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                                 HOUSE AMENDED
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1054, 1805, 2036         PRINTER'S NO. 2160



No. 893 Session of 2001


           JUNE 26, 2002

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 5, 1972 (P.L.1280, No.284),
     2     entitled "An act relating to securities; prohibiting
     3     fraudulent practices in relation thereto; requiring the
     4     registration of broker-dealers, agents, investment advisers,
     5     and securities; and making uniform the law with reference
     6     thereto," further providing for definitions, for exempt
     7     securities and transactions, for exemption proceedings, for
     8     registration by coordination, for general registration
     9     provisions, for denial, suspension, revocation and
    10     conditioning of registrations, for federally covered
    11     securities, for exemptions and for registration and notice
    12     filing procedures; providing for prearranged trading
    13     programs; further providing for time limitations on rights of
    14     actions, for right of the Pennsylvania Securities Commission
    15     to bring actions, for investigations and subpoenas and for
    16     criminal penalties; providing for return of sales
    17     compensation; further providing for administration, for        <--
    18     salaries of commissioners, for fees, for assessments, for
    19     administrative files, for miscellaneous powers of commission,
    20     for hearings and judicial review, for regulations and forms
    21     and orders; and providing for burden of proof.

    22     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    23  hereby enacts as follows:
    24     Section 1.  Section 102(a), (d), (e) and (p) of the act of
    25  December 5, 1972 (P.L.1280, No.284), known as the Pennsylvania
    26  Securities Act of 1972, amended November 24, 1998 (P.L.829,

     1  No.109), are amended and the section is amended by adding
     2  subsections to read:
     3     Section 102.  Definitions.--When used in this act, the
     4  following definitions shall be applicable, unless the context
     5  otherwise requires:
     6     (a)  "Advertisement" means any [publicly disseminated,
     7  written or printed communication, including without limitation,
     8  communication by radio, television, or other public media]
     9  communication, used in connection with a sale or purchase or an
    10  offer to sell or purchase a security which is publicly
    11  disseminated by means of print, radio, television, Internet or
    12  other media.
    13     * * *
    14     (d)  "Bank" means [any bank, banking and trust company,
    15  savings bank, trust company or private bank, as defined in the
    16  Banking Code of 1965, act of November 30, 1965 (P.L.847), or any
    17  savings and loan association, as defined in the Savings
    18  Association Code of 1967, act of December 14, 1967 (P.L.746), or
    19  any successor statutes thereto, or any banking institution,
    20  trust company or savings and loan institution organized under
    21  the laws of the United States, or of any state, territory or the
    22  District of Columbia, or a receiver, conservator or other
    23  liquidating agent of any of the foregoing.] a bank, savings
    24  bank, savings institution, savings and loan association, thrift
    25  institution, trust company or similar organization which is
    26  organized or chartered under the laws of a state or of the
    27  United States, is authorized to and receives deposits and is
    28  supervised and examined by an official or agency of a state or
    29  by the United States if its deposits are insured by the Federal
    30  Deposit Insurance Corporation or a successor authorized by
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     1  Federal law.
     2     (e)  "Broker-dealer" means any person engaged in the business
     3  of effecting transactions in securities for the account of
     4  others or for his own account. "Broker-dealer" does not include:
     5     (i)  An agent;
     6     (ii)  An issuer;
     7     (iii)  A bank[, when effecting transactions for its own
     8  account or for the account of another under section 302(c);]
     9  which meets the exceptions from the definition of "broker" under
    10  section 3(a)(4)(B) or (E) or the definition of "dealer" under
    11  section 3(a)(5)(B) or (C) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
    12  (48 Stat. 881, 15 U.S.C. § 78c(a)(4)(B) or (E) and 5(B) or (C));
    13     (iv)  An executor, administrator, guardian, conservator or
    14  pledgee;
    15     (v)  A person who has no place of business in this State if
    16  he effects transactions in this State exclusively with or
    17  through (A) the issuers of the securities involved in the
    18  transactions, (B) broker-dealers or institutional investors;
    19     (vi)  A person licensed as a real estate broker or agent
    20  under the act of February 19, 1980 (P.L.15, No.9), known as the
    21  Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act, and whose
    22  transactions in securities are isolated transactions incidental
    23  to that business; or
    24     (vii)  Other persons not within the intent of this subsection
    25  whom the commission by regulation designates.
    26     * * *
    27     (k.1)  "Knowing and knowingly" as used in sections 511(a) and
    28  512(a) shall have the same meaning as the term "knowingly" is
    29  defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 302(b)(2) (relating to general
    30  requirements of culpability).
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     1     * * *
     2     (p)  "Publish" means publicly to issue or circulate by
     3  newspaper, mail, radio, [or] television, Internet or other media
     4  or otherwise to disseminate to the public.
     5     * * *
     6     (w)  "Wilful and wilfully" mean the following:
     7     (1)  As used in all sections of the act, except section 511
     8  with respect to a wilful violation of section 401(a) of the act,
     9  and notwithstanding any law or statute to the contrary, wilful
    10  means that the person acted intentionally in the sense that the
    11  person intended to do the act and was aware of what the person
    12  was doing. Proof of evil motive or intent to violate the act or
    13  knowledge that the person's conduct violated the act is not
    14  required.
    15     (2)  For purposes of section 511 with respect to a wilful
    16  violation of section 401(a) of the act, wilful means that the
    17  person acted intentionally, knowingly, recklessly or negligently
    18  as those terms are defined in 18 Pa.C.S. § 302 (relating to
    19  general requirements of culpability).
    20     Section 2.  Section 202 (f) of the act, amended May 9, 1984
    21  (P.L.235, No.52) and November 24, 1998 (P.L.829, No.109), is
    22  amended to read:
    23     Section 202.  Exempt Securities.--The following securities
    24  are exempted from sections 201 and 211:
    25     * * *
    26     (f)  Any security listed, or approved for listing upon notice
    27  of issuance, on the New York, American, or Philadelphia stock
    28  exchange [or any other securities exchange] or quoted on [any
    29  national quotation service designated by regulation of the
    30  commission and any security (except securities of an open-end or
    20010S0893B2160                  - 4 -

     1  closed-end investment company, face amount certificate company
     2  or unit investment trust, as such persons are classified in the
     3  Investment Company Act of 1940) which satisfies the margin
     4  requirements of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
     5  System under Regulation T and any supplement or any successor
     6  regulation thereto] the National Market System of the Nasdaq
     7  Stock Market; any other security of the same issuer which is of
     8  senior or substantially equal rank; any security called for by
     9  subscription rights or warrants so listed, approved or quoted;
    10  and any warrant or right to purchase or subscribe to any of the
    11  foregoing.
    12     * * *
    13     Section 3.  Section 203(i.1) and (p) of the act, amended
    14  December 7, 1994 (P.L.869, No.126) and November 24, 1998
    15  (P.L.829, No.109), are amended to read:
    16     Section 203.  Exempt Transactions.--The following
    17  transactions are exempted from sections 201 and 211:
    18     * * *
    19     (i.1)  Any sale of an equity security, except securities of
    20  an open-end or closed-end investment company, face amount
    21  certificate company or unit investment trust, as such persons
    22  are classified in the Investment Company Act of 1940 (54 Stat.
    23  789, 15 U.S.C. § 80a-1 et seq.), if: (i) the securities are
    24  proposed to be registered under section 5 of the Securities Act
    25  of 1933 (15 U.S.C. § 77e) [or exempted under Regulation A
    26  promulgated under section 3(b) thereof (15 U.S.C. § 77c(b))]
    27  and, in fact, become registered under section 5 of the
    28  Securities Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C. § 77e) [or exempted from
    29  registration pursuant to Regulation A promulgated under section
    30  3(b) of such act; (ii) a copy of any final prospectus or final
    20010S0893B2160                  - 5 -

     1  offering circular utilized or proposed to be utilized in
     2  connection therewith is filed with the commission at the time
     3  the notice required by clause (viii) is filed; (iii) the
     4  applicable filing fee specified in section 602(b.1) is paid with
     5  respect to such offering]; (iv) the issuer of the security is a
     6  reporting company as defined in section 102(q); (v) no stop
     7  order or refusal order is in effect and no public proceeding or
     8  investigation looking toward such an order is pending under the
     9  Securities Act of 1933 or this act; (vi) the equity security is
    10  listed on a national securities exchange registered under the
    11  Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (48 Stat. 881, 15 U.S.C. § 78a
    12  et seq.) or quoted on the [National Association of Securities
    13  Dealers Automated Quotation System] National Market System or
    14  Small Cap Market of the Nasdaq Stock Market; (vii) the issuer,
    15  at the time [it files the notice required in clause (viii) with
    16  the commission] the registration statement becomes effective
    17  under section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933, has not received
    18  an auditor's report for the immediately preceding fiscal year
    19  expressing substantial doubt about the issuer's ability to
    20  continue as a going concern unless the securities being sold in
    21  reliance upon this subsection are the subject of an offering
    22  that is being underwritten on a firm commitment basis by a
    23  broker-dealer registered under section 301[; and (viii) the
    24  issuer has filed a notice with the commission in the form and
    25  manner which the commission, by regulation, may prescribe. As a
    26  condition of the continuing effectiveness of this exemption,
    27  copies of any post-effective amendment or sticker to such
    28  prospectus or offering circular must be filed with the
    29  commission within two business days after the same is filed with
    30  the Securities and Exchange Commission]. An exemption under this
    20010S0893B2160                  - 6 -

     1  section shall terminate upon the termination of the registration
     2  statement under section 5 [(15 U.S.C. § 77e) or the exemption
     3  from registration pursuant to Regulation A promulgated under
     4  section 3(b) (15 U.S.C. § 77c(b))] of the Securities Act of
     5  1933. For purposes of this subsection, the commission, by
     6  regulation, may define the term "equity security."
     7     * * *
     8     (p)  Any offer or sale of an evidence of indebtedness of an
     9  issuer either: organized exclusively for educational,
    10  benevolent, fraternal, religious, charitable, social, athletic
    11  or reformatory purposes and not for pecuniary profit, if no part
    12  of the net earnings of the issuer inures to the benefit of any
    13  private shareholder or individual; or organized as a chamber of
    14  commerce or trade or professional association if [there has been
    15  filed with the commission a notice identifying the security and
    16  the basis of its qualification under this exemption together
    17  with such further information as the commission may by
    18  regulation require, and if the commission does not by order
    19  disallow the exemption within ten days or such shorter period as
    20  it may permit. The security qualifies under this exemption if:
    21  (i) the issuer and any predecessor have not defaulted within the
    22  current fiscal year and the three preceding fiscal years in any
    23  fixed interest or principal obligation; (ii) the issuer complies
    24  with regulations of the commission with respect to trust
    25  indentures and the use of a prospectus; (iii) the securities
    26  proposed to be sold are secured by a mortgage or deed of trust
    27  upon land and buildings, which mortgage or deed of trust is or
    28  will become a first lien at or prior to the issuance of such
    29  evidences of indebtedness, or provision satisfactory to the
    30  commission is made for escrowing the proceeds from their sale
    20010S0893B2160                  - 7 -

     1  until such first lien is established, and the total amount of
     2  such securities does not exceed seventy-five per cent of the
     3  then fair market value of the land and buildings included in
     4  such mortgage or deed of trust, less the amount of any unpaid
     5  special assessment taxes; and (iv) any person who accepts an
     6  offer to purchase securities under this subsection has received
     7  a written notice of his right to withdraw his acceptance as
     8  provided by section 207(m)(2). This exemption shall not apply to
     9  the securities of any nonprofit organization if any promoter
    10  thereof expects or intends to make a profit directly or
    11  indirectly from any business or activity associated with the
    12  organization or operation of such nonprofit organization.] all
    13  the following are met:
    14     (1)  The issuer files a notice with the commission in the
    15  form prescribed by the commission not later than five business
    16  days before the issuer receives from any person an executed
    17  subscription agreement or other contract to purchase the
    18  securities being offered or the issuer receives consideration
    19  from any person therefor, whichever is earlier. The notice filed
    20  with the commission shall be accompanied by a copy of a
    21  disclosure document and any offering literature to be used in
    22  connection with an offer or sale of securities under this
    23  section.
    24     (2)  The filing fee prescribed in section 602(b.1)(x) has
    25  been paid.
    26     (3)  Each person who accepts an offer to purchase securities
    27  under this subsection has received a written notice of a right
    28  to withdraw an acceptance as provided in section 207(m)(2).
    29     (4)  The issuer and any predecessor of the issuer have not
    30  defaulted within the current fiscal year and the three preceding
    20010S0893B2160                  - 8 -

     1  fiscal years with respect to any debt security previously sold
     2  by the issuer or its predecessor.
     3     (5)  The total amount of securities proposed to be offered
     4  under this subsection are secured by a mortgage or deed of trust
     5  upon the existing land and buildings owned by the issuer which
     6  mortgage or deed of trust is or will become a first lien at or
     7  prior to the issuance of the securities or there exists a
     8  provision satisfactory to the commission for escrowing of the
     9  proceeds from the sale of the securities until such first lien
    10  is established.
    11     (6)  The total amount of securities proposed to be offered
    12  under this subsection does not exceed, as of the time the form
    13  required by this subsection is filed with the commission,
    14  seventy-five per cent of the fair market value of the land and
    15  buildings to be included in the mortgage or deed of trust.
    16     (7)  No promoter of the issuer expects or intends to make a
    17  profit directly or indirectly from any business activity
    18  associated with the organization or operation of the issuer.
    19     (8)  The issuer complies with regulations of the commission
    20  with respect to trust indentures and the use of an offering
    21  document.
    22     * * *
    23     Section 4.  Section 204 of the act is amended to read:
    24     Section 204.  Exemption Proceedings.--(a)  The commission may
    25  by regulation as to any type of security or transaction, or by
    26  order in a particular case, as to any security or transaction
    27  increase the number of purchasers or offerees permitted, or
    28  waive the conditions in either of sections 202 or 203.
    29     (b)  The commission may by order deny or revoke any exemption
    30  specified in section 202 or 203 with respect to a specific
    20010S0893B2160                  - 9 -

     1  security or transaction. [No such order may be entered without
     2  appropriate prior notice to all interested parties, opportunity
     3  for hearing, and written findings of fact and conclusions of
     4  law, except that the commission may by order summarily deny or
     5  revoke any of the specified exemptions pending final
     6  determination of any proceeding under this section. Upon the
     7  entry of a summary order, the commission shall promptly notify
     8  all interested parties that it has been entered and reasons
     9  therefor and that within fifteen days of the receipt of a
    10  written request the matter will be set down for hearing. If no
    11  hearing is requested and none is ordered by the commission, the
    12  order will remain in effect until it is modified or vacated by
    13  the commission. If a hearing is requested or ordered, the
    14  commission, after notice of and opportunity for hearing to all
    15  interested persons, may modify or vacate the order or extend it
    16  until final determination.] The order shall be issued summarily
    17  without notice or hearing. Upon issuance of a summary order, the
    18  commission shall promptly provide the order to the person
    19  against whom it is issued. The order shall contain findings of
    20  fact and conclusions of law and include a notice affording the
    21  person an opportunity for a hearing under section 607(a). No
    22  order under this section [may] shall operate retroactively. No
    23  person [may] shall be considered to have violated section 201 by
    24  reason of any offer or sale effected after the entry of an order
    25  under this section if he sustains the burden of proof that he
    26  did not know, and in the exercise of reasonable care could not
    27  have known, of the order.
    28     [(c)  In any proceeding under this act, the burden of proving
    29  an exemption or an exception from a definition is upon the
    30  person claiming it.]
    20010S0893B2160                 - 10 -

     1     Section 5.  Section 205(c) of the act, amended November 24,
     2  1998 (P.L.829, No.109), is amended to read:
     3     Section 205.  Registration by Coordination.--* * *
     4     (c)  [(1)  A registration statement filed under this section
     5  for the offering of securities by an open-end or closed-end
     6  investment company, face amount certificate company or unit
     7  investment trust, as such persons are classified in the
     8  Investment Company Act of 1940, automatically becomes effective
     9  if (i) the Federal registration statement or notification is
    10  effective with the Securities and Exchange Commission; (ii) no
    11  stop order is in effect in this State and no proceeding is
    12  pending under section 208; (iii) the registration statement or a
    13  predecessor registration statement has been on file with the
    14  commission for at least five days; and (iv) the fee specified in
    15  section 602(b.1) has been paid.
    16     (2)  All other registration statements] A registration
    17  statement or notification of any proposed sale filed under this
    18  section automatically become effective at the moment the Federal
    19  registration statement or notification becomes effective if (i)
    20  no stop order is in effect in this State and no proceeding is
    21  pending under section 208; and (ii) the registration statement
    22  or notification has been on file with the commission for at
    23  least ten days[; and (iv) the offering is made within these
    24  limitations].
    25     * * *
    26     Section 6.  Section 207(j.1) and (l) of the act, amended
    27  December 18, 1990 (P.L.755, No.190) and November 24, 1998
    28  (P.L.829, No.109), are amended to read:
    29     Section 207.  General Registration Provisions.--* * *
    30     (j.1)  [Except for a registration by coordination for an
    20010S0893B2160                 - 11 -

     1  open-end or closed-end investment company, face amount
     2  certificate company or unit investment trust, as such persons
     3  are classified in the Investment Company Act of 1940 (54 Stat.
     4  789, 15 U.S.C. § 80a-1 et seq.), a] A registration by
     5  coordination is effective for one year from its effective date.
     6  The effectiveness of a registration by coordination may be
     7  extended beyond the initial one-year effectiveness period in
     8  increments of one-year periods up to a maximum of three years
     9  from the initial effectiveness date, provided that the security
    10  is being offered or distributed in a nonexempted transaction by
    11  or for the account of the issuer or other person on whose behalf
    12  the offering is being made, or by any underwriter or broker-
    13  dealer who is still offering part of an unsold allotment or
    14  subscription taken by him as a participant in the distribution
    15  and the commission has been notified of such continued offering
    16  and the period thereof. [A registration by coordination for an
    17  open-end or closed-end investment company or face amount
    18  certificate company, as such persons are classified in the
    19  Investment Company Act of 1940, is effective for the period
    20  beginning with its effective date and ending sixty days after
    21  the registrant's fiscal year end for the year in which the
    22  filing under section 205 became effective. A registration by
    23  coordination for a unit investment trust, as such a person is
    24  classified in the Investment Company Act of 1940, is effective
    25  for the period beginning with its effective date in this State
    26  and ending one year after the date the registration statement
    27  for the same securities became effective with the Securities and
    28  Exchange Commission.] A registration by qualification is
    29  effective for one year from its effective date. The fact that a
    30  registration statement has been effective in this State with
    20010S0893B2160                 - 12 -

     1  respect to any security does not permit sales of securities of
     2  the same class by the issuer or an affiliate of the issuer if
     3  such person did not file the registration statement, unless a
     4  separate registration statement is filed and declared effective
     5  with respect thereto, or an exemption from registration is
     6  available. A registration statement may not be withdrawn after
     7  its effective date if any of the securities registered have been
     8  sold in this State, unless permitted by regulation or order of
     9  the commission. No registration statement is effective during
    10  the time a stop order is in effect under section 208. [The
    11  effectiveness of a registration statement filed by an open-end
    12  or closed-end investment company, face amount certificate
    13  company or unit investment trust, as such persons are classified
    14  in the Investment Company Act of 1940, shall not be terminated
    15  as a result of a post-effective amendment seeking to register an
    16  additional amount of securities which becomes effective under
    17  the Securities Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 74, 15 U.S.C. § 77a et
    18  seq.).]
    19     * * *
    20     (l)  [(1)  Except as provided in paragraph (2), a] A
    21  registration statement relating to any offering of securities
    22  may be amended after its effective date so as to increase the
    23  specified amount of securities proposed to be offered in this
    24  State. The amendment becomes effective upon the payment of the
    25  required filing fee, if any, and when the commission so orders.
    26     [(2)  Amendments to a registration statement of an open-end
    27  or closed-end investment company, face amount certificate
    28  company or unit investment trust, as such persons are classified
    29  in the Investment Company Act of 1940, so as to increase the
    30  specified amount of securities proposed to be offered in this
    20010S0893B2160                 - 13 -

     1  State are effective upon filing with the commission provided
     2  that the aggregate fee specified in section 602(b.1) has been
     3  paid.]
     4     * * *
     5     Section 7.  Section 208(c), 211(c) and (d), 302(c) and (e.1)
     6  and 303(a)(iii) and (iv) of the act, amended November 24, 1998
     7  (P.L.829, No.109), are amended to read:
     8     Section 208.  Denial, Suspension, and Revocation of
     9  Registrations.--* * *
    10     (c)  The commission may by order deny, postpone, suspend or
    11  revoke the effectiveness of a registration statement. [No order
    12  may be entered without prior notice to the applicant or
    13  registrant, opportunity for hearing and written findings of fact
    14  and conclusions of law, except that the commission may by order
    15  summarily deny, postpone, suspend or revoke the effectiveness of
    16  a registration statement pending final determination of any
    17  proceeding under this subsection. Upon the entry of the order,
    18  the commission shall promptly notify the applicant or registrant
    19  that it has been entered and the reasons therefor and that,
    20  within fifteen days after the receipt of a written request, the
    21  matter will be set down for hearing. If no hearing is requested
    22  and none is ordered by the commission, the order will remain in
    23  effect until it is modified or vacated by the commission. If a
    24  hearing is requested or ordered, the commission, after notice of
    25  and opportunity for hearing to the applicant or registrant, may
    26  modify or vacate the order or make it permanent.] The order may
    27  be issued summarily without notice or hearing. Upon issuance of
    28  a summary order, the commission shall promptly provide the order
    29  to the applicant or registrant. The order shall contain findings
    30  of fact and conclusions of law and include a notice affording
    20010S0893B2160                 - 14 -

     1  the applicant or registrant an opportunity for a hearing under
     2  section 607(a). No order shall operate retroactively. No person
     3  [may] shall be considered to have violated section 201 solely by
     4  reason of an order entered under this section for any offer or
     5  sale effected after the entry of an order under this section if
     6  the person sustains the burden of proof that the person did not
     7  know, and in the exercise of reasonable care could not have
     8  known, of the order.
     9     Section 211.  Federally Covered Securities.--* * *
    10     (c)  (1)  The commission may issue a stop order suspending
    11  the offer or sale of a security described in subsection (a) or
    12  (b) upon finding that:
    13     [(1)]  (i)  The order is necessary or appropriate in the
    14  public interest for protection of investors; and
    15     [(2)] (ii)  There is a failure to comply with any condition
    16  established under this section.
    17     (2)  A stop order under this section may be issued summarily
    18  without notice or hearing. Upon issuance of a summary order, the
    19  commission shall promptly provide the order to the person
    20  against whom it is issued. The order shall contain findings of
    21  fact and conclusions of law and include a notice affording the
    22  person an opportunity for a hearing under section 607(a). No
    23  person shall be considered to have violated section 201 solely
    24  by reason of an order entered under this section for an offer or
    25  sale effected after the entry of an order under this section if
    26  the person sustains the burden of proof that the person did not
    27  know, and in the exercise of reasonable care could not have
    28  known, of the order.
    29     [(d)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) and
    30  (b), for the period ending October 10, 1999, the commission may
    20010S0893B2160                 - 15 -

     1  require the registration of a security described in subsection
     2  (a) or (b) pursuant to section 201 if the issuer has not paid
     3  the correct fee and, if applicable, the correct assessment and
     4  the nonpayment or underpayment of the fee or assessment has not
     5  been remedied by the commission receiving the amount due from
     6  the issuer within ten calendar days following receipt by the
     7  issuer of a written notice from the commission concerning the
     8  nonpayment or underpayment of the fee or assessment required by
     9  this section or section 602(b.1) or 602.1(a)(5).]
    10     Section 302.  Exemptions.--The following persons shall be
    11  exempted from the registration provisions of section 301:
    12     * * *
    13     (c)  [A bank not registered as a broker-dealer under this act
    14  executing orders for the purchase or sale of securities for the
    15  account of the purchaser or seller thereof.] A person who
    16  represents an issuer in effecting transactions in securities
    17  registered under section 205 or 206 who:
    18     (1)  Is a bona fide officer, director, partner or employe of
    19  the issuer or an individual occupying similar status or
    20  performing similar functions; and
    21     (2)  Does not receive any compensation, directly or
    22  indirectly, for effecting the transactions.
    23     * * *
    24     [(e.1)  Any person who represents an issuer in effecting
    25  transactions in securities registered under section 205 or 206
    26  who:
    27     (1)  Is a bona fide officer, director, partner or employe of
    28  the issuer or an individual occupying similar status or
    29  performing similar functions; and
    30     (2)  Does not receive any compensation, directly or
    20010S0893B2160                 - 16 -

     1  indirectly, for effecting the transactions.]
     2     * * *
     3     Section 303.  Registration and Notice Filing Procedure.--(a)
     4  * * *
     5     (iii)  A federally covered adviser shall file with the
     6  commission, prior to acting as a federally covered adviser in
     7  this State, a copy of such documents as have been filed with the
     8  Securities and Exchange Commission which the commission by
     9  regulation may require, together with the fee specified in
    10  section 602(d.1). This requirement shall not apply to a
    11  federally covered adviser that:
    12     (A)  Has [its principal] a place of business in this State
    13  and whose only clients in this State are investment advisers,
    14  federally covered advisers, broker-dealers or institutional
    15  investors;
    16     (B)  Does not have a place of business in this State and
    17  during the preceding twelve-month period has had not more than
    18  five clients who are residents of this State, exclusive of other
    19  investment advisers, federally covered advisers, broker-dealers
    20  or institutional investors; or
    21     (C)  Meets the definition of any person described in section
    22  102(j)(i) through (viii) [or (x) and (xi).], (x) or (xi), except
    23  a federally covered adviser that is also a broker-dealer
    24  registered under section 301, that has an individual employed by
    25  or associated with such person who meets the definition of
    26  investment adviser representative in section 102(j.1)(ii).
    27     [(iv)  Notwithstanding the provisions of clause (iii), until
    28  October 10, 1999, the commission may require the registration of
    29  a federally covered adviser under section 301 if the federally
    30  covered adviser has not paid the correct fee and the nonpayment
    20010S0893B2160                 - 17 -

     1  or underpayment of the fee has not been remedied by the
     2  commission receiving the amount due within ten calendar days
     3  following receipt by the federally covered adviser of written
     4  notice from the commission concerning the nonpayment or
     5  underpayment of the fee required by this section and section
     6  602(d.1).]
     7     * * *
     8     Section 8.  Section 305(a)(i) and (xiv) and (d) of the act,
     9  amended or added December 18, 1990 (P.L.755, No.190) and
    10  November 24, 1998 (P.L.829, No.190), are amended and the section
    11  is amended by adding a subsection and a clause to read:
    12     Section 305.  Denial, Suspension, Revocation and Conditioning
    13  of Registration.
    14     (a)  The commission may, by order, deny, suspend, revoke or
    15  condition any registration or may censure any registrant if it
    16  finds that such order is in the public interest and that such
    17  registrant or applicant, or in the case of any broker-dealer or
    18  investment adviser, any affiliate thereof, whether prior or
    19  subsequent to becoming associated with such person:
    20     (i)  Has[, in any application for registration or in any
    21  report required to be filed with the commission under this act,
    22  or in any proceeding before the commission, wilfully made or
    23  caused to be made any statement which was at the time and in the
    24  light of the circumstances under which it was made false or
    25  misleading with respect to any material fact, or has wilfully
    26  omitted to state in any such application, report or proceeding,
    27  any material fact which is required to be stated therein or
    28  necessary in order to make the statements made, in the light of
    29  the circumstances under which they are made, not misleading, or
    30  has wilfully failed to amend or supplement such an application,
    20010S0893B2160                 - 18 -

     1  report or statement in a timely manner in accordance with rules
     2  which may be adopted by the commission; or] filed an application
     3  for registration or a document in connection with an application
     4  for registration which as of its effective date, or as of a date
     5  after filing in the case of an order denying effectiveness, was
     6  incomplete in a material respect or contained a statement which
     7  was, in light of the circumstances under which it was made,
     8  false or misleading with respect to a material fact; or
     9     * * *
    10     (xiv)  Is subject to any currently effective order or orders
    11  entered within the past five years [of any securities] by any
    12  regulator of another country:
    13     (A)  denying registration to, or revoking or suspending the
    14  registration of, such person as a broker-dealer, agent,
    15  investment adviser, [associated person] investment adviser
    16  representative, futures commission merchant, commodity pool
    17  operator, commodity trading adviser or a person associated with
    18  a futures commission merchant, commodity pool operator or
    19  commodity trading adviser; or [is]
    20     (B)  denying, revoking or suspending the person's legal
    21  authorization to engage in the business of banking or insurance;
    22  or
    23     (xv)  Is subject to any currently effective order of any
    24  securities exchange or self-regulatory organization operating
    25  under the authority of the securities regulator of another
    26  country suspending or expelling such person from membership in
    27  such exchange or self-regulatory association[.]; or
    28     (xvi)  Is subject to a currently effective order or orders
    29  entered within the past five years by a state insurance
    30  regulator or Federal or state banking regulator denying
    20010S0893B2160                 - 19 -

     1  registration, articles of incorporation or association,
     2  certificate of organization or authorization to do business,
     3  charter or license, or revoking or suspending the registration,
     4  articles of incorporation or association, certificate of
     5  organization or authorization to do business, charter or license
     6  of such person to engage in the insurance, banking, or other
     7  financial services industry, or finding that such person has
     8  engaged in fraudulent, unethical, dishonest or abusive practices
     9  in connection with any aspect of the business of insurance,
    10  banking or other financial services.
    11     (a.1)  The commission, by order, may deny the application of:
    12     (i)  an agent or investment adviser representative if the
    13  individual is obligated, pursuant to an award of an arbitration
    14  panel, to pay compensation to purchasers of securities and, as
    15  of the date the application is filed with the commission, has
    16  not paid the awarded compensation to the purchasers in full and
    17  within the time period specified by the arbitration panel; or
    18     (ii)  a broker-dealer or investment adviser if a promoter,
    19  director, chief executive officer, chief financial officer,
    20  chief operations officer, chief legal officer, chief compliance
    21  officer or general partner (or person occupying a similar status
    22  or performing similar functions) of the applicant held a similar
    23  position with another broker-dealer, investment adviser or
    24  federally covered adviser which entity, pursuant to an award of
    25  an arbitration panel, is obligated to pay compensation to
    26  purchasers of securities and, as of the date the application is
    27  filed with the commission, has not paid the awarded compensation
    28  to the purchasers in full within the time period specified by
    29  the arbitration panel.
    30  The commission may issue an order prospectively rescinding a
    20010S0893B2160                 - 20 -

     1  denial order issued under this subsection if the person whose
     2  application has been denied under this subsection provides
     3  credible evidence that the compensation awarded by the
     4  arbitration panel which was the basis for denial of the
     5  application under this subsection has been paid in full and in
     6  cash.
     7     * * *
     8     (d)  The commission may by order summarily deny, postpone or
     9  suspend an application [for] or registration pending final
    10  determination of any proceeding under this section. [Upon the
    11  entry of the order, the commission shall promptly notify the
    12  applicant or registrant, as well as the employer or prospective
    13  employer if the applicant or registrant is an agent, that it has
    14  been entered and of the reasons therefor and that within fifteen
    15  days after the receipt of a written request the matter will be
    16  set down for hearing. If no hearing is requested and none is
    17  ordered by the commission, the order will remain in effect until
    18  it is modified or vacated by the commission. If a hearing is
    19  requested or ordered, the commission, after notice of and
    20  opportunity for hearing, may modify or vacate the order or
    21  extend it until final determination.] The order may be issued
    22  summarily without notice or hearing. Upon issuance of a summary
    23  order, the commission shall promptly provide the order to the
    24  applicant or registrant and the employer or prospective employer
    25  if the applicant or registrant is an agent or investment adviser
    26  representative. The order shall contain findings of fact and
    27  conclusions of law and include a notice affording the applicant
    28  or registrant an opportunity for a hearing in accordance with
    29  section 607(a).
    30     * * *
    20010S0893B2160                 - 21 -

     1     Section 9.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
     2     Section 410.  Prearranged Trading Programs.--In connection
     3  with the offer, sale or purchase of any security in this State,
     4  no person shall be deemed to have violated section 401 or 406 or
     5  otherwise to have made an untrue statement of a material fact or
     6  omitted to state a material fact necessary in order to make the
     7  statements made, in the light of the circumstances under which
     8  they were made, not misleading if such person demonstrates that
     9  the offer, sale or purchase was prearranged in accordance with
    10  17 C.F.R. § 240.10b5-1(c) (relating to trading "on the basis of"
    11  material nonpublic information in insider trading cases), or any
    12  successor thereto, promulgated under section 10(b) of the
    13  Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (48 Stat. 881, 15 U.S.C. § 79a
    14  et seq.).
    15     Section 10.  Section 504(d) of the act is amended to read:
    16     Section 504.  Time Limitations on Rights of Action.--* * *
    17     (d)  No purchaser may commence an action under section 501,
    18  502 or 503 if, before suit is commenced, the purchaser has
    19  received a written offer: (i) stating the respect in which
    20  liability under such section may have arisen and fairly advising
    21  the purchaser of his rights; offering to repurchase the security
    22  for cash, payable on delivery of the security, equal to the
    23  consideration paid, together with interest at the legal rate
    24  from the date of payment, less the amount of any income or
    25  distributions, in cash or in kind, received thereon or, if the
    26  purchaser no longer owns the security, offering to pay the
    27  purchaser upon acceptance of the offer an amount in cash equal
    28  to the damages computed in accordance with section 501(a); and
    29  (ii) stating that the offer may be accepted by the purchaser at
    30  any time within a specified period of not less than thirty days
    20010S0893B2160                 - 22 -

     1  after the date of receipt thereof, or such shorter period as the
     2  commission may by rule prescribe; and the purchaser has failed
     3  to accept such offer in writing within the specified period. The
     4  limitations on a purchaser commencing an action under this
     5  subsection shall not apply if the purchaser has accepted an
     6  offer to repurchase made under this subsection within the time
     7  period specified under this subsection and has complied with all
     8  the terms of this subsection but has not received the cash
     9  payment specified by this subsection within ninety days of the
    10  date of acceptance of the offer to repurchase.
    11     * * *
    12     Section 11.  Section 509(c) of the act, amended November 24,
    13  1998 (P.L.829, No.109), is amended to read:
    14     Section 509.  Right of Commission to Bring Actions for
    15  Injunction and Equitable Relief; Class Actions; Contempt of
    16  Commission Orders.--* * *
    17     (c)  Any person violating any (i) stop order issued under
    18  section 208, (ii) cease advertising order issued under section
    19  606(c), (iii) cease and desist order issued under section
    20  606(c.1), (iv) order of the commission requiring a rescission
    21  pursuant to section 513 [or], (v) order of the commission
    22  imposing any bar described in section 512, (vi) order of the
    23  commission requiring return of sales compensation under section
    24  514(a), or (vii) any order of the commission imposing an
    25  administrative assessment under section 602.1(b) or (c) from
    26  which no appeal of such an order has been taken pursuant to
    27  section 607(d) of the act or which has been sustained on appeal,
    28  or which has been appealed but where no supersedeas has been
    29  granted for the period [in] during which the order has been
    30  violated, shall be deemed to be in contempt of such order. Upon
    20010S0893B2160                 - 23 -

     1  petition and certification of such order by the commission, the
     2  Commonwealth Court or any of the courts of common pleas if it
     3  finds after hearing or otherwise that the person is not in
     4  compliance with the order shall adjudge the person in contempt
     5  of the order and shall assess such civil penalties of an amount
     6  not less than [three] five thousand dollars [($3,000)] ($5,000)
     7  nor greater than [ten] fifteen thousand dollars [($10,000)]
     8  ($15,000) per violation and [issue such further orders] grant
     9  such equitable relief as it may deem appropriate.
    10     Section 12.  Section 510 of the act is amended by adding a
    11  subsection to read:
    12     Section 510.  Investigations and Subpoenas.--* * *
    13     (e)  At the request of the securities regulatory authority of
    14  another jurisdiction, the commission may provide assistance if
    15  the requesting authority states that it is conducting an
    16  investigation which it deems necessary to determine whether a
    17  person has violated, is violating or is about to violate laws or
    18  rules relating to securities matters that the requesting
    19  authority administers or enforces. The commission may, in its
    20  sole discretion, conduct such investigation and use the powers
    21  conferred under this section as the commission deems necessary
    22  to collect information and evidence pertinent to the request for
    23  assistance. The assistance may be provided without regard to
    24  whether the facts stated in the request would constitute a
    25  violation of this act or the laws of this Commonwealth. In
    26  deciding whether to provide such assistance, the commission
    27  shall consider whether:
    28     (i)  the requesting authority is permitted and has agreed to
    29  provide reciprocal assistance in securities matters to the
    30  commission; and
    20010S0893B2160                 - 24 -

     1     (ii)  compliance with the request would prejudice the public
     2  interest.
     3     Section 13.  Section 511(b) of the act, amended November 24,
     4  1998 (P.L.829, No.109), is amended to read:
     5     Section 511.  Criminal Penalties.--* * *
     6     (b)  A person who wilfully violates section 401, 408 or 409
     7  commits a felony of the third degree and may be fined not more
     8  than [ten thousand dollars ($10,000)] twenty thousand dollars
     9  ($20,000) if none of the victims of the person's violative
    10  conduct were individuals aged [65] 60 or more and not more than
    11  [fifty thousand dollars ($50,000)] one hundred thousand dollars
    12  ($100,000) if any of the victims of the person's violative
    13  conduct were individuals aged [65] 60 or more, or imprisoned for
    14  not more than seven years, or both. In addition to fine or
    15  imprisonment, or both, the person may be sentenced to make
    16  restitution.
    17     * * *
    18     Section 14.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    19     Section 514.  Return of Sales Compensation.--(a)  After
    20  giving notice and opportunity for hearing, the commission, where
    21  it has determined that a person who represented an issuer in
    22  effecting transactions in securities in this Commonwealth while
    23  in willful violation of section 301(a) and received compensation
    24  in connection with these transactions, may issue an order,
    25  accompanied by written findings of fact and conclusions of law,
    26  which requires the person to return to purchasers of securities
    27  in this Commonwealth, in cash, the amount of compensation
    28  received for effecting those securities transactions.
    29     (b)  No order shall be issued under this section if the
    30  transactions in securities meet any of the following criteria:
    20010S0893B2160                 - 25 -

     1     (1)  The transactions involved securities which were the
     2  subject of an effective registration statement filed with the
     3  United States Securities and Exchange Commission under section 5
     4  of the Securities Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 74, 15 U.S.C. § 77(a) et
     5  seq.).
     6     (2)  The transactions involved securities which are exempted
     7  securities under section 3(a) of the Securities Act of 1933
     8  except sections 3(a)(4) and 3(a)(11).
     9     (3)  The transactions are exempt from registration under
    10  section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933 pursuant to section 4
    11  thereof except a transaction for which the issuer is relying on
    12  any rule or regulation promulgated by the United States
    13  Securities and Exchange Commission under section 4(2) of the
    14  Securities Act of 1933.
    15     (c)  The commission may issue more than one order under this
    16  section against the same person involving the same security.
    17     (d)  An order issued under this section shall not be deemed
    18  conclusive as to the total number of purchasers in this
    19  Commonwealth of any particular security or the total dollar
    20  amount of sales compensation received by a person for
    21  transactions effected in a particular security with purchasers
    22  in this Commonwealth for which liability may be imposed under
    23  subsection (a).
    24     Section 15.  Section 601(c) of the act is amended and the
    25  section is amended by adding a subsection to read:
    26     Section 601.  Administration.--* * *
    27     (c)  It is unlawful for the commission or any of its officers
    28  or employes to use for personal benefit any information which is
    29  filed with or obtained by the commission and which is not
    30  generally available to the public. Nothing in this act
    20010S0893B2160                 - 26 -

     1  authorizes the commission or any of its officers or employes to
     2  disclose such confidential information except among themselves
     3  or to other securities administrators, regulatory authorities or
     4  governmental agencies, or when necessary or appropriate in a
     5  proceeding or investigation under this act or any other law of
     6  this State. [No provision of this act either creates or
     7  derogates from any privilege which exists at common law or
     8  otherwise when documentary or other evidence is sought under a
     9  subpoena directed to the commission or any of its officers or
    10  employes.]
    11     (c.1)  Except for the privileges created in this subsection,
    12  no provision of this act either creates or derogates from any
    13  privilege which exists at common law or otherwise when
    14  documentary or other evidence is sought under a subpoena
    15  directed to the commission or any of its officers or employes.
    16     (1)  The documents described in clause (2) and any testimony
    17  sought concerning information in those documents are privileged
    18  from disclosure under a subpoena directed to the commission or
    19  any of its officers or employes if the documents relate to:
    20     (i)  An investigation authorized under section 510 which has
    21  not been closed.
    22     (ii)  An action in which neither the commission nor any of
    23  its officers or employes is a party.
    24     (2)  The documents which are the subject of the privilege
    25  created in clause (1) include:
    26     (i)  Documents relating to an investigation conducted under
    27  section 510, including, but not limited to, statements made or
    28  taken in accordance with section 510(a) or (b) and documents in
    29  possession of the commission under section 510(a)(ii).
    30     (ii)  Documents received in connection with a subpoena issued
    20010S0893B2160                 - 27 -

     1  under section 510.
     2     (iii)  Documents relating to an examination conducted under
     3  section 304(d).
     4     (iv)  Documents obtained from a securities administrator,
     5  regulatory authority or law enforcement or governmental agency
     6  relating to an investigation authorized under section 510 or an
     7  examination conducted in accordance with section 304(d).
     8     (v)  Documents deemed confidential by order of the commission
     9  under section 603(c).
    10     (3)  Complaints filed with the commission and testimony
    11  concerning information in the complaints are privileged
    12  absolutely from disclosure under a subpoena directed to the
    13  commission or its officers or employes.
    14     (4)  No privilege is created under clause (1) or (3) if
    15  document sought under a subpoena directed to the commission or
    16  its officers or employees is otherwise publicly available.
    17     * * *
    18     Section 16.  Section 601.1 of the act, added May 7, 1998       <--
    19  (P.L.342, No.51), is amended to read:
    20     Section 601.1.  Salaries of Commissioners.--(a)  The chairman
    21  of the commission shall receive a salary at the rate of [twenty-
    22  eight thousand five hundred dollars ($28,500)] thirty-eight
    23  thousand five hundred dollars ($38,500) per annum. Each other
    24  member of the commission shall receive a salary at the rate of
    25  [twenty-six thousand dollars ($26,000)] thirty-six thousand
    26  dollars ($36,000) per annum.
    27     (b)  The commissioners shall receive annual cost-of-living
    28  increases under section 3(e) of the act of September 30, 1983
    29  (P.L.160, No.39), known as the "Public Official Compensation
    30  Law."
    20010S0893B2160                 - 28 -

     1     Section 17 16.  Section 602(b.1)(i) and (v) of the act,        <--
     2  amended or added December 18, 1990 (P.L.755, No.190) and
     3  December 7, 1994 (P.L.869, No.126) are amended to read:
     4     Section 602.  Fees.--* * *
     5     (b.1)  Filing fees for sales of securities:
     6     [(i)  Exemption filings under section 203(i)...         $250]
     7     * * *
     8     (v)  Exemption filings under section
     9  203(o)[(ii)] shall be:............................           250
    10     * * *
    11     Section 18 17.  Sections 602.1(a)(1) and (2), (c)(1), 603 and  <--
    12  606 of the act, amended November 24, 1998 (P.L.829, No.109), are
    13  amended to read:
    14     Section 602.1.  Assessments.--(a) (1)  Each agent and
    15  investment adviser representative, when applying for an initial
    16  license under section 301 or changing employers, shall pay a
    17  compliance assessment in accordance with the following schedule:
    18  [twenty-seven dollars ($27) for the period July 1, 1995, through
    19  June 30, 1998, thirty dollars ($30) for the period July 1, 1998,
    20  through June 30, 2001,] thirty-two dollars ($32) for the period
    21  July 1, 2001, through June 30, 2004, [and] thirty-five dollars
    22  ($35) for the period July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2007,
    23  thirty-seven dollars ($37) for the period July 1, 2007, through
    24  June 30, 2010, and forty dollars ($40) thereafter.
    25     (2)  Each agent and investment adviser representative, when
    26  applying for a renewal license under section 301, shall pay a
    27  compliance assessment in accordance with the following schedule:
    28  [twelve dollars ($12) for the period July 1, 1995, through June
    29  30, 1998, fifteen dollars ($15) for the period July 1, 1998,
    30  through June 30, 2001,] seventeen dollars ($17) for the period
    20010S0893B2160                 - 29 -

     1  July 1, 2001, through June 30, 2004, [and] twenty ($20) for the
     2  period July 1, 2004, through June 30, 2007, twenty-two dollars
     3  ($22) for the period July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2010, and
     4  twenty-five ($25) thereafter.
     5     * * *
     6     (c)  After giving notice and opportunity for a hearing, the
     7  commission may issue an order accompanied by written findings of
     8  fact and conclusions of law which imposes an administrative
     9  assessment in the amounts provided in paragraph (1) against a
    10  broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser or investment adviser
    11  representative registered under section 301 or an affiliate of
    12  any broker-dealer or investment adviser where the commission
    13  determines that the person willfully has violated this act or a
    14  rule or order of the commission under this act or has engaged in
    15  dishonest or unethical practices in the securities business; has
    16  taken unfair advantage of a customer; or has failed reasonably
    17  to supervise its agents or employes or against any other person
    18  if the commission determines that the person wilfully violated
    19  section [401(a) or (c), 406, 408, 409 or 512(d); section 401(b)
    20  or 407;] 301, 401, 404, 406 through 409 or 512(d) or a cease and
    21  desist order issued by the commission under section 606(c.1).
    22     (1)  The commission, in issuing an order under this
    23  subsection, may impose the administrative assessments set forth
    24  below. Each act or omission that provides a basis for issuing an
    25  order under this subsection shall constitute a separate
    26  violation.
    27     (i)  In issuing an order against any broker-dealer, agent,
    28  investment adviser or investment adviser representative
    29  registered under section 301 or an affiliate of any broker-
    30  dealer or investment adviser, the commission may impose an
    20010S0893B2160                 - 30 -

     1  administrative assessment of up to [twenty-five thousand dollars
     2  ($25,000)] fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for a single
     3  violation or up to [two hundred fifty thousand dollars
     4  ($250,000)] five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) for
     5  multiple violations in a single proceeding or a series of
     6  related proceedings. If any of the victims of the person's
     7  violative conduct were individuals aged [65] 60 or more, the
     8  commission also may impose a special administrative assessment
     9  in addition to the foregoing amounts of up to [twenty-five
    10  thousand dollars ($25,000)] fifty thousand dollars ($50,000).
    11     (ii)  In issuing an order against a person for wilful
    12  violation of section 401(a) or (c), 404, 406, 408, 409 or 512(d)
    13  or for wilful violation of a cease and desist order issued under
    14  section 606(c.1), the commission may impose an administrative
    15  assessment of up to [twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000)]
    16  fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for a single violation or up to
    17  [one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000)] three hundred
    18  thousand dollars ($300,000) for multiple violations in a single
    19  proceeding or a series of related proceedings. In addition to
    20  the foregoing assessment, the commission also may impose a
    21  special administrative assessment of up to [twenty-five thousand
    22  dollars ($25,000)] fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for each of
    23  the provisions described as follows that the commission
    24  determines are applicable:
    25     (A)  The person, within seven years [of] prior to the
    26  commission taking action under this subsection [has been], was
    27  the subject of: a criminal felony conviction[,]; an injunction
    28  issued by any court of competent jurisdiction; or an order of
    29  the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodity Futures
    30  Trading Commission, the securities [administrator], banking or
    20010S0893B2160                 - 31 -

     1  insurance regulator of another state, a Federal banking
     2  regulator or the securities, banking or insurance regulatory
     3  authority of another country which found that the person
     4  wilfully had violated any provision of the Federal or state
     5  securities, banking, insurance, or commodities laws or the
     6  securities, commodities, insurance or banking laws of another
     7  country[, provided that the foregoing convictions occurred or
     8  the injunctions or orders were entered prior to the violation
     9  for which this special administrative assessment is being
    10  imposed].
    11     (B)  The person's violative conduct involved individuals aged
    12  [65] 60 or more.
    13     (C)  The person's violative conduct involved use of the
    14  Internet or boiler room tactics which included, without
    15  limitation, use of any high-pressure sales tactics designed to
    16  create an artificially short time period for which the person
    17  being solicited is pressured to make an investment decision or
    18  overcome the person's reluctance to commit to the investment
    19  being offered, use of scripts designed to allay any objections
    20  or concerns expressed by the person being solicited or making
    21  repeated telephone calls or sending multiple e-mail messages to
    22  the same person pressuring the person to make an immediate
    23  investment decision.
    24     (iii)  In issuing an order against [persons] a person for
    25  wilful violation of section 401(b) or 407, the commission may
    26  impose an administrative assessment of up to twenty-five
    27  thousand dollars ($25,000) for each of the criteria described in
    28  subclause (ii)(A) and (C) that the commission determines are
    29  applicable. No assessment shall be imposed under this subclause
    30  if the person is subject to an administrative assessment imposed
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     1  under any other provision of this subsection.
     2     (iv)  In issuing an order against a person, other than a
     3  federally covered adviser, for wilful violation of section 301,
     4  the commission may impose the following administrative
     5  assessments unless the person is subject to an administrative
     6  assessment imposed under any other provision of this subsection
     7  or the public proceeding to which the assessment relates was
     8  instituted prior to the date of enactment of this subclause:
     9     (A)  For a person who, at the time of the wilful violation,
    10  was not registered under section 301, was not registered as a
    11  broker or dealer with the United States Securities and Exchange
    12  Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (948 Stat.
    13  881, 15 U.S.C. § 78(a) et seq.) and was not a member of a
    14  national securities association registered under that act, the
    15  commission may impose an administrative assessment of up to
    16  fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) for a single violation or up to
    17  two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for multiple
    18  violations in a single proceeding or series of related
    19  proceedings.
    20     (B)  For a person (not an individual) that, at the time of
    21  the wilful violation, was not registered under section 301 but
    22  was registered as a broker or dealer with the United States
    23  Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange
    24  Act of 1934 and was a member of a national securities
    25  association registered under that act, the commission may impose
    26  an administrative assessment of up to fifty thousand dollars
    27  ($50,000) for a single violation or up to three hundred thousand
    28  dollars ($300,000) for multiple violations in a single
    29  proceeding or series of related proceedings.
    30  An assessment imposed under this subclause shall be in addition
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     1  to any liability a person may have under an order issued under
     2  section 514.
     3     (v)  In issuing an order for wilful violation of section
     4  301(c.1)(1)(ii) against a person that is a federally covered
     5  adviser, the commission may impose the following administrative
     6  assessments:
     7     (A)  Up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) if the
     8  number of investment adviser representatives involved in the
     9  violation was less than five.
    10     (B)  Up to two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) if the
    11  number of investment adviser representatives involved in the
    12  violation was five or more.
    13     (vi)  In issuing an order for a wilful violation of section
    14  301(f) against a person that is a federally covered adviser, the
    15  commission may impose an administrative assessment of two
    16  thousand dollars ($2,000).
    17     * * *
    18     Section 603.  Administrative Files.--(a)  A document is filed
    19  when it is received by the commission or by any other person
    20  which the commission by regulation or order may designate.
    21     (b)  The commission shall keep a register of all registrants,
    22  registration statements and notice filings which are or have
    23  ever been effective under this act [and predecessor laws] and
    24  all denial, suspension or revocation orders which have been
    25  entered under this act [and predecessor laws]. The register
    26  shall be open for public inspection [except with respect to
    27  summary suspensions under sections 208(c) and 305(d)].
    28     (c)  The information contained in or filed with any
    29  registration statement, application, notice filing or report
    30  shall be made available to the public in accordance with
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     1  regulations prescribed by the commission; [provided that, upon
     2  proper showing of the registrant or issuer, the commission shall
     3  treat certain filings as confidential.] except that the
     4  commission may make the following orders or regulations:
     5     (1)  Upon proper showing of the registrant or issuer, the
     6  commission may order certain filings or parts of filings
     7  nonpublic.
     8     (2)  The commission, by rule or order, may deem certain
     9  categories of information filed with the commission as
    10  nonpublic.
    11     (d)  The commission upon request shall furnish to any person,
    12  at a reasonable charge, [photostatic or other copies, certified
    13  under seal of the commission if certification is requested, of
    14  any entry in the register or any order or other document made
    15  available to the public under subsection (c) above.] a copy of
    16  any document described in subsection (c) in any medium available
    17  to the commission. Upon request and payment of a reasonable
    18  charge, the document may be certified under the seal of the
    19  commission.
    20     (e)  The commission, by order, may subsequently make public
    21  information contained in the documents described in subsection
    22  (c)(1) and (2) and the order may limit the amount of information
    23  made public or place conditions on its use. Prior to issuing an
    24  order under this subsection, the commission shall notify in
    25  writing the person who originally requested confidentiality at
    26  the person's last known address in the commission's files at
    27  least thirty days before the commission may issue an order under
    28  this subsection.
    29     Section 606.  Miscellaneous Powers of Commission.--(a)  The
    30  commission may, by regulation, require any issuer of securities
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     1  registered under this act or exempted from registration under
     2  section 203(d) or (p), which issuer has not filed reports with
     3  the Securities and Exchange Commission pursuant to sections 13
     4  or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (48 Stat. 881,
     5  15 U.S.C. §§ 78m or 78o(d)), to distribute financial information
     6  to its security holders at least annually.
     7     (b)  If, in its opinion, the public interest and the
     8  protection of investors[,] so require, the commission may apply
     9  to a court of competent jurisdiction for an order[,] suspending
    10  all trading in this [State] Commonwealth by broker-dealers and
    11  agents in any security for any period.
    12     (c)  No person shall publish in this State any advertisement
    13  concerning any security (other than advertisements relating to
    14  federally covered securities, tombstone advertisements permitted
    15  under the Securities Act of 1933 (48 Stat. 74, 15 U.S.C. § 77a
    16  et seq.) and the Investment Company Act of 1940 (54 Stat. 789,
    17  15 U.S.C. § 80a-1 et seq.) and the rules and regulations
    18  promulgated thereunder) except in accordance with such rules as
    19  the commission may promulgate from time to time. No person shall
    20  publish any advertisement concerning any security in this State
    21  after the commission issues a cease advertising order in which
    22  it finds that the advertisement [contains any statement that is
    23  false or misleading in any material respect or omits to make
    24  any] contained an untrue statement of a material fact or omitted
    25  to state a material [statement] fact necessary in order to make
    26  the statements made, in the light of the circumstances under
    27  which they [are] were made, not misleading [and so notifies the
    28  person in writing. Such notification may be given]. The order
    29  may be issued summarily without notice or hearing. [Within
    30  thirty days after the receipt of a notification under this
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     1  section, the person desiring to use the advertisement may
     2  request in writing that the order be rescinded. Upon the receipt
     3  of such a written request, the matter shall be set down for
     4  hearing to commence within thirty days after such receipt unless
     5  the person making the request consents to a later date. After
     6  such hearing, the commission shall determine whether to affirm
     7  and continue or to rescind such order.] Upon issuance of a
     8  summary order, the commission shall promptly provide the order
     9  to the person against whom it is issued. The order shall contain
    10  findings of fact and conclusions of law and include a notice
    11  affording the person an opportunity for a hearing under section
    12  607(a).
    13     (c.1)  Whenever the commission finds that any person has
    14  engaged or is about to engage in any act or practice
    15  constituting a violation of any provision of this act or any
    16  rule or order thereunder, the commission may order such person
    17  to cease and desist from such act or practice. [and shall notify
    18  the person in writing. Notification may be given summarily
    19  without notice or hearing. Within thirty days after receipt of a
    20  notification under this section, the person desiring to engage
    21  in such act or practice may file a written request that the
    22  order be rescinded. Upon receipt of the written request, the
    23  matter will be set down for a hearing to commence within thirty
    24  days after such receipt unless the person making the request
    25  consents to a later date. After such hearing, the commission
    26  shall determine whether to affirm and continue, modify or
    27  rescind such order.] The order may be issued summarily without
    28  notice or hearing. Upon issuance of a summary order, the
    29  commission shall promptly provide the order to the person
    30  against whom it is issued. The order shall contain findings of
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     1  fact and conclusions of law and include a notice affording the
     2  person an opportunity for a hearing under section 607(a).
     3     (d)  The commission may, by regulation, delegate any powers
     4  specified in this act to be exercised by the commission to
     5  members of the commission's staff, except for powers related to
     6  hearings.
     7     Section 19 18.  Section 607 of the act is amended to read:     <--
     8     Section 607.  Hearings and Judicial Review.--(a)  Within
     9  thirty days after [any order has become effective without a
    10  hearing, any interested party may apply to] receipt of a summary
    11  order issued under section 204(b), 208(c), 211(c), 305(d),
    12  606(c) or 606(c.1), the person against whom the order was issued
    13  and entered may file with the commission a written request for a
    14  hearing in respect to any matters determined by the order.[, and
    15  a hearing shall be held within thirty days after the application
    16  is filed. After the hearing the commission may modify the order
    17  as it deems appropriate.] Upon receipt of the written request,
    18  the matter shall be set down for a hearing to commence within
    19  thirty days after receipt of the request unless the person
    20  making the request consents to a later date. If the person
    21  making the request consents to a later date for the hearing but
    22  fails, after notification by first class mail, to the person's
    23  last known address in the commission's files, to consent to a
    24  hearing date that is within one hundred eighty days of the date
    25  the written request for a hearing was filed with the commission
    26  under this subsection, the request for hearing shall be deemed
    27  abandoned and the summary order shall be deemed a final order.
    28  After hearing, the commission may determine to rescind, modify
    29  or vacate the summary order or make it a final order. If no
    30  hearing is requested or a request for a hearing is filed
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     1  untimely, the summary order shall be deemed to be a final order.
     2     (b)  Within thirty days after [any order has become effective
     3  after a hearing, any interested party] receipt of an order
     4  issued and entered by the commission after a hearing, the person
     5  against whom the order was issued and entered may apply to the
     6  commission for a rehearing. The commission, in its sole
     7  discretion, may grant the application and hold a rehearing. [if
     8  in its judgment sufficient reasons therefor appear. After
     9  rehearing, the commission may vacate or modify the order, and
    10  any order vacating the original order shall have the same effect
    11  as an original order. Failure to grant an application for
    12  rehearing within thirty days from the date of the filing shall
    13  constitute a denial; and failure, within fifteen days after the
    14  conclusion of a rehearing, to issue an order affirming, vacating
    15  or modifying the original order shall constitute an affirmation
    16  of the original order.] Failure of the commission to grant a
    17  rehearing within thirty days of receipt of an application shall
    18  constitute a denial. After rehearing, the commission may issue
    19  an order affirming, vacating or modifying the original order.
    20     (c)  [Disciplinary hearings] Hearings and rehearings shall be
    21  public. [unless the commission grants a request joined in by all
    22  parties that the hearing be conducted privately. Investigatory
    23  hearings shall not be open to members of the general public
    24  unless all parties to the hearing agree otherwise.]
    25     (d)  Orders of the commission shall be subject to judicial
    26  review in accordance with law, but orders originally entered
    27  without a hearing may be reviewed only if the party seeking
    28  review has [requested] filed a request for a hearing within the
    29  time provided [by] under subsection (a). Filing for judicial
    30  review of a commission order shall not operate as a stay of the
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     1  commission's order unless specifically ordered by the court.
     2     Section 20 19.  Section 609(f) of the act, amended November    <--
     3  24, 1998 (P.L.829, No.109), is amended to read:
     4     Section 609.  Regulations, Forms and Orders.--* * *
     5     (f) (1)  An application for registration of securities [or
     6  registration of a broker-dealer, agent, investment adviser or
     7  investment adviser representative] shall be deemed abandoned if
     8  the application has been on file with the commission for a
     9  minimum of twelve consecutive months and the applicant has
    10  failed to respond to the commission's notice [of warning] of
    11  abandonment sent by first class mail to the applicant's last
    12  known address in the commission's files within sixty calendar
    13  days [of the date of the warning.] after the date the
    14  notification was mailed by the commission. There shall be no
    15  refund of any fees [or assessments] paid by the applicant.
    16     (2)  An application for registration as a broker-dealer,
    17  agent, investment advisor or investment adviser representative
    18  shall be deemed abandoned if the application has been on file
    19  with the commission for a minimum of six consecutive months and
    20  the applicant has failed to respond to the commission's notice
    21  of abandonment sent by first class mail to the applicant's last
    22  known address in the commission's files within sixty calendar
    23  days after the date the notification was mailed by the
    24  commission. There shall be no refund of any fees or assessments
    25  paid by the applicant.
    26     Section 21 20.  The act is amended by adding a section to      <--
    27  read:
    28     Section 612.  Burden of Proof.--(a)  In a civil action or
    29  administrative proceeding under this act, a person claiming
    30  status as a federally covered security or adviser or an
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     1  exemption, exception or exclusion from a definition has the
     2  burden of proving the availability of the status, exemption,
     3  exception or exclusion.
     4     (b)  In a proceeding for a criminal violation of this act, a
     5  person claiming status as a federally covered security adviser
     6  or an exemption, exception or exclusion from a definition has
     7  the burden of going forward with evidence of the claim,
     8  exemption, exception or exclusion.
     9     Section 22 21.  Section 704 of the act is repealed.            <--
    10     Section 23 22.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.         <--

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