  a first offense, upon summary conviction thereof, be sentenced
    27  to pay a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars ($200), and, in
    28  default thereof, shall be sentenced to undergo imprisonment for
    29  not more than sixty (60) days; and for a second or subsequent
    30  offense, be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction
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     1  thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding five hundred
     2  dollars ($500), or to undergo imprisonment not exceeding six
     3  months, or both. Each advertisement, offer for sale or sale of
     4  cigarettes in violation of the provisions of this act shall
     5  constitute a separate violation of the provisions of this act
     6  and shall subject the offender to the penalties hereby
     7  prescribed. Proof of any such advertisement, offer to sell or
     8  sale by any retailer or wholesaler in contravention of the
     9  policy of this act shall be prima facie evidence of a violation
    10  of this act.] (a)  The license of any cigarette stamping agent
    11  or wholesaler or retailer who violates any of the provisions of
    12  this article may be suspended, after due notice and opportunity
    13  of hearing, for a period of not less than five (5) days nor more
    14  than thirty (30) days for a first offense, and shall be revoked
    15  or suspended for any subsequent offense.
    16     (b)  In addition to the penalty provided in subsection (a) of
    17  this section, upon conviction of a first offense, the cigarette
    18  stamping agent or wholesaler or retailer shall be sentenced to
    19  pay a fine of not less than two thousand five hundred dollars
    20  ($2,500) nor more than five thousand dollars ($5,000). For
    21  subsequent offenses, the agent, wholesaler or retailer shall,
    22  upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not less
    23  than five thousand dollars ($5,000) nor more than fifteen
    24  thousand dollars ($15,000).
    25     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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