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same topic
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1207, 1544               PRINTER'S NO. 1625



No. 917 Session of 2005



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 10, 1990 (P.L.404, No.98), entitled "An
     2     act providing for the certification of real estate
     3     appraisers; specifying requirements for certification;
     4     providing for sanctions and penalties; and making an
     5     appropriation," further providing for application and
     6     qualifications.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Section 6 of the act of July 10, 1990 (P.L.404,
    10  No.98), known as the Real Estate Appraisers Certification Act,
    11  amended July 2, 1996 (P.L.460, No.71) and October 18, 2000
    12  (P.L.600, No.77), is amended to read:
    13  Section 6.  Application and qualifications.
    14     (a)  Classes of certification.--There shall be [three] four
    15  classes of [certification for certified] real estate appraisers
    16  as follows:
    17         (1)  [Residential] Certified Residential Appraiser, which
    18     shall consist of those persons applying for and granted
    19     certification relating solely to the appraisal of residential
    20     real property [as] in accordance with the criteria

     1     established by the Appraiser Qualifications Board of the
     2     Appraisal Foundation required pursuant to the Financial
     3     Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989
     4     (Public Law 101-73, 103 Stat. 183).
     5         (2)  [General] Certified General Appraiser, which shall
     6     consist of those persons applying for and granted
     7     certification relating to the appraisal of both residential
     8     and nonresidential real property without limitation [as] in
     9     accordance with the criteria established by the Appraiser
    10     Qualifications Board of the Appraisal Foundation required
    11     pursuant to the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and
    12     Enforcement Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-73, 103 Stat. 183).
    13         (3)  Broker/appraiser, which shall consist of those
    14     persons who, on the effective date of this act, are licensed
    15     real estate brokers under the act of February 19, 1980
    16     (P.L.15, No.9), known as the Real Estate Licensing and
    17     Registration Act, and who, within two years of the effective
    18     date of this act, make application to the board and are
    19     granted without examination a broker/appraiser certificate. A
    20     holder of a broker/appraiser certificate shall only be
    21     permitted to perform those real property appraisals that were
    22     permitted to be performed by a licensed real estate broker
    23     under the Real Estate Licensing and Registration Act as of
    24     the effective date of this act. A holder of a
    25     broker/appraiser certificate is not authorized to perform
    26     real estate appraisals pursuant to the Financial Institutions
    27     Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989.
    28         (4)  Licensed Real Estate Appraiser, which shall consist
    29     of those persons who meet the minimum requirements
    30     recommended by the Appraiser Qualifications Board of the
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     1     Appraisal Foundation with regard to licensed appraisers, as
     2     prescribed by the board.
     3     (b)  Classification to be specified.--The application for
     4  examination, original certification or license and renewal of
     5  certification or license shall specify the classification being
     6  applied for.
     7     (c)  Application.--An applicant for certification or license
     8  as a certified OR LICENSED real estate appraiser shall submit a   <--
     9  written application on forms provided by the board. The
    10  application and any and all documentation submitted with the
    11  application shall be subscribed and sworn to before a notary
    12  public. The applicant shall be held responsible for the
    13  statements contained in the application. The making of a false
    14  statement in an application may constitute a ground for
    15  CERTIFICATION OR license denial or revocation. The application    <--
    16  shall evidence that:
    17         (1)  He or she is of good moral character.
    18         (2)  His or her application has been accompanied by the
    19     application fee.
    20     (d)  Residential Appraiser certification.--As a prerequisite
    21  to taking the examination for certification relating solely to
    22  the appraisal of residential real property, an applicant shall,
    23  in addition to meeting the requirements of subsection (c), meet
    24  the minimum education and experience requirements established
    25  pursuant to the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and
    26  Enforcement Act of 1989.
    27     (e)  General Appraiser certification.--As a prerequisite to
    28  taking the examination for the general certification relating to
    29  the appraisal of real property, an applicant shall, in addition
    30  to meeting the requirements of subsection (c), meet the minimum
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     1  education and experience requirements established pursuant to
     2  the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act
     3  of 1989.
     4     (f)  Definition of subjects.--The board shall prescribe and
     5  define the subjects related to real property appraisal and the
     6  experience in real property appraisal which will satisfy the
     7  requirements of subsections (a), (d) [and (e)], (e) and (i). To
     8  the extent permitted pursuant to the Financial Institutions
     9  Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 with regard to
    10  certified appraisers, the board may give credit to an applicant
    11  for classroom hours of academic experience successfully
    12  completed prior to the board's prescription and definition of
    13  subjects pursuant to this subsection.
    14     (g)  Examinations.--Examinations for certification or license
    15  shall be selected in accordance with the Financial Institutions
    16  Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989. Examinations
    17  shall be prepared and administered by a qualified and approved
    18  professional testing organization in accordance with section
    19  812.1 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as
    20  The Administrative Code of 1929.
    21     (i)  Appraiser trainee license.--In addition to those
    22  licenses provided in section 6(a), the board shall issue an
    23  appraiser trainee license. Licenses shall be provided to those
    24  persons who have met the educational requirements of the
    25  Appraiser Qualifications Board of the Appraisal Foundation. A
    26  license shall be issued to an individual without examination in
    27  order for the individual to complete the experience requirement
    28  for any other class of licensure. An appraiser trainee licensee
    29  shall operate under the direct supervision of a licensed real
    30  estate appraiser, pursuant to this act. The appraiser trainee
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     1  duties shall be limited to those defined by the specific license
     2  of that licensed real estate appraiser under this act.
     3     (j)  Appraisal license.--Nothing in this section shall
     4  preclude a licensed real estate broker from also holding an
     5  appraiser license.
     6     (k)  Transition rule.--All persons holding a broker/appraiser
     7  certificate on the effective date of this subsection shall be
     8  entitled to hold the certificate for the entire term and shall
     9  be entitled and subject to the privileges and obligations which
    10  accompany the certificate. No new broker/appraiser certificates
    11  shall be awarded on or after the effective date of this
    12  subsection.
    13     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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